Ena Joel G - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago
Sorry, ENA Fans!! I Forgot To Draw ENA Yesterday =(

Sorry, ENA fans!! I forgot to draw ENA yesterday =(

Also I'm kinda bad at coloring and traditional art =(

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11 months ago
Heres The Doodles Just Random Doodles For Practice On A Lot

Here’s the doodles just random doodles for practice on a lot

That’s all hope y’all have a lovely day

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5 months ago



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3 years ago


22nd February 2021

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9 months ago
cavipe - Cavipe :]

Ena! :):

I’ve discovered this series recently (ENA on youtube, by JoelG) and I already love it :D

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2 years ago
I Made An ENA Oc Based Off Of The Mob Psycho Characters Mob And Reigen. I Have Dubbed Him October (based
I Made An ENA Oc Based Off Of The Mob Psycho Characters Mob And Reigen. I Have Dubbed Him October (based
I Made An ENA Oc Based Off Of The Mob Psycho Characters Mob And Reigen. I Have Dubbed Him October (based
I Made An ENA Oc Based Off Of The Mob Psycho Characters Mob And Reigen. I Have Dubbed Him October (based

I made an ENA oc based off of the mob psycho characters Mob and Reigen. I have dubbed him October (based on the screenshot provided) and I love this little bastard (ps : they are the same entity, the one that looks more like mob is the dawn from and the other is the dusk form)

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4 years ago

(Hi! I hope this is the correct place to send requests! If not, I'm terribly sorry) Since you have your requests open for Ena stuff, perhaps an Ena x Socially Awkward reader,in which reader's social anxiety makes it a little difficult for Ena to connect with them?

Omg omg yess!! Sorry if I represented anything wrong, also if I did this a bit late!! EnarequestEnarequestEnarequestEnarequest!!!!

- Mod Ena, who does not have icons yet-


- Ena was fine with it for the most part, even if most conversations were a bit hard.

- There were a lot of awkward silences when you guys did have conversations, even if it was pleseant

- Oh don’t even get me started on Sad Ena...

- You... don’t know how to handle her... You just end up becoming a stammering mess.

- Luckily, it normally doesn’t last all that long-

- Ena can be a bit clingy at times too... Which is sort of hard for you too.

- You don’t mean to steer away at times, sometimes it can be a bit much for you.

- You explain this to Ena, and for the most part she understands, it still hurts though, but she understands its not your fault.

- Ena’s love language is giving gifts (C:) so she does give you a lot of gifts very often!

- You don’t always know how to show that you appreciate it, even though you feel very grateful for it.

- You normally try to find something she likes later in the day and give it to her.

- Basically you guys have like, entire crates full of random stuff you guys found for each other.

- Most of your guy’s dates are spent indoors, whether it be reading together, looking at random things in the house or just being next to each other, its (almost) always nice for you two!

- Overall she doesn’t mind all that much, its just you being you! And she loves that! Even if it can be difficult at times

((Apologies if I get anything wrong-  please correct me if I do!))

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4 years ago

Hello again! I really liked how you did my last request, it was really well done! This time, I would like to make another Ena request. Could I potentially get Ena with a reader who loves all facets of their personalities (As in, they love happy, sad, and drunk ena all equally and love giving them attention and affection?) Thank you!

Hello again!!! This is an adorable request!!!!!!!! 

Okay, controversial opinion /j but I love Sad Ena and I will literally hug her and comfort her please I need to be hugged by an Ena cosplayer.

- Mod Ena


- Ena kinda,,,, doesn’t know how to react.

- She’s used to being shunned for showing any emotions other than happy, but you,,, you love them all???

- She is confused, but she is also so grateful!!

- When Ena feels happy you guys normally hang out around the,,, uh,,, Ena Universe place (wereallyneedanameforthat)

- When Ena feels sad you always swoop in to make her feel better, making sure shes okay with any touch such as hugging, holding hands etc.

- If yes you hug her and whisper to her that its going to be okay, shooting down the hurtful claims she says about herself.

- If shes not fine with touch, thats alright! Instead you still comfort her with words, and you make sure nobody makes fun of her while shes in this state.

- Drunk Ena,,,, Its a bit harder to interact with her, usually you just let her ramble about whatever, asking questions at times.

- One day Ena went up to you and asked why you do this for her, and don’t shun her for her other emotions like everyone else.

- Your response was “Well, you’re still you? They’re emotions, and everyone feels them, after all.”

- After you said that Ena quickly hugged you tightly.

- Adorable!

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4 years ago

i love your ena content!! if asks are open, could you maybe do ena x a reader who also goes through the same split-personality type issues that she does? and how she'd interact with them <3

I was actually thinking about this a while ago!!! Also thank you anon <3 <3 <3

- Mod Ena


- Oh

- OH!!

- Bro she immediately feels so validated and filled with euphoria I’m not even joking.

- She has never seen someone with the same type of issues she has! Ena honestly thought she was the only one

- She also kind of clinged onto you (not literally she just hangs around you-)

- But, there is a high chance that she might change emotions with you, as her emotional changes can be affected by others being sad/angry (imo)

- Thats really the only downside for her, since you’re also a really enjoyable person to be around!

- (If, by a miracle she doesn’t get affected by your mood changes) she tries her hardest to comfort you when you’re in such a low, and you try too!

- Thing is you two both suck at comforting...

- It normally ends with both of you crying anyways..

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4 years ago

Hello! It is me again, back to quench my thirst for cute ena scenarios. If it's not too much trouble, Ena developing a cute lil crush on reader after encountering them for the first time while exploring her weird world? Perhaps reader decides to tag along with her on an adventure and they quickly become close?


ALSO YES &ESHNSAHNS A I love crush things, its just ADORBALE to me!!!

In this story there will be no confession, howeeevvverrrr if you want I can make a part two 👀 just say the words!

- Mod Ena


- It was a rainy day, and by rainy I mean in partial squirts.

- Ena was walking alone happily, looking around at the odd forest like place she walked into.

- Soon enough she walked over to a person (Its you!!!!)

- “Hello there, I was wondering of my whereabouts, may you guide me in the correct direction so I can find my way out?”

- You turned around to look at the voice then nodded “Oh!.. Its kind of difficult to get out of... here-.. I haven’t been able to yet, but maybe we could look together?”

- “Of course! I’m sure we’ll get out quickly!!!”

- And with those words you guys set off, talking to some strangers who... Quite rudely told you guys to leave them alone.

- However, even with the rudeness of others, you two got along well!

- And without you two even noticing (since you were too emersed into the conversation) you guys stepped out of that odd forest.

- You only noticed because (Y/N) slammed their head into a random sign.

- After you guys sorted that out- Ena looked around.

- “Well! I need to head off to find my friend! However, hopefully we can meet again?”

- “Yep!!”

- However, she noticed the blush on her face as she walked away.

- She hoped you didn’t-

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4 years ago

Hi!!! Could you please do some ENA x Shepherd headcanons?? I haven't seen any Shepherd x ENA yet and it makes me sad :((



Anyhow these are just general headcannons! Oh btw I also ship this so <3 <3 :D :D EEEEE!!!


- Ena and Shepherd started off on,,,, bad terms-

- But each time Ena stumbled into the universe they grew a bit closer.

- Ena defiantly was the first to develop a crush, she just found everything they did to be adorable...

- But Shepherd was the first to confess, and it was kinda accidental but kinda not-

- ...

- Yeah Phindol told Ena.

- Phindol the fucking dolphin told Ena, and Shepherd wacked him with their cane.

- Ena happily accepted Shepherds feelings after PHINDOL THE FUCKING DOLPHIN forced Ena and Shepherd to be in the same room.

- But even with that rocky start (thanks Phindol, forcing out peoples feelings smh) they had a pretty rad relationship!

- (Okay but what if Ena’s hands were cold and Shepherds hands were warm 😳👉👈)

- Ena also LOVES the dogs.

- Whiiiichhh ends up with her petting them a lot,

- Whiiiiiiiiichhhhhhhh ends up with her having dog hair on her...

- And Moony has a dog hair allergy :)

- “*sneeze* Jeez... My allergies have been acting up bad, Ena have you been in contact with any animals???”

- “Uuuuhhh, well-  I visited my partner-”

- “You pet the dogs didn’t you”

- “Yeah I pet the dogs..”

- *sigh*

- So Moony and Shepherd do not get along well.

- But Ena is fine with that! She still loves Shepherd the same! And she still considers Moony her best friend!

-Shepherd does have a bit of trouble helping Ena when she has the mood swings, but they try their very hardest.

- Although it does get pretty difficult when she gets drunk-

- Yeah Shepherd basically cannot help her at that point, they just let her do whatever.

- Which luckily just includes her laying on the ground-

- (Other than that one time she accidentally changed the actual skies colour and made all the dogs run off but thats a story for another day)

- But lucky for Shepherd, her drunkness usually only lasts for a moment!


- I’m sorry cuddles are just amazing!

- They cuddle a lot!! 

- Ena’s more glassy side is cold so Shepherd likes to rest their hands/their head sometimes on her shoulder or arms and such.

- And Ena really likes Shepherd’s dress bag thingy, so she rests her head on that.

- Which leads to them being very bendy so they can be comfortable.

- “What the fuck are you guys doing??-  Some kind of formation???” *Probably Moony or sumthn*

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4 years ago




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4 years ago

Tw swearing


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4 years ago

Perhaps a Ena x reader where both sides are mutually pinning but don't know how to confront their feelings?



Anyways I put these two together but I’ll use both events (so basically they’re too scared to confess then Ena did, look I like to make things complicated)

- Mod Ena


- You never picked up on the little hints that Ena dropped,

- And Ena didn’t either at first.

- You two had been best friends for as long as you two knew, but you had only fallen in love somewhat recently, around 5 or 6 months ago? You couldn’t remember.

- But you could remember the day ever so clearly...

- Ena and you were at Moony’s house, you couldn’t remember for what reason but you were.

- You guys were playing a board game, you believe it was monopoly or something similar to that.

- The only reason you believe it was monopoly was because Moony was raging.

- You remember it so clearly, yet so vividly, Ena was at the end of the table and she gave you an endearing smile.

- Your heart skipped a beat as you saw it, and thats the moment you knew officially you were in love..

- However, you never could confess to her, you always felt she was too good for you.

- Little did you know, Ena felt the exact same. 

- She had been harbouring these feelings for so long, she didn’t remember the day she fell in love, she just... did.

- And after a while, she decided enough was enough and she had to confess.

- So one day, after you were leaving after a visit, she caught up with you.

- “(Y/N)! Would you be so kind as to read this letter I made for you?” - “H-Huh..?” you paused for a moment, looking at the letter with a single heart sticker closing it.

- You tried to not make assumptions, but your heart was already racing as you took it and read it over.

- .....

- Tears dropped onto the carefully written love letter as you smiled and looked up at Ena “..I-I love you too Ena!!” you exclaimed

- (idk if the end was that good but eh)

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3 years ago

Could I possibly request an Ena x reader where the reader is always tired because they have trouble falling asleep/can't stay asleep so they end up staying up at ungodly hours of the night? Like they'll sleep for 3 hours and then be awake for the rest of the day or as awake as someone can be after getting 3 hours of sleep a night and not take naps

Honestly, I am that way too-  Hopefully you like this!!- Mod Kitty /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

- Ena most defiantly is slightly concerned-- More so *very* concerned

.- "Y/N! You cannot just stay up until five am! That could be harmful to you!"

- You never really took her advice, I mean, how would you? You physically can't most nights.

- Well, you did get a good nights rest one night in particular.

- You were sitting on a floating square at around 10:22 PM when Ena burst in, panting.

- "Y/N! I am here to accompany you on your quest for sleep!"

- You didn't have enough time to ask before she picked you up and threw you both on the bed, cuddling up to you.- "Ena-"

- However you stopped yourself there, noticing she didn't have any trouble falling asleep, already snoring in your arms.

- You tried to get out of her grasp, but she wouldn't budge, so you just gave up and closed your eyes.- It took along while, but eventually you went to sleep. So sorry this is so short I'm trying my best TwT

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3 years ago

May I request Shep with a S/O who is really good with the dogs? Like they have a knack for keeping those little puppers in line without too much trouble.

Hello!! I've arrived with motivation-

- Mod Kitty


- The first time you went near Shepherds dogs was when one ran away. Which is also the first time you met them.

- They were chasing the puppy for almost an hour until you waddled along.

- Honestly, they don't know how you did it, but you immediately got the dog to listen and go back to its owner.

- They thanked you profusely and went back into their... house?-

- But this happened over and over again, and each time you would swoop in to the rescue, and by this you and Shepherd began to get more and more close.

- But what you didn't know was that they would purposefully let only one dog out, just to see you and hear your voice.

- They truly admired your love and passion for dogs and training them, along with your ability to make any dog listen to you. (And also every other thing about you but they won't admit that)

- So they made up a plan to tell you that they like you.

- They made up an entire place, filled with your favourite flowers and beautiful scenery, also they brought a dog along with them just to see you light up with excitement.

- When you got to the place, you were amazed of the beauty of it, then got focused on the pupper in Shepherd's hands.

- As they gazed at you they remembered what they came here for "I need to get something, and I swear if you run away with the dog when I'm not looking-"

- "I won't I won't!!" You laughed as you pet the dog.

- Quickly Shepherd turned and ran to a little bush, picking up a little basket and setting it on the table.

- You looked at it confused and slowly went over to it, the dog following you like a baby duckling.

- Slowly you opened it and picked up what was inside, and it was a small letter with a dog drawn on it. You smiled as you opened it, then blinked a bit as you read the contents.

- It was a love confession letter.

- Shepherd watched you closely, furrowing their brow as they fumbled with their hands, before you burst of in smiles and jumps, quickly running over to hug them.

- "Yes!! Yes I will!! I don't know how I could say no, I love you!"

- Stunned they looked over to you with bug eyes, before slowly relaxing into a small smile.

- "I,, I love you too (Y/N),,"


Hello! Sorry if Shepherd is slightly out of character! I haven't written any Ena content as of lately, which reminds me I need to update my old fanfiction-

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5 months ago

blergh.. ENA-Sona posting.. enjoy!!

Blergh.. ENA-Sona Posting.. Enjoy!!

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