Endeavour X Reader - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Endeavor x Vigilante Fem Reader

Chapter 1.5: First Encounter

Synopsis: Night has fallen once more, you, me, and other vigilantes have intercepted a transmission regarding the delivery at a boat shipment off the coast of the East Sea.

Warnings: Suspense (in certain parts), your first encounter with your boss in the field

Characters: Y/n(Reader), Me(The Watcher), Endeavor

Endeavor X Vigilante Fem Reader

Tonight is raining. Hard. When something rains this much it can't be a good sign.

Rain has drenched the city. Standing on top of the tall, and enormous building was you, sitting on the edge of the edge watching over the town, waiting once again for an update. Taking another sip of your coffee, your phone pulsated in your hero uniform.

Please let it be something good

You opened your phone and saw the text message

Me(Watcher): The swan leaves at midnight

It's Time, you thought.

Y/n(Blue Devil/Zilla): But can the crow sing its tune?

Me(Watcher): The crew is waiting for you 20 clicks north. Be there

Y/n(Blue Devil/Zilla): on my way, tell them to wait for me

You turned off your phone and went to the rendezvous. You stopped at an abandoned building. Rubbles of rock and brick scattered across the ground, wrinkles of ruined, and shredded sheets hung outside the windows like a terrible storm has brewed here before. You'd approached the building with caution. You stood within the door window, staring through the darkness. A cold breeze passed within those hallowed halls, singing a dead tone of the night. You backed away from the door and knocked without hesitation. Distant stomping echoed in the halls getting closer...and closer...and closer towards the door. The door creaked towards him, a Large figure stood against the door, bigger than you, with chains wrapped around his arms and hung loose down his sides, gray soldier-like pants, humongous black shoes, brown short hair, and black eyes. He looked down at you spoke.

Vigilante 1: *Demonic Voice* The swan leaves at midnight

Y/n: *Slight chuckle**talks seductively* But can a crow sings its tune?

The vigilante burst into laughter.

Vigilante 1: * Laughs loudly* Ha! Alright boys we're clear

Lights brighten throughout the building like a star, chattering of other vigilantes appeared from the corners of every room, nook, and cranny. The halls were filled with people loud but silent talking came from everywhere as they headed down the basement. The vigilante opened the door, inviting you to come in. You nodded and walked into the hall, he checked first if you were followed and closed the door behind you, and placed his hand around your shoulder.

Vigilante 1: So... Have you heard about the shipment that's coming in tonight?

Y/n: yeah I heard what about it Unchained?

Unchained: Well this next load is going to be pretty well protected

Y/n: Oh? Pray tell.

The two of you stopped at the end of the hallway to the basement room. Unchained removed his hand from your shoulder and turned to you with his arms crossed to his chest.

Unchained: The last loads had little protection and it turned into more of an 'in and out the situation'.*Concerned* But this time some villains are gonna be all over the whole shipyard. Why?

You took a moment to think about it, but it's true. This is different than the last loads that came through, it was so easy that you didn't have to use your quirk that much, but this one, and with the strongest ones guarding the load. Something about this isn't right, you thought.

Y/n: Let's not go off worrying now, look, *Pointing at the calmed crowd that started settling down* the meeting's about to start, we should probably go join them then.

Unchained: *slight Sigh* Alright then, shall we?


After the Ship Yard Heist

Me: Alright, heroes ears up! Police and Pros are coming your way. I've sent all of you your escape routes, NOW SCATTER!!!

Vigilante 2: *on coms*On it

Vigilante 3: *Italian accent* Everyone move out!

You and your squad followed the escape route and split up from there.

The police and the pro heroes arrived at the shipyard, looked like a full-blown raid had started, And before you left the scene, a strong yet familiar voice stirred within the crowd. It's Endeavor

Endeavor: * Shouting* You there stay where you are!

Endeavor X Vigilante Fem Reader

You cursed under your breath and ran off to the woods, Endeavor started to follow you from behind. You ran as fast as you could to at least shake him off your tail. but you know Endeavor, he never stops pursuing someone until they're down. Endeavor left magma-like footsteps into the ground as he continued to follow you, he held out his arm as a ball of ember inferno formed into his hand. The flames changed into an arrow and threw it at the sky. Not knowing where the arrow went and only focusing on getting him off your back...


The ignited arrow landed on the ground starting a huge fire in front of you.

Ha! Like that's gonna stop me. You thought.

Your hair began to glow, bright neon blue lighting at the end of your hair to the front, You ran faster than your previous pace towards his flames. You Fazed through them like nothing but a candle to a wind, blowing it out. Endeavor couldn't believe what he just saw, you ran into his flames and not getting burnt but how?

Endeavor: *thinking* Her hero suit must be fireproof or something if she managed to run out of that one.

This chase ended at a chiff that you are running towards. You instantly stopped yourself until you were nearly at the edge. Endeavor finally caught up to you.

Endeavor: So you must be The Blue Devil I've heard about. I know you and other wannabe heroes were at that shipyard. Now you are going to come quietly and spill with to the police or do I have to do it with force?

Do you really?

The wind blew in your hair like grass, clouds uncovered the moonlight and shined upon you, your eyes reflected the moon. It's like everything stopped for just a moment when he saw you. You turned around slowly but peacefully and looked at him With a surprised look on your face.


Wait...we met before? If so...When?

Endeavor slowly approached you, step by step he got closer and closer...Until you realized what someone told you before.

No matter what never let anyone in.

Y/n:*startled warning* N-No please stay away from me.

You jumped off the cliff before Endeavor got to say anything

Endeavor*concerned* Hey Wai-


He followed you where you jumped off and stopped himself. He looked down at the bottom, the water deceased itself and returned to normal. He sighed in confusion and left to join the others

Your body changed into a scaly-like creature, still human but showing skin on your chest. You breathed the sigh of relief and swam to shore. Taking another deep breath you thought about what happened back there. Your boss almost figured out who you were and what's crazy about it...he was blushing?!

To Be Continued...?

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3 years ago

Endeavor x Fem Reader

Chapter 2: Invitation

Synopsis: Just get ready for a super long-ass story that's all ( this one took longer than usual)

Warnings: Party and fluff at the end

F/n ( fake name or female name, either way, you decide)

Endeavor X Fem Reader

If someone were to tell you that your boss invited you to a gala without any reason why, you would have politely declined because of the mountains of paperwork(lie), and be scared to go cause you didn't want to go alone, and with a lot of pros and paparazzi, instead I asked you. And you accepted it Because again you didn't want to go alone. But luckily, The host let us in for free, and with your friend's blending in tactics, this would be like an undercover mission except it's not. It's a party, enjoying yourselves, meeting with heroes from around the world. But my boss would be there too and what if he knows me right off the bat? you thought as you were getting dressed in your bedroom. "Oh come on only cause you told your boss you couldn't go, doesn't mean you really have to? and besides, I'm tagging alone", your friend reassured her while putting on her elegant black and white short sleeve V-neck jumpsuit(zipper on the back), with a brimmed hat that only covered the eyes and a white coat with black fur around the collar. As your friend was finishing getting dressed, something about this was off, your friend walked close to her door and knocked. " Are you done yet? We're gonna be late!", your friend asked while leaning against your door legs slightly crossed. "I'll be done in a minute don't rush!", You yelled in a worried tone.

Your friend sighed knowing that she should be patient because this your first time going to a party and knowing that a lot of people are coming, and you don't like going to places by yourself after what happened the last time. But will not allow negativity to ruin this night, your friend thought, " okay I'm ready" you spoke in a shy but insecure voice as you approached the bedroom door. Your friend stepped away quickly, knowing that the dress that I brought you suits your personality: Calm, loving, kind, confident, eccentric, a dare-devil in some difficult situations, a badass but kind of two-faced, and an amazing person who cares about people. The bedroom door opened slowly, Your friend couldn't hide my excitement any longer than she could as it opened one creak at a time. Then when it was fully open, you were your hair tied into a beautiful ponytail with a blue rose crystal hairpin and heels that are killing it. But your dress was even more gorgeous.

Endeavor X Fem Reader

Your friend stood there in awe, my hand covering my mouth holding back tears, " Why are you crying?" You asked in concern, I sniffled"I-It's nothing I'm just happy that's all*sighs* now, let's get going shall we?" You nodded as I walked out of your apartment and you'd followed behind me.


" Alright it looks like were and you ladies have a nice night", the limousine driver looked at the two of you and gave a quick wink before we got out, " the party is right on top of the last level so were gonna take the elevator", you looked at the place shocked and surprised, "Sooo...*gasp in shocked* how were you able to us in here again?!", " Well, a nice man was getting robbed for his money, I stopped him while he made a foolish mistake of trying to use his quirk on me. I returned the wallet to the nice man and he thanked me," I spoke while we approached the elevator and pressed the button to the top floor." When I came back, a letter was in my mailbox so I opened it and as it turned out the nice man was hosting a fundraising event and he gave me and a plus one an invitation as his special guest. Think of it as an anonymous tip." The elevator bell ranged and opened to the beautiful splendor of the party. Unquie designs, the scenery, everything was incredible, then some people were staring, some were taking pictures, others continued their conversation at us as we passed by. "Would care for a drink?", said a man wearing a tuxedo asked while holding a stray of wines and champagnes. Your friend looked at you and you looked at me thinking the same thing. "Sure why not?"

She grabbed the red wine and you grabbed the champagne with a strawberry inside, the man bowed his head and walked away. As we continued to talk two men appeared from behind us. He was huge, three times bigger than us, Marrone red hair, turquoise eyes deeper than the depts of the sea, broad muscles, and wearing the suit with a velvet shirt and sunglasses and the other one, a short blonde with red wings and wearing a black suit with a red shirt and black tie. It was Endeavor and Hawks.

Endeavor X Fem Reader

After we got our drinks, Endeavor and Hawks talked,(with Hawks doing most of the talking) while having a drink at a minibar. Hawks' eyes followed us across the room with an interest in his eyes, Well aren't they a tasty snack, even the one with the hat, he thought while still keeping his gaze at us. Endeavor looked at him irritated, great, What the hell got this bird brain distracted now?!. He turned his head towards you, with cinnamon whisky in his hand, his heart skipped a beat, he's in awe of just how beautiful you were when you walked by, and Hawks just caught his boss looking at someone for a very long time and decided to help him out. "Hey, now how about we have t little chat with them huh?," Endeavor's eyes quickly averted his gaze towards you and to Hawks in confusion and raised his eyebrow." We?" Hawks nodded and finished his drink. " Sure, why not? I mean, you gonna need have to get back in the dating game one way or another."

He smiled and walked away. Endeavor turned away from him and continued to take a sip of his whiskey. As for Hawks sneaking from behind you and tapped on your shoulder, " Good evening ladies, I'm-" " Yeah, your Hawks am I right?" She questioned the handsome blonde as he took my hand and brought it to his lips. " Wow, what gave me away?", " The sneak attack my dear F/n told me about, she also said to be careful around you." Your friend said to him with a teasing smile, "looks like I need up my game, don't I?" he teased back with a smirky devilish smile spread across his face. You interrupted our flirting session turned to him," so why is it your here Hawks?," you questioned him, knowing that if Hawks is here, that means Endeavor is as well." Well, my boss and I were invited to this event for the giant donation he deposited, but sadly he's sitting over there all alone". He looked away from us for a moment at his boss, with a dramatic tone in his voice until he ended up behind him, and looked at you this his calm but intense glare.

"It's you," he spoke in a strong, and broad voice. Your friend and hawks looked at both of you in confusion, "have they met before?". " Hello, Endeavor, I haven't seen you since our encounter," you said. "Please, call me Enji," he said with a very smooth tone. Hawks tilted his head towards my ear. "It's happening!" he whispered happily, " I know that but how to get these two alone?!" She whispered back stressfully while thinking about how to keep the mood going. Until a pleasant slow music song in the air, everyone was heading towards the dance floor. GOD HAS ANSWERED MY PRAYERS, she thought, and Hawks was thinking the exact same thing. "Shall we?" Hawks said while he held out his hand. Your friend nodded and took his hand. And led her to the dance floor. You and Endeavor looked at them as they slowly dance the night away. " Hey, can we talk somewhere private?" he asked and rubbed his neck a little. "Holy shit Endeavor's blushing again," you thought when you looked at him, a slight blush on his face. "Um-Um, yeah sure," you startled a little bit. He gently grabbed your hand and led you near the window of the city where the lights shined in the night looked so for small from up here that you thought they were stars.

"The lights look beautiful from here does it not?" He turned his head looked down at you with a smile on his face, and made your heart warm, "Yes, they do like stars in the heavens." Your eyes, focusing on the starry night city in the clouds. "So why is it you brought me over here for?" You questioned, and he turned his head away from you. " I really don't know how to say this but...I don't know if I'm crazy or just a foolish old man..." He slowly turned to look at you directly." will you go out on a date with me? when this is over?" You looked at him in surprise "is he really just asked me out?" Your emotions started to spirally out of control at this point. Enji saw your reaction and shook his head and apologized," I-I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" " No-No-no, it's fine you just got me startled for a moment." you interrupted with a light pink blush on your face. The music ended, and applause was heard as everyone exited the party. "So that's a yes?" Enji questioned before he left.

You nodded and said yes.

"Wait. You never told me your name."

"It's F/n."

A/N: *WHEW* that took a lot out of me than I thought. SHEESH!!

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3 years ago

Endeavor x Fem Reader

The Collar

Synopsis: you lost a bet to a friend and now have to wear a collar for a whole day. Also, this is not part of the chapter I'm working on.

Warnings: *deep inhale* SMUT 18+, a bit of jealously, but more importantly MINORS BEGONE!!!

Endeavor X Fem Reader

He can sense it

This strange feeling in the air

Not just suspicion, but something very familiar

It all happened a few weeks ago. You came in early than usual your work attire is different. Navy blue short-sleeve blouse not even buttoned up all way but where your tits showed, a loose necklace-like collar, your black pencil line skirt, but it's kinda above your knees and hugging your thighs.

Before you walked in, he was on a business call with one of his sidekicks. You knocked on his door and holding his phone close to him, and he yelled at you to come in. The door creaked open, and came in with files in your hands and walked in across his room. Endeavor's eyes followed you as you sat on the couch and laid the files on the table, scanning through each case file accordingly, highlighting any details you might have missed. A gust of wind flew in from the window. A short blonde with red wings and yellow see-through glasses which his eyes preyed on you with a smirk as you looked upon him and irritation." What is it now, Hawks?"

"Oh, nothing...just you look mighty fine today." Before he sucked his lip and walked to you. Scratching his chin, and sat next to you. With one wrapped around you, he crossed his legs and looked at you as you went through the last case file. This made Endeavor boil with flames through his body. Hawks scooted in closer to you." So... watcha doing?". You sighed and dropped your pen next to the case file. You turned your head to meet his gaze, " I was going through the case files till you showed up," you said with an annoyed look on your face." Hey, where you get this? Is it even proper work attire?" Hawks looked down at your necklace with curiosity. "Oh, this? I made a bet with a friend of mine and lost. So now I'll have to wear this for the whole day" You grabbed the cross-connected to the collar and showed it to him.

You looked at him confused as he stared at the necklace for a very long time and realized...That pervert is looking at your boobs!

" Ugh! You pervert!" You yelled at him and pushed him back over the couch. Endeavor looked at you quickly as Hawks chuckled on the other side of the ledge and with his hands in the air, " Hey, it's not my fault your tits were shooting like daggers." You blushed at his response. A pink shade showed on your cheeks. " Sh-sh-shut up!" As you crossed your chest and pouted.

Endeavor's phone hung up and tossed it on his desk. It Startled you, and Hawks raised his head. " Is everything okay, Endeavor?". His hot breath steamed out of his mouth, he took a deep inhale. "Hawks, it seems you have another mission with one of my sidekicks again. Go deal with it". His voice sounded furious as Hawks got up from the couch, "I'm on it, sir," He quickly turned his head to you and gave you a wink before flying out the window. You sighed with relief and finished the last case file before rising and headed out the door."You! Go sit down!" He roared with his face still down on his desk. Your body shooked, and backed away from the door, and sat down shakily. Endeavor raised his head to see you, your body trembling in fear, your hands on those delicious thighs, begging to be bitten and leave marks behind. He got out of his chair slowly and walked away from his desk to you. A giant dark shadow stopped in front of you. His turquoise eyes shot down at you as he grabbed your chin and raised it to his largeness. " Do you know why I kept you here?" You shook you in response" I-i was going through the case files as you asked and-" Endeavor growled and grabbed your cross along with your neck and pulled it hard. You whimpered and nearly choked. "First, it's your outfit and now your shameless flirting with Hawks, and you did it right in front of me," He growled in your ear and which shivers down your spine." W-What do you m-" He grunted in annoyance, rolled his eyes, and tug the collar harder. You gasped for air, huffing the hotness that radiated from his chest. " I-I-I'm sorry, sir."

Endeavor, let go of the collar and let you get some air for what is about to happen next. Endeavor dropped down, knees on the floor, and looked at your thighs. The way they rubbed together, squeezing the plumpness out of them. You looked down at your boss shamefully, "sorry, sir," while pulling down your skirt. Endeavor stopped you. His strong hands stilled yours "there's nothing to be ashamed about," he said in a calmed tone. He pushed your skirt higher till your panties were showing. He grabbed the ends of your panties and pulled them down slowly, "look at you, so wet, and this supposed to be a professional work environment." He tutted. You sat there hopelessly as they fell to your ankles, and he pushed them to the side. "Now," he sighed and looked at you, " Are you going be a good girl?" you nodded quickly."Then, spread those legs."

You obeyed and opened your legs as far as possible, his stare at you wet cunt greedy. He gave you one last look before he started his assault, " You ready?" You nodded without giving a second thought. He brought his face closer, licked the juices out of you, and dove his tongue inside. You moaned and mewled at his movements, grabbed the couch pillows for dear life. His tongue was about to drive you over the edge, to your climax. Then he stopped and pulled away from you to catch his breath. You mewled at the sudden halt. "W-w-why y-you stop?" You put your hands on his face and pushed up to your vision. He let out a dark chuckle." because, little girl," He removed your hands from his face and placed them back on the couch," I wasn't done with you yet." He stood up in front of you, unbuckling his pants and let his cock free out his drawers. You knew he was big, but his cock was bigger, veins popping out of it. He caught you looking at cock and grabbed your collar again, " Now, be a good girl and lay down on the couch, arms behind your head."And you did exactly that. You laid there against the couch with your arms behind your head.

Endeavor followed you as laid there, his big body towering you like a mountain to a stream. He took legs and brought them to his shoulders, lined himself at your entrance, teasing it, breaking you till you beg him to take you. "P-p-p-please Endeavor-" He stopped you in mid-sentence, " Enji," "W-what?". "When we're alone, it's Enji." You slightly nodded, "Please, Enji." A wicked smile grew on his face. And slowly moved inside of you. Taking every last inch until he bottomed out. You whined at the pain and pleasure as his cock stretched your cunt and carved it into his shape. His balls slammed your g-spot, which made you mewl. Enji waited until you adjust his size and move slowly. Your screams of pleasure echoed through his office, whines mixed with moans while he picked his pace. "Now, who do you belong to slut?" Enji grunted as his movements gotten faster and faster. "You Enji!" You whined.

"Who's allowed to fuck this pretty little pussy of yours?"

"You, Enji!"

Your clamped down with each passing thrust, you wrapped your legs around his hips. You were reaching your limit. Endeavor stopped again at your highest peak. You whined at the sudden stillness inside of you. He tugged your collar making your tongue fall out and hanging out of your mouth." Only goods girls get to cum, are you going to my good girl?" He started move hips ever so slowly, grinding your insides, torching them. "Ye-yes i promise I'll be your good girl". You begged, hopelessly and Enji move back to his original pace and make you cum around his cock. He groan your name as he emptied himself, painting your walls white. You both took a moment to get some air.

Catch your breath, Enji cupped your face. "You alright?" He said in concern. You nodded tirelessly, you shutted your eyes for a moment and drifted off to sleep.

You woke up in a soft bed, with your boss wrapped around your small body. You gonna have very long story for your friend when you get home.😳😏

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3 years ago

Mha Masterlist


Izuku/Deku- (none)

Kirishima- (none)






Enji Todoroki-(work in progress)

All Might- (none)



Mirio Toga-(none)

Tamaki Amajiki-(none)

Any character that I've might have missed please let me know in the comments

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3 years ago

Endeavor x Reader WIP

Here's a spoiler for my next chapter:

He didn't think about the people he harmed or the ones that he loved, not until now. Since his oldest son died and his ex-wife was sentenced to a mental hospital, Endeavor never felt so lonely in his life. He blamed himself for what he has done to deserve this fate, for his son, for his family, for the people he used and backstabbed. Aside from hero work, he couldn't sleep. He tried everything, hanging wind chimes outside his room, counted sheep in his head, even listened to ASMR but still... nothing. He laid there on his bed, arms wrapped around his head. Something was missing... something warm, something to keep close and never let go, or someone to love. What he was missing is a warm body at his side. When he was at the agency one day, his secretary gave him an invitation to a fundraising event. He thanked her and went to his office. He strolled to his desk, tossed the letter on his desk, and leaned back in his chair to look up at the ceiling. Everything happened so fast... it's like a few days ago, I was still the number 2 hero but, now something doesn't feel right. I do not wish to find forgiveness from my family. If I could back and fix everything... save my children and myself from this could. But now... I cannot. Seeing flashbacks of his past is like looking through a mirror, but of the demons that haunted his dreams every night. A slight banging on the door repeatedly, which drew him away from his thoughts. Endeavor ascend from his chair, and with a sigh, he answered, " Who is it?" He shouted at the door.

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2 years ago

Endeavor te rompe en dos con su polla después de un día pesado de patrullaje, le gusta usarte y ver tu pequeño cuerpo.

Siempre vas a ser su niña pequeña.

Endeavor rips you in two with his cock after a hard day of patrol, he likes to use you and see your little body.

Let me make your holes my shape~ #pov #porn #breedingkink #breeding #cumslut #fucktoy #babygirl #brat #cnc #daddy #ddlg #dmme #ERP #lewd #LewdRP #dom #moots #nolimits #nsfw #nsfwrp #nsfwtwt #opendms #publicuse #submissive #used #cum #RP #ass #roleplay pic.twitter.com/zFc9kzGH58

— 𝐘𝐮𝐣𝐢 (@xruals) October 15, 2022

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