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The big day
“You look gorgeous, stunning, beautiful.” The brown haired Hungarian woman said to the blonde in front of her, admiring her friend’s beauty as she simply sat there in her wedding dress, and she took a few steps back to get an even better look at the other woman. “Everyone will be looking at you.” And she felt tears beginning to gather in her eyes.
She still couldn’t believe that her best friend was actually getting married. She could only hope that Emma would be as happy being married as Erzsébet herself had been when she had been married to her great love, Roderich.
“Well, I am the bride. Everyone should be looking at me.” The blonde answered, with tears in her own eyes.
“Don’t cry, Emma, please” The brunette begged her, while she went over and hugged her Belgian friend. “I spend nearly an hour getting your make up just right. You can’t ruin it now, I want you to look perfect for you big day.”
Belgium hugged her beloved friend back. “I don’t know why I’m so emotional and nervous.” She confessed through dry sobs.
“It’s because your big day is finally here.” Erzsebét reassured her. “Remember how much fun it was to get everything ready for it?”
She regretted answering her phone when she only heard her best friend scream her name into her ear.
“Was that really necessary?” the Hungarian complained, though she doubted her friend even listened to her as she continued to talk at such a speed that Hungary didn’t understand a word she was saying.
“So?” Emma said to her after a while. “Aren’t you happy for me?”
Her silence prompted the woman on the other end of the conversation to speak again.
“I’m happy Arthur proposed to me.” Belgium said, a little hurt at the lack of response from her best friend.
She knew she would have regretted it more if she hadn’t answered the call.
“You’re ring looks so pretty.”
Hungary was actually impressed by the ring on Emma’s finger.
“Lux also said that. Big brother wanted to know what it’s worth.”
“It’s always about money with your brother.”
“Maybe it wasn’t really about the ring. Lux is convinced he only wants me to have the best things.”
The brunette shrugged. “I think it’s about the money, but if he wants England to only get you the best of the best, it’s also kind of sweet.”
“I’m so happy you’re here to help me choose a dress.”
Emma had her friend in a tight hug as soon as she noticed her. Looking over her friends shoulder, Erzsebét noticed Luxembourg waving at her with a smile on his face.
"Lux has great taste, but I need the opinion of a woman. Ned refused to come along.”
“Your brother isn’t coming?”
“You should have seen the look on his face when I brought the subject up. It was like he was ready to cause a major crises in his government, just so he could say he was too busy to watch me try on dress after dress.”
They friends had a small laugh about it.
“So I decided to have mercy on poor Big Brother.” Emma concluded. “I’ll make him pay for it later.”
The three of them had one of the best days ever.
“Just relax.” She told her bride-to-be best friend.
“I can’t believe Arthur, why would he want those flowers. That man has absolutely no taste.”
“You don’t actually believe that sweetie. This is just like what happened when the two of you were trying to decide on the food. And the wine.”
“You think he has good taste?”
“Oh no, I think your man has the worst taste, but that’s my opinion. Not yours.”
“Thank you, Erzsebét.”
“You also disagreed about the colours on the invitation, the location, to invite France or not..”
“Enough. And of course France is invited.”
“You’ll eventually agree on the flowers, sweetie. Just relax.”
“I remember.” She said softly with a wide smile on her face. “I also remember practicing throwing the bouquet. We both know what to do, don’t we?”
It was a lovely wedding. From the moment her brothers walked her down the aisle to the moment both of them said ‘I do’ to the moment Arthur and Emma were declared husband and wife and finally shared the first kiss of their marriage.
They looked perfectly happy.
The food turned out to be eatable and even good tasting. Everyone enjoyed the party and the opening dance by the bride and groom was lovely to watch.
There had been one other moment that no one would forget anytime soon.
“Everyone get ready.” Hungary told everyone as she moved them into position while Belgium waited with her back turned to the crowd.
“Okay Emma.” She gave the sign. As the newly married woman threw her wedding bouquet to towards the group, as they had practiced, she only had to move on more person.
And gave the Netherlands a little push. Directly into the line of fire.
Instinctively catching the flowers.
Before the man could even register what had happened, his little sister turned around and winked at him.
He was still standing there, holding the flowers when the bride walked up to them. The youngest sibling patting him on the shoulder in a light effort to comfort him.
“Should have just gone shopping for this dress with me.” She told her brother.
And to her best friend she whispered almost inaudible “Let’s see how he will explain this to his girlfriend.”
Before she left them to join her husband.
Her best friend was evil.
a @aphgenficexchange gift for @apoaeon.
Royal AU
Arthur did a double take at the woman on the other side of the room.
She hadn’t always been that pretty, had she?
The prince had not been looking forward to this day. In fact, he had crossed of the days on his calendar as he had counted down towards his doom.
The teasing from his older brothers had not helped him feel any better.
He remembered the girl his mother had arranged for him to marry one day and that girl had certainly not been that beautiful.
Besides him, Francis laughed and jabbed him in the side. “Close your mouth, mon ami.”
Walking up to her, Arthur greeted the woman.
“Welcome to the kingdom, princess Emma.”
“It is a pleasure to be back here.” She answered and held out her hand to him.
He took it and placed a kiss on the back of her hand.
So far, so good. Greetings between them had gone worse in the past.
Both the young boy and the little girl turned around so that they were back to back with their arms crossed. Neither child wanting anything to do with the other one.
Little Arthur faced his mother and she made it very clear he was to do as he had been told. With a sigh the boy turned around and formally greeted the girl who had also turned around with a displeased look on her face.
At his greeting, the small princess did a curtsy and then both prince and princess had their backs to each other again.
“Please allow me to guide you around the palace. And the gardens, the roses are at their most beautiful around this time.”
“I would love that. My last visit feels so long ago.”
Their conversation felt very rehearsed, but at least it was civil. That would please his mother. Unlike other occasions in the past.
“Why don’t you show princess Emma around, Arthur? You can show her some of your favourite places to play.” His mother had said.
Not that young Arthur had any intentions of sharing his best hiding spots with a girl.
“My Emma would love that.” His mother’s dear friend said enthusiastically.
Little Emma didn’t look as happy as her mother did.
As their mothers gently pushed to two children toward each other, they began walking down the hall.
Before they reached the end, they were rolling on the ground trying to hit the other.
One of his older brothers saw and yelled to their mother what Arthur was doing.
Both of them got a good lecture that day. Arthur for hitting a girl, his fiancé, at that. His brother for yelling inside the palace. Unbecoming of princes.
Princess Emma and her mother left suddenly.
At some point, after wandering through the gardens for a while, Arthur asked Emma if she would like to try the bow and arrow.
“I can show you.” The green eyed man told her, getting ready to help the lady position her bow.
“It is very kind of you Arthur, but I can manage.”
She pulled out an arrow, placed it on the bow and took a moment to aim.
Then shot right into the center.
Well, that left the blond prince baffled.
She hadn’t always been that good, had she?
Having been forced by his mother into entertaining the foreign princess, he had taken her to the gardens to shoot the bow and arrow.
At least they would be doing something Arthur liked to do and this day wouldn’t be entirely wasted. There were prettier girls in the town he could be talking to.
Of course, the princess had to be difficult about it. Saying she didn’t want to do that and would rather play some kind of game.
He didn’t remember which one, he had pretty much tuned her out and continued towards the part of the gardens where he knew everything would be set up already.
Soon after, he learned why the girl had been whining about the activity.
She was absolutely lousy at it.
Arthur couldn’t stop laughing at her when she pulled at the string, let go and the arrow fell straight down.
Arthur wondered when to frog would run out of air from laughing and just pass out.
As rehearsed as most of their conversation had been, he probably would have to thank Francis for the parts that were more spontaneous, so was their schedule.
“See you very soon.” Emma told him quietly, as she left to prepare for the ball.
He didn’t respond at first, but as she began to walk away the frog put his elbow in his side once again.
“Say something.” A short pause. “Something good, lapin.”
“I hope I can have the first dance at the ball.” Arthur called after her.
No childhood memories for the first time that day. They had never danced together before. Their mothers hadn’t made them and of course Arthur hadn’t ever asked the younger girl for a dance.
The blonde turned around so fast that her dress twirled around her legs.
And she smiled.
Arthur liked that smile, it was pretty, and maybe he could get used to seeing it more often.
Then she uttered one single word.
She spoke French.
Besides him the frog nearly choked in his effort not to laugh out loud.

Customer!Arthur asking Florist!Belgium if she would go on a date with him.
EngBelg Secret Santa 2019!

Hetalians, welcome to the EngBelg Secret Santa of 2019! This year we’re trying something new, and though we did not have time to host another EngBelg week, we are hosting a secret Santa gift exchange!
What is a Secret Santa? Basically, a Secret Santa is an anonymous gift exchanging. Everyone participating is assigned to another person and makes a gift for the person they were assigned to, with the given prompts; no one knows from whom they’ll be getting their gift from, but everyone knows whom they’re making a gift for. And then on the assigned dates, everyone posts their gifts!
Gifts can be, but are not limited to: Fanarts Fanfics Edits (only with official art!)
For safety purposes, we will not be allowing NSFW gifts. Please keep everything to a T rating at the most.
Please fill out the Google Forms application. We’ll contact you confirming your signup and add your name to the list of participants within 24 hours of your application.
Fill out the form which includes your wishes, your contact details, and the medium you’ll use. Sign-ups are up until November 30th
Your Secret Santa and their prompts will be announced on December 3rd, which is a good date to get cracking. Make sure to keep your Secret Santa anonymous!
Post your gifts from December 25th to December 31st, though any late posters are welcome to post (they will have to notify the receiver anonymously as well as the mods, however)
Receive your gift!