orbitinghetalia - In Orbit
In Orbit

II She/Her II 33 II Dutch II INTJ II Tumblr sideblog dedicated to Hetalia

393 posts

Orbitinghetalia - In Orbit - Tumblr Blog

9 months ago
TW: Animal Death / Death
TW: Animal Death / Death
TW: Animal Death / Death
TW: Animal Death / Death
TW: Animal Death / Death
TW: Animal Death / Death
TW: Animal Death / Death
TW: Animal Death / Death
TW: Animal Death / Death
TW: Animal Death / Death

TW: Animal Death / Death

Senior pets have a hard time getting adopted. The likelihood of adoption is only 25% compared to 60% for a younger dog. Unfortunately, this is often due to prejudice. I want to raise awareness with this comic (and also get back to my roots, which I haven't really managed to do yet). But I want to start uploading more regularly again. Thank you for your patience so far.

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10 months ago

He wanted to reach out to her, simply make eye contact long enough during the meeting that she would know he still craved her attention, and her love. Antonio had learned, mostly through the years spend separated since their divorce, that he loved Anneliese and had never stopped loving her.

The Spaniard was also sure that the lady he still dreamed about at night would never marry him again and didn’t want to upset the most beautiful woman he had ever known by asking her to. So he kept his feelings to himself and let her be free to love who ever she chose to love.

One day he might be free of her as well…

Anneliese made sure to look perfect for this meeting. She always cared about making a good impression during a meeting, of course, but this was one of those meetings her former husband would also be present at.

She had several exes, but Antonio was still the one who held her heart. During meetings they both attended the Austrian woman made sure to look her very best, just in case he would actually take notice of her again. He never did, rather spending his time laughing with his best friends or close family instead of looking at her.

One day she would be able to her him laugh without missing him…


Day 5 prompt pinning for @spaus-week

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10 months ago

After the second time she pressed a wrong key she was annoyed enough at the way he kept staring at her that she changed to Chopin. It had never been uncommon for Antonio to join her in the music room when he had the time to spare back when they had been married, but he had never looked at her quite like that.

When she played the wrong key yet again though, she was absolutely done with it and turned away from the grand wing to glare at him.

He looked at her in surprise. “Why did you stop playing?” Not the question he should be asking, he was playing dumb. The man was smarter then he usually let on, Anneliese knew that because she had known him so long and she knew him well.

“You should ask me why I’m angry.” She told him.

He smiled at her and asked “Why are you so angry, dear?”

The woman huffed and looked away. “You distract me, why are you here anyway?” Her ex had just shown up without any official business or other reason, but she had allowed him to stay anyway.

“Simply to visit you.” He answered, still smiling.

“And to stare at me.” She grumbled annoyed.

Antonio looked at her for another moment before walking over and sitting down next to her at the grand wing. He took her hands at placed the back at the keys and asked her to play something again.

As she began moving her fingers across the keys again, he began talking. Talking about the past and old glory. How, for as rich as he had been her eyes were brighter than the most beautiful gems he had ever owned.

“What?” She was the only thing she could manage.

“Especially when you’re playing Chopin.” Did the idiot really just say that? No wonder he was one of Gilbert’s best friends.


Day 2 prompt "But none of those gems shine brighter than your eyes." For @spaus-weekweek.

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10 months ago

She had noticed him sitting there in the garden of the office complex with his back against the tree, seemingly just enjoying the warmth of the sun while she had been on her way to the next meeting she had to attend.

Anneliese hadn’t stopped walking but she had immediately noticed something hadn’t been right. There had been something of about him. She knew because she knew Antonio.

So when he was still sitting in the exact same spot after he meeting ended so made a beeline for him before she even knew what she was doing. When she made it over to where her old love was sitting he didn’t seem to notice her presence, it was only when she stood in front of him and the sun cast her shadow over him that he opened his eyes.

He smiled at her, but she had already seen the hurt in his gaze and she sat down beside him. “What is wrong now?” The woman asked and he only told her he did not want to burden her with the things he had done.

“We’ve all done things to regret.” As answer he only hang his head. For a while the Anneliese didn’t know what to do or how to help him, so she simply placed her hand over his.

The Spanish man looked up at this action. “You don’t know half of the details.” Was spoken softly.

“Tell me all the worst things you have ever done.” She encouraged him.

“You’ll hate me if I do.”

“No, I have loved you too much to ever hate you Antonio.”

He began telling the stories he had needed to share with someone.


Day 1 prompt "Tell me every terrible thing you've ever done and let me love you anyway." for @spaus-week.

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10 months ago
Sorry For The Delay, Finally Here's The Prompts For SpAus Week 2024!You Can Find A Text Version Of This
Sorry For The Delay, Finally Here's The Prompts For SpAus Week 2024!You Can Find A Text Version Of This
Sorry For The Delay, Finally Here's The Prompts For SpAus Week 2024!You Can Find A Text Version Of This
Sorry For The Delay, Finally Here's The Prompts For SpAus Week 2024!You Can Find A Text Version Of This
Sorry For The Delay, Finally Here's The Prompts For SpAus Week 2024!You Can Find A Text Version Of This
Sorry For The Delay, Finally Here's The Prompts For SpAus Week 2024!You Can Find A Text Version Of This
Sorry For The Delay, Finally Here's The Prompts For SpAus Week 2024!You Can Find A Text Version Of This
Sorry For The Delay, Finally Here's The Prompts For SpAus Week 2024!You Can Find A Text Version Of This
Sorry For The Delay, Finally Here's The Prompts For SpAus Week 2024!You Can Find A Text Version Of This
Sorry For The Delay, Finally Here's The Prompts For SpAus Week 2024!You Can Find A Text Version Of This
Sorry For The Delay, Finally Here's The Prompts For SpAus Week 2024!You Can Find A Text Version Of This

Sorry for the delay, finally here's the prompts for SpAus Week 2024! You can find a text version of this post here. Prompts are free to use forever, even after the week is over ^^ Late submissions are also alright, of course :3

I hope the prompts will be of inspiration, have fun!!~ C:

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10 months ago
Day 3 Prompt Please Don't Say You Love Me For @aphfrukweek

Day 3 prompt Please don't say you love me for @aphfrukweek

The colour of her shirt doesn't look anything like it does on paper, it should be much greener o_o

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10 months ago
Day 1 Prompt Why Can't I Hate You For @aphfrukweek

Day 1 prompt Why can't I hate you for @aphfrukweek

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10 months ago

This had been happening for a while now, that they would end up in each other’s company during these occasions. It started out as a shared dislike for the parties that followed official meetings and both preferred to find a quiet corner to wait out those social events.

Erik and Lavinia, well Vinnie, ended up in the same quiet corner at one of those parties that as usual got out of hand. He liked the way Vinnie commented on the behavior of the other nations and while the Scandinavian country didn’t say much and simply listened to Hong Kong, he loved her dry sense of humour.

It had been the best party Erik had been at in a long time just because of Vinnie’s company, so of course he sought her out during the next party he knew they would both be attending. So they talked, Vinnie more than Erik as she kept him entertained with her dry jokes, and slowly Erik started to show his own dark humour that made Vinnie laugh.

Her laughter souned beautiful to his ears and at that moment Erik realised that he had thought she was beautiful ever since that one party they hid away together while she had been the one to make him laugh.

The sound of her voice, the shape of her face and the colour of her hair combined with her humour, her intelligence and her kindness made that he loved her.

He was in love with Lavinia before he even knew it. So perhaps he should have known he would tell her that night as she joined him in a quiet corner and began her soft comments on the other people at the party.

Normally he loved her comments, but tonight he didn’t hear her words only the sound of her voice and only saw her beauty. When she looked at him and stayed silent because Iceland spoke even less then she was used to, he told her that she looked amazing.

While a blush took over Hong kong’s face, his was worse as he whispered “Did I say that out loud?”

So she took his face in her hands and kissed the boy.


Day 2 prompt: "Did I say that out loud?" for @hongiceweek.

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1 year ago

“So…?”He started asking when the glare the blonde shot him made him go quiet. “I don’t know how this happened.” She said while she went back to glaring the little gingerbread men to death. Further to death that is.

Thing is neither of them knew how to bake those cookies. Viv refushed to acknowledge she had no idea what she was doing and when she just tried to wing it, Gilbert had awesomely gone along with that. He had read up on some recipes in secret, no need to tell that to anyone though, but these recipes must have been wrong.

Which meant that after making their way through the smoke to rescue the little cookie people from the  oven’s mighty flames, they had really only saved them from the confines of the oven. They also managed to save Viv’s kitchen from burning down.

Still, as they stood side by side looking down on their attempt at baking they has to admit the little piles of charcoal were far beyond salvation.

The blonde woman sighed and put her head on his shoulder in defeat. “I’m going to make a call.” The man said and before she could make another comment, Gilbert added “He won’t ask any questions.”

Ludwig shook simply shook his head when he heard his ringtone go off. He had been expecting this call and had been acting accordingly. He answered the call and only said. “They are ready.”

On the kitchen counter was a batch of gingerbread men cooling off.


For @pruktober's 2nd day of Prukcember. Theme Christmas with the prompt gingerbread.

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1 year ago
For @pruktober's 2nd Day Of Prukcember. Theme Christmas With The Prompt Poinsettias. (+ A Touch Of The

For @pruktober's 2nd day of Prukcember. Theme Christmas with the prompt Poinsettias. (+ a touch of the theme winter with prompt snowflake if you don't blink.)

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1 year ago

@pruktober Yes those are little fairies. I usually draw my fem!England with some of them present.

Day 8 Prompt Horror Movies For @hetaween-event, But Started This For Day 2 Prompt Scary Movies @pruktober.

Day 8 prompt horror movies for @hetaween-event, but started this for day 2 prompt scary movies @pruktober.

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1 year ago

The saddest cinderella story

The oldest of them knew what was happening the moment the sound of the front door slamming shut on the far side of the house reached his ears. It immediately woke up the boy who, having learned to sleep lightly just in case, got out of his bed right away. Holding onto his blanket, he only grabbed the torchlight off his nightstand and the book he always kept besides his bed.

As he left his room, the boy could hear the voices getting louder and he quickly ran to Emma’s room. He was by her bedside in an instant and dropped the items he was holding, so that he could shake her awake. When the girl slowly opened her eyes and saw her big brother, she wanted to ask him why he was in her room. Yet the moment she noticed his expression, the young girl knew things were bad.

“Go get Henri and get him back here.” The older boy ordered as he began dragging some of the furniture in his only sister’s room around. He took the blanket of her bed and laid it down on the ground as well as the pillows that had been on her bed. Then, just as the girl returned to her room with a small boy, Johan threw the blanket that he had taken with him over the rearranged furniture creating a small tent.

He motioned for them to get inside of the small sanctuary as they could hear the voices getting louder and angrier. He closed the door as quickly as he dared so that the sound of the door moving wouldn’t be noticed.

Then he crawled into the tent he just made, taking the book and the torch light as he took his spot between his younger siblings. Turning on the light, he opened the book and began reading from Cinderella. Tonight they would be safe.

He stayed silent for a moment as the bedroom door began to open, but them started speaking in a hushed voice. The oldest of the siblings had learned that despite the light and some soft spoken words, the angry voice would not disturb the pillow fort they were hiding in.

Maybe he would have to face the consequences of hiding away, but for now all of them were safe as he kept telling the story of Cinderella, the girl that had to work hard  and never got anything in return until she did.

He told them how a fairy godmother and a prince charming would rescue them. How he would make sure someone would come for them and get them out of here.

Even if that someone would have to be Johan himself one day.

Even if he would have to leave alone because fairytales weren’t real and his siblings would no longer listen to him when he didn’t have a pillow fort anymore and it wasn’t a magical pumpkin carriage he was leaving in.


Day 4 prompt fairytales for @hetaween-event

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1 year ago
Day 8 Prompt Horror Movies For @hetaween-event.

Day 8 prompt horror movies for @hetaween-event.

Amelia and Madeline acting like the creepy twins from the shining.

Poor Arthur has to take them trick or treating.

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1 year ago
1 year ago
Using The Free Day Token For @hetaween-event With Day 6 Prompt Addams Family For @pruktober.

Using the free day token for @hetaween-event with day 6 prompt Addams family for @pruktober.

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1 year ago
Day 8 Prompt Horror Movies For @hetaween-event, But Started This For Day 2 Prompt Scary Movies @pruktober.

Day 8 prompt horror movies for @hetaween-event, but started this for day 2 prompt scary movies @pruktober.

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1 year ago
1 year ago

PrUKtober 2023 Prompts

PrUKtober 2023 Prompts
PrUKtober 2023 Prompts


PrUKtober 2023 Prompts
PrUKtober 2023 Prompts

@hetaliahappenings @heta-on-the-books @nsfhetalia

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1 year ago
orbitinghetalia - In Orbit

Day 5 prompt meeting the family for @hetalia-rarepairweek 2023.

Ned's asking her if they really have to do this. He knows her family! He's done bussiness with them, been at war with them, he even discovered one of them. Really, he knows them. She just wants to make their relationship official, meeting the family and everything.

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1 year ago
1 year ago



Important to read the information below

Rules Banned ships FAQ Prompt (accepting prompts at the moment)

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1 year ago

I made cannoli!

She couldn’t believe she was going through all this trouble just because he was coming over to visit, besides he was really here to hang out with Chiara’s younger brother anyway. There were so many places she could buy this and for some reason she had decided to make it herself. From scratch! She was rarely found in the kitchen because everyone already knows that Feliciano was the better cook between them. He was always better than her at everything.

Instead the woman found herself at the nearest store to get everything she was going to need to prepare this. Just the trip to buy all the ingredients had left her annoyed and nearly out of energy to even get to actually making it.

Chiara placed all the ingredients she would need to make this for him, to show all of them that she was as a good cook as well. All she needed for this was time. Making it was easy enough but simply required time to get it ready.

It took her all day to get this done and Chiara had only just finished the dish when someone was knocking on the front door. She could already hear her little brother running through the house to open the front door for his best friend, but the woman managed to beat him to it.

As she opened the door and looked at the blond man, she nearly pushed the plate with food into his face. “I made cannoli!” She told him loudly while the blush on her face was a bright red shade.

Behind her in the hallway, she could hear Feliciano complain that is was not the right time to eat that and that she was bothering his friend. Ludwig however ignored that and took one of them. Then told her the cannoli she made turned out very nicely and praised Chiara for her skill in the kitchen. As he spoke there was a slight pink colour noticeable on his cheeks and ears.


Day 4 prompts Sweets & treats and Domestic for @hws-germano-week's 2nd week of 2023.

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1 year ago


There would always be many secrets in both of their lives, such was the nature of their very being. It was their fate that there were always going to be people in their lives from whom they would keep secrets and even tell lies to, simply to protect those secrets.

Ludwig and Chiara had accepted that their duty to their people meant that there would be secrets between them, things they could never share with each other or warn the other one about. They could only try to forgive for each other for  choices made long after they had been made.

They accepted this because secrets were not the only thing shared between the two of them. There was the love the both felt. The love that was a secret itself, for no one knew of it. Perhaps Gilbert knew because he knew his little brother better than anyone. Maybe Francis had his suspicions, the man seemed to have a sixth sense for people in love. Chiara didn’t think her sister had ever noticed the tension between her sister and her best friend. Fact was, neither one of them had actually told someone about it.

Their love was a secret during meetings, when Chiara would show up at his hotelroom.

This love was a secret during his visits to Feliciana, when Ludwig would knock on the older sisters’ door during the night.

Ludwig didn’t want to hide his love for Chiara anymore.

Chiara loved the younger potato bastard. Now that she had reconciled with that fact, she wanted people to know it.

But they kept their secret.


Day 1 prompt Secrets for @hws-germano-week's 2nd week of 2023.

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