Hetalia Events - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

EngBelg Secret Santa 2019!

EngBelg Secret Santa 2019!

Hetalians, welcome to the EngBelg Secret Santa of 2019! This year we’re trying something new, and though we did not have time to host another EngBelg week, we are hosting a secret Santa gift exchange!

What is a Secret Santa? Basically, a Secret Santa is an anonymous gift exchanging. Everyone participating is assigned to another person and makes a gift for the person they were assigned to, with the given prompts; no one knows from whom they’ll be getting their gift from, but everyone knows whom they’re making a gift for. And then on the assigned dates, everyone posts their gifts!

Gifts can be, but are not limited to: Fanarts Fanfics Edits (only with official art!)

For safety purposes, we will not be allowing NSFW gifts. Please keep everything to a T rating at the most.

Please fill out the Google Forms application. We’ll contact you confirming your signup and add your name to the list of participants within 24 hours of your application.



Fill out the form which includes your wishes, your contact details, and the medium you’ll use. Sign-ups are up until November 30th

Your Secret Santa and their prompts will be announced on December 3rd, which is a good date to get cracking. Make sure to keep your Secret Santa anonymous!

Post your gifts from December 25th to December 31st, though any late posters are welcome to post (they will have to notify the receiver anonymously as well as the mods, however)

Receive your gift!

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3 years ago
Offical art of Hungary and Austria on a dark purple background with green swirls and leaves. White text beside them reads 'aushun week 2021, June 7-13'.

We’re back, back again for aushun week 2021! This year I’ve decided to change it up and have two prompts for the first six days, one word prompt and one quote prompt, with the final day being a free day to create whatever you want.


Day 1 (June 7): Dance | “Sometimes, I still wonder how it ended up this way.”

Day 2 (June 8): Strength | “Think of it as a new beginning.”

Day 3 (June 9): Anniversary/Marriage | “I think you look stunning, as always.”  

Day 4 (June 10): Domestic | “It’s cold, take my scarf.”  

Day 5 (June 11): Royalty and Knights | “If you wanted to hold my hand, you could have just asked.”  

Day 6 (June 12): Nightmare | “You’re lucky you’re cute.”    

Day 7 (June 13): Free Day

Use the tag aushunweek2021 and @ this blog (aushun-week) when posting your work, also be sure to check the rules page and faq page for more information, or send an ask if your questions are still left unanswered.

Reblogs are appreciated! They help spread the word about this event!

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3 years ago
Time To Appreciate All Of Our Underappreciated Ships! The Sixth Annual APH Rare Pair Week This Year Will

Time to appreciate all of our underappreciated ships! The sixth annual APH Rare Pair Week this year will be the week of June 14-20 and will be dedicated to making content for ships that don’t see enough action in the fandom! Each day of the week will have a different theme for you to make ship content around!

The rules are pretty simple:

Follow this blog so you can stay updated!

No racist, lgbtq-phobic, or otherwise bigoted/hateful content or behavior.

No ship bashing. Period.

Avoid popular ships from the ban list.

Check the FAQ before sending in questions about which ships are allowed.

You do not have to focus on the same ship for the entire week.

Break up long posts using a read more.

Use proper warnings for sensitive content, NSFW, and common triggers.

You may submit any medium in place of art or fic.

Please see blog description for links to the banlist, taglist, and FAQ since tumblr is not showing posts with links lately.

Tag your work with #aphrarepairweek2021 in the first five tags or @aphrarepairweek2021 so it can be reblogged here!


You may follow these prompts as strictly or as loosely as you wish, but please try to follow them at least a little!

June 14: Language

June 15: Royalty

June 16: Culture

June 17: Historical

June 18: Soulmates (or, Free Day!)

June 19: Traditional Outfit

June 20: Sunrise and Sunset

Happy shipping! Please reblog this post to help spread the word! @hetaliahappenings @heta-on-the-books @helltalia-inc

Shoutout to @crispyliza for the SEAsia transparent!

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3 years ago

Event Calendar

For 2021!

Please, let me know if there is a mistake or if I missed something. And of course, don't forget to check @heta-on-the-books, @hetaliahappenings and @helltalia-inc ✨ If you are planning on hosting an event, then please reach to us to help spreading the word. Here on this blog, I tend to reblog the event' announcement/ prompt list in each 4-7 days.


➡️ @spainromanoevents (still accepting submissions on their last event)

➡️ @spring-has-come (the latest day to post is January 14th)

➡️ @prumano-week (Signups: 10-20)

➡️ @germanbrosweek (17-23)

➡️ @heta-oc-week (24-30)


➡️ @hetaliancupid-hetaliaevent (08-14)

➡️ @prukweek (15-22)

➡️ @cucan-week (21-27)

➡️ @historical-hetalia-week (22-28)

➡️ @fuckyeahaphestonia (22-28)


➡️ @nedtai-week (01-07)

➡️ @ruscanweek (14-20)

➡️ @hwsredraw2021 (15-21)


➡️ @amelietweek (11-17)


➡️ @highwaytohelltalia (01-31 with #Mermay)

➡️ @engportevents (08-15)

➡️ @ruspruweek (30-05 of June)


➡️ @aushun-week (07-13)

➡️ @aphrarepairweek2021 (14-20)

➡️ @frukusweek (21-28)


➡️ @usukweek (04-10)

➡️ @welovefrukmerunning (Romerica and Itapan event, from 11-17)

➡️ @hwsmicronationweek (18-24)

➡️ @hwsocshipweek (19-25)

➡️ @femtalia-hetaliaevent (26-02 of August)

➡️ @rmch-week (26-01 of August) CANCELED

➡️ @ask-the-world (26-08 of August, Hetalia Germany Ship Week)


➡️ @amechucorner (02-09)

➡️ @prumano-week (09-15)

➡️ @portvene-week (16-22)

➡️ @aphasiaweek (11-20)

➡️ @spainromanoevents (15-21)

➡️ @aph-norway-week-2021 (17-23)

➡️ @hetaliashipsweek (22-28, with Fruk week)

➡️ @estfin-week (22-29)

➡️ @hetafamilyweek (29-04 of September)


➡️ @hws-germano-week (05-11)

➡️ @hetalia-polyship-week (10-17)

➡️ @hetaliaplatonicshipsweek (12-18)

➡️ @dennorweek (25-03 of October)


➡️ @germanbrosweek (01-07)

➡️ @pruktober (01-31)

➡️ @aph-spain-week (10-15)

➡️ @rusprutober (10-16)

➡️ @hetaween-hetaliaevent (18-31)


➡️ @ask-hws-chuiggy (01-07)


✨Monthly Prompts✨

➡️ @hetalia-writers-monthly

💭 On Holding 👀


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3 years ago

Welcome back to German bros week! An entire week dedicated to the platonic relationship between Germany/Ludwig Beilschmidt and Prussia/Gilbert Beilschmidt.

Since the event is being held in October some of the prompts will be autumn themed! But you are free to interpret them in another way if you wish. The first six days have two prompts each; one word prompt and one quote prompt for you to choose from, and the last day is a free day to do whatever you want.


Day 1 (Oct 1): Oktoberfest | “That’s what big brothers are for!”

Day 2 (Oct 2): Colour | “Do you need to step on every leaf you see?”

Day 3 (Oct 3): Ludwig’s Birthday/Unification Day | “Just let me help you.”

Day 4 (Oct 4): Cozy | “Why do you need that many blankets?”  

Day 5 (Oct 5): Nostalgia | “You are my priority because you are my world.”

Day 6 (Oct 6): Storm | “Dont worry, I’m here for you.”

Day 7 (Oct 7): Free Day


Use the tag germanbrosweek and make sure to @ this blog.

No romantic/sexual GermanyxPrussia, other ships are okay just make sure they aren’t the main focus.

Please indicate which prompt you’re creating for, doesn’t matter if it’s in the title or in the tags, just so long as it’s there.

You’re not obligated to create for every single day if you don’t want to.

Make sure to tag all potential triggers such as gore, character death …etc.

Nothing glorifying nazism/fascism.

Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. Everyone has their own unique way of creating things and is at a different level of skill, be respectful of that.

Reblogs are appreciated! They help spread the word about this event!

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3 years ago



The event prompts have been decided!!

Day 1 (Sept. 12): First Meetings or Favorite Memories

Day 2 (Sept. 13): Cultural Exchange or Long Distance/Reunited

Day 3 (Sept. 14): Cooking/Baking or Video Games/Movie

Day 4 (Sept. 15): Yellow Roses or Sleepover

Day 5 (Sept. 16): Sharing/Bickering or Partners in Crime

Day 6 (Sept. 17): Drunk/Party or Holiday

Day 7 (Sept. 18): Historical or Free Day

@helltalia-inc @heta-on-the-books @hetaliahappenings

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3 years ago

Hetalia Event

Calendar 2022

Our free and fanmade calendar for 2022 😉


➡️ @medieval-fantasy-hetalia-exgift (Exchange at 06th)

➡️ @hwscardverseweek (6 - 12)

⭐ Monaco’ Birthday (08/01)

➡️ @norfin-week (14 - 20)

⭐ Prussia’ Birthday (18/01)

➡️ @hwsevents (25 - 31, with Redesign Event Week)

⭐ Australia’ Birthday (26/01)


⭐ Holy Roman Empire’ Birthday (02/02)

➡️ @rusamechuweek2022 (06-12)

⭐ Japan’ Birthday (11/02)

⭐ Spain’s Birthday (12/02)

⭐ Lithuania’ Birthday (16/02)

➡️ @historical-hetalia-week (21 - 27)

⭐ Estonia’ Birthday (24/02)

⭐ Egypt’ Birthday (28/02)


⭐ Bulgaria’ Birthday (03/03)

⭐ Eyebrow day (03/03)

➡️ @femtalia-hetaevent (07 - 13)

⭐ South Italy and North Italy’ Birthday (17/03)

⭐ Greece’ Birthday (25/03)


⭐ Fruk day (08/04)

➡️ @

⭐ Hutt River’ Birthday (21/04)

⭐ England’ Birthday (23/04)


➡️ @

⭐ Norway’ Birthday (17/05)

⭐ Cuba’ Birthday (20/05)


⭐ Denmark’ Birthday (05/06)

⭐ Sweden’ Birthday (06/06)

⭐ Hungary’ Birthday (08/06)

➡️ @aushun-week

⭐ Iceland’ Birthday (17/06)

⭐ Seychelles’ Birthday (29/06)


⭐ Canada and Hong Kong’ Birthday (01/07)

⭐ America’ Birthday (04/07)

➡️ @

⭐ Liechtenstein’ Birthday (12/07)

⭐ France’ Birthday (14/07)

⭐ Belgium’ Birthday (21/07)

⭐ Poland’ Birthday (22/07)

⭐ Netherlands’ Birthday (26/07)


⭐ Switzerland’ Birthday (01/08)

➡️ @hetatuga-hetaevent  (01 - 07)

⭐ South Korea’ Birthday (15/08)

⭐ Ukraine’ Birthday (24/08)

⭐ Belarus’ Birthday (25/08)

⭐ Moldova’ Birthday (27/08)


⭐ Vietnam’ Birthday (02/09)

⭐ Nedport Day (25)


⭐ China’ Birthday (01/10)

⭐ Germany’ Birthday (03/10)

⭐ Portugal’ Birthday (05/10)

➡️ @

💖💖 Hetalia Day (24/10) 💖💖

⭐ Taiwan’ Birthday (25/10)

⭐ Austria’ Birthday (26/10)

⭐ Turkey’ Birthday (29/10)


➡️ @

⭐ Wy’ Birthday (15/11)

⭐ Latvia’ Birthday (18/11)


⭐ Romania’ Birthday (01/12)

⭐ Thailand’ Birthday (05/12)

⭐ Finland’ Birthday (06/12)

➡️ @

⭐ Macau’ Birthday (21/12)

⭐ Russia’ Birthday (30/12)



Continuar a ler

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3 years ago


If you any questions after reading this or want more details, use the Ask Box or message me in @ana-pt​

1. FIRST CONDITION TO PARTICIPATE, you must REBLOG THIS POST (I won’t reblog works of fans that can’t be the least cooperative);

2. Use the event’ tag #femtalia and @femtalia-hetaevent​ the event’ page;

3. You can make multiple works for one prompt/day;

4. The “Freeday” is meant for you to create something related to event theme;

5. If by any chance, your work is not being rebloged, make sure to let me know about that. And after the event ends, there is still a extra of 3 days;

6. Everything must be correctly tagged, being those characters and the same for “explicit things” (mature content) and trigger warmings (those are some example of tags: #nswf #hetalia oc #blood #gun #violence …);

7. You can use all Hetalia’s characters that you want (2p, mochitalia, chibitalia, nyotalia, nekotalia, oc, …) and any ship;

8. Any kind of work/art is allowed (fanart, fanfiction, edits, cosplay, memes, videos, hand craft, poems, songs, …). Be creative!;

9. You can submit your work/ art if you want (your author’s rights will be preserved anyway);

10. Do only the days that you can/ want, there is no obligation in participate in all days.

11. There is no language barriers in this event, write the way that you can express yourself better;

12. Bad behaviour will not be tolerated (no harassment, no disrespectful comments, no f#cking ship wars, no etc…; I think you got the idea) If by any chance this happens, that person will be automatically blocked and removed from future events;

13. Chill and have fun!

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3 years ago
And Were Back For A Second Round On Hetalia Week 2022! This Time Itll Happen On The 21st Of March To

And we’re back for a second round on Hetalia Week 2022! This time it’ll happen on the 21st of March to the 27th, so wait for it!

@hetaliahappenings @heta-on-the-books @helltalia-inc

The rules are the same, be respectful and have fun :):

Art, stories, aesthetics, and etc are accepted!

No limit to the members!

From sibling-ly bonds to parents with a child, the possibilities are endless so get creative!

When you post, use the #hetafamilyweek2022 and tag us so we can see~

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2 years ago

NedCan Week 2022

Hello everyone! I’d like to announce that everything is in place for NedCan Week 2022. The event will be taking place from May 23rd-30th. Below are rules and prompts just so everything is together in one pinned post:


May 23rd: Tulips/Flowers

May 24th: Historical

May 25th: Living Together/Domestic

May 26th: Royal Au

May 27th: Nicknames/Terms of Endearment

May 28th: Parents/Family

May 29th: College/High School Au

May 30th: Free Day/Language


Please tag your submissions for the event as #nedcanweek2022 and feel free to tag the blog @nedcanweek to be sure I see it.

Fanfiction, fanart, headcanons, moodboards and any other creative outlet will be accepted. Just please tag any necessary content warnings (ex. Gore, certain subject matter, etc.). If there is any confusion, feel free to message me or send in an ask

NS/FW will be allowed but must be tagged as either ns/fw or nsft. But No rape, non-con, incest, underage, etc.

Side ships/past relationships are allowed in your content, but please try to keep NedCan as the focus

Please no ship hate, discrimination, racism, homophobia or any other form of hate.

You don’t have to do every day and late submissions will be accepted throughout the year.

Interpret prompts as you will and prompts don’t have to be the main focus of the work; the prompt just has to be a part of it in some way.

Don’t post prompts before the designated dates.

If I don’t reblog your post please give me at least 24-hours before messaging me about it because it might be that I’m just busy that day. But if there is an issue do reach out.

Most of all have fun!

@nsfhetalia @hetaliahappenings 

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2 years ago

Great pairing, so two week event if you can manage. For the date I'd say 2-15 oct or 9-22 oct, so you can avoid any hetaween events.

Hello, everyone! I noticed the 2022 calendar for Hetalia events was out and that got me thinking about details for this PrUKtober.

I have two questions for all of you:

1. I'm not doing a whole month this time. Instead, I'll do one or two weeks. Which would you prefer?

2. What dates do you think would be best? I'd like to avoid other event days if possible.

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2 years ago

I have the prompts ready for the event in May, I will be queuing the prompt list for the second week of April so there’s time to plan but it’s not too far away that everyone forgets about the event

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2 years ago
@heta-on-the-books @hetaliahappenings @nsfhetalia

@heta-on-the-books @hetaliahappenings @nsfhetalia

Rules + Prompt List Rules: ​​​​​1. In order to participate, use the tag #HWSCollegeAUWeek, reblog this post, and @welovefrukmerunning. 2. All forms of art content are accepted! (Cosplay, edits, art, stories, ect.) ​​​​​​3. You are allowed to use any versions of the character you want (Nyo, 2p, canon, ect.) and you can also use ocs too. 4. No content that is full of gore or overly sexualized will be accepted. So keep it Pg-13 please. 5. You can create content for your favorite ships!! Ship with all your heart! 6. Please tag your content accordingly. (Ship names, tws, ect ) 7. Racism, harassment, bullying, ect. will get you banned from the event and more than likely blocked from this page. I want this to be a friendly space!

Prompt List: Day 1 (3rd) - Concert / Dorm Party Day 2 (4th) - All Nighter / Lights Out Day 3 (5th) - At the library / Study Buddies Day 4 (6th) - Caught in the rain / Sweater Weather Day 5 (7th) - Free Day Day 6 (8th) - Exam Week / Hyper on coffee Day 7 (9th) - Lunch / Picnic

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2 years ago
Welcome Back To German Bros Week! An Entire Week Dedicated To The Platonic Relationship Between Germany/Ludwig

Welcome back to German bros week! An entire week dedicated to the platonic relationship between Germany/Ludwig Beilschmidt and Prussia/Gilbert Beilschmidt from Hetalia.

This year the event is going to have spring themed prompts as it’s being held in May, similar to how last time the theme was autumnal. You are of course free to interpret the prompts in a different way if you so wish though!

The first six days have two prompts each; one word prompt and one quote prompt for you to choose from, and the last day is a free day to do whatever you want.


Day 1 (May 9): Matching outfits | “You can stand under my umbrella.”

Day 2 (May 10): Bloom | “Home isn’t a place, it’s wherever you are.”

Day 3 (May 11): Mud | “Do you remember when you were younger and…?”

Day 4 (May 12): Picnic | “I love you, but I am not sharing my food.”

Day 5 (May 13): Merfolk | “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

Day 6 (May 14): Chicks/Baby birds | “Aww, you’re too cute!”

Day 7 (May 15): Free Day

Use the tag germanbrosweek and @ this blog when posting your work, also be sure to check the rules page and faq page for more information, or send an ask if your questions are still left unanswered.

Reblogs are appreciated! They help spread the word about this event!

@hetaliahappenings @heta-on-the-books @nsfhetalia

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2 years ago

Hello everyone! If you didn’t already know this is the new blog that aushun week will be held at! The plan is still to hold it in June of this year and I will be opening prompt voting in April.

@hetaliahappenings @nsfhetalia @heta-on-the-books

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2 years ago

Prompt voting is now live! Thank you for all the suggestions. There were quite a lot so I had to cut it down a little bit. I hope everyone is able to find something interesting among them!

Voting will be open until May 31st!

@nsfhetalia @hetalia-happenings @heta-on-the-books

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2 years ago
Austria from Hetalia with Hungary leaning against his shoulder, eyes closed peacefully. The background is light green with purple flowers all over.

A new year, another week of aushun prompts! This event will run for seven days, with the first six days having two prompts, one word prompt and one quote prompt to choose from.


Day 1 (June 6): Cooking | “You do know the stove is on fire, right?”

Day 2 (June 7): Lazy Day | “I wish every day was like this.”

Day 3 (June 8): Wedding Day/Vows | “What if I’m not good enough?”

Day 4 (June 9): Protect | “It’s fine; it’s just a little scratch.”

Day 5 (June 10): Historical Event | “If we were human I wouldn’t mind growing old with you.”

Day 6 (June 11): Couples Costume | “I look ridiculous, can I please change?”

Day 7 (June 12): Moonlight | “It’s been a long day, let’s go to bed.”

Use the tag aushunweek2022 and @ this blog (hetalia-aushun-week) when posting your work. Be sure to check the rules page and faq page for more information, or send an ask if your questions are still left unanswered.

Reblogs are appreciated! They help to spread word about this event!

@heta-on-the-books @nsfhetalia @hetaliahappenings

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2 years ago

hey so, if we're running a little behind on our fics, is it ok to submit them after may 30?


There is no deadline and I'll be checking the tag occasionally throughout the year. I'll be accepting this year's submissions until next year's event.

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2 years ago
Gerita Week Is Here! This Event Will Run For Seven Days, With Each Day Having Two Different Prompts To

Gerita week is here! This event will run for seven days, with each day having two different prompts to choose from, except for the final day.


Day 1 (Aug 28): Friends to lovers | “We’ve been friends forever, you can tell me anything.”

Day 2 (Aug 29): Festival | “Oh! Let’s play that game!”

Day 3 (Aug 30): Sunburn | “Can you put sunscreen on my back?”

Day 4 (Aug 31): World meeting | “I have the worst headache right now.”

Day 5 (Sept 1): Firsts | “It’s okay, let’s just take this slow.”

Day 6 (Sept 2): Vacation | “Do you really need that many clothes?”

Day 7 (Sept 3): Canon moment

Please use the tag #geritaweek and @ this blog (geritaweek) on your submissions. Be sure to check out the rules page for more info, or send an ask if your questions are still unanswered.

Reblogs are appreciated! They help to spread the word about this event!

@nsfhetalia @heta-on-the-books @hetaliahappenings

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2 years ago


Must contain @hwsmicronationweek and/or #hws micronation week

Proper tagging for any trigger warnings

Be respectful and have fun!

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