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2 years ago

Trying out a new trick that I learned...

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7 years ago
I Mean It Was Only A Curse In The Technical Sense--something I Magicked Up To Tweak The Laws Of Nature

I mean it was only a “curse” in the technical sense--something I magicked up to tweak the laws of nature a little and put a little twist in Harry’s life. He was a big sturdy rugby player, so I figured I’d be helping him out.

My little incantation swapped his horniness for hunger and then amped it up through the roof. Harry’s brain and his balls were now totally rewired. Wolfing down burgers, cramming caramel covered popcorn into his mouth, washing it down with thick milkshakes, all made his dick lick like a faucet. Every night after rugby practice he’d sit down, promising himself he wouldn’t do it again, but then he’d just try to scratch the itch, just a little--just one chocolate bar--and he’d find himself naked on the floor writhing in a sheet cake he’d full-body tackled before shoveling it into his mouth by the fistful. After one of those fits I happened to stop by and find him on the floor, driven wild by these sensations but unable to fully cum.

Lucky for my boy I showed up with a family-size pack of hot-dogs and fed them to him two at a time. The last one I dangled above his anxious, desperate mouth, teasing him him for minutes until I finally let him swallow it--and his steel-pipe dick exploded all over the two of us. (I made him eat that too.) I just left him there in his mess. He probably tearfully, shamefully cleaned it all up, took a cold shower, and promised himself he’d never do that again before sobbing himself to sleep.

The pounds are just packing on Harry’s body. That’s part of the spell, too: where a normal man would get flabby and soft, Harry’s only going to get thicker and more dense the more he eats. Watching him stretch before his match, I’d estimate he’s twice the size he was when this all started, and I had no intentions of letting it stop anytime soon. I wanted to see him blow up so much he could barely move on the field, swell him into my own personal meat mule built only for feeding, fucking and cumming.

Honestly, he should be thanking me instead of tearfully asking me why I did this to him (easy answer, big fella: being pleasantly shaped but failing to like me back is enough to earn this). I’m bringing his body and his pleasure thresholds to new heights. I couldn’t wait to see how far I could take him.


BrandedX2: “Big Guys Taken Down a Notch”

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