Enstars X Reader - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Hello Koii, i heard your requests are open so i thought i can slip an anonymous requests for you heheh... but to the topic again.

Can i requests a tori x reader where tori confessed to them after school on the garden space? (you can search it on google if u dont know here the garden space is) please make the reader gender-neutral if its ok! its fluff btw

pls take ur time on making this request koi, love from anon <3 <3

Hello Koii, I Heard Your Requests Are Open So I Thought I Can Slip An Anonymous Requests For You Heheh...

Prologue: After school you found a suspicious letter in your locker, it said that someone wants to meet you in the garden space by the name of "H.T"... ☄. *. ⋆:

Important: The poem I made in the confession part is made by me, so please do not use it without my permission.

Tori x reader ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗

Gender-neutral reader 𓆩♡𓆪

Fluff + confession 𓆩♡𓆪

Requested? by anon ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗

Words: 978 𓆩♡𓆪

Warnings? : None!

Hello Koii, I Heard Your Requests Are Open So I Thought I Can Slip An Anonymous Requests For You Heheh...

Hello anon! Koi here, thank you so much for requesting! I really really love the idea of Tori confessing to the reader. I tried my best to make it as specific and heart-warming as possible so I'm really sorry if it's not to your liking ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა I had so much fun writing this!

Hello Koii, I Heard Your Requests Are Open So I Thought I Can Slip An Anonymous Requests For You Heheh...

My Heart Has Always Belonged To You..

You hastily copied the last sentence of the assignment on the blackboard before the professor erased it, you sigh in relief that class is finally finished, you can finally meet up with your friends after class.

"Class is dismissed, you all may leave the classroom now" the professor said in a monotone as he picked up all of his paper works on his desk. You quickly put all of your belongings in your bag, "My notebooks..pencils..ruler..my pen..ok all here" you smile to yourself as you rose from your seat and wore your bag.

You leave the classroom and go to your locker to get a few books. The hallway is filled with students talking and walking with each other which made the atmosphere light and comfortable. You walk past all of them, whilst greeting others that you're familiar with.

You finally arrived at your locker and you carefully unlocked it, as you were opening your locker a letter fell right on your shoes. You look down and curiously pick it up, examining it carefully. The letter has a rose pink colour with a heart stamp on it, it almost looks like a love letter rather than a normal letter.

You cautiously take off the stamp and carefully pull the letter out of the packaging, as soon as you touch the paper you can feel someone watching you. You take a glance behind only to find other students opening their lockers, you look back at the rose pink colored paper and read it in a slow pace.

"Meet me in the garden space after school, I have something to tell you" - From your cute H.T ♡

You slowly whisper the last word under your breath, the heart at the end of the sentence seems fairly familiar. You brush your fingers against the paper, staring at the suspicious "H.T" word. "Who could that be..?" you thought to yourself as you put the paper back inside the letter. You grab all of the books you need for your upcoming assignment and put them inside your bag, you then close the locker carelessly.

You open the backdoor of the school where the garden space is located. Once you step upon the grass of the garden space you can feel the wind blowing against your hair, the scent of the flowers around you makes you feel like you're in Wonderland. You grip onto the letter tightly and continue walking ahead. You continued to walk around the garden for a few minutes, you stopped on your tracks when you found someone with a short boy near a gazebo, he looked like he was waiting for someone.

You walk towards the boy with much curiosity. Your eyes met with his, "T-tori!?" you blurted out with surprisement, you didn't expect one of your best friends to be here. His cheeks were dusted with a colour of rose pink like the colour of the letter you found in your locker. "(name)-sama!- H-hello!" he replied with his hands on his chest to keep them from beating so fast.

He noticed that you have the letter that he sneakingly slipped on your locker, "so you have the letter huh.." he silently whispered to himself but it was crystal clear for you. "Are you the one who invited me here, Tori?" his cheeks turn more of a darker shade of pink upon hearing his name. "I-i did! I have something to tell you.." he gently holds your hands with his as he took a deep breath and looks at you with eyes that spoke honestly.

"If my feelings are true then you shall too. Guide our hearts till the end of night, as they hold each other's arms as tight. In a world where we belong, our hearts shall get along. Slowly pressing our fingers together, intertwining them like the constellations above the sky. If we fall into an eternity on the abyss, then I'll make sure that you fall into a never-ending bliss. (Name)..when my eyes first laid on yours, I felt a spark in my heart, that spark changed the way I viewed the world because of you. (Name), my heart has always belonged to you since the first day we met, and I hope your heart feels the same way.."

"I hope your heart feels the same way.." those words echoed into your mind, each sentence he spoke was laced with honey as his emerald eyes stared deep into your eyes. Your cheeks immediately turned red after he finished his sentence,"how come someone who is in the biggest 3 must be attracted to me?? and how did he know that I have feelings for him??-" your head starts to fill with endless questions that no one can ever answer at once.

Your mind stops functioning when you feel a soft hand touch your cheek, you open your eyes to see Tori's face so close to you. "Y-your answer (Name)" Tori said as he childishly gave you a pouty face. You burst into laughter because of how cute he is, Tori just looks at you dumbfounded, his cheeks becoming redder as well as the tip of his ears.

"My heart--feels the same way, It's a yes.."

His eyes widened at your response, his heart skipped a bit as well. "Y-you do?! Uhmm of course y-you do!! ♪ '' you happily giggle at his childish behaviour. You were about to tease him but you were taken back when his lips pressed onto yours, it was surprisingly soft and gentle. Your stomach filled with butterflies at the sudden kiss yet you want this to last long. You and Tori's lips parted for a while leaving you both in a blushing mess.

"I love you! (name)" he giggles and pressed a kiss on your cheek.

"I love you too, Tori" you smiled at him as you lace your fingers with his.

A/n: Wataru was the one who helped Tori with his confession WHAHAHAH. When Tori finally have the confidence to say that you and him are a thing now to the other fine members, Yuzuru kinda cried because of happiness since Tori had been talking about you 24/7 and the poor butler had to listen to all of them. Eichi will be very proud and happy for Tori that he finally told you his feelings, Eichi will be the one who will stop Yuzuru from crying HUSAHDAD. I can imagine Wataru being so proud for himself for helping Tori with his confession lol, he will tease you and Tori non-stop so be careful when you saw him dear reader..


The end..... ✩

Hello Koii, I Heard Your Requests Are Open So I Thought I Can Slip An Anonymous Requests For You Heheh...

Tags :
2 years ago

I am desperate but like a platonic Wataru x Gn reader

Like how the reader is very jumpy and timidly scared like 24/7 and trying to look for their big brother because they just came back from uh abroad 😍

Make wataru make up really bad jokes that make Mc feel better about being scared bc yeh 😍🫵 go slay dude

Wataru is so funny istg hes gonna make me die of laughter 😭

You can call me 💌 anon / Simaira or Mai, Sim for short 😍🫵

I Am Desperate But Like A Platonic Wataru X Gn Reader

Prologue: You are finally going back to your homeland after a long time, you were on abroad with Wataru. While at the ride in the airplane, Wataru noticed you were acting strange and timidly scared, so he made cringey bad cheesy jokes to cheer you up ♡

Important: I didn't made any of the jokes in the story here, I just searched up some cringe jokes from Google.

Wataru x reader (PLATONIC) ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗

Gender-neutral reader 𓆩♡𓆪

Fluff + comfort + bad jokes 𓆩♡𓆪

Requested? by anon ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗

Words: 1272 𓆩♡𓆪

Warnings? : Cringey bad jokes made by Wataru + Reader is very anxious meeting their brother

I Am Desperate But Like A Platonic Wataru X Gn Reader

Amazing! Group Hug..

A few hours ago...

The day has at long last come, the day where you're going home. It was energizing however nerve-racking at the same time. You carefully put all of your clothings in your luggage. You look around your room to see in case there are any things that you simply forgot to bring, luckily there are none.

You were about to open the door but much to your shock Wataru was holding up for you to open the door. You bounced in surprise after you saw the tall Pale-blue haired man brimming with energy while grinning with merriment. "Wataru! don't scare me you idiot!" Wataru can only snicker at your response, "Your reaction is so priceless ♪" Wataru proceeds to laugh to himself leaving you flushed in embarrassment.

"You're lucky that I didn't threw my luggage to you" you gave him a little glare, "Gracious my! how discourteous of you (Name)!" Wataru acts like he was a princess who was shot within the heart as he gradually fell on the floor with his hand on his heart. You murmur in vanquish and walk past him with a little grin inching on your lips.

Wataru quickly stood up from his put and follows you, a smirk creeping on his lips. "Anyways! my dear (Name)! are you prepared going back home?" that question instantly sent shudders to your spine making you halt in your tracks. You can see Wataru looking at you worried his smirk turning into a frown in the corner of your eye, you weren't prepared, you weren't ready to meet your brother. Yes, you two connected with each other through texts and phone calls but seeing him and talking to him in individual is another diverse story.

"That is correct! really excited Wataru" you dropped your gloomy facade and attempted to act your happy-go self. You gave him a little grin to reassure him and proceed to walk, as for Wataru he can totally see all of the act but doesn't want to press in advance. It's the best to inquire you afterward or on the off chance that you act the same once more.

Present time..

You are now in the airplane, Wataru was carefully observing your actions and facial expressions when you two were in the airport. He can now conclude that there is something on your mind, especially when he knew you for such a long time now. You are staring on the window of the airplane, eyes staring at the clouds, eyebrows furrowed and lips curled in a frown.

Wataru gently tapped your shoulder and just as he expected, you flinched from his touch. "W-wataru I already told you not to scare me whe-" you were about to finish your sentence but noticed Wataru's cheerful grin wasn't there instead it was a little sympathetic grin. "My dear (Name) do not mislead me presently I know that there is something on your mind, shall I make a way to distract you from your thoughts? ★" His welcoming and comforting aura was sufficient to create a safe feeling inside of you. 

"I guess something that could distract me away from my worries would be nice" you replied as you reposition yourself in a more comfortable position. "Amazing! then I'll tell you jokes to lift your mood up!" you look at him dumbfounded, "really? jokes?" you laugh to yourself while he smirks in response.

"Yes, my dear (Name) I'll start of with something easy" he thoughts for a moment until a joke finally came up to his mind. "Why do bananas have to put on sunscreen before they go to the beach?" you thought for a while but nothing came up to your head, "Because they might peel!" Wataru chuckles to himself feeling pleased for the idealize joke he made. "That is so bad-" you attempted to cover your mouth to halt your snicker but because of Wataru's giggle it made you cracked up so bad.

Wataru grinned to himself when he saw that lovely genuine smile of yours, it was heartwarming to see you smile again. "Ok ok! next joke ♪ why can't you trust an atom?" Wataru awaits for your response his eyes brimming with excitement and his cheerful smile never leaving his face after he saw you smile. "Why?" you asked in a teasing tone, "Because they make up literally everything." It took you a moment to understand the joke but once you realized it, you burst into laughter. "That's so cheesy omg.." you tried to lower your voice but Wataru's jokes were gold.

You two were lucky that there are only a few people in the airplane or else you two would be sued. "Do you want to me to-continue? he accidentally choked because of laughter as he tried to cover his mouth. You happily nod whilst giggling uncontrollably, "Do you think February can march?" you look at him confused, "Not sure, but I think april may" once you heard the answer it left you speechless like literally. "Wataru...that's so awful I might cry.."

Minutes turned into hours, listening to Wataru's jokes were a torture and a great distracting technique. In the end you laughed at all of Wataru's jokes, everything about it was cheesy and bad yet it managed to made you laugh your ass off. "Alright! last joke, did you heard about the Italian chef that died?" before Wataru can say the answer you answered it first. "He pasta-way!" when you finished saying that you swore that you saw Wataru shed a tear, "Way the go my dear (Name)! ★ fufufufu!"

A couple of minutes passed and you two are finally on your destination, the plane gradually landed on the ground. Wataru helped you carry your luggage when he noticed that you simply were having a difficult time carrying them. Once you step foot upon the ground, the fresh wind blew through your hair making you loose a bit. "Dear (Name)! let's find your brother, here take my hand" you slowly intertwine your fingers with his and the warmth of his hand was enough to calm your stressed thoughts.

You and Wataru went on a look for your brother, many hours passed and you at last spot a familiar figure ahead of you. It was your brother, he was carrying a sign that has your name written on it. You looked at Wataru then back at your brother, Wataru delicately patted your head and gives you a cheerful grin."Dont stress my dear (Name), I'm beyond any doubt he'll still be the (Brother's name) that you just know ♪". You nod slowly and smile at Wataru before walking towards your brother. Your brother noticed that somebody is walking towards him, as he was walking he noticed an individual that has the same hair color and eyes like him, his eyes lit up when he recognize that it was his sibling.

"(Name)!!" He ran up to you and embraced you instantly leaving you stunned. "(Name)! I missed you so so much, you do not know how excited I am to finally see you in person again" He was grinning so much and you simply can't help but to grin as well. You nearly jumped in surprisement when somebody hugged you from behind. "Wataru! long time no see!" your brother high fives the tall pale-blue haired man. "Amazing! group hug ★" Wataru joyfully pulls you near to him as well as your brother, your brother pulled out his phone and took a picture of you three. You can't help but giggle to yourself, you only wish if this could last forever.

A/n: You, Wataru, and your brother ate at your fav restaurant after that. I'm really sorry if Wataru is a bit ooc here, I apologize for any typos or grammar mistakes that is here in the story!

I Am Desperate But Like A Platonic Wataru X Gn Reader

Tags :
2 years ago

Okay but after seeing yo tori x reader i see you getting famous anyways

I wanna request for a uh Nazuna x reader where Nazuna meets his childhood friend that he liked very much and meets them for a long time (and that crush is THE READER) :3

Male reader bc they are underrated!! (Ofc you can do GN too but i rlly wanna see m reader content-)

- Kani anon

Okay But After Seeing Yo Tori X Reader I See You Getting Famous Anyways

Prologue: You just finished buying baked goods from a local bakery but when you stepped out of the shop a thief stole your bag. You called for help and a familiar blonde boy comes to your rescue. He was about to give you your bag but when he looked up, he saw those e/c eyes that he had truly admired and loved back when he was a child. ☄. *. ⋆:

Nazuna x reader ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗

Male reader 𓆩♡𓆪

Fluff + childhood friends to lovers + confession 𓆩♡𓆪

Requested? by anon ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗

Words: 800 𓆩♡𓆪

Warnings?: 1 cursed word used (I feel so dumb)

Okay But After Seeing Yo Tori X Reader I See You Getting Famous Anyways

Pyon pyon! Koi here. Hello Kani! thank you so much for requesting. I believe that Kani is referring to the Tori post here. Since you want a male reader, of course I would accept it! I'm a trans male and this request made me happy in a way! I apologize if I made Nazuna a bit too ooc since I don't know him very well.. ♡


Okay But After Seeing Yo Tori X Reader I See You Getting Famous Anyways

You joyfully thanked to the shop owner and headed out. It was the same routine for you everyday, wake up and head to the bakery store  to get breakfast then go to work. It was weird for some people seeing you everyday in the bakery but in the owner's perspective it really made him happy that a young man adores his baked goods.

That is until you stepped out of the bakery, a thief suddenly snatched your bag. You attempted to seize it back but the man was too strong. Without hesitation, the thief pushed you to the ground. You tried getting up but everything escalated too quickly before your mind can comprehend what's going on.

"Somebody help! a thief stole my bag!" you yelled whilst attempting to get up from the filthy ground. You were about to grab the thief but a young-looking blonde boy popped out of nowhere and pushed the man to the ground. A number of people helped him keep the thief on the ground. He swiftly snatched the bag from the man's hands and gave it to you.

"I believe that this belongs to-" he was about to give you the bag but when he looked up to see your face, his eyes widened in shock. A streak of nostalgia passes into his heart as he proceeds to gaze deep in your eyes. "Those eyes.." he remembered staring at them back when he was younger, his heart would always skip a beat once you caught him staring at your eyes.

"Nazu..na? is that really you?" you asked him as you stared back to his light red-pink eyes. Upon hearing your voice, Nazuna's eyes shine in amusement and his lips curled into a big smile. "(Name)! It's really you!" Nazuna's eyes lit up with joy as he looked at your face with such happiness. "Nazuna! how long has it been?'' You can barely recall the last time you talked to him, talking to him was the best and comfortable thing back when you two were still children. 

You two talked to each other for a while, the smile on your face was enough to keep Nazuna smiling. Seeing your smile means so much to Nazuna, it reminded him of the time when you said he was the best and closest best friend you have in your childhood. 

However Nazuna looks at you more than a friend, he developed a big and strong crush on you way back then. He loves the way you smile whenever you and him play in the playground, he loves the way your arms are wrapped around his waist when you two are hugging. It made his stomach fill with butterflies, he was like a lovesick puppy when he was in love. Now, you're in front of his eyes, more grown up, more cuter, and more attractive. It was such a mesmerising view to see.

"I forgot to say, the letter you left in the sandbox was cute" you said in a teasing way, the tip of his ears went light red as well as his cheeks. "WHawt? (what) h-how did yu (you) know about that!!?" typical Nazuna, always slurring his words whenever his flustered. It made you giggle making Nazuna's face redder.

Back then..

You two separated when his family was going to move to a new town. It saddened you and it saddened Nazuna more, you were his only friend and his first crush so he made a love letter with his confession in it then buried it in the sandbox you two continuously played with. You two would always play there for hours, acting like pirates burrowing the sand to discover treasures. So when he leaves, he knows that you will  go to the sandbox since it's the place where you two would spend time together. As you were digging the sand you found a letter that had Nazuna's full name written on it with a bunny drawing next to it.

Present time..

"And my answer is yes, I would love to be your boyfriend" Nazuna was about to reply to your statement but was cutted off when he heard your phone ring. You immediately took your phone out of the bag and your eyes widened in shock."Shit! It's my boss! I'm late for work!" you quickly put your phone back in your bag then grab a paper.

 You push the paper to his chest, that paper has your number written on it. "I'll text you when I'm finished with work! for now I'm late, goodbye!" you were about to leave but you were taken back when Nazuna grabbed your arm pulling you close to him, he then pressed a light kiss on your cheek and whispered thank you to your ear before letting go of your arm…

A/n: After Nazuna kissed you in the cheek, you immediately run away from him whilst stumbling making Nazuna chuckle from your actions. I apologize if there are any typos or grammar errors!


The end..... ✩

Okay But After Seeing Yo Tori X Reader I See You Getting Famous Anyways

Tags :
2 years ago

You do siblings?

May i request hiyori with younger gn sibling reader?

Thank you very much / have a good day



You Do Siblings?
You Do Siblings?
You Do Siblings?

Hiyori As Your Brother Headcanons!

Hiyori x reader (SIBLING LOVE)

Gender-neutral reader 𓆩♡𓆪

Fluff + sassy caring Hiyori

Requested? by anon 𓆩♡𓆪

Words: 342

Sibling Headcanon Series (Enstars)

Warnings? : 1 curse word used

Yo yo yo! minna genki! Koi here. Yes, I do take sibling requests! the thought of it makes my heart brimming with joy, it's too cute. Thank you for requesting anon <3 I hope you enjoy reading this likewise to my loveable readers

A/n: fun fact! me and Hiyori's bday are almost the same, Hiyori: july 24 | Koi: july 25!

You Do Siblings?

Hiyori may be the most chaotic and energetic person you have ever know in your life.

When your parents are with you two, he will act like an angel but behind doors he's a literal devil (jokingly)

He loves to steal some of your clothes that can fit him, especially cardigans or any sweaters.

He will force you to take pictures of him.

He believes that you're the perfect photographer for him.

Hiyori loves to give you headpats and surprise hugs!

Whenever he comes home early he will surprise you by shouting "welcome home!" or will make a prank for you.

He really loves it when you two watch bittersweet movies late at night.

You two would cry together if the scene made you two tear up.

I can imagine him preparing a lot of ice cream whenever it's movie night!

When he noticed that you're not like yourself today, he will try his best to comfort you by spending time with you.

He will take you to many places like a restaurant, garden, parks, and amusement parks.

He absolutely loves your smile and will protect it no matter what <3

If he founds out that you're getting bullied he would be so frustrated.

Will beat the shit out of them + roast them

He is actually good at making comebacks.

He wants to protect you since you're his younger sibling and you mean so much to him.

You two would give each other's nicknames!!

I can imagine him getting all whiney and mad when you call him "cabbage hair"

When you're sick, he will panic, he will ask you if you're ok every minute.

He will try his best to take care of you since he is your older brother after all.

Will buy you your favorite stuff animal so you can have something to cuddle with when you're sick.

When you two are going to sleep, he likes to wear matching pajamas with you.

Loves to make pillow fights out of nowhere

Is the type to tuck you in bed <3

Special: I feel like he would be an Oikawa kinnie, im so sorry....but I can clearly imagine it


The end..... ✩

You Do Siblings?

Tags :
2 years ago



Hi hi! Koi here. I looked around your blogs for a while and noticed that you write about Tsumugi! I'm also a Tsumugi Stan! may I request a Tsumugi x gender-neutral reader where the reader has been over-working themselves and Tsumugi founds them working late at night with eye bags. Comfort and Fluff pls!! It's ok if you don't like this request, I'm really fine with it <3

༊*·˚ Tsumugi Aoba x Reader

Prompt: Comforting an overworked. Word Count: 714. Warning: N/A. Notes: SFW. Gender neutral reader. Established relationship. Message: This writing turned out to lack of something exceptional, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless ♡

Hi Hi! Koi Here. I Looked Around Your Blogs For A While And Noticed That You Write About Tsumugi! I'm
Hi Hi! Koi Here. I Looked Around Your Blogs For A While And Noticed That You Write About Tsumugi! I'm
Hi Hi! Koi Here. I Looked Around Your Blogs For A While And Noticed That You Write About Tsumugi! I'm

Tsumugi seemed to be in a very good mood, excitement was written on his face. A recent major event he handled was a big success, and he almost finished all the work he needed to. All of his hard work for the past few weeks resulted in enough time to unwind until the next stack of paperwork comes. Most importantly, he was looking forward to next day – a special day for you and Tsumugi.

Due to the sheer amount of work, you wouldn't say free time exists in your dictionary. Finding some time to spend together with Tsumugi is even more difficult. Because of that, both you and Tsumugi agreed to mark a day in the calendar. Meetings and everything else must not be scheduled at that day, where it's reserved only for the two of you. No work, no concern, only quality time together.

By the time he finished his tasks, it was almost midnight. You weren't answering his messages, so he thought you must had gone to sleep, but it's quite out of habit for you to not bid a good night first and it made him slightly worried. Nonetheless, he shook off the thought and decided to head back.

Only then he walked past your workspace, trace of lights seeping out from inside the room. Perhaps you forgot to turn off the lights, or you might not have gone to sleep after all. Either way, he made his way to knock at the door twice before opening it.


And there you were, still cooped up with with the papers. You looked up at the sound of your name. "Tsumugi!"

As he approached your desk, you stood up and enveloped him in a hug, burying your face in his chest. Tsumugi immediately wrapped his arms around you in response.

"[y/n]…" he tilted your chin up to have a better look at your face before stroking your cheek gently, right under your eye. "Did you not sleep again…?"

"Ah, this– I can cover it up with makeup later, so no need to worry!"

It was obvious that Tsumugi wasn't assured at all. You know he deeply cares about you, and it invoked a tiny twinge of guilt for making him worry.

"[y/n], we promised to spend today together, didn't we?"

"Yes, of course I remember. I'm sorry, what time would you like to meet up later?"

"I mean, it's past midnight already, and I want to spend this whole 24 hours with you. Let's head back together first, okay?"

Your eyes trailed to the clock in your desktop. Tsumugi was right, the date had already changed into a new day. You let out a sigh.

"I don't want our day to be disturbed, so I have to get everything done first. Besides, I'm not sure if I can just finish everything after… Ugh, this actually takes longer than I thought–"

You felt a tender kiss landed on your eye. While Tsumugi still found you beautiful, he's more concerned about your health. The dark circles under your eyes were solid proof of your lack of sleep. The remains of caffeinated beverages only served as further evidence of you staying up late for who knows how long already.

"Please don't overwork yourself like this. I'll help you with it later, it's okay to take a rest now."

You hesitated a bit before relenting to his touch the moment he brought his hand to your head, stroking it gently while combing through your hair. He left a mental note to offer you a light massage later.

Tsumugi felt you leaning towards himself a bit, your eyes closing as you muttered a small "okay…". He smiled in both relief and satisfaction as he pressed another kiss on your forehead.

Being enclosed in Tsumugi's warmth always felt comforting, enough to plunge you to such a peaceful and dreamy state. Needless to say, it's difficult to release yourself once you've gotten into his embrace.

Fortunately, he wouldn't mind even if you fall asleep right then and there. Even though he did have plans of how you were going to spend the day together, they were highly adjustable based on your preferences. In fact, now he decided to make sure you'll get a proper rest until you're completely refreshed…

Tags :
2 years ago

hi hi !! first off, i just wanna say that your writing is so adorable AHHH and YOUR LAYOUT IT’S SO CUTE 🥰 and i believe requests are still open, so may i req. eichi with a s/o that’s also an idol? :o i’m having so much thoughts and there’s something about eichi comforting his s/o when they have to compete against a very big unit and they’re extremely nervous/anxious about it. thank you! 🫶

Hi Hi !! First Off, I Just Wanna Say That Your Writing Is So Adorable AHHH And YOUR LAYOUT ITS SO CUTE
Hi Hi !! First Off, I Just Wanna Say That Your Writing Is So Adorable AHHH And YOUR LAYOUT ITS SO CUTE
Hi Hi !! First Off, I Just Wanna Say That Your Writing Is So Adorable AHHH And YOUR LAYOUT ITS SO CUTE

Prologue: You and Eichi were the most powerful unit within the idol industry. That is, until a new unit formed and got to be famous in a nick of time. Days turned months and they're already positioned 2nd, numerous days later and they finally have the confidence to challenge you two. You and Eichi we're greatly on edge about it but you were more nervous than him. Eichi tried his best to comfort you and kept praising you until you calmed down.

Eichi x reader

Gender-neutral reader 𓆩♡𓆪

A bit angsty + comfort

Requested? by @eichiburger ˗ 𓆩♡𓆪

Words: 676

Warnings?: Anxious reader + mentions of anxiety

Hi Hi !! First Off, I Just Wanna Say That Your Writing Is So Adorable AHHH And YOUR LAYOUT ITS SO CUTE


Sounds of keyboard typings echoed throughout your room. Your room was so silent that you could hear a pin drop, it was this silent since you heard the news. The so-called famous "Fusion" decides to challenge you and Eichi, rumours start getting worse, and the anxiety growing inside of you starts getting awful. The challenge between you and the Fusion will start next week. You haven't been this anxious before, sure the first time you and Eichi auditioned was nerve-wracking too, however this was more serious. 

If you two fail to win the challenge then you two will place 2nd, what's even more worse is that your fans will slowly doubt you for your defeat. You murmur in vanquish as you continue to type on your keyboard, you have been on your computer for god who knows long. You were trying your best to make the most successful song that you can make to defeat the Fusion, however every time you tried to make a single line, you didn't feel like it was enough so you're always left with a blank white space. 

You stopped typing when you heard someone opening the door. You immediately stop slouching and put up your bubblegum facade since you already know that it's your boyfriend Eichi who is opening the door. Once he opened the door to your room you greeted him with a big smile on your face. "Love? you're still awake at this hour..?" Eichi leisurely walked towards you with a concerned face. He delicately put his hands on your shoulder, massaging them a little. "You do know that staying up late is bad for your health, dear?" he asked you quietly as he continued to massage your shoulder. 

"Says the one who keeps staying up late" you joked, still keeping your happy-go-lucky self facade, you don't want Eichi to be worried about you. He already has a lot of things to worry about and you don't want to give him more.

"Besides.. it's better to get this done early.." you replied still smiling, Eichi can clearly see the act but decides to hide it. "Is this about the news?" he asked in a calm tone, you can feel your shoulders stiffed by the sudden question, Eichi took notice of this and sighed. "I already told you, love. You don't need to work all night, there's still a week before we can challenge them, for now relax and sleep" before you can reply he already picked you up from your seat, despite his slim body he was surprisingly strong.

"Eichi! but I still need to finish the song-" you were about to finish your sentence but a pair of soft lips cut you off. It was a short gentle kiss, it wasn't that passionate but it was enough to shut you up. "Shh..you can do that tomorrow, I'll help you with it, love" Eichi quietly whispered to your ear sending shivers down your spine. It has been a while since Eichi gave you affection, you two have been busy over the past few days with paper works or any idol problem.

He gently puts you down on your bed and layed down with you. Eichi slowly pulls you close to him as he peppers you with kisses, it was very unlikely for him to give you this much affection but you don't really mind it. "You have been working so hard...you deserve this, love..I'm proud of you.." he lightly whispered in your ear as he slowly stroked your hair as a sign of comfort.

 You weakly lay your head on his chest, the sound of his heartbeat and his calming voice started to make you sleepy. Your eyelids began to get heavy and your breathing began slowing down. Eichi continued to stroke your hair as you slowly dozed off to a long and peaceful slumber. When Eichi notices that you're already asleep he stops stroking your hair and gently kisses your forehead, he smiles to himself and stares at your beautiful sleeping face.

"Rest well, my love.."


The end..... ✩

Hi Hi !! First Off, I Just Wanna Say That Your Writing Is So Adorable AHHH And YOUR LAYOUT ITS SO CUTE

Tags :
2 years ago

Hii koi!! This request has been in my mind for days..so, can i please request kohaku x reader where the reader found a cat that just look like him (i know pink cats doesnt exist but lets just pretend it does:3) and the reader shows the cat to him? The rest is up to u :3. ORR.... (this req might be a lil strange.) a fic where the reader just like to pinch kohaku's cheeks. he's just so squishy i wanna bite his cheeks:3 thank you!

Hii Koi!! This Request Has Been In My Mind For Days..so, Can I Please Request Kohaku X Reader Where The

Prologue: You were helping Niki to buy ingredients for his new special recipe that he was hoping to work, while you two were going home you noticed a pink cat following you and Niki behind. Because of the cat's pink fur, you decided to take it home since it reminds you of your boyfriend Kohaku. ☄. *. ⋆

Kohaku x reader ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗

Gender-neutral reader 𓆩♡𓆪

Fluff + adorable Kohaku and cat bonding ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗

Requested? by anon 𓆩♡𓆪

Words: 916 ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗

Warning?: None!

Hii Koi!! This Request Has Been In My Mind For Days..so, Can I Please Request Kohaku X Reader Where The

Pyon! Pyon! Koi here. Hello! I apologize for doing your request late, I was not having the mood to do requests that time but yay! I finally finished it. I did both of your requests in one posts since I find it so cute and perfect! This was really rushed since I had a sudden inspiration and I need to write it down before it ends. We also hit 500 likes yesterday! thank you all for the support, it means so so much to me. I love you all !!

Hii Koi!! This Request Has Been In My Mind For Days..so, Can I Please Request Kohaku X Reader Where The

Two Pink Guys..

The sun shines so brightly above you and Niki. You two just finished buying ingredients from the grocery shop for Niki's new special recipe. It was a desert that needed a lot of fruits. You and Niki were walking peacefully on the sidewalk when you noticed a pink cat following behind you. It was unusual to see a pink kitten roaming the busy streets; when you informed Niki about the kitten, he stopped and looked behind him. While doing so, Niki attempted to picture the kitten with a big smile on his face. The kitten suddenly began curling up on your foot, its tail gently waving.

"He seems to like you (Name)-san!" Niki teased before taking a video of the small cute animal curling on your foot, which he then stopped and started patting the kitten on his head. While the kitten was being gentle and kind to you, it reminded you of your boyfriend Kohaku, as well as a risky thought entered your mind as you stared at the kitten.

"I wanna take you home kitty!"

You gently trail your fingers on the back of the kitten, smiling ever so slightly when you hear it purr in amusement. Luckily you have a spare paper bag that you can safely put the kitten in, you did that and the small pink thing looked a bit startled by the sudden movement but then calmed down when you put him inside of the paper bag. You give him a sweet smile then tilt your head towards Niki.

Niki laughs after taking a small peek inside the paper bag. "The kitten looks so cute inside the paper bag!" He laughs again before picking up the grocery bags. "Are you sure you want to take that home? Kohaku would be so surprised!" Niki inquired, gesturing you to follow him. You gladly obliged and followed him with a smile on your lips, returning your gaze to the kitten and nodding.

"Of course! Kohaku will be surprised when he sees the kitten! It looks a lot like him!" you replied cheerfully, and Niki nodded in agreement. "Now that you mention it, it does look like Kohaku-kun" he replied as you both crossed a pedestrian lane. Before you left, you walked Niki home and gave him a thumbs up as a good luck for his special recipe before you went home too. Once you arrived at your home, you took a small peak at the kitten who was now curiously looking around the paper bag, a giggle escaped your mouth and poke the kitten's head gently.

You then open the door creating a small squeak from it, you remove your shoes then place them properly on the shoe stand. After that you heard a slight noise coming from the paper bag, you tilted your head to your right and saw that the cat was out of the bag. It was now walking towards the living room where you saw a familiar pink-head sleeping on the couch, his sleeping figure covered by your blanket. Your heart almost melted at the scene and let out a giggle of amusement, you carefully crouched down to pick up the kitten and put it on top of Kohaku's chest.

The sudden heaviness in Kohaku's chest jolted him awake, and he opened his eyes to be met by the kitten's eyes staring back at him. Kohaku's eyes widen slightly as he notices the kitten and cautiously rises from his position then sat on the couch, the kitten now sitting on his lap. Kohaku's eyes wandered around the room before coming to a halt when he heard faint laughter behind the closed door. "(Name)? is this some kind of prank?" the pink-headed boy crossed his arm, but his gaze softened when he noticed the kitten purring slightly on his lap.

You walk out of your hiding spot and look at the two pink guys interacting with each other, Kohaku was patting the cat with his hand with a mixed up expression. You carefully sat beside him with a smile on your lips. "That was a way to wake you up" you teased, giggling slightly as the kitten slowly made its way to your lap. "He looks fairly like you so I brought him home.." you let out a small laugh and pat the pink-furred kitten who appears to be more comfortable with you. "You're not wrong, the pink fur he has is almost the same color as mine-"

You carefully pick up the kitten and place it close to Kohaku's cheeks; the kitten curiously licks his cheeks, causing him to blush instantly. His cheeks had turned a light red, making it impossible not to pinch them. You placed the kitten on Kohaku's lap and began pinching both of his cheeks with your hands, a smirk on your lips. "(N-name)! That was unexpected.." He said, slightly flustered, his cheeks turning redder by the second. "Your cheeks are just so squishy! I just want to bite it!" you teased as you giggled and gently pinched his cheeks.

Kohaku gave up and let you gently pinch his cheeks; you then kissed him on the cheek to tease him even more, and you got the reaction you wanted. As the kitten peacefully lays on Kohaku's lap, ignoring both you and Kohaku's antics, your laughter and his denials begin to fill the air. Who knows, maybe this will be a day to remember. Perhaps you can use this day in the future to tease Kohaku.


The end..... ✩

Hii Koi!! This Request Has Been In My Mind For Days..so, Can I Please Request Kohaku X Reader Where The

Tags :
2 years ago

Hello koi! may i request tori x gn!reader where the reader is tori's sibling? i hope this isn't too much of req but i really hope you will do it!

-ivy anon

Hello Koi! May I Request Tori X Gn!reader Where The Reader Is Tori's Sibling? I Hope This Isn't Too Much
Hello Koi! May I Request Tori X Gn!reader Where The Reader Is Tori's Sibling? I Hope This Isn't Too Much
Hello Koi! May I Request Tori X Gn!reader Where The Reader Is Tori's Sibling? I Hope This Isn't Too Much


Tori x reader (SIBLING LOVE)

Gender-neutral reader 𓆩♡𓆪

Fluff + Tori being a chaotic sibling /srs

Requested? by anon 𓆩♡𓆪

Words: 410

Sibling Headcanon Series (Enstars)

Warnings? : None!

Yo yo yo! minna genki? Koi here. Hello anon! thank you so much for requesting. This was a bit easy to do since Tori since one of my favorite characters in enstars, this one was fun to write too. I hope you all would enjoy this, I love you all so much!!

Hello Koi! May I Request Tori X Gn!reader Where The Reader Is Tori's Sibling? I Hope This Isn't Too Much

Despite his tendency to behave spoiled and brashly, Tori has a soft spot for his siblings.

He has a soft and caring side between you and his little sister.

Between you and his little sister, you are his favorite.

He likes to spoil you like you're his child, but because of how clingy he may be, he'll get upset if you run away from him.

Likes to make you his pillow whenever you two are sleeping together.

Will treat you according to his mood, either like a peasant or his beloved treasure.

Likes to pinch and squeeze your cheeks when he has the chance to do so.

Will take your cookies and a few of your favorite sweets, but will share them if you gave him a hug or a compliment.

He loves to spend time with you, especially if you two went on a shopping spree or just hanging out with your dog.

You two would get into fights very often.

Tori's the type to be a playful prankster.

He will teach you how to prank someone like a good brother is /s.

Will show you how to prank Yuzuru but got caught due to how skilled Yuzuru is.

If you two are outside he will cling on your arm for the rest of the day.

If he noticed you being sad or mad about something that isn't related to him, he will ask you whats wrong.

That's the time when the serious and mature side of him will show off.

If you said that it's a certain someone, Tori will go passive aggressive based on how much they hurted you.

Someone mocked and insulted you? Tori will give them an innocent smile and send them death treats.

If that didn't stop them for doing that, he will steal all of their stuff and make their life a living hell.

He doesn't know his boundaries so you might have to stop him if he gets too far but that's your choice.

Will cheer you up by taking care of you.

Hugs? For his cherished sibling, Tori will give you the greatest and warmest hug possible!

Food? You will be spoon-fed by Tori, who will tell Yuzuru to buy whatever you want.

Praise? Tori will compliment you nonstop until you've had enough.

Need someone to listen to your problems? Tori will try his best to listen but you can occasionally catch him daydreaming.

Despite this, he is still a kind and loving brother who thinks spoiling and pampering his siblings is a wonderful way to show them how much he cares. ^^


The end..... ✩

Hello Koi! May I Request Tori X Gn!reader Where The Reader Is Tori's Sibling? I Hope This Isn't Too Much

Tags :
2 years ago

Me request for a uh

[Hc format]

Rei, Natsume, Tsumugi and Nazuna's reaction in us drawing them

Bc they slay sm so amazing

I am me anon 😍

Me Request For A Uh

Nazuna and Natsume's Reaction To Us Drawing Them!

Male reader

Pairing/s: Natsume x m!reader | Nazuna x m!reader

Genre: Fluff

Warnings? : Established relationship!

Me Request For A Uh
Me Request For A Uh
Me Request For A Uh

Nazuna Nito

Out of nowhere while you were in Nazuna's house, you were staring at his rabbit pet you had a sudden motivation to draw your boyfriend Nazuna.

You tried your best to hide your drawing while hanging out/talking with him.

He will catch you looking at him quite often and will ask you what's wrong.

The only way to get out of this situation is by lying so you went on telling that you found a small dirt beside Nazuna's pretty eyes.

You wiped an invisible dirt and wink at him, a blush creeping on his cheeks.

A few hours later and he decided to cook something for you two, you took this the perfect chance to continue your drawing.

It took you quite a long time to draw him, adding a little more details to his hair then...you're finally done!

You rose from your seat then quietly sneak towards Nazuna, the drawing on your hand.

With both of your hands, you covered his eyes while speaking in his ear.

"Guess who~?"

Of course Nazuna already know who that voice belonged but you whispering to his ear? oh boy, this adorable man's face slowly turned light pink.

E-eh, who~? It's you, right? (Name)?"

A smile formed on your lips as you took your hands off his eyes. He turned his head to face you, looking at you straight in the eyes.

You showed your drawing to him and he slowly took it, it took him a few seconds to realize that it was a drawing of him. His face became red as he stares at the drawing in his hand.

"(Name)..! thwis (this) amwazing!! (amazing) it looks so much like me!" Nazuna shouted in glee as he continue looking at the drawing. His eyes sparkling and a big smile on his face.

"You truly have a talent for art! I-i'll keep it close to my heart! thank you so much, I love you!~" He suddenly wrapped his arms around you, pulling you to a hug, a cute giggle escaping his mouth.

After some time you decided to take your leave. After you left, Nazuna puts your drawing to a picture stand then placed it on his desk, which is close to his bed so when he wakes up every morning the first thing he will see is your drawing. (so cute!!)

Me Request For A Uh
Me Request For A Uh
Me Request For A Uh

Natsume Sakasaki

So imagine a test coming up and it's one of your least favorite subject.

You were worried that you might fail the test so you called your boyfriend, Natsume for help.

He is a genius afterall.

You told him if he could help you study for the test, and of course as the best boyfriend he is. He agreed and let you in at his secret place.

Time skip to the test, you passed!

You decided to give him a thank-you gift, so you drew him.

Since Natsume has a secretive and mischievous side, you need to be aware of your surroundings or else you might find Natsume behind you as you draw.

Fortunately, nothing like that happened so it is safe to say that your gift is secured!

You happily gave it to him when you two were alone helping Natsume's idol work.

You told Natsume that you passed the test because of him then gave him the drawing.

"oH? what's thIS Little KitTEN?"

Natsume would be surprised at how great your drawing is, from his beautiful golden eyes trough the way you perfectly drew his asymmetrically cut hair.

His expression outside would be calm and amused but inside he is really flustered and touched at your gift. I can imagine him panicking mentally but puts on a cool facade.

You can clearly see his cheeks turning red a little.

If you tried to tease him about it, he will ignore you and instead puts on a cheeky grin and gave you a quick kiss on the lips as a reward.

He will act very smug towards you and will sprinkle you with praises.

"Fufu~...I'm honoRED to have such a talenTED boyfriend~"

"I will very much cheRISH this work of ART~"

"You did very WELL at draWING my features...I guess you DO really loVE me, KitTEN~?"

All flirts aside, Natsume would stop being smug at you and tell you how much he loves and adores your gift.

He promised that he will make a special magic spell only for you to return the favor.

"Please look forWARD to it, darLING~" + A silly flirty wink


The end..... ✩

Me Request For A Uh

Tags :
2 years ago




What would Ensemble Stars characters do when they're in a Haunted house ♪

Switch Amusement Park Headcanons! (Fluff)


Nazuna and Natsume's Reaction To Us Drawing Them! (Fluff)


coming soon...


coming soon...


Tags :
2 years ago




What would Ensemble Stars characters do when they're in a Haunted house ♪


coming soon...


coming soon...


Tsukasa and Kohaku Secret Admirers Headcanon! (Fluff)

Two Pink Guys.. (Fluff)


coming soon...


Tags :
2 years ago




What would Ensemble Stars characters do when they're in a Haunted house ♪


An Unexpected Encounter.. (Fluff)

Nazuna and Natsume's Reaction To Us Drawing Them! (Fluff)


Hajime As Your Brother Headcanons! (Fluff)


coming soon...


coming soon...


Tags :
2 years ago




What would Ensemble Stars characters do when they're in a Haunted house ♪


coming soon...


coming soon...


Hiyori As Your Brother Headcanons! (Fluff)


coming soon...


Tags :
2 years ago




What would Ensemble Stars characters do when they're in a Haunted house ♪


coming soon...


Tsukasa and Kohaku Secret Admirers Headcanon! (Fluff)


coming soon...


Reader Being Ritsu and Rei’s Sibling (Middle Child) Headcanons! (Fluff)


coming soon...


Tags :
2 years ago




What would Ensemble Stars characters do when they're in a Haunted house ♪

What song reminds them of you ♪ (Part 1)


Affection.. (Fluff)


Amazing! Group Hug.. (Fluff)


My Heart Has Always Belonged To You.. (Fluff)



coming soon...


Tags :
2 years ago



Ensemble stars:
















more will come...


Tags :
1 year ago

hi! i really like the sibling hcs you did! may i request one with a gn middle child (whos also an idol) for the sakuma brothers? sorry if this didnt make sense! i dont really know how to word my requests

Hi! I Really Like The Sibling Hcs You Did! May I Request One With A Gn Middle Child (whos Also An Idol)

Reader Being Ritsu and Rei’s Sibling (Middle Child) Headcanons!

Gender-neutral reader

Pairings: Rei x gn!reader and Ritsu x gn!reader

Genre: Fluff

Sibling Headcanon Series (Enstars)

Warnings? : None!

Hi! I Really Like The Sibling Hcs You Did! May I Request One With A Gn Middle Child (whos Also An Idol)
Hi! I Really Like The Sibling Hcs You Did! May I Request One With A Gn Middle Child (whos Also An Idol)
Hi! I Really Like The Sibling Hcs You Did! May I Request One With A Gn Middle Child (whos Also An Idol)

Ritsu Sakuma

Firstly, being a sibling with these two can be quite chaotic and troublesome due to Rei and Ritsu's personality.

Surprisingly, you get along with them.

Since you're older than Ritsu, he will look up to you and sees you as someone he can rely on.

He respects you more than Rei.

Your relationship with Ritsu is pretty chill, he trusts you enough to sleep on your shoulder or on your lap at the randomest times.

He also trusts you with his feelings so he finds you as his safe place whenever he feels too overwhelmed with something.

He shows his affection through physical gestures like hugs, cuddles, clinging on your arm and etc.

Ritsu likes getting compliments especially from you.

You will be Ritsu's sleeping buddy forever until you die.

He doesn't mind if you wake him up when he's sleeping, though expect a few whines before he stands up. You're lucky that you're his sibling or else he'll have a grudge on you /j

Ritsu is easily jealous so when you're putting too much attention to someone, he'll cling on your arm and pull you away from the person you're talking with.

Despite his laziness, he is still an intelligent young man so when you're having a hard time doing your homework, he'll help you out but with an exchange.

(That exchange can be 1 week of cuddling or doing mean pranks towards Rei)

If you play an instrument, you two can have duets together with his talent for playing the piano.

Expect him sleeping after playing 2 songs.

Despite his weird and strange his cooking is, he will force you to eat his food with those puppy eyes that you cannot refuse from your younger brother.

Overall, Ritsu can be quite the troublesome brother but deep down he really cares about you and will become (realy) overprotective when someone hurts you.

Hi! I Really Like The Sibling Hcs You Did! May I Request One With A Gn Middle Child (whos Also An Idol)
Hi! I Really Like The Sibling Hcs You Did! May I Request One With A Gn Middle Child (whos Also An Idol)
Hi! I Really Like The Sibling Hcs You Did! May I Request One With A Gn Middle Child (whos Also An Idol)

Rei Sakuma

Rei sees you as his little sibling (despite you only a few years ahead of him) he will mainly treats you as a child.

Despite this, he still respects your matureside and will try to refrain himself from treating you childishly.

He deeply cares about you and will act like a proper older brother towards you (which sometimes turns the opposite since I can imagine you being more mature than him)

Still, you find him trustworthy since that time when you vented your feelings to him, he understands what you feel and will give you advice and comfort that you need.

He is a highly empathetic person so when he finds you sad or mad, he will be the first one who will ask you if you're okay.

Rei doesn't take the "I'm fine" option seriously and will try his hardest for you to open up to him.

Due to Rei's weak body, you're always the one who he can trust with taking care of him.

He greatly appreciates the help you give him and will return the favor sometime.

(casually insert the "grandpa let's get you to bed" meme)

You'll be the one responsible whenever he drinks/eat another expired food/drink so expect checking all of the expiration dates inside the fridge.

Whenever he's sleeping inside his own coffin, you're the only one who can wake him up with one knock on his coffin.

During your free time, when Ritsu is not with you he'll be the one to keep you in company so you won't feel lonely like him in the past.

Overall, he's an empathetic sibling who is willing to help you with your problems. He's also very grateful to have you in his life.


The end..... ✩

Hi! I Really Like The Sibling Hcs You Did! May I Request One With A Gn Middle Child (whos Also An Idol)

Tags :
1 year ago




What would Ensemble Stars characters do when they're in a Haunted house ♪


Reader Being Ritsu and Rei’s Sibling (Middle Child) Headcanons! (Fluff)


coming soon...


coming soon...


coming soon...


Tags :
1 year ago

Siblings Headcanons Series! (Enstars!!)

Siblings Headcanons Series! (Enstars!!)
Siblings Headcanons Series! (Enstars!!)
Siblings Headcanons Series! (Enstars!!)

Ritsu and Rei:

Reader Being Ritsu and Rei’s Sibling (Middle Child) Headcanons! (Fluff)


Tori As Your Brother Headcanons! (Fluff)


Hiyori As Your Brother Headcanons! (Fluff)


Hajime As Your Brother Headcanons! (Fluff)


coming soon... (maybe later or tom I had a sudden inspiration to make one)

Siblings Headcanons Series! (Enstars!!)
Siblings Headcanons Series! (Enstars!!)
Siblings Headcanons Series! (Enstars!!)

Tags :
1 year ago
Title Bf Texts
Title Bf Texts

title » bf texts

pairing » natsume sakasaki x gn!reader

requested? » no

genre » fluff, crack

warnings » once again im not funny

a/n » i really should do my requests but..

Title Bf Texts
Title Bf Texts
Title Bf Texts
Title Bf Texts
Title Bf Texts
Title Bf Texts
Title Bf Texts
Title Bf Texts

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