Ritsu Sakuma - Tumblr Posts

What would Ensemble Stars characters do when they're in a Haunted house ♪
coming soon...
Tsukasa and Kohaku Secret Admirers Headcanon! (Fluff)
coming soon...
Reader Being Ritsu and Rei’s Sibling (Middle Child) Headcanons! (Fluff)
coming soon...

hi! i really like the sibling hcs you did! may i request one with a gn middle child (whos also an idol) for the sakuma brothers? sorry if this didnt make sense! i dont really know how to word my requests

Reader Being Ritsu and Rei’s Sibling (Middle Child) Headcanons!
Gender-neutral reader
Pairings: Rei x gn!reader and Ritsu x gn!reader
Genre: Fluff
Sibling Headcanon Series (Enstars)
Warnings? : None!

Ritsu Sakuma
Firstly, being a sibling with these two can be quite chaotic and troublesome due to Rei and Ritsu's personality.
Surprisingly, you get along with them.
Since you're older than Ritsu, he will look up to you and sees you as someone he can rely on.
He respects you more than Rei.
Your relationship with Ritsu is pretty chill, he trusts you enough to sleep on your shoulder or on your lap at the randomest times.
He also trusts you with his feelings so he finds you as his safe place whenever he feels too overwhelmed with something.
He shows his affection through physical gestures like hugs, cuddles, clinging on your arm and etc.
Ritsu likes getting compliments especially from you.
You will be Ritsu's sleeping buddy forever until you die.
He doesn't mind if you wake him up when he's sleeping, though expect a few whines before he stands up. You're lucky that you're his sibling or else he'll have a grudge on you /j
Ritsu is easily jealous so when you're putting too much attention to someone, he'll cling on your arm and pull you away from the person you're talking with.
Despite his laziness, he is still an intelligent young man so when you're having a hard time doing your homework, he'll help you out but with an exchange.
(That exchange can be 1 week of cuddling or doing mean pranks towards Rei)
If you play an instrument, you two can have duets together with his talent for playing the piano.
Expect him sleeping after playing 2 songs.
Despite his weird and strange his cooking is, he will force you to eat his food with those puppy eyes that you cannot refuse from your younger brother.
Overall, Ritsu can be quite the troublesome brother but deep down he really cares about you and will become (realy) overprotective when someone hurts you.

Rei Sakuma
Rei sees you as his little sibling (despite you only a few years ahead of him) he will mainly treats you as a child.
Despite this, he still respects your matureside and will try to refrain himself from treating you childishly.
He deeply cares about you and will act like a proper older brother towards you (which sometimes turns the opposite since I can imagine you being more mature than him)
Still, you find him trustworthy since that time when you vented your feelings to him, he understands what you feel and will give you advice and comfort that you need.
He is a highly empathetic person so when he finds you sad or mad, he will be the first one who will ask you if you're okay.
Rei doesn't take the "I'm fine" option seriously and will try his hardest for you to open up to him.
Due to Rei's weak body, you're always the one who he can trust with taking care of him.
He greatly appreciates the help you give him and will return the favor sometime.
(casually insert the "grandpa let's get you to bed" meme)
You'll be the one responsible whenever he drinks/eat another expired food/drink so expect checking all of the expiration dates inside the fridge.
Whenever he's sleeping inside his own coffin, you're the only one who can wake him up with one knock on his coffin.
During your free time, when Ritsu is not with you he'll be the one to keep you in company so you won't feel lonely like him in the past.
Overall, he's an empathetic sibling who is willing to help you with your problems. He's also very grateful to have you in his life.
The end..... ✩

Siblings Headcanons Series! (Enstars!!)

Ritsu and Rei:
Reader Being Ritsu and Rei’s Sibling (Middle Child) Headcanons! (Fluff)
Tori As Your Brother Headcanons! (Fluff)
Hiyori As Your Brother Headcanons! (Fluff)
Hajime As Your Brother Headcanons! (Fluff)
coming soon... (maybe later or tom I had a sudden inspiration to make one)

ritsu and shou in my fav shirts
as if i don’t have enough work i’m redesigning my blog.
but no no no, there’s a catch
im. designing my own enstars chibis.
don’t ask why i do this to myself.

Break time 🔆

Ritsu says Vampire Rights~
Me retelling to my friends the events of the Euthanasia event:

Headcanon: Ritsu has sprayed Rei down with roach spray before.
It was either done in annoyance where with a deadpan, he just stares really hard at Rei in disdain before pressing the top of the button.
Or... Rei prolly scared him by clinging into him when he was unprepared and his instinctual reaction was to hiss and spray him with some conveniently on hand roach spray for 'creatures like him'.
Lone Wolf-!: Blood-Stained Fangs Caught on Sharp Claws {Chapter 1 Release~}
=== Summary: “You’re that dog-!?!” “I’M A WOLF DAMMIT.” The stranger glared and Kaoru could only raise a hand in defense. “Okay, a wolf. There’s a wolf in my apartment.” Kaoru’s voice was incredulous, skeptical even though he had visible proof, but he still couldn’t be sure that this was reality. == Upon having sympathy for a street dog, Kaoru decides to humour it by taking it in. Such humour seemed to be compensated with horror as he figures out that what he took in wasn’t exactly a dog. With his living room in shambles, Kaoru’s dragged into a supernatural world with werewolves and vampires. He finds himself living with Oogami Koga, the werewolf he carelessly took in and that proves to be difficult as he has to help the guy adjust to living a seemingly human life. It doesn’t help that Rei Sakuma and his younger brother seem to be heavily interested in their affairs. When did Yumenosaki become grounds for supernatural creatures, anyways?! === Characters: Kaoru Hakaze, Koga Oogami, Rei Sakuma, Ritsu Sakuma, Chiaki Morisawa, Izumi Sena, (more will be tagged as they appear!! Most, if not all current es 3rd years and graduates will show up) Pairings: Kaoru Hakaze/Rei Sakuma, Koga Oogami/Ritsu Sakuma (more might be mentioned) Word Count: 9.2K [Chapter 1] ===
Kudos, comments, likes, reblogs all appreciated, thankies for reading in general! <3
“Kao-kun got rabies and died.”
That surely came out of left field.
=== Rei has a very Ritsu Sakuma shaped problem and he might have to begrudgingly turn to an old rival to fix it. However, a current situation at school is captivating his interest the moment he enters the classroom.
Koga doesn’t understand why he needs to learn math or tag along with Hakaze to school, but the lone wolf ends up not being so alone when approached with the oddest people he’s ever met and he lives with Hakaze. === Chapter 2 Release~ Chapter 1
Characters: Kaoru Hakaze, Koga Oogami, Rei Sakuma, Ritsu Sakuma, Eichi Tenshouin, Subaru Akehoshi, Mao Isara, Wataru HIbiki, Makoto Yuuki, Hokuto Hidaka, Chiaki Morisawa, Izumi Sena (rest will be tagged as they appear Relationships: Kaoru Hakaze/Rei Sakuma, Koga Oogami/Ritsu Sakuma, Subaru Akehoshi/Hokuto Hidaka (background), Eichi Tenshouin/Wataru Hibiki (background)
Word Count: 16, 746 [Chapters 1 + 2]
Haha, for my birthday I pass my mental illness onto everyone else.
Tea Club || FLAVOR Headcanons
I had this sitting around my head for a while... so I'm just going to drop it while I'm working on other stuff wahoo.
General Headcanons:
Ritsu kept on complaining that Tatsumi's sweater (the one that looks rough as shit with the elbow pads oh my god)was rough on his skin everytime he fell asleep on the man.
Tatsumi, therefore, has a special sweater (a softer one) reserved specially when he goes to meeting so Ritsu can sleep comfortably.
Hiyori likes to paint his nails to match whichever teaset he decides to use that day.
They were bored of coming up with conversation topics and Hiyori slouched in his seat, drumming his fingers against his teacup. Tatsumi comments about the noise and suddenly, they're recording Tea Party ASMR (bye).
Tatsumi out here thinking that he's going to have a peaceful and relaxing time in FLAVOR while it's just him sipping his tea while Hiyori and Eichi catfight and Ritsu's chasing Hajime, who's screaming, around the room.
Falling asleep on Eichi is both a blessing and curse for Ritsu.
Eichi is warm. He feels as good as a heating pillow or even better than that. On the other hand, Ritsu often finds himself waking up in fits to reach up and touch his forehead to make sure Eichi is not actually burning up because he's worried of the guy's poor ass health.
Tea Club {! era}:
When Eichi suggested that he wanted to have a movie marathon with the two, Ritsu agreed on the condition that it would be the scariest one he could find.
Eichi almost had a heart attack, Hajime's burying his face into a pillow and Ritsu's laughing all the way up to the middle of the movie before he falls asleep on both of them. Eichi literally wants to get up and go to the bathroom (and if he had a break from the movie... that would also be nice) but he simply can't move because Hajime's grip on his hand is so tight and he doesn't want to wake Ritsu up.
Eichi likes wandering around the school to see if there's any stray cats around so he can play with them (until he gets caught by Keito, of course). One day, he jumps at one that he saw in the bushes only to notice belatedely that it was Ritsu.
He still pats Ritsu's head and ends up playing with him all afternoon.
Eichi makes the comment that the other two should cosplay during the tea club meeting to make it more fun.
Hajime's so reluctant to do it but Ritsu eggs this on and he agrees. Eichi doesn't really expect to join in until the other two corner him and stuffs him in the matching outfit.
Oftentimes when they were in the school garden, Leo would always run past the table, rambling something incoherent, knocking a bunch of their teaware over.
Eichi would make him sit down in the middle of the three and apologise (only partially of annoyance but mostly because he found it fun). But then Leo would beg for a cup of tea and he drinks with them, becoming a pseudo-member of the club (while Keito yells at how he doesn't attend his own club, bye)
Hajime walked into tea club once coincidentally matching outfits with Eichi.
Eichi, who immediately noticed thought it was very cute but Ritsu grew jealous just as fast. He clings onto Hajime's arms, complaining and saying that Hajime should match outfits with Ritsu instead. But when Hajime complies, Eichi starts throwing a hissy fit about it. Hajime got so fed up over the two's quabbling(that's a word now) that he got all three of them matching outfits and told them to put it on.
Wataru and Leo used to team up to entertain the tea club (Wataru, at Eichi's behest. Leo, because he just happened to be in the room when Wataru was talking about it and wanted to join).
They do little Wonderland themed things (often stealing Keito's book for inspirational material) or just silly goofy plays that are held in the garden. Hajime is the most captivated by it, often embarrassed when Eichi points out how he's on the literal edge of his seat and about to fall off. (Eichi's not far from it either). Ritsu likes commenting on the little stuff before he falls asleep on Eichi's arm and then tells them to play the show again so he can see the rest.
Eichi and Ritsu used to do this thing where whenever Rei was lurking around, watching over them, they would lean into each other's space and whisper random stuff into each others' ears.
It was meant to throw Rei off because nobody could tell what they were saying but in reality it was the most utter nonsense like Ritsu literally saying a whole cafe menu or a recipe in Eichi's ears while Eichi's snickering like it's some world domination plan. Hajime got upset with this eventually, mostly with not being in the loop with what the two were doing. Eichi and Ritsu felt bad and ended up including Hajime from then on.
FLAVOR {!! era:
Eichi constantly jokes about putting poison in their drinks when he's the one that's serving.
Hajime freaks out every single time even though the last time (and the twenty times before that), it was a lie. Ritsu decides to save it for Rei either way. Hiyori knows, yet he simply dumps into the nearby waste area. Tatsumi simply chugs it with the faint hope that this time it's the truth and he can be put out of his misery.
Tatsumi offered to drive them to one of the cafes they frequented.
Nobody though it would've been a big deal considering it's only 5-10 minutes away, what's the worst that could happen-? They all would rather walk home after the drive. Except Eichi, who comments how fun it was in the passenger seat and Ritsu, who said he was had a nice nap curled up in the back seat. The other two, shaken, look at the two like they're deranged.
Hajime has compiled a list of topics that should NOT be mentioned during meeting (specifically those that would irk Eichi or Hiyori).
Ritsu finds it almost immediately and constantly teases Hajime by having the topics at the tip of his tongue and making constant hints towards them, but he will never directly say them out loud. Tatsumi finds it later on and thinks it's a list of conversation topics for Hajime to start with since he's seemingly shy. He brings it up to Hajime, thinking he was trying to overcome such shyness and praises him, while trying to bring some up, an absolute nightmare for Hajime.
While Ritsu was sleeping, Eichi placed a set of cat ears on him in order to see who would fall for it.
Hiyori's the least gullible but he still has a score of faltering once or twice. Hajime frequently loses. Tatsumi kinda realises only after he moved to pet it. Eichi ends up losing himself, second to last place.
Leo still breaks into FLAVOR meetings.
No matter where they are, every few times, Leo somehow manages to hijack it. Eichi always has a blend saved for him in this case and Leo drinks it while being Leo and interacting with the others.
When Hiyori's serving, he brings his own kettle and teaset to the circle.
He pours them each a cup one by one, pouring one for himself first, so that when he gets to Eichi he would always run out, remarking that he never seemed to bring enough and that it was a weird little accident. Eichi, in turn, repeats Hiyori's method the next time Eichi's servig, except for the fact that he states that he went specially out of his way to prepare a cup for Hiyori. It's scented exceptionally well... Hiyori spits out water with dissolved bath salts.
Hajime accidentally calls Tatsumi "grandpa".
It honestly just slips out!! And Hajime's so embarrassed and wants to crawl into a hole. But then Tatsumi thanks Hajime and starts calling him "dear child" and Hajime's not sure if that's ANY better. Grandpa is now all Ritsu ever calls Tatsumi. Eichi playfully calls him grandpa only to get scolded by Hiyori, who told him that he was childish... only for Hiyori to ask if Grandpa could pour him some more tea.
The original tea club members still like whispering nonsense in each other ears, as if they were whispering heavy laden secrets.
Tatsumi and Hiyori are concerned, if only slightly, when they start randomly giggling after hushed whispers around the table.
They're so cute wee. If Marine Bio makes me feel so many emotions, Tea Club is literally not far behind!!! They're one of my fav club dynamics along with Marine Bio I love them so muuuuuch. Tatsumi and Hiyori are also a nice addition <3
More Enstars Headcanons:
Class 3-A || Class 3-B || Marine Bio // OCEANS
Sketchie's Fandom Archives || Writing Masterlist~
=== Offhand: But I forget that the tea circle has two factions just like the zoology bunch. That being said...

My dudes are huffing tea.
Enstars {Discord}Textposts Part 1~

Will do a writing update later... but here's whatever the fuck this is that I did at 2-4 in the morning <3 Taken from the Discord bc we're mentally ill.
Actually, 80% of these quotes are from me... so maybe I'm the problem.
Will release Part 2 if people want it!! I have too much content. === Sketchie's Fandom Archives {The Masterlist of All the Dumb Shit I Make~ <3}
Lone Wolf-!: Blood-Stained Fangs Caught on Sharp Claws {Chapter 3: Secret's Out~}
"That’s not good, Kaoru. What if I was a bad vampire~?”
“I have a weapon.” Kaoru stated, clutching the mop tighter in his hands and Sakuma’s laugh that ensued after made his ears burn.
“How scary~” There wasn’t much room in the storage closet and Sakuma had rested one of his hands on the spot above the right side of Kaoru’s head. He leaned in way too close that Kaoru felt his head spin. “You think that’s enough to hold someone like me off~?What if I wanted to suck your blood~? ♥”
In the midst of his annoyance of being called out by a certain Rei Sakuma, Eichi is approached with something very interesting. Making a deal with his proclaimed enemy, he finds himself with a chance to play with some new people. Eichi Tenshouin has never been so fortunate.
Koga had the worst of luck. Being caught was one thing but the person that caught him could definitely not keep his mouth shut for the life of him. But that’s the least of his problems as he ends up seeing some of his classmates in a far more different light than before.
Kaoru’s so tired of men. And how they seemed to be all over him as of late. He’s especially tired of a certain man who keeps on trying to get his attention since last night. If he knew things would have panned out this way, he wouldn’t have bothered fighting a dog over pancake mix.
Lone Wolf-! Chapter 3 Released~!
Secret's Out~
Characters: Kaoru Hakaze, Koga Oogami, Rei Sakuma, Ritsu Sakuma, Subaru Akehoshi, Mao Isara, Hokuto Hidaka, Makoto Yukki, Wataru Hibiki, Eichi Tenshouin, Kanata Shinkai, Chiaki Morisawa, Izumi Sena, Keito Hasumi, Shu Itsuki, Mika Kagehira, Arashi Narukami, Adonis Otogari, Souma Kanzaki, Jin Sagami
Pairings: Kaoru Hakaze/Rei Sakuma, Koga Oogami/Ritsu Sakuma, Subaru Akehoshi/Hokuto Hidaka, Eichi Tenshouin/Wataru Hibiki, Adonis Otogari/Souma Kanzaki
Word Count: Chapter 3 {Approxi. 23k} Total {Approx. 36k}
Likes, reblogs, kudos, comments are very much appreciated <3
23k word chapter dropped as compensation for a 2 month mental hiatus wee.
Chapters are going to be around this length and getting longer for the future!! Will try for a two week or less space in between.
If you're interested in any of the lore or want to ask about plans/notes for the story, feel free to ask, I hardly say no! (Either here or just ask me on Discord)
Might compile supernatural design notes of anyone wants them~

Instagram requests for Valentines Day! Happy (late) Valentines~

post coruscate breeze filming or smth

i make one (1) original enstars post every 8 months then go back to posting twisted wonderland

Animal AU or Pet AU or I dont know Rei bat and his two cat brothers. Their brotherly relationship is fine dont worry.