Episode 2 Part 1 - Tumblr Posts
Supernatural Series Rewrite
Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
Dean Winchester x named reader (eventually)
Series Warning: language violence, angst, fluff, sexual content, Gore, molestation, mention of sexual harassment, usual supernatural violence. (If you're triggered by any of these then please don't read)
(A/n- I had to give the reader a name, there's a reason behind it but you can change it if you want. I changed some of the plot and some of the scenes but mostly it's the same. I do not own the supernatural series but there are some things that are completely my imagination, it has nothing to do with the actual mythology or the series)
Pilot (part3)
Season one. Episode Two.
Wendigo (part 1)

You groaned as you rolled over in the backseat of the Impala. You were not even asleep anymore but you were too lazy to get up. You could hear the music blasting through the radio. Another groan left your lips and you rolled over in your back.
"you still asleep back there?" You heard Dean asked and got up. "Nah." You replied and pressed yourself against the window. "I need coffee." You groaned and Dean handed you a cup while laughing. You were about to make a snarky remark when suddenly Sam woke up with a gasp and jumped forward.
"you ok?" Dean asked and your heart ached for Sam, actually your heart ached for yourself too, but it ached for sam more. You saw Just how much Sam loved her and losing someone you love that much is unbearable, you knew 'cause you've been through it a few times now. That's why you refused to get attached to anyone anymore.
"I'm fine." Sam replied.
"another nightmare?" You tried to ask him in the nicest way possible but he did not answer you.
"wanna driver for a while?" Dean asked and your eyes widen a little. 'well that was a first.'
"hey, how come you never asked me that before?" You asked and he threw a wrapper at you, hitting you in the face causing you to slap his shoulder. Sam finally let out a laugh at childish behavior of his brother and his friend.
"it's true, your whole life you have never once asked me that before."
"just thought you might want to. Nevermind."
"look, guys, I know you are worried about me, I get that. Thank you, but I'm perfectly ok."
"alright" you exclaimed when you started feeling the tension building in the car . "Where are we?" You asked.
"we are just outside of Grand junction." Dean answered and Sam started looking through the map of blackwater ridge. You were starting out of the window perticularly at nothing. It was silent for a while.
"maybe we shouldn't have left Stanford so soon." Sam said breaking the silence and making you sigh.
"Sam, we dug around for a week. If you wanna find the thing that killed Jess, we need-"
"to find dad first." Sam said completing his brother's sentence.
"Dad disappearing and this thing showing up again after 20 years. It's no coincidence. Dad will have answers. He'll know what to do." Dean said as he kept driving. You are still leaning against the window and you were almost asleep again, even though you just had coffee. Long rides with these two did that to you.
"it's weird, man." Sam stated making you listen to him carefully. "these coordinates he left us, this blackwater ridge... There's nothing there. It's just... Woods." Sam said making you frown
"why is he sending us to middle of nowhere?" You asked frowning at both the men in the front seat.
"Rise and shine, sweetheart." Dean said opening the door you were leaning against making you almost fall out of the car but he caught you before you could hit the ground.
"what an asshole." You yelled and hit him in the arm which only earned you a chuckle from both the boys.
Sam made his way inside the rangers station followed by you and Dean.
"so, blackwater ridge is pretty remote..." Sam said while looking at the model sitting on the table while you and Dean kept looking around the office. "It's cut off by these canyons here. Rough terrain, dense forest, abandoned silver and gold mines all over the place."
"Dude, check out the size of this friggin' bear." You quickly turned around ignoring sam to see what Dean was looking at. You walked closer to him and looked at the picture. The ranger was happily standing over the big bear they hunted. 'how could these people be proud of killing innocent animals?' Dean suddenly started chuckling and you raise your eyebrow.
"I bet he could eat you in one gulp." He kept chuckling.
"hey, I'm not that small."
"oh really? I can't see you let me find my glasses." He said and you hit him yet again.
"ha ha ha. You are so funny." You rolled your eyes.
"you boys aren't planning to go out near blackwater ridge, by any chance." the ranger said and he couldn't see you since you are standing behind the brothers. All three of you turned around to face the ranger. "Oh and lady. Almost didn't see you there." He said as soon as his eyes fell on you making Dean laugh, he was happy that his point was proved. You glared at him before looking back at the ranger.
"oh, no, sir, where environmental study majors from UC Boulder, just working on a paper." You answered with the biggest smile you could muster.
"recycle, man." Dean said making you hit him from the behind.
"bull." The ranger said, thanks to Dean's overacting. "You are friends with that Haley girl right?" He asked and you stood silently for a second before not in your head. "Yes." Dean said. "We are, Ranger..... Wilkinson." The ranger laughed a little before saying.
"well, I will tell you exactly what I told her, her brother filled out a backcountry permit saying he wouldn't be back from Black water ridge until 24th. So It's exactly not a missing person, is it?" He asked and you shook your head agreeing to him. "No you tell that girl to quit worrying."
"we will. Well, that Haley girl's quite a pistol, huh?" Dean asked and you looked at Sam who looked just as confused as you over what he was doing.
"that is putting it mildly."
"actually, you know what what help? If I could show her a copy of that backcountry permit. You know, so she could see her brother's return date." Dean said, raising his eyebrows. ranger Wilkinson eyed him back for a minute before giving him copy of the permit.
"you cruising for a HookUp or something?" Sam asked as Dean walked out laughing
"what do you mean?" Dean gave his brother confused expression.
"no he's right. The coordinates point to blackwater ridge. So what are we waiting for? Let's just go find John. I mean why even talk to this chick, Haley?" You asked as you approached the car.
"I don't know maybe we should know what we are walking into before we actually walked into it." Dean shook his head at both you and his brother.
"what?" You asked in unison.
"since when are you guys 'shoot first, ask question later' ?" Dean asked and you said "since forever " at the same time Sam replied "since now." You heard Dean mumble something as you got inside the car. He got into the car as well and took off to Haley's.
You didn't know why you being so jealous, you just were. You haven't even seen this Haley girl yet, for all you know she could have a Salvador Dali mustaches. And well Dean, he made it pretty clear that you were just another kid to him. That kiss meant nothing, he was just really happy to see you alive, nothing else. How could you be jealous over something that wasn't even yours to begin with.
When you pulled up to the Collin's house you quickly got out of the car amd started making your way toward their door. But before you could take another step Dean grabbed your arm and pulled you back to him.
"you ok?" He asked looking into your eyes.
"yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" You question afraid that he could actually feel your jealousy.
"I don't know, I thought you were mad at me. You didn't say anything the whole ride."
"Dean, I'm not mad at you. If anything I think you are right, we should know what we are walking into before we actually walk into it." You said and have him a smile.
"so we good?"
"yup." You stretched out the 'p' and then made your way to the front door where Sam was already standing waiting for you two. Dean knocked on the door and a girl opened up the wooden door, but another door that had net on it was still closed.
"you must be Haley Colins. I'm Dean, this is Alex and Sam. We are rangers with the park service. Ranger Wilkinson sent is over. We wanted to ask some questions about your brother Tommy." Dean explained. She looked unconvinced, mostly because of you maybe.
"let me see some ID." She said staring right at you and you pulled out your fake ID and slammed it on the door. She looked at it for a sec but then opened the door. "Come on in. That yours?" She asked looking at baby. "Yeah." Dean replied. "Nice car." She gave a flirtatious smile to Dean and you rolled your eyes while he smirked. As soon as she turned around and went inside Dean turned to you two and mouthed 'oh man.' with a wide smile.
the fact that she was really beautiful and definitely did not have and Salvador Dali moustache was only added to your jealousy.
"so, if Tommy's not due back for a while, how do you know something is wrong?" You asked. No matter how much jealous you were you had to solve the case.
"he checks in everyday by cell, he emails photos, shipped little videos. But we haven't heard anything over 3 days now." She said as she brought out her younger brother's dinner.
"well maybe he can't get a cell reception." Sam said.
"he's got a satellite phone, too."
"could it be he's just having fun and forgot to check in?" Dean questioned.
"he wouldn't do that." This time it was Ben, Haley's younger brother who replied.
"Our parents are gone, it's just me and my two brother. We all keep pretty close tabs on each other. " She said and you gave her a small reassuring smile.
"can we see the pictures he sent you?" You said and she nodded. she showed you Tommy's pictures in her laptop then she clicked at a video and you looked that it carefully. You noticed a shadow in the video but you kept quiet. Dean told Haley that we will find her brother and that we were heading there in the morning.
"then maybe I'll see you there." She replied causing you to exchange with both brothers. "Look I can't sit around here anymore. So I hired a guide. I am heading there in the morning and I'm gonna find my brother myself."
"I think I know how you feel." Dean said and you looked around awkwardly, being the only one who doesn't have a family. Sometimes you can't even remember how it feels to have someone blood related around you.
After that you guys headed to a bar which you were pretty sure that you weren't allowed at but hey thanks to fake ID cards. you already had two beers and you were a bit lightheaded not tipsy or drunk just a little more lightheaded than normally. Sam opened up his file and started talking about blackwater ridge victims but you were barely paying attention to him.
"every 23 years. Just like clockwise." Sam continued as he opened his laptop. "I downloaded Tommy's video to the laptop and look what I found." Before he could say anything further you blurred out.
"so what, it's a shadow, it can move. It's flesh. You did not make a big Discovery." You exclaimed making both the brothers chuckle.
"woah, princess, you almost stole Sammy's thunder."
"it's just, can you be any more geeky about this?" You said making Dean laugh again.
"I got one more thing." Sam said and you took your eyes mumbling ''of course You do, Sammy, of course you do."
"in '59, one campus survived the supposed grizzly attack. Just a kid.. barely crawled out of the woods alive."
"is there a name."
"Dean, it's Sam you are talking to, he probably got his address." You said making Sam smirk.
"look, rangers, I don't know why you're asking me this. It's public record. I was a kid. My parents got mauled by a -" the grumpy old man said as soon as we asked him the question about the attack.
"grizzly? That's what attack them?" Sam asked completing his sentence. Mr Shaw took a puff of his cigarette and nodded his head.
"the other people that went missing that year... Those were bear attack too." You asked stepping forward. Mr Shaw looked nervous, like he was hiding something, and he most definitely was. "What about all the people that went missing this year? Same thing?" This time it was Dean who asked the question.
"if we knew what we were dealing with, we might be able to stop it." You said in a soothing voice which you always used while questioning witnesses, well most of the times, with stubborn ones it's always threats of making them eat their own intestine. Both the boys seemed a bit surprised by this side of you, specially Dean. Mr. shaw looked at the three of you, not sure if to say anything or not.
"Mr. Shaw, what did you see?" You asked again as you sat on the chair next to him.
"nothing." He said and you frowned. "It moved too fast to see. It hid too well. I heard it though. A roar. " he said and you look back at the brothers who were standing right behind you for a second as Mr. shaw continued his story.
"He came at night? Got inside your tent?" Sam asked.
"he got inside our cabin." Mr. Shaw answered. 'so whatever it was knew how to pick locks?' you asked yourself.
"I was sleeping in front of the fireplace when it came in. It didn't smash a window or break the door, it unlocked it. I didn't even wake up till I heard my parents screaming."
"it killed them?" Sam asked.
"why it left me alive, didn't ask myself ever since. It did leave me this though." He said after a small pause. He pulled down the collar of his jumper to show you a claw mark. It was too big to qualify as claw mark. Nothing you've ever seen had claws that big.
"there's something evil in those woods. It was some sort of a demon " Mr. Shaw said and you gave him a sympathetic look.
"thank you for your time, Mr. Shaw. " You said politely as the the of you made your way outside to the car.
"what the hell was that?" Dean asked as soon as you were outside.
"what?" You asked making your way around the car to sit in the backseat.
" 'Mr. Shaw what did you see' " he said mocking you and Sam giggle. "Since when do you talk like that?" He asked and got inside the driver seat.
"first of all he was a nice person and I always talk to nice witnesses like that and second, I so did not sound like that."
"oh, you sounded worse, almost creeped me out back there. I thought you were possessed or something." He said and you took the empty coffee cup from the backseat and threw it at him.
"OW!" He exclaimed and threw it back at you
You finally made it to the motel. The whole ride you and Dean bickered. You were standing by the car with Dean as Sam went to get you rooms. You were leaning against the bonnet and looking around you. When your eyes finally fell on the older Winchester beside you, he was already looking at you. Just starting at your face and saying nothing.
"what?" You asked letting out a very small laugh. "Stop staring." You said and turned his face away from you but he looked back at you.
"Alex." He finally said making you frown at his tone. "About that kiss-"
"no Dean, it's ok. I get it, you were just very happy to see me, that's it-"
"no Alex, that's not it, I lied. I mean, I was very happy and relieved to see you alive but I want you to know that that's not it. I don't know why I just want to be honest with you." He said making you frown even harder. You were about to say something but he cut you off again.
"Let me finish. When I saw you that day after all these years I felt something. I don't know what but something and it wasn't just something physical or sexual, it was like I had to be around you. And on that hunt when you were beside me all the time, I had this big urge to protect you, to keep you safe. For the first time I actually cared for my life, like I had something worth living for." You were dumbfounded by his confession, a part of you was beyond happy, gleaming but the other part was scared. Scared that if you get attached to him you'll lose him too. Like you always do.
"but I don't want to get your hopes up, I don't want to get either of our hopes up. You are too young for my shit, you already got so much on your plate and I just can't add to it. And like I said I want to be honest with you, I don't think there will ever be a future for us together. " He said and you let out a chuckle.
"I know the drill, Dean. We are Hunter, there's never a happily ever after for us. There never can be anything between us. Let's just hope we can be friends without making things awkward between us." You said this time making him chuckle.
"they had only one room left. With two beds." You almost didn't notice Sam untill he was right beside you. "everything ok with you two?" Sam asked looking simultaneously between him brother and his friend.
"yup. Dean was telling me about the time you cried while watching Titanic."
"Dude, that was you." Sam exclaimed and you raised your eyebrow at Dean. "Yeah, whatever. You peed your pants when you were in second grade." Dean said as the three of you made your way toward your motel room. "Dude, I was 6. "
"ok guys enough. What are the sleeping arrangements?" you said as the three of you made your way inside the motel room and looked at two queen size beds on the either side of the room and a small couch on the other end of the room.
"me and Sam are to big to fit on the couch. So that leaves you " Dean said pointing a finger at you.
"nope. Not happening. I'm not sleeping on that couch. I Don't know how many gross assess have been there." You said looking at the dirty couch. "And done what?" Sam added and both of you scrunch up your nose in disgust.
"ok fine. The floor is it." Dean replied while taking off his jacket and throwing it on the couch.
"Dean this is where you say, 'ok, Alex, you take the bed I'll sleep on the floor.' " you said
"hell no, I'm not sleeping in the floor. Ask Sam."
"hey, hey, don't drag me into this. This bed is already mine." Sam said jumping on the bed on the left side on the room and sprawling out making both you and Dean roll your eyes. He was too big to even share with. "Well, I'm not sleeping on the floor either." You said looking him straight in the eye. Sam was watching both of you, curious about what was gonna happen next
"well, sweetheart, if you don't wanna sleep on the floor. You are welcome to join. " He says with a smirk and sat on the foot of the bed.
"you know what? Actually I will." You said taking off your jacket and shoes and then got inside the sheets. "but don't get too wussy if I kick you in the crotch in the middle of the night." This was your turn to smirk as you covered yourself with the sheet. You heard a scoff coming out of Sam and next thing you know Dean grabbed the pillow and throw it between the two begs.
The next morning the three of you were getting ready to leave for the hunt. When you made your way out of the bathroom you heard Dean say "spirits and demons don't have to unlock the doors. If they want inside they just go through the Walls."
"so it's probably something else, something corporeal." You said slipping in your boots and sitting on the bed to tie them. When you looked up both the boys were staring at you. "What?"
"corporal? Excuse me, professer." Dean smirked. "Shut up." You said.
"so what do you think?" Sam asked.
"the claws, the speed that it moved. It could be a skinwalker, maybe a black dog. Whatever we're talking about, we're talking about a creature and it's.....'corporeal' " Dean said looking at you when he said the last word and you hit his arm mumbling a "asshat". You made your way outside to the Impala and loaded the trunk. "Wait. Which means we can kill it." You said with a bright smile.
"you're weird." Sam mumbled.
Part 2
@rach5ive @paintballkid711 @chubby-dumplin @hobby27 @colie87 @iilooveereadiingfiics @spnchick1996