Eren Yeager X Y/n - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

so can you keep it secret? ; e.y.

synopsis: Porco Galliard hated Eren Yeager, that was a given. It was the way he looked, the way he behaved, how he carried himself... And you couldn't help but be curious about this man. Why did your step brother despise him so much? And why did it feel so good sneaking around and falling deeply for your step brother's arch nemesis?

cw: college au, female reader, minor age gap (5 years), strangers to lovers, fwb (eventual couple), car sex, thigh riding, smut, long-haired eren (goth!eren) bc that's a warning in of itself, minor blood, everyone is aged up (18+)! srry if i miss any! MDNI!

wc: 11k+

an: so my spiderman!eren au did so much better than expected (it's at 500+ notes thanks?!) and I have a few other eren stories that I had on my ao3 so I thought I'd slowly integrate them over here... enjoy and reblogs are much appreciated! xo p.s. this originally was a two parter but I squashed it together... p.s.s. i'll make a masterlist when I post more!

Eren had finally made it, he was going to finally graduate medical school and finally get his father off his back about following in his footsteps. It wasn't like Eren hated the path he was on, it just wasn't ideally the career he wanted. He had lived a life wanting to explore the world, to travel and be carefree, but then his parents reminded him that he needed an actual career with a great salary to be able to do such thing. So, as a way to keep his childish dreams from being anything but that, he decided becoming a doctor would at least give him the money he needed.

However, things didn't always go so easily.

He wasn't the lively boy he once was, things changed, life happened... and people who didn't really know him saw him in a different light. It was one of his final courses, a semester long project to get students prepared for working in dynamics with others in their field—a supposed required course for every major to take. A way to improve the social skills of this generation wherein the older ones believed they lacked due to their technological obsessions. Word for word, exactly how Eren remembered his counselor said way back when he first started his journey.

That's how he ended up paired with the only person in the entire university who couldn't stand him or his entire existence. Eren didn't seem to care about others false opinions, he never paid them any mind, after the person he'd become—which was just antisocial and goal driven—he was mistaken for a druggie, womanizer. Something he wasn't.

Sure, he had his fair number of tattoos and piercings, and he had his hair long and always hanging over his face or pulled back in a messy excuse for a bun, but that didn't mean he was a delinquent. It was just who he was. However, to Porco Galliard, that did not seem to matter. Appearances—to him—were everything. And, of course, Porco was his assigned semester long partner.

Lucky him.

Porco didn't seem to care if Eren was in the top 5% of their class—something no one expected from a expressionless man like himself. He also didn't seem to care if his father was a medical genius or that he did come from money because of said father, no, Porco always saw Eren to be beneath him. And, in all reality, Eren just didn't care for Porco either. He was a rich snob who always had to have the final word.

"Maybe he's just jealous that you're anti social and still get the ladies for having a pretty face," Sasha would tell Eren whenever he would mention Porco's childlike hatred towards him. 

"Though it doesn't help that you look like a pothead manwhore," Jean would add, earning a smack on the arm from Mikasa. "What? He does! His hair and that emo vibe he gives off!"

Yet somehow everyone else saw him as just that. Something he wasn't. Sure, he had his fair share of stupidity when he was in that age between who he once was and who he had become, but that was all experimental and he didn't really like it. It wasn't something he wanted to pursue, but with the look he found to be the most... him, brought on that constant speculation. He gave up on denying it, the ones who knew the truth were the only ones that mattered anyway.

And so did you.

At least, eventually, you would learn.

Eren could remember that day as if it were yesterday. The day he first met you.

The moment he had arrived at Porco's home to begin their semester long project. How he entered without receiving a hello from the dirty blond, how said man left him to his defenses as he went to use the bathroom. Eren stood at the doorway with his hands deep in the pockets of his jacket, eyeing the surrounding home. It was well furnished, minimal frames lingering about, a two story townhome Porco managed to afford on his own. Or, at least, Eren recalled him mentioning when he had eavesdropped on a conversation. However, as Eren walked further into the home and spotted the tiny backyard, a young woman was crouched tending to a small garden.

He couldn't recall Porco having a sibling or someone he lived with, or maybe he just didn't care in the moment to remember. His head tilted at the sight, eyeing her as she watered the flower bed, a bucket hat on her head, and a sundress snug to her body. Sandle cladded feet digging into the dirt as she smiled to herself.

It was you. He hadn't known who you were, but he had recognized your face from one of the photos he had passed by earlier. You stood up and brushed some loose strands (that slipped your braid) behind your ear. Were you Porco's sister? Girlfriend? No... The one thing Eren did remember was that Porco and Pieck Finger had a thing. Or, rumored to have.

Watching you as you reached for your water bottle, uncapping it and chugging away the contents, Eren felt entranced. The way you tilted your head back, how beads of water slipped down your chin and neck. He blinked a few times before he looked elsewhere. Maybe it was because he hadn't had sex in a while, seeing as you so easily piqued his interest.

Sometimes he hated being the antisocial person he had become, it made him feel more desperate for human contact than he should.

Eren snapped himself out of his thoughts before he turned away. If he was to be left on his own, he might as well do some snooping. It wasn't like he cared to be scolded by Porco, he already got pointless insults from him daily, anyway.

That's how he found himself on the second floor, standing before a room covered in pastels.

Clearly, this was not Porco's room. The amount of posters and trinkets around, the floral bedsheets... A beanbag, stuffed animals. Magazines and a vanity full of makeup. A bunch of Polaroids hanging on a string of lights. It was your room.

Eren walked towards your desk, a collection of colorful pens and sticky notes amongst journals and books (and other educational tools), sat on its surface. Leaning over and eyeing the photos, seeing the consistency of you and some friends, he furrowed his eyebrows at the sight of a pair of recognizable faces. Gabi Braun and Falco Grice. The former being the little cousin to one of Eren's friends—Reiner Braun—and the latter being the little brother of an acquaintance of his, Colt Grice.

"What are you doing?" A voice had spoken up, causing Eren to nearly jump out of his skin as he turned to face the person.

To face you.

What he did not expect was to see a subtle smirk on your lips, you leaning against your own door frame, and arms crossed. Your feet were bare and your hat was gone. Just you, your sun dress, and (you must've undone your braid) loose hair.

He recalled the innocent look you tried to put off, the way you had lowered your arms and held your hands together before turning your smirk into a gentle smile. It was an act, clearly, he saw right through it. He wondered how often it was used. You must've been a Venus fly trap. "I was looking for the bathroom."

"Well, you're in my bedroom," you had chuckled, shaking your head. "Though, I do have my own personal one. There is no spare one up here. The two bedrooms have their own, then there's the half bath downstairs," you had explained, then stood up straight to approach him.

The whiff of your perfume had hit him—a scent he would never forget—so sweet yet so seductive. Something a siren would conjure. His heart had skipped a beat when you were mere inches away him, his eyes landing on your neck. He thought about the water that had trickled down your skin. His focus slipped from your clavicle down to your cleavage before it swiftly made its way up, to your lips, and back towards your eyes. "Apologies..."

He knew he should've walked out, knew he should've made his way back downstairs... but he couldn't seem to. He was too enthralled by your beauty. There was something about you... You must've been a siren.

"Hey, where the hell did Yeager go?" Porco had called out, causing both your's and Eren's eyes to widen. You didn't think twice when you grabbed Eren's hand and shoved him into your bathroom before shutting the door. Like nothing, you came up with a lie, shouting back how you didn't even see whoever this Yeager person was. All while Eren listened in from the confines of your bathroom (a place he would soon grow accustomed to). You were such a liar.

After that day, you and Eren would encounter one another more often than not. With him working with Porco, Eren would become a common guest at your shared home. Not only that, he would eventually pursue something with you that was beyond friendship.

Porco had a habit of disappearing on Eren in the midst of their group work to do god knows what. It was a different excuse each time he ran into you; majority being phone calls while others he straight up would lock himself up in his room to game with some online bodies who were from a different time zone. All an excuse to stay away from Eren. In those instances, Eren would be left alone to do his part—and any other homework or studying he had to do—before the Galliard man would return... usually an hour later.

Eren had hated that.

Keywords, had hated.

As days turned into weeks, and his presence became more prominent in your home, you grew more and more acquainted with the long haired man. You, unlike Porco and Eren, were soon going to start your freshman year as a college student. You were in the midst of your last summer break before classes would begin, fresh out of high school and already exploring the world with your best friends.

Except, those outings became almost less and less the more you found yourself trying to get close to Porco's arch nemesis.

Eren Yeager was no mystery man to you. You knew of him. You would hear Porco rant about him all the time and, well, you kind of grew an unhealthy obsession. Sure, Porco wasn't a big fan of Reiner Braun... but Eren Yeager? Now that was pure hatred. And, out of pure curiosity, you wanted to get close to this Eren person.

And that's what you did.

Porco Galliard was your step brother, an addition to your life when you first started high school. You had always wanted a big brother and he became that. He was standoffish and quite harsh towards you at first. Being as he was half a decade older than you and wasn't fond of the idea that his father was marrying your mother... he kind of took that out on you. He told you he had an older brother he lost and didn't need a replacement the day you two met. However, as time passed, he started to realize how much of an ass he was to you and slowly opened up. It also helped that his father didn't appreciate how he treated you when you were nothing but kind to him. Probably why Porco took the role of the overly protective big brother a little too serious.

It was a bit suffocating, at first you didn't mind, but the older you got... the more irritated you became.

You understood where he came from, but you were already an adult. Technically speaking. Someone who was entering the real world and was no longer a child. Yet, Porco never could see or understand this.

It was one of the many reasons why you started seeing Eren behind his back.

What started off as shameless flirting on your end blossomed into something... raw. You recalled the ways he'd look at you when he thought you weren't paying attention, or how you'd let your hand linger a little too long on his thigh. Little touches and glances lead to you making out with him at one of Gabi's cousin's parties (yes, your group of three always attended them seeing as Reiner could never deny his precious cousin). You had basically thrown yourself at Eren and had half expected him to deny you... not indulge and lock the two of you up in a bathroom.

From that day on, the two of you started something you couldn't seem to stop.

What you claimed to be a way to relieve endless sexual tension, with Eren being the first man to ever do any of that with you, became something of constant need. Which eventually blossomed into the constant desire to simply just be near one another. What once was shameless hookups became a secret relationship. The reason you were already reaching your five month mark with him.

"I can't believe you're actually dating him," Gabi said as the two of you sat at one of the couches in Reiner's home. It was his annual Christmas party. Your first semester of college went smoothly, what with you having a now graduated boyfriend who loved to give you rewards every time you did well in classes. The incentives were a nice form of motivation. It also helped that he had gone through all the same classes you went through and was the perfect tutor. Now on your winter break, you felt as if you could breathe freely. Somewhat. Porco still hadn't figured out that you were dating his quote unquote enemy.

After that forced group project of their final semester, the two so happened to take part in the same residency... Which meant Porco and Eren seeing one another more. Which meant even more complaints and rants from your step brother.

"Why are you surprised?" You asked as you sipped at the cup in your hand, eyes lingering towards the hallway that lead to the kitchen. From your spot on the couch, you could see Eren leaning against the wall parallel to the island table where two of his best friends—Armin and Mikasa—stood at. They must've been doing something, a wall blocking your vision as you could only see the two walk by every so often. Eren would open his mouth and speak a few words before brining his own cup to his lips. Though his closest friends and your own as well knew about your relationship, you couldn't quite do much in public. When it came to Reiner's home, it meant Porco was somewhere nearby. Or, at least, some of his close friends were. Whenever he'd enter a Braun party and spot Yeager, Porco would turn and walk right out.

Except this time, he was still lingering, mingling with Pieck and Bertolt in the dining room as Colt and Reiner were shooting darts.

The house was packed, Reiner always managed to befriend almost anyone and everyone from all walks of life. There was no wonder why you always found yourself in a corner with Gabi, it was overcrowded and as fun as it was, you didn't trust college boys. Especially when they were drunk. It was enough that you were taken and couldn't quite show it, but it was another thing having to constantly dodge their advances. You hated it but with Gabi around—and her temper—it helped. Only a semester in college and she made a name for herself.

"Because of Porco," Gabi shook her head as she sipped at her drink. "I mean... he hates Eren."

"Yeah, I'm well aware," you snickered, eyes looking back into the kitchen as Eren was now talking to Jean—another good friend of his you met a few months back. Another friend who knew of your secret relationship. "But I don't hate him."

"Obviously," Gabi clicked her tongue. "I'm just glad no one in Eren's group has a big mouth."

Nodding, you took a sip from your cup, "Connie and Sasha have a bit of loose screws, but they know how to keep a secret. I don't worry much about it. Plus, it helps that some of them have already graduated or soon will, it isn't like I'm on campus making out with Eren."

"The perks of having an older boyfriend," Gabi sighed, earning a swat from you.

"Please, you and Falco have been in love with each other since you were in your single digits—"

"Shut up!" Gabi hissed, earning a laugh from you. 

Just as you threw your head back, your eyes landed on said blondie. Lifting your head up and smiling at your best friend, you eyed your now empty cup before standing. "I'm gonna get a refill while you smooch up your boyfriend," you said as Falco approached, you patting his arm as he then took your seat. "Have fun!" You said as you leaned in between the two from the other side of the couch, earning a blush from Falco and a hushed curse from Gabi.

"You're such a fucking idiot, Kirstein," Eren grumbled with a roll of his eyes.

"You are, bastard!" Jean fired back.

"You both are idiots," Armin laughed as Mikasa sighed. You walked in, unsure what was happening, only knowing it was just them four there within the chaos of junk food. The kitchen was littered with dozens of opened and unopened beer bottles, tons of liquor, bags of chips, plates and napkins... all strewn all over the place. You felt bad for Reiner, but he never complained, Bertolt and Annie always helped him clean up since they, too, lived in the home. You'd often offer, but Reiner always said you did enough by being Gabi's best friend. It never ceased to make you laugh.

"Oh, hey," hearing your name as you were pouring yourself another cup from besides Armin, you turned and were greeted by his sweet smile.

"Hey," you smiled back, then noticing how everyone was looking at you—including Eren. "What are they arguing about now?"

"Some dumb shit," Armin waved off as you grinned.

"Nothing new," Mikasa shrugged as she approached you, gently bumping her arm against yours in an endearing way before whispering, "Eren's been waiting for you."

Blushing, you looked at the grey eyed beauty, "Porco's still here..."

Frowning, Mikasa sighed, "we'll cover up for you if he asks or anything."

Smiling, you nodded, "thanks." Walking past her and greeting Jean, you casually sat on one of the barstools adjacent to Eren. Sipping at your cup and pulling out your phone from the pocket of your cardigan, you scrolled through your social media. Without noticing it, Mikasa, Armin, and Jean all exchanged looks before discreetly ditching the space, leaving Eren alone with you. You tried to keep yourself busy, liking photos here and there, reading a few DM's you hadn't checked before a shadow casted upon you. Looking up and seeing Eren with his arms crossed over the counter as he leaned towards you, you bit back a grin. "Hi."

"Hey," he nudged his head. "How are you?"

Biting your inner lip, you fought the smile forcing it's way onto your lips, "I'm good... yeah, classes just ended... passed them all. How are you?"

"I'm alright," he sighed before one of his hands moved, tracing the tile on the counter as your eyes bounced between the many silver and black rings that adorned his fingers. "A bit bummed out though..."

Lifting your eyes from his fingers (that you were very well versed in) up his jacket covered arm, towards his neck and jaw, your eyes lingered on his plush lips. Oh, how badly you wanted to kiss him. "Why's that?" You asked, eyes still studying the handsome man before you, from the piercings that decorated his ears to the loose strands of hair that slid from his bun, towards his stunning emerald eyes (that seemed more interested on the counter than you), you shifted in your seat.

"I've walked under a shit ton of mistletoes, my girlfriend was nowhere in sight, but when she was, I couldn't kiss her," he pouted as your heart skipped a beat. The two of you had seen one another a few times throughout the night, walking by each other even, almost as if the other was a ghost with the lack of acknowledgment. You both hated it. "Kinda afraid she kissed some other man."

"Oh, poor you..." you played along, mimicking his pout as you tilted your head. "Though I doubt anyone would cheat on a pretty face like yours."

Finally lifting his stunning eyes to meet yours, Eren's toothy grin presented itself to you, his pearly whites on display as your heart throbbed within your chest. "Is that so?"

Nodding, you walked your pointer and middle towards his hand, your fingers gently trailing along one of the veins that was on full display. "Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen a man like you before. I'm kind of jealous. I mean, damn, she's a lucky girl... too bad I can't be seen with an older man. Especially one that looks like you," you frowned. Eren wanted nothing more than to take your hand and run into the nearest bedroom. "What, with all those piercings and that fashion sense... how are you a doctor?"

Eyeing you as he licked his lips, Eren took in a deep breath, "I sadly have to remove the earrings and hide any visible tattoos. Lucky for me, they're pretty hidden under my work attire."

Smiling, you pulled your hand away. You noticed the way Eren's own twitched, wanting to yank yours back. "That's a shame, if you were my doctor I'd want to see it all on full display."

Sucking in a sharp breath as he could hear his blood pumping, Eren looked at you with hungry eyes, "you're a little minx."

Grinning, you settled your cup and stood up, "I've gotta go... I'll see you around."

Feeling his heart drop, Eren stood straight, eyes slightly widening. "Where you headed to?"

"My boyfriend's car, he's waiting for me," you shrugged before walking off, smiling to yourself as you knew Eren would follow.

You slid past the crowd that had huddled up in the home, chanting Sasha and Connie's names—they must've been doing some sort of drinking or eating contest. Your step brother was still busy in his own world, unaware of your body walking out the front door. Mikasa, Armin, and Jean—who were now in the same vicinity as Porco—noticed you (followed shortly by Eren) exiting.

Walking past the stoners and a few couples making out on the porch, you strolled along the collection of cars, further down to where you knew Eren parked his car. He always kept it away from the rest, not trusting anyone around his car—and also for instances like these when he wanted the two of you alone.

Reiner's shared house was situated along a row of homes that sat before a park, a park in which you now walked along, spotting Eren's ride. Just as you approached it, the doors unlocked and the lights flickered. Eren wasn't too far behind. Opening the backseat door, you slid in, on your hands and knees as you made your way to the other side. Soon after, you felt the car shift as the door slammed, your body being tugged back. Now facing Eren, your sudden giggle was interrupted as his body hovered over yours, lips crashing on to your own with such desperation.

Eren slid his tongue past your parted lips, meeting your own as his hands grabbed onto the meat of your thighs, parting them and situating himself in between them. Though his car wasn't tiny, it wasn't massive either for either of you to be completely comfortable. However, you two had become pros when it came to having fun in the backseat of his ride.

Running your fingers along his hair, pulling it out of the bun it was in, you slid his hair tie around your wrist before you felt Eren grind up against you. Your heart skipped a beat at the pressure against your clothed core, Eren's bulge pressing against his jeans, begging for freedom. One of your hands slid between your bodies, palming against his hardness as a moan escaped the man before you, the kiss becoming sloppy as he couldn't seem to put his focus on anything else but the pressure you gave him. You grinned as you felt his hips jerk against you, your other hand settling against the back of his neck as you lifted your head enough to meet his lips once again.

In an instant, Eren had you straddling him, your thighs parted as you moved both of your hands into his hair once again. Your breathing was heavy, your lips desperately meeting one another as you began to grind your hips against him. Eren's fingers slid under the skirt of your dress, pressing into your thighs and bruising the skin. You grew impatient, your forehead pressed against his as you shifted and situated yourself against one of his thighs. The sounds of your shared breathing filled the air, Eren's parted lips catching your own as you began to rock yourself against him. The friction, that pressure you needed against your bundle of nerves had you seeing stars. You felt so needy—extra needy. It was enough that you had to sneak around to see Eren, which made the both of you even more desperate than you should've been.

You felt like a bitch in heat, every time you were alone with Eren, you always found yourself riding his hand, his thigh, or even his face, to get off. After all, that's how your relationship first started. And he (almost) always made it about you and your pleasures. He never complained. He liked seeing the way you unraveled before him, the look of pure ecstasy across your face, how your eyebrows furrowed and lips parted. The way you squeezed your eyes shut, how quickly you breathed, and the grip you had on his shoulders or head, always leaving behind angry crescent marks against his skin. He wore them—and any other markings you gave him—as a badge of honor. He loved making you come.

Reaching down and tugging at your panties, Eren pushed them as far as he could before you did the rest, allowing yourself to feel freely. Your slick staining his black jeans as you eagerly rubbed yourself against him. Eren watched in a daze, his head thrown back against the head rest as his fingers pressed into the flesh of your bare ass. You held onto your underwear, placing it in the pocket of his jacket. "Keep it," was all you said. Eren didn't even question it, he never did. At this point, he had a whole collection of your underwear in its own drawer—and not just from when you stayed the night.

Feeling your grip tighten as your moans became louder and quicker, Eren slid his hands higher and helped guide your hips. Helped you find your release as you orgasmed before him, the heat burning up your body as you lowered your head to his shoulder. You knew that wasn't it, it never was one and done. You soon found your lips on his neck, licking at the skin, lazily biting and leaving marks behind.

Eren undid his belt and pants, lifting his hips with you as he pushed his jeans down his thighs. Your own hands moved down to his underwear, tugging down the waistband and letting his length spring free. The fact that neither of you had spoken a word showed how desperate you were. Eren was in a haze and you were straight up horny. After weeks of studying for final exams, unable to free yourself from your step brother's watch as he knew you were changing due to college, you were hardly able to sneak around with Eren. You couldn't even remember the last time you two fucked.

Normally, Eren would tease you for being so damn desperate, but he was feeling it just as bad. He missed you. He really missed you. He dreamt plenty about you, fantasized and thought about you while he was supposed to be focused on other things. There wasn't enough porn in the world to make up for the itch he needed to scratch. You two were truly addicted to one another.

Eren slid into you with little to no resistance, he wondered if you kept busy while he wasn't around to make up for the lack of his presence. He didn't want to think about it. All he wanted to do was fuck you. Fuck you and fuck you and fuck you as much as he could in the back of his car before anyone could see you. He truly hoped Mikasa was keeping her word. He needed this time with you.

Lifting his hips to meet your own as you raised and lowered yours, the two of you groaned and moaned out each other's names. Tears lightly pricked your eyes, you felt like you were seeing god—though, to be fair, Eren always looked like a god in your eyes when you were being intimate. You could hear the angels singing. God, how you missed his dick.

It was embarrassing, you knew neither of you would last long. You fucked each other, eagerly needing to feel one another. Eren hissed as you yelped when he gave you a rough buck of his hips, tearing into you. Your body shook—as did the car. Your skin slapped, the sounds melting with every other obscene noise your bodies were making. From your mouth to his, down to your pussy. Everything was so loud and fast and hot...

"E— Eren—" you stuttered, gulping, trying to catch your breath. Your eyes squeezed shut, your head fell back as a scream ripped from your lungs.

"Fuck— Fuck, baby, it's been— it's been too long," Eren shook his head, head falling back as you squeezed tightly around him. Eren was going to come, he could feel it, you were already reaching your climax and crying out and it was only making him choke out on his moans. "Wh— Where do you—"

"In me— Fuck— Yes!" You shrieked, riding out your high. You didn't have to tell Eren twice, he came hard, shooting ropes of his seed within you until you were practically overflowing with it. It wasn't often, but whenever you did let him come in you, he loved watching the way his own release leaked deliciously from you. It almost always lead to him fucking you again. It was a wonderful thing that you were on the pill.

"Shit..." Eren breathed, taking a moment to collect himself as you did the same. "We should go back inside... Get cleaned..."

"Yeah..." you whispered, now looking down at him with hooded eyes. A lazy smile was on your lips as your hands moved up to push his hair away from his face. You leaned in and gave him a sweet kiss, nuzzling your nose against his before gently nibbling at his jaw. Eren sat there, his hands falling to his sides before he reached up and fixed your own hair that was a bit tousled.

Gazing up at you, a smile mirroring your own—one of satisfaction and a bit prideful at the sight of your blissful expression—he leaned in and kissed you. "Let's go."

Sighing, you opened the door and climbed off of him, adjusting your dress and shivering. Not only had you purposefully left your panties in Eren's pocket, but you could feel his release trailing down your leg.

Eren stepped out after fixing himself, shutting the door behind him before locking his car. He reached for you and brought your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles, wrist, then tugged you to him as he kissed your lips. Your arms wrapped around his waist, his towering frame hunching over to deepen the kiss. His tongue met yours, yours hands tugging at his jacket, you smiled... but then suddenly you were standing there. Stunned. Your arms now open before you and Eren's body gone.

You blinked, and you blinked again and again, yells and grunts were heard, the sound of rustling and curses echoed into the night sky. You couldn't process it, too dazed. What the hell was happening?

"Porco! Porco, stop it!" You recognized that soft voice... it was Pieck.

Why was Pieck there? Why had she been calling out to Porco?

A gasp left you, one that made you light headed. Your eyes landed on Porco, clutching onto Eren's collar with one hand as his other was curled into a fist, punching at Eren's face. Your heart dropped, your eyes widened. Blood. Blood was everywhere. You screamed, you screamed so loud all you could hear was ringing. You reached for your step brother, tried to pull him off, but he shoved you back. You fell into Pieck's arms as she held you tight. Her usually calm voice yelled at Porco to stop, begging him to leave Eren alone. You tried reaching over again, voice cutting in and out as tears streamed down your cheek at the sight of your boyfriend taking every single hit.

He didn't block his attacks, he didn't even fight back. Why wasn't he? Why was he letting Porco do this?

Everything was happening so fast, your ears continued to ring, your vision blurred. Suddenly, Reiner was there to pull Porco back. Suddenly, Jean was there with Armin to tug Eren up to his feet. Mikasa was before him, checking his injuries as Bertolt and Annie stood before Porco to block his view. Gabi and Falco were beside you in an instant, speaking, saying things you couldn't pick up. All you could focus on was the blood that stained the sidewalk, the sound of your heart racing in your ears, and the sudden need to crumble to your knees.

To then black out.

"Hey." You were pretending you couldn't hear him, you stood there with your back pressed against the wall, a cup in your hand. Gabi and Falco stood before you, childishly bickering over something as you kept to yourself and watched it all unravel. It was always like this, you third wheeling and never seeming to mind, you didn't need to go to the movies when you had them. "Gabi snapped?"

Biting your inner lip as you fought a grin, you turned your head and tilted it up in acknowledgment. "Hey... Yeah, nothing new," you sighed as you eyed the emerald eyed man beside you. Eren had his hair down—a sight you adored—as he dressed in a pair of black jeans, a band tee, and a jacket over it. You tried to be discreet, definitely not checking him out in front of him... but how could you not? He was too handsome for his own good. Sometimes moments like these happened when it was just you two, eyes lingering, silence weaving between the two of you. You could smell his cologne. It made you want to tremble. Sometimes you hated his charms, even when he wasn't trying... he always had you enamored.

"About what?" Eren curiously asked. He was being quite social with you when your step brother wasn't too far off. It was another one of Reiner's gatherings, you were sure Porco hadn't noticed Eren just yet.

"Oh, you know how Gabi thinks she's always right," you waved a hand before leaning in, "when she's not."

That earned a snicker from Eren as he kept his focus on your two best friends, watching with such amusement. "Poor Falco."

Grinning as your eyes trailed his pretty face, freshly shaven jaw, perfect nose and lips that always appeared in your dreams, you turned your attention over his shoulder. Jean stood in between Sasha and Connie, lecturing them like a father. "Though, they remind me a lot like a pair of somebodies," you said, looking back at Eren as his eyes shifted to meet your own.

"Do they?" He arched an eyebrow as you nodded.

"You and Jean. Always bickering like a married couple," you teased, earning an eye roll from Eren. "I'm not wrong, everyone thinks that."

With a scoff, Eren crossed his arms, "Jean wishes he could land me."

Letting out a small laugh, you shook your head and turned your focus back to your best friends, "well, if he can't, I wonder who can? Mikasa?"

"I was thinking Porco," Eren teased, earning a snort from you as you were in the midst of drinking from your cup, nearly choking. Eren rubbed your back as you patted your chest, clearing your throat.

"Oh, you're funny," you pointed a finger as he flashed you a smile. A smile that always had you weak in the knees. "Though, you kinda have that mellow feel sometimes—like Pieck. I can see it."

Shaking his head, Eren removed his hand from your back before he brought it to your chin. "Eh, I wouldn't want him anyway."

Eyeing him as he kept his gaze locked on your face, gently shaking your head as he held your chin, your heart fluttered. "Who'd you want then?" You asked, blushing without a warning. Why'd you ask that? You were bold around him, sure, but in the comfort of your home. Never out in the open.

You just wanted him so bad.

"She's kind of hard to get," he sighed, letting go of your chin before resting his forearm above your head, against the wall you leaned on. "Got this overly protective step brother who hates my guts..." Lifting his free hand, using his thumb to push around the ring on his middle finger, your eyes widened as your throat locked. You?

"Oh?" You whispered, blinking, staring at him with a racing heart. "And that stops you... because?"

Stopping the movement of his thumb, he lifted his gorgeous eyes to meet yours, "not sure if she's into me."

"I'm sure she is... if she's been hinting at it for a while... Who knows, maybe she's willing to sneak around..." you trailed, voice coming out more breathy than intended. You couldn't help the way your breathing quickened in anticipation. You hoped he was catching your drift. After all, your words were pretty direct.

"Sneak around, huh..." Eren nodded. "Maybe I'll try that." Suddenly he stood straight, turned in his spot and walked away.

"Wh— Where are you going?" You nearly called out, getting off the wall and watching him with wide eyes.

"Gonna head to the bathroom, maybe I can find her there."

Without hesitating, you settled your cup to the nearest flat surface—the top of a speaker—before you followed after.

Your knees buckled in as you looked at Eren, then at Porco, then back at Eren. You could hear your stepbrother cussing at Reiner, trying to fight the solid man off, threatening more violence. Eren stood with a bloody nose and busted lip as Mikasa asked him questions. If he was okay, if he broke anything, if there's any pain... Jean and Armin watched him with worry.

"Go to him," Pieck whispered to you as your world finally snapped back into motion. You turned your head and eyed her with confusion. What was she saying? How had she known? "I may be quiet but I see things. I noticed the way Eren would look at you, how he treated you compared to everyone else. It also doesn't help that I just saw you two kiss. Go to him, stay with him, make sure he's alright. I'll handle Porco, okay? Please don't overthink it."

Slowly nodding, you eyed Porco as he continued to thrash around in Reiner's grip, Annie and Bertolt still blocking him. Turning your head and eyeing Eren, a look of... well, there was nothing. No sign of emotion. Expressionless. It was a defense mechanism, it was how he looked when he felt too much at once and shut down. Or maybe he saw this coming and had nothing to say. With a frown still on your lips, you walked over and gently gave Mikasa's arm a small squeeze. Her and the two men looked at you before giving you space, you taking Eren's hand in your own. "I'm going home with him."

"Okay," Jean nodded.

"Let us know if you need anything," Armin spoke.

"Please let me know when you make it," Mikasa added as you nodded.

Pulling out his keys from his pocket, you guided him back to his car, putting him into the passenger seat before you took the driver's. You adjusted the seat and rear view mirrors, seeing Porco in the reflection as Pieck now stood before him, completely blocking his view of your leave.

The drive to Eren's place was quiet, nothing but the hum of their air conditioner and the occasional noises the car made. Eren kept his solemn gaze ahead as you gripped the steering wheel with both hands. Your heart was all over the place and you constantly had to blink away tears that suddenly made their presence known. When you arrived, you were quick to park his car and rush to Eren's side, taking his hand once again and guiding him into the apartment building.

The moment you made it to his floor, to his door, and into his home, you sat him on his couch before gathering what you needed. You knew where things were, aware of the ins and outs of his apartment with the many times you visited and stayed the night—claiming to be at Gabi's. Bringing back his first aid kit, a damp towel, and some water, you settled it all on the coffee table before him.

Eren watched as you disappeared into his bedroom, the sound of his bathroom sink running lasted a few moments. Then he heard drawers opening and closing, minutes later you returned with clean hands and socks on your now bare feet. He hadn't even noticed when you removed your heels—maybe you had done it in his room—he wasn't sure.

He couldn't stop hearing the ringing in his ears, the white noise that had yet to leave him. The moment you wiped away his blood and cleaned up his wounds, up until the very second you started shedding tears and fought a whimper, the sounds around him came back to normal.

Your hands fell from his face as your head now hung. Tears fell down your cheek and collected on the ground between your feet. You tried holding it in, tried fighting it back, but your body trembled and a small gasp of air broke the silence.

Carefully, Eren brought you onto his lap and wrapped his arms around you. You buried your face in his neck as you clung to his shirt. "I'm sorry," you whispered. "I'm so sorry... It's— It's all my fault... I pursued you, I suggested all of this, I—"

"Stop," Eren finally spoke. "Don't blame yourself. I'm not going to let you feel guilty over your own happiness."

Feeling him gently push you back as you eyed him with blurry vision, your heart sank at the sight of his now bruising cheek and split lip. "Why didn't you stop him?" You asked, voice low. Your hand gently traced around the bruised areas, pouting as your eyebrows narrowed further. "You let him hurt you."

Sighing, Eren brought one of his hands up to your face, thumb brushing against your bottom lip as his fingers moved to hold the back of your neck. "As much as I would love to fuck him up, I wasn't going to. Not when it would make matters worse. Not when it would hurt you more. It's enough he had found us the way he had... I mean, hell, I hate to say I get where he's coming from."

"But his hate towards you is so stupid!" You shook your head, more tears surfacing. "It's judgmental and ridiculous! He hates you because, what? You look a certain way? He doesn't even bother to get to know you. You're not a bad guy! You're— You are so kind and you care so much for the ones you love. I see it. I see how you are with Mikasa and Armin. Sasha and Connie... Hell, even Jean! I feel it, too... It's not fair..." your voice lowered as did your eyes.

Watching you with soft eyes, Eren tightened his arm around your waist as his other hand moved from wiping your tears, to cupping your cheek. "I wish I could kiss you..." he whispered, earning a small smile from you.

"No, your lip..." you shook your head before sighing. "I just... I wish— I wish he would see it. I wish he would understand."

"What if he doesn't?" Eren asked, studying your every look. The way your eyes trailed around his shirt, how your hand fiddled with the material, only to stop at his question. "I won't stop loving you..."

Blinking a few times, your heart skipped a beat, eyes trailing up his body to meet his own. "You... Eren?"

Gazing at you, he nodded, "kind of hard not to." Letting out a small chuckle, he looked off to the side, bringing his hand to the back of his neck, rubbing it. "I haven't been in a relationship in a while. School was a lot on my plate... I guess I caught you at the right time, huh? I've loved you for a while now, about a week in. Maybe it's because I haven't been doing this for a while that I fell fast, but that sounds shitty, so I won't say it's that. I just..." sighing and lowering his hand, he reached for your own—the one that held his shirt—and gave it a small squeeze. "I wish I said it sooner, but I didn't want to scare you away. Who's to say you want something forever with an older man like me?"

Smiling, your eyes softened as you shook your head, "you're like five years older, don't make a big fuss about it." Loosening your grip from his shirt, you moved your hand to hold his. "I wouldn't have left. Sure, I would've been a bit terrified, I mean... a week in?" You teased, earning a laugh from him. "My past relationships didn't last too long. I've had like two before you, all lasted a few weeks. Different circumstances... After having a step brother around, it was even harder to go on dates."

"Clearly," Eren huffed. "You're young... You've just started living, you haven't even hit your 20s yet—"

"Don't give me that," you glared. "I can enjoy my life on my own while simultaneously enjoy it with you, Eren. Nothing will get in the way of what I want. And what I want is you. I have you. I mean, I was such an obvious flirt because of how bad I wanted you," you laughed.

"Yeah, because Porco made you curious," Eren teased.

"There's no denying that," you shrugged before taking in a deep breath, looking him in the eyes, those emerald pools that always pulled you in. "I'm glad I did. Even if I was more attracted to your looks at first," you cringed, but Eren smiled. "I grew to love everything about you. Even the dumb things you do that can bug me, you're a man after all."

Laughing at that, Eren pulled you into a hug and breathed you in, closing his eyes for a moment and sliding his fingers into your hair, pressing against your head. "A man in love—"

"Shut up," you grumbled through a smile. "I love you, too..."

Tightening his grip, Eren took in a deep breath before letting it out, leaning back and resting his forehead against yours. "If all else goes to shit and he kicks you out, you can live with me. It's kinda lonely being on my own."

"Eren..." you sighed, pushing back and looking at him. "Don't tempt me."

Shrugging, he brought his hand to your cheek, brushing his thumb just beneath your left eye, "I don't care, you can come in tomorrow with your bags and I'd welcome you with open arms."

"I don't doubt it," you smiled before standing up, taking his hands in yours. Pulling him up to his feet, you guided him to his bedroom. Undressing one another, left in only your undergarments, the two of you slid under his bedsheets. Holding tightly onto him as you practically cocooned yourself around him, the two of you fell asleep.

When morning had come, you and Eren shared a shower before dressing and making yourself breakfast. You were anxious, to say the least, having to go back home to an angry Porco. A Porco who—without a doubt—will give you a migraine from all is yelling and the potential crying that'll come from it. You knew you'd be just as angry, refusing to let him treat you as if you were a mindless child who couldn't make decisions. Refused to let him belittle Eren when he hardly knew him. It wasn't what you were looking forward to. You could only imagine if he had already told your parents or if he decided to keep it to himself.

Though, in all honesty, your parents already knew about Eren. It happened a month into your relationship with him, you two were together at the local mall, window shopping and having dinner together. You knew Porco wasn't a fan of the mall, always complaining about how packed it was—and that night he had his own plans. However, you didn't expect to run into your mother and step father, who had spotted you holding a boy's hand. Eren's hand.

You could remember how your heart dropped, the way your eyes widened and your hand twitched into his grip. Eren had been dressed in ripped up jeans, a distressed black tee, hair down and arm tattoos on display. It wasn't like you were embarrassed to be with a man like Eren, not ashamed to be with a guy who looked like he was plucked out of 90's rock band... you just didn't want this meeting to happen in public... Nor did you want them to react the way Porco did whenever Eren was around. Judgmental and with distaste.

Maybe luck was on your side, or the world wasn't truly cruel, because your boyfriend was nothing but respectful and your mother (plus step father) were nothing but kind. Although you had gotten a few questionable looks your way, and a few phone calls after that moment, they had no right to criticize. To tell you how to live. After all, you weren't living under their roof.

Plus, when they learned that he was on the road to becoming a doctor, they definitely eased off on questioning your taste.

"What are you doing?" You asked as Eren parked his car in a visitor spot rather than leave you out front. "Eren—"

"It's you and I not just you," he said as he slipped out of his seat and pocketed his keys. You quickly exited the car, rushing to his side after shutting your door and shook your head. "I don't want you getting attacked for something that's not your fault."

"Eren, you can't— He will only be even more upset!" You reasoned, but Eren didn't listen. Instead, he walked down the road and up to the townhome that was yours, you quickly following. "Eren—"

Looking down at you, he gently got a hold of your chin, eyes boring into your own, "I rather take the heat again than you, get yelled at and be the punching bag, enough for him to hear how much I love you. It may not be reasonable, but, we are in this together, aren't we?" Seeing you nod, he left a soft kiss on your nose, then forehead before letting you go.

Sighing, you pulled out your keys, ready to unlock the door before you... only for it to swing open. Eren tugged you behind him instinctively, you nearly losing your footing as your step brother and boyfriend were now face to face. It felt like hours had passed with how long they stared at one another before you finally spoke up. "Porco."

"Why the fuck is he here?" He spat, causing you to suck in a deep breath.

"Enough! He's my boyfriend, you had your fair share of abuse yesterday when you nearly beat him to death!" You snapped, lowering Eren's arm so you could step in front of him. "What you did was wrong, instead of approaching us like a mature adult, you beat the living hell out of him. And for what? You thought that'd make him run away? That I'd break up with him? If anything, it made you look completely foolish," you clenched your fists. "Your hate for Eren is pointless. You don't like his looks? Grow the hell up. You still look like a frat boy and you don't see anyone complaining!" You went on, now pointing a finger at him with eyes narrowed.

Porco stood before you, stiff and unable to counter. "Yes, I kept it a secret from you for this exact reason. You overreacted and not only hurt him, but you hurt me. I'm not asking you to love the guy, but I'm asking you to respect me. He is my boyfriend and I love him."

Feeling himself flinch at the word love, Porco took in a sharp breath through his nose as he kept his eyes locked on yours.

"And he loves me too," you nearly whispered, not realizing that you had tears pooling up in your eyes.

Gulping, Porco lowered his focus to the ground, recalling the events of the previous night. He had everyone hounding him, telling him he overreacted, that he fucked up. Reiner yelling in his face saying how he hurt you more than Eren with his actions. Annie nearly beating the shit out of him herself, Bertolt trying to ease the tension... Pieck saying you were an adult now and were allowed to be with whoever you wanted to. And somehow he knew, deep down inside, his long lost brother would be just as ashamed as they were.

It also didn't help that as he was ready to open the door, he overheard what Eren said to you. How he'd take the heat. How he loved you. Porco hated that. Hated how wrong he was. How stupid he had been behaving.

"I heard..." was all he said, eyes still low.

Your own widened, blinking before tilting your head in confusion. "Heard... what?"

"What Yeager said, about loving you. I heard it before I opened the door," he grumbled.

Eren, though silently listening the whole time, stood behind you with a subtle blush on his cheeks. He watched the way you took a small step back, how Porco stubbornly looked anywhere but at you. Placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder, Eren broke his silence, "you're lucky I love her as much as I do, I would've fucked you up worse—"

"Eren," you hissed, looking back at him as he shrugged. So nonchalant.

"Psht, whatever, Yeager," Porco glared as he instantly looked at the green eyed man behind you.

Rolling your eyes, you pinched the bridge of your nose, "look, I don't ever want to see you two fight again." Removing Eren's hand from your shoulder, you slipped your hand into it, noticing the way Porco's nose scrunched up. "Porco, I think you have something to say to Eren."

Sucking in a sharp breath, Porco crossed his arms, "I don't know why I have to apologize—"

"I'll move out," you quickly said, earning a look of shock from Porco.

"Wha— Fine! I'm sorry, Yeager," Porco huffed.

Smiling, you tugged Eren inside with you, "how hard was that?"

"Wait, why are you bringing him inside? He—"

Grinning, Eren lifted his fist and nudged Porco on the chest, "I am her boyfriend after all, Pock."

Grounding his teeth as he watched Eren walk past, making his way up the stairs with you, Porco called out, "I'm heading out, I better not see him when I return!"

"No problem, I'll be in her room where you can't see me," Eren smiled as he leaned over the railing, you shaking your head and tugging him with you.

"Stop instigating," you sighed, hearing a grumble from Porco before the front door slammed closed.

"It's the least I could do after he busted up my face," he huffed, sitting on your bed as you shut your bedroom door.

Stepping in between his legs, you cupped his cheeks and left a gentle kiss on his lips. "You still look handsome as ever," you gazed, gently tracing along his hairline, pushing away the hair from his face, behind his ear. Quietly gazing at one another, you continued your ministrations, softly caressing his cheek, brushing your thumb along one of his eyebrows, pressing your finger against his bottom lip.

Eren's hooded eyes watched you as you studied his face with a sweet smile on your lips. Giving your ass a small squeeze, he gave it a light tap before sticking his tongue out. Wrapping his lips around your finger, he watched as your cheeks flourished with heat before he leaned back. Letting your finger fall from his lips, he scooted back on your bed and brought you with him. Settling you on his hips as he fell back against your pillows, he trailed his hands up and down your thighs. "You were so assertive out there."

Grinning as your hands fell onto the expanse of his hard chest, you licked your lips, "I was defending my boyfriend."

"Yeah, and it was hot," he said, caressing and squeezing your thighs. "Porco took it better than I thought... After last night, you would've thought he would've gone for a round two."

"I have a feeling Annie and Reiner did something... Though, Annie probably beat the shit out of him..." you sighed, unbuttoning the top buttons of his plaid shirt to expose his chest. "She's always had my back when it came to Porco."

"I would have murdered him if I didn't hold back—"

"Shut up," you rolled your eyes. "You must really love me to take all of that."

"I do," Eren said, looking you in the eyes. "I really do..."

Blushing, you leaned down and kissed him as your hands caressed the skin of his chest. Moving your kisses down his neck, you licked a stripe up the column of his throat before meeting his lips once again. "You're such a gentleman."

"Only because he's your family," Eren lowly spoke.

"Yeah, but you still are one. Such a handsome... kind... sexy, gentleman," you breathed against his skin before finding that sweet spot just below his ear, marking him. "I could fuck you right now."

"Is that so?" He hummed as you nodded. "Why don't you?"

Lifting your head and looking deeply into his own, you shook your head, "I just told my brother about us..."

"And you also brought me up to your bedroom in front of him," he added. "Not like he can do anything about it."

"Not now," you sighed, sitting up and pulling off of him, earning a groan from Eren. "I need to check on my garden."

"Sure, leave my dick aching while you water your flowers," he groaned, arms crossed behind his head as he started at the ceiling.

"Come on, help me," you tugged at his jeans, Eren looking at you with an eyebrow arched before he forced himself up with a lazy groan. "If you help me, I can finish faster, and then I can fuck you."

Before you could process it, you were in Eren's arms, making your way down the stairs and towards your tiny backyard. "You better keep your word."

"You feeling better?" Annie asked, sitting across from Porco. There was a local cafe they met at weekly—as long as their schedules allowed it. Porco, Pieck, Annie, Reiner, and Bertolt taking the same outdoor table, talking about their week, work, and life. This time around, Pieck requested it be earlier after the previous night's events.

"Yeah, totally, after you kicked the shit out of me," Porco glared, rubbing his side that still ached from Annie's beating. When you had left with Eren, Porco got his karma in the shape of Annie's sneaker covered foot. "Still fucking hurts."

"Good, now you know how Eren's face feels," she crossed her arms.

"Though I'm sure your sister kissed it better," Reiner teased, earning a low curse from Porco telling him to fuck off.

"Alright you two," Pieck spoke up. "So tell us what happened before you got here."

Sighing, Porco leaned back in his chair, "she came with Yeager, scolded me, proceeded to tell me she's in love with him and he loves her... threatened to move out, I apologized, then they went up to her... room..." he frowned, crossing his arms. "God knows what the fuck they're doing all alone there. I shouldn't have left—"

"Your legal step sister alone... in a home she helps pay for... What are you? Her father?" Bertolt scoffed. "Let her be, stop worrying so much, you'll lose the top part of your hair like you did the sides—"

"It's a fucking hairstyle, Gumby!" Porco snapped, earning stifled laughter from the rest of the group. "Whatever, I know she's legal and basically an adult now, but Yeager better not fucking hurt her."

"I'm sure he's broken her back plenty—"

"Fuck you, Braun!" Porco shouted, standing up and pointing, only to be tugged back down to his seat by Pieck. "I don't want to think about it!"

Lifting up his hands in defense, Reiner leaned back in his seat, "I'm just stating the obvious. I've seen her walking funny plenty of times and I've caught them fu—" cutting himself off, Reiner scratched at his goatee. "Never mind."

Blinking as Porco eyed him in shock, he clutched onto the seat he was in. "You... caught... them?"

"Like... once or twice—"

"Once or twice?!" Porco exclaimed.

"More like a handful," Annie added, earning a look from Porco. "What? Your step sister isn't innocent. None of us are. Why are you so damn surprised? Good for her for getting action from a man who makes her happy. I wouldn't want anything less."

"That's because you're always on her side!" Porco cried out as Annie shrugged while Reiner looked anywhere else but at Porco. "You too, Reiner! No surprising there since you guys always take her side!"

"What? I like her more than you, anyway," Reiner was now the one shrugging as Annie nodded in agreement.

Sinking into his seat and crossing his arms like a stubborn child, Pieck rubbed his upper arm as he mumbled, "assholes..."

"I haven't done this since I was little," Eren said as he wiped some sweat from his forehead, leaning back on the lawn chair after pulling his hair back into a low bun.

"Garden?" You asked, handing him a water bottle as you sipped on your own.

Nodding his head as he twisted the cap off, bringing the bottle to his lips and nearly chugging its entire contents, you watched in awe. The water slipped down his chin and along the side of his neck, causing you to bit your inner lip. "Yeah, my mom had her own garden in my childhood home. It was her favorite place to be. She always had me watering the plants when I was a kid, she was always the happiest when we were out there, surrounded by the flowers and under the sun."

Snapping out of your thoughts, you settled your bottle down besides his now empty one on the small, wobbly table. "That's so sweet... No wonder you're so good at watering," you teased, moving to sit on your knees. Eren sat with his legs spread, the space in between his thighs now being occupied by you. Your hands reached up to his shoulders, smiling at the sound of Eren's small laugh.

"I'm good at other things," He said in a much more hushed tone, eyes lowering to your lips.

Repositioning yourself as your legs now hung over his thighs, either knee pressed into his sides, you scooted yourself closer. "Like what?" You asked, moving your hands to his flannel, unbuttoning the remaining buttons before opening it up.

Moving his hands onto your thighs, giving them a squeeze, he pulled you even closer to feel his hardness. A small gasp left you as Eren leaned in and blew against your ear, biting onto your earlobe and whispering, "making you wet, of course." You felt his hands move higher, slipping underneath the loose shorts you were in. That morning, you had borrowed one of Eren's shirts and gym shorts, though baggy, it was better than staying in the dress you wore the night before.

Eren's fingers slid underneath your panties, gripping your ass before pushing your hips against his. A small whine left you before you huffed, "Eren... Someone could hear us..."

"Then you'll just have to be quiet," he whispered, lips now hovering over your own. "I'll be quick."

In a matter of seconds, Eren's hand dipped through the front of your shorts, into your panties and against your heat. Your slick coated his fingers as he swiped his fingers up your pussy, then finding your bud. Rubbing circles and making you squirm, Eren smiled against your lips as he kissed you, swallowing your moans as his tongue slithered into your mouth. Your heart raced as his finger prodded your entrance, pushing in as you bucked your hips. Using his free hand to press against your ass as he began to thrust his finger, he pulled out and added a second one. Your mouths just barely grazed one another, kissing the corners, his chin, your saliva spreading. Your eyes squeezed as Eren thrusted his fingers in you, curling and finding the spot that'd make you come. "Eren..."

"I said I'd make this quick," he mumbled against your cheek, pushing his fingers deeper as his thumb pressed against your clit. "I'm keeping my word."

Burying your fingers into his hair, as you turned his head so he could kiss you properly, your lips desperately met his as you chased your release. You clenched around his fingers as he continued his ministrations until your juices coated his hand; and just as you shook against him as you came, Eren pulled out his fingers and presented them to you. Your chest heaved as you watched him bring his slick covered fingers into his mouth, licking away every bit of you from them. "That's..." Not even bothering to finish your sentence, you pulled him back into the kiss, earning a chuckle from him as you eagerly kissed him.

"Not again!"

Pulling back and seeing Porco (amongst Pieck, Annie, Bertolt and Reiner) standing at the sliding glass doors, you covered your mouth. Pieck gave you a sweet smile as Reiner gave you a thumbs up, Annie carrying a look of indifference (though keeping an eye on Porco) while Bertolt fought a grin. Eren looked over his shoulders at the crowd and sighed.

"I said—" before he could finish, Pieck pulled him away as Annie and Bertolt followed, Reiner giving you a big grin, mouthing good for you! before Annie reached for him and yanked him back.

Smiling while shaking your head, your eyes left Reiner before settling on Eren. Your eyes then widened, "I hope he only saw us kissing..."

"Well, he couldn't see much anyway with my back facing him. Not like Annie and Reiner haven't caught us plenty—"

"Eren," you groaned.

"Don't worry," he said, kissing you once more before leaning back and smiling at you, "now Pock knows our secret and can't do shit about it."

Tags :
2 years ago


i NEED a nigga to do this to me😩🙏🏽

can you please a plug! eren, who wears his hair down pleaseeee?

also has a tongue piercing

✣﹕BAD ATTITUDES﹕✣ eren yeager ۫

Can You Please A Plug! Eren, Who Wears His Hair Down Pleaseeee?
Can You Please A Plug! Eren, Who Wears His Hair Down Pleaseeee?

❪✧❫ ───( synopsis ) plug!eren gets sick of hearing that smart mouth from his bimbo girlfriend.

˙ ˖ ✧ — content warning : minors do not interact, fem! reader, female anatomy described, black coded, she/her pronouns, modern au, third pov, plug!eren, bimbo!girlfriend, chubby reader, eren has a tongue piercing, eren with long hair omg, missionary, oral (f receiving), tatted eren, reader has belly button piercing, use of pet names and profanity such as ꒰ mama, baby ꒱ authors note : think this is the first request i've written, and i loved the vision i had for this. send more requests! also check out my wips, and stay tuned. word count: 1.2k.

Can You Please A Plug! Eren, Who Wears His Hair Down Pleaseeee?

“daddy, m’ so sorry.”

eren just hummed in response, keeping his pace, stroking you deep, watching your white cream coat his dick. he’s heard those apologies too many times to know the only way to break your habit was to have you like this.

you had come countless times already and he still wasn’t done proving his point. “baby, please. m’ sorry.” you cried again.

“you sorry?” he asked and you nodded, face wet with your tears. “you gon’ stop acting up?”

“yes, i promise. i will.” you felt another orgasam approaching, from how deep eren was hitting but you knew better than to push at his stomach, it’d just be much worse for you.

“i still don’t believe you princess, go ‘head get crying for me.” he smirked, rubbing the fat of your tummy.

you knew you should’ve just left him alone after he told you what happened, but seeing the aggressive side of eren turned you on too much. and he just looked so good.

it’s how you got here.

“why you being so quiet mama? i did sum’?”

he knows he did. it’s why right after he did it he came over to your place, texted you to come outside, and tried to butter you up, flashing those emerald eyes your way and that smirk, his hair down because he knows you love him that way. had a pre-rolled blunt ready just for you, but when you refused his kiss, he knew something was up.

"where were you 'ren?" you folded your arms, which caused your perky tits to prop up in the little black tank top you wore, back against the passenger door. the pudge in your stomach on display showcasing your belly jewelry.

he blew smoke out of his mouth, giving you a glimpse of the jewelry on his tongue, he turned his head to look at you, and licked his lips, "i was just out with connie nd' jean, why wassup?" brent faiyaz played lowly in his car, smoke clouding the air.

instead of continuing with your questions, you cut right to it, "you went racing without me? you told me you wouldn't, and then i see connie post you guys racing and he was sitting in my spot–" before you could continue he started laughing. "eren! it's not funny."

eren always took you out street racing with him. you were like his little reward after he'd beat someone because he never lost, he loved to have you in his passenger seat while he raced. and you both loved the thrill.

"baby, we were racing some fucker who thought his car was faster than mine on the street, it wasn't a car meetup or nun' like that. i told you i wouldn't, you think i would lie to you?" his tatted hand rubbed your thigh and you rolled your eyes. "huh?"

"no," you said quietly.

"ight' then, now why the fuck you still got an' attitude, i told you what happened." his voice was a bit rougher now which made you more annoyed. you might’ve been in the wrong but you didn’t care.

“cause you were still racing without me, and then you come see me and somehow it’s my fault,” you rambled.

“keep talking shit, yn. go ahead.” he threatened, but you were already started now. you had a short temper, there was only one way to get you to calm down and he knew it.

“leave me alone. i don’t even know why i came outside in the first place, it’s not even like your my boyfriend or anything, right?” you grabbed your slides and slid them on, ready to go back into the house until he grabbed your arm. “eren, i don’t have time for this shit, let me go.”

“nah, you got me fucked up. c’mon let’s go fix that attitude.” he took his keys out the ignition and urged you to get out the car.

“you can't just dick me down every time you don’t like what i got to say, eren.” you stayed seated and he raised his eyebrow. causing you to scoff and finally, get out of the car.

he followed closely behind you while you mumbled under your breath. “you still talking? hm?” you simply ignored him and unlocked your door, going straight into your room and sitting down on your bed, arms crossed.

after eren locked the door behind you and met you inside your room he eyed you. you could tell by his demeanor he was mad. sometimes you forgot how much taller eren was than you. he pulled off his white tee, revealing his chest tattoos, the peak of calvin klein beneath his black sweatpants, and the dark happy trail that disappeared into them.

“take off your clothes, yn.” he snapped and you rolled your eyes again. pulling your black tank top off, and slipping your grey shorts off, leaving you in just your red panties. “you ever get tired of talking shit baby?”

he stood in front of you on the bed and you just stared up at him, he knew he wasn’t getting a response so he just eased you until you were laying on your back.

“i spend all my money on you, take care of you, fuck you good, flaunt you around, and you have the audacity to say i’m not your boyfriend?” he tsked, pulling your panties off. “you and that smart ass mouth, hold your thighs fa' me mama.”

from their eren edged you for lord knows how long, until you begged him to let you cum.

he still didn’t let you, pretended he couldn’t hear a word you were saying, moaning into your pussy, and slurping you all up. the jewelry on his tongue heightening every lick.

he smacked your hand away when you tried to bury it in his long hair, and when he was finally done eating he pulled his sweatpants off, tapping his tip against your clit.

“you can cum as many times you want baby,” he kissed you then proceeded to wrap his hand around your throat when he slid in.

and you did, you came until you couldn’t anymore. now, you were begging him to stop and to slow down. that's where you were now.

“daddy, m’ so sorry.”

eren just hummed in response, keeping his pace, stroking you deep, watching your white cream coat his dick. you had come countless times already and he still wasn’t done proving his point. “baby, please. m’ sorry.” you cried again.

“you sorry?” he asked and you nodded, face wet with your tears. “you gon’ stop acting up?”

“yes, i promise. i will.” you felt another orgasam approaching, from how deep eren was hitting but you knew better than to push at his stomach, it’d just be much worse for you.

“i still don’t believe you, princess, go ‘head get crying for me.” he smirked, rubbing the fat of your tummy.

"baby, m' sorry, please." your thighs shook, but he just took his time, wrapping his hand back around your throat, the pressure making you cum harder around him this time.

your walls fluttering around his length, "you can keep saying you're sorry mama, im still not done with this pussy." his eyes meet with where you two connected and he attached this thumb to your clit.

stroking it softly, your legs beginning to shake again. you reached for his hand, the overstimulation was too much for you to bear. "move your hand. move your fucking hand." he cursed and you sobbed moving it out of the way.

"daddy." you pouted.

Can You Please A Plug! Eren, Who Wears His Hair Down Pleaseeee?

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