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seventeen and which mythical beings they are
requested by @mesanthropi ^^ physically held myself back from going on rants for shua's and hao's and jeonghan's pls (iykyk)

vampire. formidable, mysterious vampire seungcheol from a powerful family name who lives in a huge, ominous castle and somehow manages to make sucking blood look sexy… shakes he's so fine oh my god. honestly vampire!cheol with glowing red eyes and an intimidating presence and the most smug fucking smirk in the world is such a vibe, and he also has the whole “i was born centuries and centuries ago” old hag thing down to an art
siren. specifically a mermaid-type siren that lives in the sea and has a pretty iridescent tail. water-dwelling being jeonghan just makes so much sense to me bc he has their fluidity and their peaceful and their mischief and also??? jeonghan with a shimmery mermaid tail and captivating siren voice???? i'd willingly drown myself for him actually, siren song be damned. he has the silvery voice of a siren and the ethereal looks to be one fr
wood nymph. bambi-eyed wood nymph joshua who communicates with the birds and tends to his forest and has flowers weaved in his hair and stars embedded around his eyes… the nymph!joshua obsession is Real guys and i am definitely a victim of it. curly haired joshua is just sooo wood nymph coded and i can see him as some soft-spoken, pretty being who lives in a birch tree and guides stray travellers when they get lost in his woods
witch junhui with his black cat familiar and his dented cauldron and his cottage in the middle of the forest!! witch junhui with his mini apothecary and his goofy-sounding spells and his eyebrow permanently half-singed bc his enchantments keep backfiring!! witch junhui with his soft spoken words and bright laugh and total kindness to everyone who happens upon his home!! witch junhui is so so dear to me and he really is just. a witchy little dude
shapeshifter. does this idea feed into his furry agenda a bit too much? yeah, it kinda does, but oh my god just imagine tiger shapeshifter hoshi who's part human but can turn into a large, big-fanged and bold-striped tiger at a moment's notice. he really just genuinely gives shapeshifter vibes, and every year he schedules one week where he'll traipse off into the nearest mountains and blow off some steam in his tiger form for seven days
dragon. okay so this is kinda not a humanoid mythical being, but wonwoo is soooo big friendly dragon coded. i can imagine him as a large, red scaly dragon, snoozing atop his massive hoard of gold in a secluded cave in the forest, little wisps of smoke coming out of his nostrils as he snores contentedly. that doesn't mean he can't be scary if he wants to tho, and can burn down any puny humans who try to steal his hoard in the blink of an eye
demigod. part-god woozi is just such a vibe okay, and he rlly does give off a hercules-type feel, where he can do inhuman things and seems almost untouchable in his awesomeness, even though he's right there in front of you. and he has a hatred of the gods and a mild tolerance for humans but at the end of the day, he appreciates and loves both for all that they do. (also in a percy jackson demigod sense, he is totally an apollo's kid and no i don't make the rules)
fae. y'all know how far my fairy minghao agenda runs by now and like ??? can you blame me ???? the idea of sassy smol hao with fairy wings and a squeaky voice is cute and all, but also i just think he fits the idea of the entire tall, mysterious fae folk really well too. with his pointy fae ears and his shrewd gaze and his ability to say half-truths and riddles and give sage advice about how to live your life all at once, he really is very much a fae-like person.
some sort of demon. he's so loud and bright and kind that, despite his huge presence and glowing eyes and the horns protruding out of his mess of fluffy hair, you don't even register that he's some dangerous, hellish creature before something happens and he just snaps, the air around him visibly darkening as he tears after the thing that caused him to lose control. he's so sweet and kind but so undeniably dangerous all at once.
elf. i'm thinking lord of the rings elves, except i haven't actually watched lord of the rings but i have this idea of them being tall and rich and elegant beings, and it makes me think of dokyeom. he's just so pretty, and the elves rely on the natural elements to survive, right? dokyeom is just so sunbeams peeking through forest leaves, so little rabbits bounding through the undergrowth, so hand-whittled arrows and folk songs around a campfire and tall, tall, beautiful elves.
will o’ the wisp or a sprite. he's endearing and mysterious, and once you gain his favour he's staying glued to ur shoulder for the entirety of your dangerous quest through the magical woods. he's very chatty and also very elusive, constantly flitting around in the air and disappearing in a wink of light before appearing on your nose once again. you can't tell if he's a help or a hindrance, but he's cute and bright and makes the journey a lot better
a smurf. smurfs count as mythical beings okay, and while ive never actually watched any smurf movie thing ever, i think vernon would make an absolutely brilliant smurf. they give off silly goofy weird adorable vibes, and that's basically vernon in a nutshell. also smol vernon with blue skin and lives in a mushroom looking house??? that's kinda cute and actually something that vernon might wanna do irl not gonna lie
nine-tailed fox. he's so mysterious and sexy and kind of dangerous but like. his unbelievable handsomeness kinda outweighs the danger. honestly i don't really have an explanation for this other than that the Vibes r there for some reason and he'd look so cool with those glittery wisps of magic threading through the air around him as his eyes glow a mysterious colour before he launches into a kdrama-esque fight sequence against the latest monster

request guidelines
reactions tags: @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @yonabutnotyuna @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @hanniehaee @astrozuya @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @amxlia-stars @all-american-fangirl @f1uffyjun @zilinxue
Soonie is literally so cute our lil horangi!!!
❍ the 2k event: hoshi + silly

alternative title: the morality of silly string
pairing: hoshi x gn!reader
genre: non-idol au, established relationship, crack, fluff
word count: 1018
warnings: none
event taglist (send ask to be added): @slytherinshua @rubywonu @pepperonijem @amxlia-stars @weird-bookworm @hannyoontify @my-moarmy-heart @suminsfav @minhui896 @haocovr @lockburn-castle @sweet-like-caramel @horanghae8 @graybaeismytae @karionice @hopetiger10 @etherealyoungk

"Are you really sure that Jeonghan will be okay with us spraying his entire house in silly string?"
"Of course not!" Soonyoung chirps, cheerfully. "He's gonna hate us for it."
You blink. "Wait, what? Soonyoung, I agreed because I thought that Jeonghan asked you to do this for him!"
Earlier that day, your boyfriend had woken you up with a grin and a kiss and asked if you wanted to come out and buy tens of cans of silly string with him.
"It's for Jeonghan's house," Soonyoung had explained. "I'm thinking at least thirty. Maybe even fifty cans, if we wanna fully cover his entire house."
You'd blinked. "Does Jeonghan want this?"
Soonyoung had grinned, waving his hands. "Of course he does! You know those weird moods that he gets in. He'd love his house covered in silly string."
Now, he laughs at your mildly annoyed face as you help him carry the bags of cans back home.
"Soonyoung. Babe. Are you telling me you lied to me?"
Soonyoung just laughs harder. "I can't believe you believed me! You normally see right through my lies."
You roll your eyes as your boyfriend continues to cackle maniacally, before eventually nudging him to get him to stop when the passersby start giving the two of you more and more suspicious looks.
"You're still gonna help though, right?" Soonyoung asks once his laughter dies down.
"Hmm… I dunno…"
"No! Y/N, please please please help me," he begs, and he tries to clasp his hands together before remembering the plastic bags in his hands, and resorts to giving you the biggest, saddest pleading eyes that he can muster. "Do it for me! Please please please!"
You look at him for a long moment before your face melts into a smile. "Well, maybe I do secretly want to silly string Jeonghan's house, deep down. It'll be the perfect form of payback for when he broke into our house during the night and toilet papered all our furniture for April Fool's this year."
"Oh yeah!" Soonyoung frowned at the memory. "That sucked. It took ages to unwrap the fridge, too. I was starving the entire time."
You nod your head resolutely. "This can be our revenge. Let's go, Soonyoung. Let's do it tonight."
"Aw, yes!"
———————————— 🏠
"Are you sure we should be doing this? What if he gets really mad?"
Soonyoung stares at you in disbelief. "Y/N," he says. "We're at his house already. Are you seriously backing out now?"
It's the middle of the night, and you and Soonyoung are hiding behind a couple of cars parked on the street, peering over the bonnets to look at Jeonghan's house. The windows are all dark, and you're sure that Jeonghan is probably in bed right now, oblivious to the chaos that Soonyoung is hell-bent on bringing to him.
You, however, are having second thoughts.
"How are we gonna explain this? He's gonna be so mad. He's gonna get back at us for this, you know. What if he breaks into our apartment again as payback? And, I dunno, turns all our clocks three hours forward?"
"Um." Soonyoung's lips twitch. "That's a pretty tiresome way to get payback. I don't think Jeonghan would do that."
"You never know," you hiss back. "Jeonghan is petty as hell. He could do anything."
Soonyoung nods, agreeing. "True."
You slap his arm. "Plus, this stuff isn't biodegradable! We're damaging our planet!"
"Uh, we bought the environmentally friendly silly string for that exact reason—"
"And how is he ever gonna get this off? Silly string is sticky as hell!"
"Babe, I said that that was kinda the point—"
"And also!" You wring your hands together. "What if he finds out that we did this to his house? He's literally in there right now, he could open his curtains and see us!"
"We'll explain this as early Halloween decorations. Say we accidentally got our calendar mixed up."
"That's not gonna help explain ourselves!" you protest.
Soonyoung shrugs. "Well, we're not gonna have to explain ourselves if we work fast and get out of here quickly."
His message is clear, for you to hurry up and stop talking, but you ignore it with a frown.
"This feels wrong. I think this is a bad idea."
"Babe, are you really going to talk about the moral nature of silly stringing your friend's house?" Soonyoung asks, tilting his head. "Because I'm pretty sure it's not moral, but it's not immoral either."
"Yeah, it's just stupid!"
"I'm glad you agree!" Soonyoung grins, and gives you a kiss to the top of your head before jumping up, cans in hand. "I'm gonna go do his porch. You can sit here and worry your pretty little head off, or you can help me, babe. It's up to you."
And with that, he scurries away, and you're torn between being annoyed (endeared) by his behaviour and giggling at his words.
You settle for glaring at his silhouette instead, lips twitching slightly at the hilarious sight that is Soonyoung darting from one car to another, leaping over the fence and hiding behind bushes, rolling down the pathway before getting to the porch.
He's so weird.
God, you love him so much.
That's how you end up gradually creeping out from the side of the car, opening Jeonghan's front gate and slowly crunching your way down his gravel pathway until you're right next to him.
"Hey. Y/N."
You look at Soonyoung, prepared to tell him that you're gonna dump all the blame on him the second Jeonghan spots you two, but your boyfriend is grinning at you, all bright and adoring as he stops in the middle of silly stringing Jeonghan's porch, and you pause.
He leans in and kisses you quickly. "I love you."
You roll your eyes. "You're just saying that to get me to help you silly string his house, aren't you?"
"Maybe. Is it working?"
"Ha! I knew it, you can't resist me."
"Okay, nevermind, I'm not helping."
"No, wait! Sorry. I love you. Please help me."
"...You're lucky I love you too."

this is so sweet 🥹
how seventeen comfort their s/o after a nightmare
requested by anon !

one moment, all the terror is consuming you and you feel like you're trapped in all of your worst fears and the next, you're being jolted awake and you find yourself sobbing into a warm chest, seungcheol having grabbed you and hugged you so suddenly that it literally woke you out of your nightmare. knows you better than you know yourself. holds you in his arms even after you drift off once more
“what's wrong, baby? shh, don't worry, it was just a nightmare, it didn't actually happen, i'm here.” very good at verbally reasoning with you through your hazy panic, even as he's stroking your hair and hugging you tight. helps your tears go away in a matter of minutes, and holds you and talks to you about everything and nothing to help you fall asleep again
instantly comforts you by constantly reassuring you of his presence. is all “i'm right here sweetheart, don't worry, i'm not going anywhere, i'm here for you” and just holds you, rocking you from side to side as you cry and tremble in his arms before the aftershocks die down and the warmth of his comforting presence helps you finally relax
makes the most distressed sounds in response to your distress. might very well end up crying with you, but he gives rlly good hugs so you help each other calm down too. you eat ice cream out of the tub together after, talking about nonsensical things bc you don't want to think about the contents of your nightmare. but that's okay, bc junhui will be there by your side always
“you're crying? are you crying? oh, baby, why are you crying, don't cry, it's okay.” he's all big, genuine comfort, wiping at your eyes with his hands even though you scared him by waking him up whilst sobbing your eyes out. he jumps into helping you instantly, holding you until the trembling subsides and you feel like yourself again
scoops you up into his arms without a second thought. he's so worried for you, because you've been rendered incoherent by the nightmare, but he'll hold you without a question until your heart stops beating so fast that he can feel it vibrating in your chest, keeping you protected in his arms.
like some sort of sixth sense, he always wakes up whilst you're contemplating whether it's silly to wake him up after you've had a nightmare. doesn't even have to say anything, just looks at you, takes your hand and drags you out of bed to make a snack in the middle of the night, taking ur mind off the nightmare and staying by your side until you feel better.
“you're okay, you're okay, shhh it's okay, you're okay. i'm here with you, everything's okay.” biggest focus is reassuring you that you're safe, that you're with him and nothing can hurt you here. he might address why exactly you had that particular nightmare later, but right now, his biggest priority is keeping you safe.
wakes up to the sound of you crying and does not even think before sitting upright in an instant, making his head feel all achy but that doesn't matter because he needs to help you, right now, needs to make whatever is hitting you go away in an instant. it's almost instinctive, the urge to protect you. makes you instant ramen afterwards to get rid of the post-nightmare shivers
he's a light sleeper, so the moment he hears any sound of distress from you he's blinking awake, blindly reaching for you and trying to pull you closer into his chest, even if you haven't woken up yet. makes soothing noises to you until you relax. if you didn't wake, then he'll just hold you til he falls asleep again, but if you did, then he'll tell you he loves you again and again until you believe it
when he wakes up to you tapping his shoulder hesitantly, breathing still a little shaky, he knows that you've had a nightmare. can tell instantly whether you wanna talk about it or not, and when you don't, he simply shifts a little so you can hug him in bed, listening to the sound of his heartbeat until you fall asleep again, safe.
shakes you out of your nightmare with the most concerned tone in his voice, and he's all groggy with sleep but he cares so much and the relief that you feel from seeing his bleary face in the darkness makes you cry out of love, overwhelmed. he doesn't question it, just lets you cry into his shirt until you feel better
he is, unfortunately, a rather heavy sleeper, so you wake yourself up by crying before he's able to wake up to comfort you. it's okay tho, because even if he's a heavy sleeper, he's also, like, a telepath, so the moment you're awake he's also blinking his eyes open too, reaching for you before he's even woken up fully, doing everything within his power to make your hurt and your pain go away.

request guidelines
reactions tags: @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @yonabutnotyuna @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @kikohao @astrozuya @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @starshuas @all-american-fangirl @f1uffyjun @sea-moon-star @nonononranghaee @isabellah29 @mcu-incorrect @hrts4hanniehae @dokyeomkyeom
im genuinely gotta start fucking sobbing T-T
[03:04 AM] — mingyu .
req by @weird-bookworm, 419 words, hurt/comfort
![[03:04 AM] Mingyu .](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f354cf60583b10523e1ac30e500ead42/4e2251efb8bd0ce9-f7/s500x750/de883d76974037a36abb35465b5b13633202f1a5.jpg)
![[03:04 AM] Mingyu .](https://64.media.tumblr.com/b2ccbb5dc4b9e20dd11c28d2e42a1079/4e2251efb8bd0ce9-0c/s500x750/9fed3c9c4fcb64e059c8da5b591a47de07c32122.jpg)
![[03:04 AM] Mingyu .](https://64.media.tumblr.com/e1f68c71b548cdbb05fd6335bbb19047/4e2251efb8bd0ce9-8e/s500x750/fe4f9ffd382d530f49779dd8d8538b16ea8c6a32.jpg)
![[03:04 AM] Mingyu .](https://64.media.tumblr.com/1d0b1fd81a1837d6b9b4bd5b7e184932/4e2251efb8bd0ce9-4c/s500x750/df9f787bec7d5cbd91cb7e71b462311845610400.jpg)
It's not often you wake up to your boyfriend crying.
In fact, it's never happened before. But it's happening now, and Mingyu's sobs are wracking his entire body as he sits up in bed, hands over his face, and your barely-awake brain goes into alert mode as you sit up instantly, touching his arm.
"Mingyu? Mingyu, honey, what's wrong?"
His breaths are erratic, like he’s trying to cry quietly and not disturb you, and it breaks your heart. He’s not replying to your concerned questions, but he does turn towards your voice, face still covered by his eyes.
So you stop asking, because really that’s not what’s important right now. What’s most important is helping him calm down.
“Shh, it’s okay, it’s okay, I’m here with you,” you say soothingly, fingers wrinkling into the back of his shirt, burying his head into your shoulder. He may have a ridiculously broad frame, but he’s still devastatingly small in your arms, his shoulders trembling as he folds himself into your embrace.
“I’m right here, baby, don't worry,” you say instantly, rubbing circles into his back. “Shh, don’t cry, it’s alright. I’m right here.”
Mingyu hiccups and makes a small whining noise into your shoulder, a cut-off whimper that means he’s still trying to hold back his tears. “My dream—you said y—you were g—going to leave—”
And oh, you realise what’s happened. Your boyfriend has always had some sort of mild fear of you one day breaking up with him, even though you’d told him time and time again that that was a fear you should be having about him. But nevertheless, he feels that way, but you never realised it was a fear big enough to make him wake up crying from a bad dream.
“Oh, honey,” you whisper, soft, one hand cradling the back of his head, the other still rubbing his back. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise. Why would I, when I’m so, so in love with you?”
And that’s when he breaks, letting out a cracked sob as he finally descends into noisy, wet tears.
It's rare for your boyfriend to cry. Rare for him to cry so hard that he forgets to breathe, that he clings to you like you’re his last lifeline, that he runs out of tears and simply whimpers brokenly into your shirt.
But you hold him through it, blinking back your own tears, rocking him from side to side. Being his comfort.
After all, that’s all he ever is to you.
![[03:04 AM] Mingyu .](https://64.media.tumblr.com/1d0b1fd81a1837d6b9b4bd5b7e184932/4e2251efb8bd0ce9-4c/s500x750/df9f787bec7d5cbd91cb7e71b462311845610400.jpg)
fics tags: @jeonginssa @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @butiluvu @zozojella @kawennote09 @thedensworld @a-wandering-stay @abibliolife @doublasting @wonranghaeee @icyminghao @sweet-like-caramel @your-yxnnie @evasaysstuff @odxrilove @kyeomyun @crackedpumpkin @jeonride @kellesvt
how seventeen act with their writer s/o
requested by anon ^^

he is begging. he is on his knees BEGGING you to pls let him buy you a new laptop because the one you use is literally on its last legs and makes ominous sputtering n whirring sounds like a dying cat stuck in a vent every time you start it up. you don't let him tho bc “no cheol the memories :(((“ cuz you've had it for years but he is nearing the end of his tether and who knows. in a few days ur laptop may mysteriously disappear forever and you'll be forced to let him buy a new one
he's like the pet cat you don't own who likes to slink into the room and make inquisitive noises as he watches you work. drapes himself over your shoulders and makes distressed huffs when you try to dislodge him. he's never usually noticeably clingy, but when you try to write, the clinginess always springs out and you can't go five minutes without jeonghan poking his head into the room to check up on you and see what you're up to
your biggest fan. buys every single novel you write, puts on his glasses, and reads them very seriously in one go on the very evening it's released with the lamp on beside him. he looks so serious every time, but he'll always peer at you over his glasses and then give you a big grin, telling you how much he loves it. gets you to sign a copy for him and brags to everyone he knows that he has your signed novels with special messages just for him that no one else can have
he's your personal general knowledge bank. when you're searching up obscure things and slowly losing hope on finding an answer, just ask junhui and he'll either a) know the answer or b) knows someone who knows someone else who knows someone else else who knows the answer. don't ask him how to spell words tho bc he's like. hopelessly bad. blinks at you going “what's an [insert word]” before you give up and google it yourself
alwaysssss wants to know what you're working on right now. gets all whiny when you get possessive of your work and refuse to show him before it's finished bc come on, it's surely perfect already, why are you trying to hide it from him?? loves helping you do, like, the non writing stuff. writing out plot? nooo. building fantasy maps, figuring out political systems, getting lost on a tangent on figuring out the price of beans in the 1800s? hell yeah sign him up!!!
knows all the grammar rules in the world. you can ask him stuff like “hey wonwoo can i put a comma here or no” and he'll amble over to peer over your shoulder and tell you whether you can or cannot, in fact, put a comma there. helps you curate all your writing playlists for the different moods you have. gently reminds you to get back to writing whenever you end up scrolling on instagram for too long
you're even more of a workaholic than he is when in the zone, so he gets to realise how unhealthy it is to be sat in front of a computer for hours straight with no break. you get to act as each other's “let's act like a normal human being now” reminders, depending on which of you is going through a work fixation. you guys both go on runs together in the mornings even though it kills you bc at least it gets both of yo brains kickstarted to spend a day being all creative in ur respective fields
you value his opinion above anyone else's. above your beta reader's, above your agent's, even above your editor's bc those are more like advice, not opinions. but knowing that minghao likes your work, and knowing which parts in particular he really likes, is so important to you because ultimately, you want the person you love to also love the things that you create.
brings up the fact that you're a writer in every conversation he has with anyone ever. “oh my god look, this menu has writing on it. speaking of writing, my s/o writes actual books as a job!!!!”. your agent made him sign a contract similar to an NDA bc he just keeps yapping about your books even when they haven't been released yet. loves the noises you make whilst you're writing. thinks it's the cutest thing ever when you make overjoyed “AHA!!” sounds when you finally realise what the plot is doing
more than willing to be your rubber duck and let you talk at him until u figure out your own plot holes. he could be in his room scrolling on his phone but the minute you call for him, he's leaping up and bounding over to you and pulling up a chair in an instant, more than willing to let you bounce ideas off him. sits there doing nothing but looking all pretty as you talk at him and work out the tangle you've gotten yourself into. beams and gives you a big kiss when you manage to figure it all out.
he buys you a biiiig wheely whiteboard and a bunch of coloured board pens to help you plot your novels. when you get stuck, he comes over and stares at the board with his hands on his hips, very gravely considering your dilemma and what would be the best way to get you out of it. you two talk about plot holes like it's the most serious thing in the world and he just nods like a proud father once you both find a solution
at this point he's like. a professional tea and coffee and biscuits supplier due to the amount of snack runs he does for you. has walked in on you lying face down on the floor during a meltdown one too many times to bat an eye anymore. also great at helping you block out actions during scenes like. he's the perfect doll. lets you maneuver him into the weirdest positions in the world with zero complaints. he just loves helping you however he can, really.
reads through your drafts whilst you're in the middle of writing, accidentally gets hooked and is begging you every day to finish the novel bc he really wants to know what happens next. he's the best at spotting inconsistencies and plot holes in ur writing so before you even send it off to your beta reader, he gets to have his hands on the manuscript to check for any changes needed. also bc he needs to read the ending asap otherwise he'll probably combust.

request guidelines
reactions tags: @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @yonabutnotyuna @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @kikohao @astrozuya @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @starshuas @all-american-fangirl @f1uffyjun @sea-moon-star @nonononranghaee @isabellah29 @mcu-incorrect @hrts4hanniehae @suraandsugar @pan-de-seungcheol @dokyeomkyeom @melodicrabbit @bananabubble
how seventeen react to their s/o getting cuteness aggression for them
requested by anon! seriously guys you always have the best ideas,,,, anyways i loved this req yet again

seungcheol, joshua, junhui, woozi
you make weird scrunchy hand gestures in his face one time and very seriously go “i wanna just shfjkrehfkrrhr your face in my hands, you know?”. and he just blinks, wide-eyed, mostly just fascinated at how to made that sound with your mouth, before slowly nodding his head and going “okay”. you tell him that he's cute on a regular basis in the strangest of ways so like, he's used to it now. once, you grabbed his cheeks and gave him kisses all over and complained about his adorableness until he was laughing, and he thinks that was the best incident of your cuteness aggression over him. the whole idea of cuteness aggression is kinda endearing tbh and the way you in particular express it?? most adorable thing in the world.
jeonghan, minghao, seungkwan
1000000% capable of getting all aggressive back at you, don't even test him. he'll get all up in your face and poke your cheeks being all like “me?? let's talk about you!! why are YOU so cute huh?? have you thought about how i feel about that??? why do you walk around being so cute when you Know that it's gonna make me fall even more in love with you????” until you're literally giggling at his faux anger over how adorable you are. gives you the side-eye and clicks his tongue bc How Dare you get all screechy about his cuteness when you're literally sitting right there and being way cuter than he could ever be.
hoshi, mingyu, dokyeom
you yell “WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE” into his face and he will literally jump five feet into the air and yell back “I DON'T KNOW!!! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME” whilst almost sobbing bc why??? are you yelling???? and what does that have to do with him being cute??? your cuteness aggression always takes him by surprise bc he didn't know it would be so… well, aggressive. you ruffle his hair until it's so messed up he can't see a thing and then smack a huge kiss on his cheek before leaving. and he's just left sitting there, hair in his eyes, a little dazed bc uhhh literally what just happened and why is he actually BLUSHING like what have you done to him
wonwoo, vernon, chan
you unleash your aggression over his cuteness on him and he just stares at you with lost eyes and the what are you doing clear on his face. you need to explain to him that there's this thing called “cuteness aggression” that can be activated by things that are just so cute that you wanna scrunch them up in your hands. and he nods and makes understanding noises but you're not entirely sure he gets it. no matter tho bc you start getting the cuteness aggression urges more and more often and now you're beginning to think that he's acting out his cutest actions on purpose just so that you'll come over and squish his face super duper hard

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reactions tags: @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @yonabutnotyuna @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @kikohao @astrozuya @eightlightstar @onlyyjeonghan @aaniag @starshuas @all-american-fangirl @f1uffyjun @sea-moon-star @nonononranghaee @isabellah29 @mcu-incorrect @hrts4hanniehae @suraandsugar @pan-de-seungcheol @dokyeomkyeom @melodicrabbit @bananabubble