Faith Seed - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

"I've already told you not to mocking the cleansing, John!"

I Had To Do It Im So Sorry ;w; Love Them So Much

I had to do it im so sorry ;w; love them so much

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3 years ago
The Four Horsemen By HannelArt.
The Four Horsemen By HannelArt.
The Four Horsemen By HannelArt.
The Four Horsemen By HannelArt.

The Four Horsemen by hannelArt.

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10 months ago

Hey! A friend of mine recommended your blog and I must say, your writings are amazing! Now, I have a request :) The seed family holds a meeting to talk about the female rook who's messing with them. And the brothers, who love her, talk about who the dep loves and Faith is just standing there weirdly, becuz she just kissed her like an hour before. Then a peggy comes in and screams: "Oh my God! Faith just kissed the deputy and I took like a million pictures! Oh uhm... hi Faith.." Can u do that? :)

Hello dear anon! It’s so good to hear that you’ve liked them! I really much appreciate it! as soon as i read the request i burst into laughs! I LOVE IT. thank you for sharing deliciously great thought of yours! and i hope you like it!

Today is one of the typical days with theSeed family. It is Sunday evening, they meet up every Sunday. Today’s topic isobviously, The Deputy.

Guys cannot help themselves but getting herway. She is such a flirt and everything that teasing them.

“You know, people. She can’t keep her eyesoff me.”  John seems so confident abouther. “She is staying in my region since Jacob’s doggies have frightened her.” Hechuckles.

Jacob looks even more “big” in the dimlight of the candles. But he laughs at his brother like he says something veryfunny. His laugh is like a bear having fun with its meal. It is loud and kindof growling. “She petted my Judges, did you know that? Dogs love her.” He standsup against John. While poking his shoulder, he says smoothly. “You are so fullof yourself John. That’s why she will never choose you.”

John raises his hands to his brother. “Yeah,yeah. You think I am so girly to hook up with her. Oh god! Maybe I love her!”He tries to mess with Jacob, but you know what they say; in every joke, thereis a truth beneath it.

“You have to keep yourself up John. You don’teven make her reach the atonement. You need to stop thinking about her and youshould be aware of yourself.” Joseph is serious about what he says but he canhide the fact that he already fall for the Deputy.

“You just said I had to love them, Joseph.”He raises his brow to his brother. “and I am just exactly doing as I’ve beentold.”

Joseph grins. “This is not what I’ve meant.”He shakes his head. “You two think too much about her. But you know that, I wasthe first one who had a vision about her.”

“Just you had a vision, that doesn’t meanshe belongs to you.” Jacob doesn’t give a flying fuck about what the fathersays.

“Let’s not forget she is not yours and sheneeds to choose.” Faith speaks softly. “You are all humiliating her heart. I can’tstand that.”

“Well, my beloved sister,” Joseph approachesto her. “What do you think about the Deputy?”

“I … uuh… well…”

Someone just barges in. “Hey guys! My dearestfather Joseph.” He salutes him. “Deputy has seen with Faith! Can you believethat? And the most awkwardly, they’ve kissing each other! Ah, such tenderness! Ihave millions of pictures of them kissing. I totally ship them!” His laughfades as soon as his eyes meet with Faith’s.

“Oh! Hi Faith! Long time no see huh?” hevanishes before getting an answer.

Faith turns to the room, actually sixeyeballs are gazing at her. John chokes while tries to speak. “Wow. I … I..” heshuts his mouth.

She smiles at them warily. “What were wetalking?” she chuckles.

Joseph starts to speak without stopping tolook at her. “I guess our dear Deputy already has made her choice after all.”

After a moments of awkward silence, Jacobbursts into laugh.

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2 years ago

okay but what about a time travel au where the deputy and the seeds are sent back in time to 1980s Rome, Georgia and meet the younger seeds??? like they all have to keep themselves from fucking up the future but older jacob and younger jacob just want to kill their father, joseph is so done with god, john is severely confused and faith is absolutely falling in love with the fashion and aesthetic

what a story.

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2 years ago

Ngl I expected John to win, but I guess I good 40% of us prefer Jacob

As for Ethan… y’all really don’t like him, do you? Lmao

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1 year ago



I found this on Pinterest, basically it’s a fanart of little Jacob. Thing is I have no idea who the original artist is. If y’all could possibly help find them, that would be great.

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6 years ago
The Deputy In Hope County

The Deputy in Hope County😅

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6 years ago
Finished Making My Deputy \ ( ) /

Finished making my Deputy \ ( •◡•) /

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6 years ago

Took me all night, but it’s worth it😅

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6 years ago
Im Doing A John Playlist On YouTube And Spotify Of Songs That Remind Me And Other People Of Him If You

I’m doing a John playlist on YouTube and Spotify of songs that remind me and other people of him if you have ideas I would accept them all, The playlist is called : John seed | The inquisitor. Thank you ♥️

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4 years ago

I like to call the Bliss ✨ spicy ouid ✨ and that’s how I’ll be calling it for now on and no one can tell me otherwise

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4 years ago

Honestly with my ouid ass, If I had the chance I would gallup into the bliss with faith without a second thought. 

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4 years ago
I Did This Ages Ago And Never Really Finished It Or Really Like It, I Never Post This So Ill Post It

I did this ages ago and never really finished it or really like it, I never post this so I’ll post it here so here is my ✨ trash art ✨ only like the Jacob one

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2 years ago

John made some bbq

John Made Some Bbq

Joseph was there too (he got smoke in his eyes)

John Made Some Bbq

Faith went to a separate one

John Made Some Bbq

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