Jacob Seed - Tumblr Posts
where are all the kids in far cry 5? where are all the fucking kids in this game? are there really no religious schools or runaways in which they are kept?

The Deputy in Hope County😅

Finished making my Deputy \ ( •◡•) /
Took me all night, but it’s worth it😅

I’m doing a John playlist on YouTube and Spotify of songs that remind me and other people of him if you have ideas I would accept them all, The playlist is called : John seed | The inquisitor. Thank you ♥️
I like to call the Bliss ✨ spicy ouid ✨ and that’s how I’ll be calling it for now on and no one can tell me otherwise
Honestly with my ouid ass, If I had the chance I would gallup into the bliss with faith without a second thought. 

I did this ages ago and never really finished it or really like it, I never post this so I’ll post it here so here is my ✨ trash art ✨ only like the Jacob one
I saw on tiktok and saw this trends where they’re like.
“imagine your first fictional crush and your now fictional crushs fighting”
I’m just sitting here thinking of mine and who would win the fight and do I need therapy?
Jason voorhees: a dead killer with Parent issues and trauma
Jacob seed: a alive killer with parents issues and trauma
I see nothing has obviously changed

It’s been a month since I’ve made them and they still have no friends :(
Hiring Manager: What's your greatest weakness?
Me: Fictional dilfs
me whenever john or jacob seed kidnaps me and does insane shit to me:

He's a 10, but he leads a gun-toting biblical doomsday cult.
okay so I'm obsessed with far cry 5. Would rather die then ever stop loving it but I must say

I can't get passed the truck level in the very begining ITS NOT POSSIBLE
But I refuuuseee to give up. I neeeeeeeeeeed that deputy outfit damnit
Okay so- my ex roommate owned far cry 5 and was sharing it with me through the PlayStation account. But if they blocked me cuz I can't play the games anymore. Which suuuck. However my step mom got me far cry 6 and I've been playing that a lot.

But listen. I kinda ship Anton with dani AND ITS MAINLY CUZ I LOVE THE IDEA OD DIEGO JUST ADORING HER THE MOMENT HE SAW HER AND WANTING HER AS A MOM. Like he accidentally shares is thoughts with Anton and Anton is just like
Ugh really? Fine *kidnaps and marries danni as libertad watches in shock*
And dani immediately adopting Diego in her head.
Some found family shit
What reallllyyy makes me think many say this is a bad ship cuz there is. Total of SIX fanfictions of the ship. Two from the same person. And the others are not even related to the ship. It's just tagged that way.
So please Tumblr PLEASE make fanfiction of them and or at least of dani and Diego bonding moments. I just need fluff in my life. Something to make me adore the game cuz I'm still depressed from far cry 5 being unplayable
Art by noriuma_ (Instagram)