Fandom Week - Tumblr Posts
Some Like It Jicama, Some Like It Louise - Louigan Week 2023 Prompt

This is my newest fic and my most recent fic for the Bob's Burgers fandom. Some late submissions from Louigan Week 2023 making their way onto the scene.
As promised, I made a mood board for all of my Louigan Week fics. I've has his one posted on AO3 for a few days now and realized I haven't posted to Tumblr yet, so this is me rectifying the situation.
Find me on AO3 as GoodMourningCoffee.

See More Seymour’s Week
Lovely graphic made by the amazing @drawthething! Join us March 4th - March 8th for See More Seymour’s Week! This is a week to celebrate the characters and ships that might not have their own week (yet) but still hold a special place in our hearts!
Each day is dedicated to a character or type of dynamic, but we know how important prompts can be for sparking creativity. Please feel free to vote for optional prompts in the link below!

Let's celebrate the ice tiger's birthday with a bang!

This is a Yuri-centric event, but all characters and ships are welcome, and fanworks of all types are accepted!
Your contributions do not have to be finalised, and late submissions will be accepted. We want to have fun without any pressure of perfection.
Post using the hashtag #YBB2024 and tag us on @yurisbirthdaybash!
More info here
See More Seymour's Week Guidelines
March 4th - Side, Minor, and One-Off Character Day - #smsw side March 5th - Romantic Relationship Day - #smsw romantic March 6th - Original Character Day - #smsw oc March 7th - Platonic Relationship Day - #smsw platonic March 8th - Free Space Day - #smsw free
This is a week celebrating underrated gems. Any non-Belcher characters can be posted on side character day, but Belchers can be featured on ship days. Dynamics that don't already have a ship week can be posted on ship days. Ships with existing weeks can cameo in your work, but the focus should be on the rarer character or dynamic. Existing weeks: boblin, louigan, roudise, tinimmy, and zekina. Works will be reblogged with the tags listed above. If you miss a day, that's okay, late entries are fine. Please still post your work, clarify the day you're posting for, and tag the blog. Speaking of:
You. Must. Tag. The. Blog.
There is absolutely no way to track all the possible iterations y’all could come up with for “See More Seymour’s Week” in the tags. You have to @seemoreseymoursbay either in your post or in the replies of your posts for me to find it. I’ll follow smsw and seemoreseymoursweek, but that’s no guarantee I’ll find your work if something is misspelled.
Optional prompts:
Because each day is dedicated to a character or type of dynamic, we're not assigning prompts to any one day. Instead, you may pick from the word bank to use any day, or feel free to ignore them completely. Prompts are revealed a month in advance, but one teaser: Wonder Wharf won by a landslide as favorite prompt. Update: prompts can be found here!
Mature and explicit content is allowed
Please be sure to comply with tumblr’s policies and use community labels when appropriate. We’ll use the tag #smsw nsfw when reblogging posts if you want to follow of filter that tag. Dead Dove content will not be featured in this week.
Harassment is not allowed
Harassment will be blocked from the event. Negative asks or anons will not be answered. Please do not engage with someone who is purposefully malicious.
Your medium of creativity is up to you
We want you to be as diverse as your rarepairs, poly ships, minor antagonists, one-off characters, favorite side character, etc. when picking your medium of creativity. Digital art, traditional art, amvs, collages, fics, gifs, headcanons, meta/analysis, moodboards, playlists and more are all welcome. Use a prompt or don't. Mostly, just have fun!

You can find the guidelines for this week here!
Thank y’all for sharing your excitement with us for this event and an even bigger thank you to @drawthething for the gorgeous graphics!
Hurt/Comfort, Found Family, and possibly some smut...that's the hint.

What are you bringing to Yuri’s Birthday Bash?
Give us a hint or a preview!

Heads up! Mature and explicit content is allowed as long as posts follow tumblr’s guidelines and our event’s guidelines. We’ll be using the tag smswnsfw when reblogging mature posts. Yes it’s a lot of letters, but if you care about filtering or following the tag then I have faith you’ll get it right 👙
See More Seymour’s Week is March 4th - March 8th!
Tinimmy Week 2024 FAQs and Guidelines
Event Guidelines
If you participate, please tag the blog (@tinimmyweek) and use the tag #tinimmyweek24 so we can see what you post!
Any creative mediums are welcome! Stories, gifs, art, headcanons, moodboards, or playlists are all examples of ways you can join in.
Other ships involving Tina or Jimmy Jr. will not be included in this event - ships not related to either Tina or Jimmy Jr. are fine, but Tinimmy should be the focus of every piece.
If your work includes darker themes or NSFW content, please make sure to tag accordingly. NSFW material can be tagged #tinimmynsfw
When is Tinimmy Week?
This ship week will take place from August 5th to August 9th, and each day will have two corresponding prompts.
How should prompts be used?
Feel free to interpret the prompts in any manner you see fit. You can use both, one, or neither, and they can be expressed through the artistic medium of your choosing.
Can we submit platonic works?
Platonic works are welcome. In all creative works, the relationship between Tina and Jimmy Jr. should be the focus.
Who are the mods?
@jimmyjrsmusoems, @sailoreuterpe, and @babsvibes
Is explicit work allowed?
Yep! NSFW work is allowed, but participants should tag properly (#tinimmynsfw for content on tumblr!) and to mark any potential triggers.
It's going to be a great week! Please feel free to message the blog if you have any questions.

Tinimmy Week 2024 📓💘🪩
Follow @tinimmyweek and use the tag #tinimmyweek24 to join us in celebrating Tina Belcher and Jimmy Pesto Jr.! Feel free to use the prompts however you want, and we encourage any medium of creativity!
Guidelines/FAQ can be found here.
August 5th - Party / Drunk
August 6th - Magic / Sparks
August 7th - Mistake / Comfort
August 8th - Beach / Chemistry
August 9th - Nighttime Conversations / Prom

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And share please~!