Fantasy Language - Tumblr Posts

*zelda chest sound* You got: Exposition! (#1)

I may be unable to promise an actual schedule for posting due to several factors, but I can promise this!

The original intent of this blog, I think, was to post exposition. Things that I really cant find the "right" place for in my novel.

*zelda Chest Sound* You Got: Exposition! (#1)


Exposition that feels out of place, that i can't feasibly stick in my book because I HATE having the people in my book randomly start thinking about something like this for an excuse to expo-dump the reader. It's stupid, unrealistic, and poor writing imo. It's unfortunate because stuff like this gets shoved under the rug and never comes out, so onto my tumblr it goes because I can't see a way to integrate this naturally.

Here we go!

*zelda Chest Sound* You Got: Exposition! (#1)

color coded random words for fun idk (kommodia related: blue, goblins: green, common: red, dawn of creation: orange) no real reason, just wanted to spruce it up xd

deleted from: pg. 297 (im really proud of this one and didnt want it to just go to waste, finally put to words something i've known about this world for a while!)

All living beings capable of speech had been granted the gift of a common tongue—an ingrained language to facilitate communication between species, it was a “muscle” like any other. Disuse would lead to atrophy and loss. For that same reason, goblins (for this and a few other key reasons relating to Sargantas which I believe I covered in a older post) could no longer speak in any language other than their racial tongue, and races foreign to Kommodia often had trouble speaking the tongue, as all races in the world had their “native” tongue, with what later became known as “Kommodian-Common” being a secondary language for them. In essence, Kommodian culture expanded in ways outside of language, for the most part. While the “common-tongue” of the modern day had changed drastically since the dawn of creation, only Kommodia held it as its one and only native language.

*zelda Chest Sound* You Got: Exposition! (#1)

TLDR/Alternate Explanation: Kommodia’s language is the one given to everyone at birth. Common. It’s (it evolved to become) a bit of a slight variation on “common” so it becomes Kommodian-Common. (I guess like how American-English and British-English are a thing, except with a few more differences i'd guess)

All races, i.e the Katanese/Katani(?) (Kitani??? TATSUYA KITANI????) Catfolk speaking Katanese in Katan, the Dwarves with Dwarvish, Elves with Elvish, Orcs with Orcish, Gnomes, Halflings, and the other “smallfolk” with their “Halfspeak”, a term either affectionate or extremely offensive depending on who you asked, all races had their own language. But not humans. Humans had “common.” While that “common” might variate depending on where you were in the world, Kommodia only had Common. And if you don’t use it, you will eventually lose it fully. This catfolk is very old, so remembering how to use “common” and equate what HE knows to modern day Kommodian-Common, it’s like trying to remember lost memories in a way.

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9 months ago

Cybertronian Language Ref Project

Cybertronian Language Ref Project

So, I was absolutely ASTOUNDED to discover there isn't, as far as I could find, any dedicated directory of a List Of Words for the Cybertronian languages, though there is some documentation on the written languages themselves.

Inspired by those, I started creating a document to keep track of Cybertronic languages used in the fanfictions I write, because I have an obsession for fantasy language in a story actually being written out.

Would anyone be interested in sharing this resource? I don't have terribly many words installed yet, and I mostly focus on the common tongue since that's what comes up most often in my stories so far, but I plan to flesh out all of them with time.

Imagine some of the fun miscommunications between Decepticons and Autobots who are mingling, when they have the same spoken word but they mean vastly different things >:DDD

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1 year ago
First Fictional Language!

First Fictional Language!

It was made after the creation of Alicesandrea's Empire to unite the new empire. The other languages still exist, but Common is, funnily enough, the most common and used. Everyone knows Common. It has the geometric design with just dots and angles because the first ever official Royal Inventor created it.

(Sorry it's sideways)

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