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1 year ago

Types of Wizards! ✨

Types Of Wizards!

❥ This was just a fun idea since I’ve been reading lots of fantasy headcanons, I wanted to try! Plus I don’t see too many for magic-y stuff out there so this gave me a good idea!

❥ Also! Most of these are female centered but some of this can be for boys too! I just prefer the term wizard because it sounds cooler lol. But thank you! Enjoy!

Storybook Wizards 🤎

Usually has an owl or sparrows as a companion.

Quills are made from barn owl feathers.

Wands are made from cinnamomum trees, elm trees, or hazel trees.

Likes to feed the crickets that sing on the bookshelves. Some think it’s gross but they’re very nice!

Uses golden wax seals for nearly everything.

Collects old trinkets they find or receive from friends. They don’t work anymore or are just old, but has tried fixing them up.

Loves both books & scrolls, but thinks books are easier to hold onto. That one friend who decides to read one more chapter, but ends up reading all night.

Loves to wish on stars or dandelions but is too embarrassed to tell anyone.

Seems like a bit of a hermit, but is actually really friendly! Loves to interact with people & exchange different interests, quite talkative at times.

Either works at an archive or some kind of library, has a special little key that works only for them.

Weather Wizards 🌩️

Usually has a bird of prey as a companion, but don’t worry they’re friendly 😅🙏

Quills are made from crow feathers.

Wands are made from maple trees, pine trees, or baobab trees.

The ultimate bird parent!! Birds love them & they’re always putting out bird seed feeders or scraps of veggies.

Lives alone in a tall tower in the middle of the woods. Only goes to town when necessary & will turn into a grumpy pants if you knock on their door.

Sometimes storm clouds or rain will swirl around their house, usually due to spell testing or potions.

The weather is actually pretty nice when they’re around! Cool breezes, clear skies, warm sunny days; tries to deny it’s their work until the sunshine gets brighter.

Collects clean water in mason jars or glass bottles when it rains.

Likes to climb rooftops & chart the stars.

Can always sense when a storm is approaching, doesn’t matter what kind they’re spot on. Likely their job is to keep them at bay as a guardian or lookout.

Love Wizards 💝

Usually has a dove or a type of songbird as a companion.

Quills are made from white swan feathers.

Wands are made from cherry trees, camellia trees, or jasmine shrubs.

Has an easier time communicating with fauna.

Ladybugs are automatically attracted to them & will usually bring good luck to them throughout the day.

Stores their potions in old perfume bottles but will make perfume as a small side job. Has to label everything though.

Has a small rose bush growing outside of their window; likes to talk to it & believes plants have feelings.

Super affectionate! Either the mom friend or the cutsey clingy child friend.

Never forgets Valentine’s Day!! (I’m sorry I know it was last week!) Goes over the top every year & everyone either gets a bouquet or a little goodie bag. The size of the gift depends on who you are sometimes.

Business is a postal service for relationship problems but gets a lot of love letters to proofread. A bit embarrassed receiving one addressed to them.

Swamp Wizards 🐸

Usually has a crane or even a heron as a companion. But sometimes that makes it hard to get in them the house...

Quills are made from duck feathers.

Wands are made of mangrove trees, dogwood trees, or lilypad stems.

Defined as the oddballs of wizardry. They are known to travel a lot but usually live alone.

Uses an old timey ferry boat to get around, but has to use magic to get the paddle wheel moving. It’ll creak & stop like an old engine.

Probably the most experienced in floral/nature magic & their house is like an absolute jungle. Will even let moss grow out because “it wants to be there.”

Has tried more than once to kiss a frog & see if it’ll turn into their true love, but carries medicine around just in case.

Really loves milkweed flowers & will set up cute bundles in their home to make it smell good.

The best cook in the world but mostly uses magic to help.

Probably the friendliest person you’ll meet! Will tell all sorts of stories about their travels, the different kinds of people they’ve met, where to find the best berry bushes, how to care for tadpoles— It might be awhile before you can introduce yourself…

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8 years ago
I Just Found Out About This Artist But Her/his Work Is Amazing And The Detail Is So Mesmerizing Too!
I Just Found Out About This Artist But Her/his Work Is Amazing And The Detail Is So Mesmerizing Too!
I Just Found Out About This Artist But Her/his Work Is Amazing And The Detail Is So Mesmerizing Too!

i just found out about this artist but her/his work is amazing and the detail is so mesmerizing too! :)

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1 year ago
Aurora Borealis, The Northern Lights. Undefinably Breathtaking And Those Who Are Able To Witness It Are

“Aurora Borealis, The Northern Lights. Undefinably breathtaking and those who are able to witness it are blessed beyond belief. Our world is purely magical and so painfully under appreciated.”

- Master Knox

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8 months ago

For info about the light stones, they are mysterious magical artifacts, which can produce light of their color, and there is one for each color of the rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, with maybe more light stones. Gofurias’ theft of the light stones is what starts the primary plot of the main story in yokei Godneu, if sometime early on is the winner, the light stone theft plot won’t kick in right away, once the story starts. The other two will have the light stone theft plot start basically right away.

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7 months ago

How the light stones work in yokei godneu

The light stones are speical artifacts that is trying to steal at the beginning of yokei godneu, magicial crystaline artifacts, which produce a magical healing light, and bring color to the planet of pheron, of which they are 7, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

All of the light stones are the same color as their name suggests, red is red, orange is orange, yellow is yellow, green is green, blue is blue, indigo is indigo and violet is violet,

Defeating the major bosses of chapter 1-7 in yokei godneu will grant you the light stone of the respective chapter, red for 1, orange for 2, yellow for 3, green for 4, blue for 5, indigo for 6, and violet for 7, all of which are need to unlock chapter 8.

The light stones however are not just regular collectibles, they can also be used in combat to preform special moves, each light stone has its own special move you can use in combat as soon as you get them, which each do something different.

However to use the light stones, you must use a different resource than MP and HP, this being CP or color power, CP increases by 1 during each chapter, starting at 1 during the prologue to 9 at chapter 8, with upgrades being able to be bought using the main collectible to increase the maximum CP further than 9.

The CP moves can be very useful, but a single cp can be take a while to charge on its own, luckily, do attack commands well enough will speed up the process of getting cp, and they are some moves, which can charge up the cp too.

I will post about the effects of each of the attacks that use color power later once I figure them out, as there is maybe at least one color power move that doesn’t use any light stones learning, and at least 1 or maybe 2 color power moves that uses all 7, learned sometime in chapter 8.

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1 year ago
The Tune Dances Upon The Breeze Carrying The Autumn Melody To Your Ears

The tune dances upon the breeze… carrying the Autumn melody to your ears 🍂

Take a look at my newest YouTube video on how I made it!

Autumn Melody | oc drawing | #originalcharacter
I’m back!!! Coming in hot with a brand new digital art piece of one of my many ocs. I hope you guys enjoy it ☺️

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1 year ago

So, while I try not to let my thoughts get to me as usual. I wanted to share this idea I was realy excited about!

Randomly, I thought of this old idea I had where a man who was "cursed" to transform into a wolf and a woman who's the only one who can tame him. This thing was dead officially.

Then this happened at the beginning of the month:

So, While I Try Not To Let My Thoughts Get To Me As Usual. I Wanted To Share This Idea I Was Realy Excited

This is part of what I wrote that day.

So, While I Try Not To Let My Thoughts Get To Me As Usual. I Wanted To Share This Idea I Was Realy Excited
So, While I Try Not To Let My Thoughts Get To Me As Usual. I Wanted To Share This Idea I Was Realy Excited

Thus The Moon, Rabbit, and The Wolf was reborn 🕺

From there I started writing a story that I foolishly said would only be 6k words max. It's at 10k and I'm not even a little bit done with it 😷

So then the other day I wanted to see what "Shuichi' looked like.

Btw, his name got changed to Tsumi to match a theme in the story of him being a Mood God

So, While I Try Not To Let My Thoughts Get To Me As Usual. I Wanted To Share This Idea I Was Realy Excited
So, While I Try Not To Let My Thoughts Get To Me As Usual. I Wanted To Share This Idea I Was Realy Excited

I really enjoyed making this concept since I find him really adorable.

Backstory time: the top image is him before he "awakens" as his previous self/The Moon God. He's mischievous and a little impulsive. In general, he falls victim to his emotions too easily.

He's one part of this trio so if I ever get around to drawing the Wolf and the Rabbit I'll share them too 😄

Thanks for reading~🍂

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1 year ago

Here's something else. Sorry if this is a little confusing, but the creature that I drew before isn't related to this planet at all.

I don't have a name for this because that is the one thing I suck at when it comes to worldbuilding.

But, this is the setting for a new story I'm writing!

I'll probably share more on it with another post I'm making, so look forward to it if you're interested.

But I wanted to detail some things about this planet, so let's begin 😁

Here's Something Else. Sorry If This Is A Little Confusing, But The Creature That I Drew Before Isn't

Basic concepts

So, I wanted to do something that wasn't the typical fantasy Huge Ass Grass Field™ so I sat and came up with a really annoying concept that hurt my brain when I first made it.

That was essentially this:

Hell as the Ice world

The Ice World as a hot area

The Jungle as a desert

And lastly the desert as a jungle

From there, I came up with this concept that the planet is split into two halves. Two surface halves and two core halves. Inhabitants of each area have their own unique characteristics and usually don't intermingle. Kind of like states, counties, regions, or provinces. I decided to call them regions for reference.

Students (which aren't kids) of these regions eventually have to expand their horizons and either take up an occupation in their origin region or leave and expand their studies outside their region.

In this case, my MCs are the latter and are leaving their home region to explore the surface.


Since these regions are unnamed, I'll refer to them by their basic comparisons.

Here's Something Else. Sorry If This Is A Little Confusing, But The Creature That I Drew Before Isn't

The surface

This half is a temperate iceland.

Characterized by it's massive icebergs/icicles. Inhabitants live on the very top of the icicles in order to stay close to the sun.

However, the surface isn't a frozen wasteland like it appears. The surface is actually warmer than the sky, but there's no way to grow anything on the surface as the ground is perpetually frozen. So, the Ice inhabitants remain in the sky instead.

The Core

A Frozen Hellscape

This half is colder than the surface due to the pockets of magma being closer to the surface. These pockets of magma are the core's only source of light. (I just though of this. Since the magma would be between the icicles, the ice would refract the light and in my head that sounds so pretty!)

Having an abundance of almost everything makes this region the most prosperous.

They have everything from food, jewels, gems, precious metals, and other natural resources.

Here's Something Else. Sorry If This Is A Little Confusing, But The Creature That I Drew Before Isn't

Second Surface

This world's desert.

The tree is so big that it completely covers the entire surface on it's side. Making the ground below it devoid of sunlight.

I compared it to something like a farmer's crop field with no crops and just plowed soil.

However, the tree acts as the inhabitant's only source of food. This tree can grow any and all kinds of fruit, it also protects from natural disasters and is home to the world's largest collections of animals and bugs.

Second Core

This one's my favorite.

A tangle jungle.

Consisting of the roots from the surface tree, the inhabitants live within the roots system. The roots are so huge that buildings can be built on them.

The roots are searching for water that seeps into the ground from the Hell Core above it, but the roots can't go any further as they'll freeze.

Every location does have a kind of relationship and the cores well get along as the surfaces do. There is a bit of discrimination from everyone as most core dwellers think surface dwellers are soft and weak while surface dwellers believe those in the core are brutish and vile.

It's nothing major, just your typical region skirmish.

This is a recent WIP of mine, so I don't have much more to add but that, but I do have a bunch of facts in my head, so, if you wanna ask about something, I'd be more than happy to answer anything!

Other than that, thanks for reading~ 🍂

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1 year ago

Can I just say it is so weird to me that fantasy worlds have normal world shit but with ✨magic✨ to make it different?

Like, I've been on this one game recently and supposedly, humans have essentially killed themselves several centuries ago and yet, the new beings still... Hunt for fur and... Use wood to build houses?

Then they have the audacity to say humans went extinct because of their destructive behavior. Excuse me? Didn't you just send me on a quest to chop down 1000 trees so you can build a bed?

Like no offense, but this is so strange to me that our fantasy worlds are so basic and solve no problems at all.

Like where's the worlds where space dust is used as the foundation for houses and the exporting of said dust is illegal unless sourced ethically; or glass is useless and plastic has replaced it because we found a way to make it useable in extreme conditions like glass after the Earth was turned into a giant rubber ball.

Oh, I especially hate the magic used to fix a mundane problem. Come on, why can't the problem just not exist? I'm looking at you self cooking kitchen utensils. I want either food to be conjured by the snap of a finger or for humans to have found a way to never feel hungry.

It's just always "yeah, Humans have been extinct for eons and the universe died and was recreated, but we have no way to stay warm other than hunt animals for pelt."

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