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5 months ago

Day 30 - Two Heads are Better than One

Kaleh'a was perplexed.

Staring down from his perch on a large oak tree, he was mildly amused by the sight below him, and could understand why the request had come up. Sleeping beneath him, peaceful as could be, was a two headed Ziz, both necks stretched in different directions, and attached to a rather large body. It was unique, very unique, likely a once in a lifetime phenomenon, and one that proved a bit challenging for the skilled hunter.

Normally, he would take one shot and fell a beast like this, but now, with two centers of control, he wasn't so sure taking out one head would be enough. He tapped his cheek with a fist, humming softly, as he tried to come up with a good plan.

He could try to maneuver his way into a position where one arrow could take out both heads, but that was putting a lot of faith in his bow. Plus, the darned thing would have to wake up and move its heads around into that position. Which didn't seem likely. Maybe he could somehow tie the two heads together? Except the rope he pulled from his satchel was...not nearly long enough or strong enough. And he didn't want to leave the mutated Ziz to go get help. Finding it had proven hard enough. So what could he realistically do to take out this beast alo-


Kaleh'a jumped, straight up like a cat, nearly losing his balance on the branch as he scrambled around to stare at the man who had appeared behind him so silently he could have been a ghost, his eyes widening as he took in the white hair, white and black coat, and he breathed out a sigh of relief. "By the Twelve, Thancred! Are you trying to kill me?"

Thancred just smirked at the young Miqo'te, shrugging as he leaned casually against the tree trunk at his back. "No, not on purpose at least. But you do have the best reactions." Kaleh'a grumbled something under his breath, and Thancred chuckled, before he glanced down at the Ziz. "Well, I was expecting you to already be finished when I arrived. Had need of you to run a letter."

Kaleh'a let out a little "Hmm?", also staring down at the Ziz, before he sighed and sat on the branch too. "Well, I was expecting to be finished too, but, two heads."

"Are better than one." Kaleh'a gave him a look, but it was lost on the white haired man, whose eyes were closed and hands behind his head. "Need help?"

For a moment, his pride almost wanted him to say no, but in reality... "Actually, yes. A Ziz with one head is dangerous enough. But with two, I don't have a good way to..." He made a motion of his finger across his neck, and Thancred opened an eye just in time to see it and nod.

"Fair enough. I can drop down on a head as you take a shot. Shouldn't prove too difficult, as long as you don't miss."

Kaleh'a scoffed, and shook his head with a grin. "As long as you don't miss, old man. Sure your back can take the fall?"

Thancred scoffed, and swung his legs off the branch, readying a dagger as Kaleh'a unslung his bow and nocked an arrow. "You worry about yourself. Ready?"

Kaleh'a drew back the bow string and nodded, sighting the left head and murmuring, "I've got the left. Ready."

"Perfect." And Thancred dropped down towards the right head at breakneck speed, Kaleh'a timing his release so that his arrow struck at the same time as Thancred's dagger.


"Well, that was fun."

Thancred brushed off his coat, cleaning his dagger in the grass as Kaleh'a swung down from the tree, striding over to his arrow and pulling it free, a clean shot and a clean stab from them both having felled the sleeping beast with narry a squawk, Kaleh'a spinning the arrow back into his quiver after cleaning the head and shaft. "I keep forgetting how reckless you are," Kaleh'a chuckled back, turning towards Thancred as he shrugged.

"I am hardly Reckless, more...calculated." The look he got from Kaleh'a was one that said the Miqo'te did not believe a word he said. The Hyur just shook his head and glanced around, before pulling out the letter he had for Kaleh'a to deliver. "Anyways, think you can get this to Limsa?"

Kaleh'a took the letter, hummed thoughtfully at the name on the sealed letter, and nodded. "Yah, easy. Something brewing?"

Thancred snorted, and lifted an eyebrow. "When is something not?"

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