Ffxivwrite - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

27 - Sole

Kaida goes to visit Leofard and he decides it is time for shenanigans. She's unfortunately better at hide and seek than tag. Post-EW somewhere but no real spoilers or timeline! just shenanigans!

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1 year ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

28 - Blunt

The one with Y'shtola in it. She and Kaida talk after realizing they may have matching wounds. HW spoiler sorta is it really spoilers anymore idk

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1 year ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

29 - contravention Post a certain event, Kaida and some friends sit at Camp Dragonhead feeling anything but normal. Normalcy is something her friends excel in. Ft multiple WoLs!

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1 year ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

I am on time don't judge me. 30 - Amity

Between saving more worlds, fighting gods, and running around helping anyone who needed it, Krile's summons for coffee felt like a reprieve. Post-EW, some actual spoilers.

Thank you as always to @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast for hosting this!! It's fun every year :)

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5 months ago

Day 1 - Steer

Where Leofard makes a suggestion that is totally, absolutely, 1000% NOT avoiding chores and has no relation to avoiding that At All.

Totally not.

Why would you ever think that.


Another year, another forgetting I write things til XIVWrite! But hey we in here. (Also forgetting to post things on the writing blog but in my defense AO3 went down yesterday so posting here with the link was uh....not. feasible.)

Warnings: None (unless Leofard is a warning) Leofard/Named WoL

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5 months ago

Day 2 - Horizon

In which Sicard and Emmanellain climb a tower.

Sicard is annoyed, Emmanellain is a nuisance (affectionate), and Honoroit really just wants to get there.


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5 months ago

Day 3 - Tempest

In which we have done the obvious.

Shadowbringers spoilers in this one - all Emet-Selch baby!


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5 months ago

Day 4 - Reticent

No warnings or real spoilers in this one! Just Estinien talking to Urianger.

Mild awkwardness ensues.

Unintentional Estinien Funny HERE

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5 months ago

Day 5 - Stamp


The one in which Aymeric really cannot focus on his job today.

No warnings, no real spoilers of note. Hint of Aymeric and named WoL but nebulous at best. Mostly just Aymeric lamenting.

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5 months ago

Day 6 - Halcyon


In this one Kaida talks with Ardbert about the past, the present, and hide and seek.

SHB Spoilers! I rarely write Ardbert if ever so this was fun!

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5 months ago

Day 7 - Morsel

TW: Blood, Torture, Death

Yotsuyu is another character I rarely write and I tried to challenge myself to do so.

Did I succeed? WHO KNOWS.

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5 months ago

Day 8 - Free Day (Forget)

Continuing the trend of People I Don't Write Really, this time Ysayle!!

Kaida and Ysayle discuss convictions while the others sleep. Or "sleep." Who knows really. There's a cave it's cold.


No spoilers, no warnings.

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5 months ago

Day 11 - Surrogate

Kaida goes to visit Tataru and gets an unexpected surprise.

Set post-EW but no specific warnings or spoilers. Just girls hanging out.

Unintentional Girls' Night

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5 months ago

Day 12 - Quarry

Some Undetermined Time Later...

Kaida and Estinien spar. DRG on DRG violence occurs.

No warning, no real spoilers but is set Post-EW so places mentioned!

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5 months ago

Day 13 - Butte

Alphinaud and Alisaie need a debate settled.

G'raha Tia is great at mediation.

Erenville and Krile are just there to witness, really.

Post-EW but not spoilers or warnings. Just geography.

Do you know what a laccolith is? You will.

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5 months ago

Day 14 - Telling

You know when you end up in a staring contest with a hooded man?

There's no way to win that fairly.

Kaida talks with the Crystal Exarch.

Somewhere in SHB, no warnings, no real spoilers.

Do you think the Exarch showing his ankles is scandalous for him?

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5 months ago

Day 15 - Free Day (Unabetted)

Good Friend Thancred Waters

A sudden loss of any sense can be a struggle, even if it is partial, and leaves Kaida to learn how to navigate again.

Thankfully, Thancred knows exactly how it is. His methods are just like him.

No warnings. Set in Heavensward and vaguely mentioned spoilers.

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