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1 year ago

I Fucking Love How In Fear & Hunger 2: Termina, When You Go Into The Confessional, O’Saa Is Just Like…A Teenage Girl On The Rotary Phone In His Pajamas, On His Stomach, Kicking His Feet And Twirling His Hair Like He’s Getting Some Fucking Gossip Meanwhile We’re Venting About Our Horrors

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1 year ago

I know this probably exists already/better, but enjoy this list of Fear & Hunger Souls, Complete with personal (flawed) interpretation; Both types confirmed and not!

Endless: Adventuring or theiving, Tresspassing or Vigilantising- The rogue's soul. Held by Cahara, Nilvan, and Karin. Seems to be a soul of freedom- No rules apply above their own, moral or not.

Enlightened: Knowledge and the Pursuit of it, enstrengthening one's mind and becoming closer to the Gods- The Scholar's soul. Held by Enki, Valteil, and O'saa. Seems to connect with knowledge and learning, Notably in regards to Magic/the Old Gods.

The question is, would an enlightened soul be inclined to pursue non-godly knowledges? Like, science or something?

Tormented: Suffering, Loss, Endurance, Overcoming one's phyiscal limits- The Prisoner's Soul. Held by Ragnavidr, Ronn Chambara, and August. Seems to be a double edged sword- You will suffer, but you will endure it.

Dominating/Domination: Charisma, Leadership, Interpersonal Skill, and a Lack of Reflection- The Leader's Soul. Held by D'arce and Francois. While not always in positions of power, it seems that Dominating Souls are inclinded towards interaction, whether human or not- When unable or unwilling to remain human, Francois instead breeds and raises his hounds. Stubborness and a lack of introspection may also connected, as both characters that have this soul type are displayed with this trait.

Notably, none of the Main Termina Cast have this soul type.

For the others, there are only one known holder each soul type to my knowledge. Therefore, we can only look at the individuals for information.

Solitary: Independence, Survival, Introversion, Withdrawal- The very concept of being alone. The Hermit's Soul. Held by Levi.

Is there a notable difference between "forcibly excluded" and "personally chosen" solitudes for the individual?

Caressing: Care and concern- Caretaking. Held by Abella. Most clearly shown in her backstory, where she picks up working against the war.

Shadowed: Overlooked, capable- Assumedly hardworking/passionate. Held by Olivia.

Tainted: Defined by contradictory actions and thoughts- Bad things, good reasons. Held by Marcoh.

It could very well be a variance from "Petty theif feeding family" to "Robin Hood" to "Mercenary w/o empathy for victims". Its hard to narrow down.

Changeling: Adaptiblity and resilience- When others would break, changeling souls bend. Held by Marina.

Could it represent variance? idk brain's fuzzy.

Latent: Untapped potential, inability to give all. Held by Tanaka.

Could it attract death? Or is Tanaka just super unlucky?

Radiating: Burns bright, then burns out. Short but exceptional life. Held by Samarie

I dont like Samarie, but her life was certainly beyond normality- even in universe.

Blank: A subdued nature- Quiet, a background character. Held by Da'an.

Da'an doesn't get moonscorched, instead getting possesed by Pocketcat- Could it that his soul allowed him to be overwritten by pocketcat?

Chaotic: Goal oriented, but two-faced- Willing to do anything to get what they want. Cares little for alliances. Held by Pav.

Decrepit: Self absorbed and uncaring- Cares only about self and own pleasure. Held by Caligura.

I don't have a complete grasp on some of them- Changeling, Blank, Chaotic and Decrepit are all some level of unsatisfying to me, but I dont know how to improve them.

And then there's Henryk' Suffocated soul- I have no fucking clue. Is it repression based? Want based? The opposite? I don't understand Henryk very well, and that means I can't break him down into his "base components" so to speak. He's a catcaller, a master chef who feeds the entire group for free, and potentially the first moonscorched. He's skilled with melee weapons, a massive flirt, and poisons a vulnerable group if given the chance. All of that is great, but tells me NOTHING about his soul.

Guess that's what happens when your main claim to fame is "mysterious backstory", lol!

Anyway. Enjoy this blurb of my thought process! Please feel free to let me know what I got wrong/missed!

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My First Time Drawing Marina! I Honestly Think She's A Really Neat Character!

My first time drawing Marina! I honestly think she's a really neat character!

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My First Time Drawing Marina! I Honestly Think She's A Really Neat Character!

My first time drawing Marina! I honestly think she's a really neat character!

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1 year ago
Toxic Yuri Go!!!

Toxic Yuri go!!!

Please someone indulge me I have sweet samarina headcanons pleas

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1 year ago
Slice & Dice
Slice & Dice

Slice & Dice

So...I kinda got into Fear & Hunger because my boyfriend was watching a streamer play it then I got into lore videos and now I love Daan, or maybe Daniel.

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1 year ago
Elise: "I Like The Human Centipede"
Elise: "I Like The Human Centipede"
Elise: "I Like The Human Centipede"

Elise: "I like the Human Centipede❤"

Daan: "And I like a Serbian Film"

i love them a lot

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1 year ago
As A Real Daan Fan, I Must Say His Moonscorching Is A Contender For Favorite Scene In The Game, I Love

As a real Daan fan, I must say his Moonscorching is a contender for favorite scene in the game, I love this utterly depressed doctor.

Games have to stop letting me play as doctors named Dan who end up having the worst time of their life.

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