No1sy - Tumblr Posts
I juat found out about these a few weeks ago- there was one in some corn my family bought, and it sent me down a rabbit hole. This lil guy is the coolest lil nuisance!!
Okay, so, they're pests that eat all kinds of veg! Corn, Tomatos, Cotton, Fruit- See where they get all those names?
They're also cannibalistic! See, the Corn Earworm lays multiple eggs at a time- When they hatch, the baby buggies are basically all pressed together, and as they get older, they'll eat each other to see which one is the strongest! Then the winner eats their way out of the plant.
Their caterpillar form is visually p cool, too! They've got an orange head and a bunch of tiny markings, and they come in a whole range of colors!
IIRC, they're resistant to most pesticides, too, due to overuse!
Sorry about rambling, just hyped to see something i recogonized!!
You are legitimately one of my favourite internet strangers ever
You're doing such a great job at being silly keep going. Get silly. Let the silliness consume you.
String identified: a gtat at tt tag
' g c a gat at g gg. Gt . t t c .
Closest match: Helicoverpa zea isolate GA-R chromosome 17 Common name(s): Corn Earworm, Cotton Bollworm, Tomato Fruitworm, Hungry Bitch
(image source)
Is this Skeleton Appreciation Day in Vesta, NY (Bones)?
*trying to flirt* haha i bet ur guts look soooo pretty i bet u have the greatest bones ever. ur beating heart would be so sexy to hold in my hands i would be so gentle with it. why are you running
I know inbreeding makes pugs look different, but this is just ridiculous!
one day I was explaining beluga sturgeons to my endocrinologist and she said that he didn’t want to die and I said the human soul is so effervescent and radiant that it just transcends realms of existence and is ever omnipresent in the lives of living people. then I went to get frozen yogurt with mnms and gummy bears. after sixty eight four hundred hours I went to the deli to buy a steak. It smelled like meat. All meat smells like meat. I then crawled into the well hidden amongst the cobblestone of old alleys and ate it raw. I tasted the muscle and sinews and fat. I died the next day.
String identified: a a ag ga tg t cgt a a tat ’t at t a a t a ct a aat tat t t tac a tc a t t g . t t t gt gt t a g a. at t gt t t t t a ta. t at. A at at. t ca t t agt t ct a a at t a. tat t c a a at. t t a.
Closest match: Eupithecia subumbrata genome assembly, chromosome: 5 Common name: Shaded pug
agreed ^^
People say this site has basically no algorithm but I follow hellsitegenetics and they're an AMAZING algorithm
time for death and suffering!
*you can change the desicions you make, gowever you do not retain the knowledge of it that you have
reblog for larger sample size!!
Egg: Over Easy
Steak: Medium Rare
Milk: Fat Free (Even if I can't drink it T.T)
Alcohol: Daquiri
Warm Drink: Hot Cocoa with ice cream mixed in ^q^
@va1iant-viridity ,yo, reblog game!
lmao i saw this and was about to send it to you before i saw the tag ^^
its true, what can i say?
I think I've finally figured out how I feel about game prices
Like, for each dollar you spend, you should get an hour of enjoyment. of course, a better quality of entertainment for a shorter play time doesn't change the value. If I spend 20 on a game, I would want at least 20 hours worth of enjoyable content.
F2P removes the time part of that equation entirely- If you play for an hour or ten hours, doesnt matter. Its all enjoyment quality. Which is weird, b/c thats the most ignored part of F2Ps
wome n, ple ade forvgiv me TT
Its butch appreciation day appreciate ur local butch <3
the ship of theseus wikipedia article in 2003. 20 years later, after 1792 total edits, 0% of its original phrasing remains. (x)
I- Robe...???
RB to see how others think-- also, what territory you're from and version of English you speak! (this is to settle a thing I am pondering)
Normally I'll just wear whatever from the day
including jeans, haha
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
I see you in the buzzing of bugs, and the restlessness of chickens.
I see you under my skin, and under my tongue. In the fat of meat and the vile of illness.
I see you in your absence and abundance, in both the feast and famine. In gore along the black paved street. In the red upon wet lips.
You live in between the tears of men and the laughter at a child’s naivety. You hang upon my shelves and again upon my frame as though it were never mine at all.
In screaming lines and silent words.
Others bear you maroon, yellow, red. A tool to be used and paint violence across walls.
Others see you in blue, black, purple. The hanging doom above them, no end to the depthless clouds.
Why do I see you in everything at all? Another, another, yet another.
Tinted sad and silent and inevitable, yet not cruel by choice. When suffering, are you not safer? And yet, I don’t want you. I want to live, but to live is to be surrounded by you. Your absence brings us boredom, your arrival brings discomfort. So what are we to do?
Where are we not to see you, if you live in everything?
Perhaps we are to live beside your patient steps.
I love it when my interests come together ^^
i don’t think he clicked through
So, to make sure I understand- if the individual calls themself a man, they're a man, regardless of appearance and behavior?
(I PROMISE ITS NOT A GROSS TAKE!!! I really really promise, I'm just stupid and wanna double check, cause I overthink my own gender way too much T~T)
Art is absolutely gorgeous by the way!
thinking about that one video that I saw awhile ago that was like "how to properly draw trans characters" and while I agree it's a somewhat helpful video, I think calling a non op trans man character with breast "bad trans rep" kinda makes me go insane. by that logic all my art is "bad trans rep"
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FromSoftware image macro generator (elden ring Noun Verbed text)
image to 3d effect gif
vaporwave image generator
microsoft wordart maker (REALLY annoying to use on mobile)
you're welcome
Minish cap... rigging the lottery, got it