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So What? | MYG | Masterlist

Pair: Hybrid Cat Yoongi x F Reader
Summary: Running from a past that foreshadows him, Yoongi is adamant about ever turning back to his human counterpart form, in hopes that nobody would recognise him and take him away. You worked at a cafe with your best friend. As a more-than-normal day seemed to go by, you discovered something amidst your housing block. Perhaps - just perhaps, the nighttime is where the angels arrive.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hybrid, non-idol au
Warnings: Contains explicit language, abuse
Total WC: 31473
Taglist: @bearr02 @svnbangtansworld @vintageoldfashion @prwprwprwpr @bontensbabygirl @codeinebelle @ldysmfrst @idkjustlovingbts @popcatx0 @yoonjinsgirl @marblemoonstones

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

So What? | MYG | Masterlist

Pair: Hybrid Cat Yoongi x F Reader
Summary: Running from a past that foreshadows him, Yoongi is adamant about ever turning back to his human counterpart form, in hopes that nobody would recognise him and take him away. You worked at a cafe with your best friend. As a more-than-normal day seemed to go by, you discovered something amidst your housing block. Perhaps - just perhaps, the nighttime is where the angels arrive.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hybrid, non-idol au
Warnings: Contains explicit language, abuse
Total WC: 31473
Taglist: @bearr02 @svnbangtansworld

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
So What? | MYG | Chapter 1

Pair: Hybrid Cat Yoongi x F Reader
Summary: Running from a past that foreshadows him, Yoongi is adamant about ever turning back to his human counterpart form, in hopes that nobody would recognise him and take him away. You worked at a cafe with your best friend. As a more-than-normal day seemed to go by, you discovered something amidst your housing block. Perhaps - just perhaps, the nighttime is where the angels arrive.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hybrid, non-idol au
Warnings: Contains explicit language, abuse
WC: 2K
Taglist: @bearr02 @svnbangtansworld @vintageoldfashion @rkivemaar
< Prev. Series Masterlist . Next >

Carrying your body home after a full day shift at the café is always the hardest part of your work. The worst thing is that it was raining today.
"Man, it seriously can't get any worse than this already."
You were walking to your apartment from the nearest bus stop when you heard skitting across the road and paused. It was forty-five minutes to midnight and living next to a park made the lights in the area dim. That totally did not help the rising panic within.
“Hello?” You called out. “Nobody? Okay.”
You continued uphill as you constantly looked around, body and mind on high alert. As you walked closer and closer to your apartment building, the hissing got louder. You stopped dead in your tracks, rain harshly hitting the umbrella as you frantically tried to locate the noise. The flight and fight response in you is more towards the latter. Your eyes connected with two moonlit ones, staring back at you as if they knew where your soul was.
“Hi, kitty.” It hissed. “What are you doing out here all by yourself?" You tried coaxing it up with you. "It's raining hard, it’s better if you go under the building.”
You stood under the rain, getting soaked as you tried to coax it from under the car. You wouldn't have believed that you were redoing this on a brain-damaging day, still seem to have patience for a cat. It hissed and moved back when your hand went closer to it. You squatted there for a good fifteen minutes when you groaned and got up from your spot, pants and bag completely wet from the rain. You reached out your hand as a last offer, “Come on sweet pea, please?”
You used your best baby voice. The cat refuses to move from the spot it has pressed itself against.
"Fine. Maybe you don't want to leave me standing here." You have another look. "But when I leave, go under there," Pointing at the shelter of the apartment building. "It's dryer and warmer there. Night, kitty."
You went into the apartment building and took the lift up to the twenty-seventh floor. You brought out your keys as they clanged loudly against the metal gates. One foot in, you looked around your apartment, climbed the countertop, and took a plastic bowl off the shelf.
He's either going to be there or not going to be there.
You decided to take the plunge and filled the bowl with warm water - not too warm but not too cold. A flash of light shines through your house before the loud boom of thunder vibrates the walls. You hurried back down to the parking lot, afraid that the cat would be scared of the noise.
That's stupid. It's stray, it's used to it. But… It doesn't mean it isn't scared.
You carefully went back down to where the vehicle the cat was at but all you found was an empty space. Alarmed, you stood there, calling out for the black cat as if it could understand that it was being called. Only when you registered that the water in the bowl started to get cold did you leave to go back into your warm home with a heavy heart, hoping that the kitty at least found a dry spot before the rain got heavier in the night.

Yoongi never had the plan to be caught by any humans the day he left that horrid place. He survived on the streets, stealing food from vendors, and eating late-night snacks, but overall, he was fine as a cat. He survived as a cat and he has vowed that he would live like one for the rest of his life.
Until you came along.
He smelled you from a mile away. He was at the bin stealing off the last bits of leftover chicken that the hawker centre vendors had thrown away when he smelt you. He never stayed in one place for too long or the animal control would take him. But Yoongi stayed there for three days now. Three whole days and nights, scenting you, seeing you. But he never intended to be found out.
The rain started to pour when he was chewing off the last bits of his dinner. He scurried away to the nearest vehicle, crawling under to shield himself from the rain. People don’t normally like animals under the apartment buildings and it would be a too obvious place for him to be at.
“Hello?” He heard you call out. He scented your fear and kept still, not wanting to be caught. But as you neared the vehicle that he was under, he started to hiss loudly, animal instincts taking over to be alarmed and fight and all costs. You stood still again, now eyes turning to where he was and making contact with yours.
He stilled.
“Hi, kitty.” You called out to him, hands reaching nearer under the vehicle to try and pet him. He hissed out loudly and pressed himself even more against the tyres of the car. “What are you doing out here all by yourself?" You smelled heavenly to him, like tangerine and chocolate. He didn’t want you to leave but he didn’t want to be caught.
You tried your very best but he knew he wasn’t going to budge, not while you’re here at least.
“Maybe you don't want to leave with me standing here." Yes - "But when I leave, go under there," No - "It's dryer and warmer there. Night, kitty." Good night.
No way in hell is he going to go under the apartment blocks especially when he will be too exposed. You never once looked back as you walked into your building.
Maybe I should really go somewhere else to sleep tonight.
The rain started to get heavier, soaking almost half his body under the car. Yoongi walked out, rain splattering on his fur, spreading the blood down to his shin. He winced. Maybe fighting for the food just now wasn’t a good idea. Just as he started to limp away, lightning struck and thunder boomed, making him flinch and run to the trash bins located outside the apartment blocks. He slithered his way in there.
Hmm, dry enough for now.
He fell asleep just as he heard, “Kitty? Kitty! Kitty, where are you?”

You wake up to the sound of the alarm blaring through the house and turn over to grab the phone, turning it off so that it doesn’t sound again. Just as you were about to fall back asleep, your neighbours downstairs started shouting, waking you up.
You groaned. “What the hell. Fine, fine, I’m up.”
You vigorously tried to rub the sleep off of your face and headed to the washroom. You walked out of the washroom with a toothbrush stuck in your mouth as you took the kettle to boil some water. Rummaging through the cupboard for something to eat was the hard part. Being out at work means that the drawers in your house are almost empty. You sighed as you found some crackers in the refrigerator. You took a bowl and filled it with crackers and bread cookies.
As toothpaste started leaking out of your mouth, you hurriedly ran to the washroom to continue washing up. The coffee was simply made and placed beside the bowl of crackers and phones. You readied the vacuum and pail of water needed to clean the house.
You had a strict line-up when it came to Saturday cleaning. All drawers, shelves, and countertops are to be cleaned first. Followed by the carpets being vacuumed. Then, the floors will be vacuumed and moped - twice per room to make sure there is not a speck of dust. After that everything is washed and kept back to their original positions and the basins and toilets are next.
Usually by then, you are too exhausted to be bothered to clean it in any way, just making sure that everything is scrubbed - from top to bottom. Okay, yeah, maybe you do have a slight cleanliness problem. But you absolutely dislike it when the house gets too dusty as it makes you sneeze a lot. Though, cleaning itself is a workout but thankfully, you often finish just before lunch.

You crashed down onto the sofa after cleaning. “Ugh, today is exhausting.” You flung an arm over your forehead. You got up to get your phone from the dining table and adjusted your spectacles properly over the bridge of your nose. Deciding to be lazy today, you ordered in McDonald’s. As you deemed yourself well-rested enough, you got up with a huff and headed to take a shower.
Just as you were about to blow dry your hair, the doorbell rang and you hurriedly made your way over with keys in hand. Your stomach was finally grumbling for some food to grind in its system and you were pretty sure that by now, it was already eating itself. Just as you reached the small water fountain placed in the living room, a few steps away from your room, you realised that there was a ball of black-something.
That ball of black-something was indeed a cat and it looked as if it was a deer - or well, cat - caught in the headlights. Its pupils enlarged as one of its paws was paused midway in the air as if it just stopped from taking another step. The doorbell rang again, efficiently snapping the both of you out of your stupors.
“Coming!” You shouted as the cat scurried under your sofa. You thanked the delivery man for the food and quickly shut the door.
“Kitty? Is that you?” You placed the food on the top of the shoe rack, crouching down, head on the floor, trying to communicate with the cat that just - somehow, maybe flew? - into your house.
No response. As the both of you stared at each other in absolute silence, you somehow knew that it was indeed the cat you saw last night. You weren’t sure of the cat’s coat colour as it was dark in the night, but under the afternoon light, it seemed to be matted and had blood streaks on it. You could clearly see it from where you crouched down but did not move closer to it, learning from last night that it doesn’t like close contact.

Your stomach grumbles loudly. You sighed, getting up from your odd position on the floor and went to the kitchen. You were halfway through your own lunch when you decided to feed him. You got up from your chair, opened a can of soft food and poured it into an aluminium bowl as well as filling the top with a spoonful of kibbles. Then you mixed warm water in another and placed both bowls at the left edge of the sofa, hoping that the cat under there would be tempted to come out to eat with your back faced away from him. The noises from the bowls approved of the action.
Yoongi was hungry - starving. He couldn’t be bothered by what type of food you gave him, as long as you gave him food. He munched on the shredded chicken which was surprisingly nice with the extra crunch of the fish kibbles. He was hesitant at first, wondering if he should leave from under the sofa but the food was too tempting to waste.
The first bite down could have him crying. He didn’t have such high-quality food, human or cat food, for a really long time. The last time he had that was with one of his nicer owners. They were like family - he gets good stuff if he is a good kitty - until everything went to hell. He never intended to be caught but since he was already here, why not eat and then go?
Yes, yes that sounded like a good plan. A very good plan.
Except that plan never went as said.
So What? | MYG | Chapter 2

Pair: Hybrid Cat Yoongi x F Reader
Summary: Running from a past that foreshadows him, Yoongi is adamant about ever turning back to his human counterpart form, in hopes that nobody would recognise him and take him away. You worked at a cafe with your best friend. As a more-than-normal day seemed to go by, you discovered something amidst your housing block. Perhaps - just perhaps, the nighttime is where the angels arrive.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hybrid, non-idol au
Warnings: Contains explicit language, abuse
WC: 2.1K
Taglist: @bearr02 @svnbangtansworld @vintageoldfashion @rkivemaar
< Prev. Series Masterlist. Next >

Three days passed with the same and the schedule between the both of you remains the same. The black cat - you should really start to come out with a name for it - will only come out from the sofa when you feed it, never allowing you to pet it and only starting to eat when you turn away. But you started to get worried. Its fur was matted in blood and you were afraid that it had sustained severe injuries. You wanted to give it a bath to see how bad the injuries were but it was extremely on edge.
You sighed. Your work shift starts in over an hour and you still need to travel down. You left your room and prepared a big bowl of food and water, placing it at the edge of the sofa.
“I’m going to go work now, kitty. Don’t eat everything for lunch. Keep some for dinner. I’ll be back before midnight.” You waited to see or hear any response from it but, nothing. You didn’t know what to expect - honestly.
Your keys clanged against each other as you opened the gate and wore your shoes. “Bye, kitty!” You called out one last time as you hastily locked the gates.
08 33.
You were going to be so, so late. “Damn it.” You looked at your watch. “Never mind.”
You were going to be late, might as well be late. Right? You ran down the block and unlocked your car. Normally your car sits in the parking lot as you prefer the public transport. However, you can’t afford to be late today. There were important events held today and you need to supply them with the necessities before and during the events.
You drove as fast as the speed limit allows and managed to reach the shop just in time - spare a minute.
“Y/N! Good, you’re here.” Your boss exclaimed. “You put everything down first and help pack the cart.”
“With the boxes?” You pointed to the cardboard boxes that were strewn across the floor. He nodded. “Which ones?” You started opening every box to peek inside. “And this cart is for which event?”
Your boss helped you carry the correct boxes to wrap, saying, “This one is for the company event. I think it’s called Furman or something.”
You nodded. “I have no idea what that is.” The both of you burst out laughing. “Normal, eh?”
The both of you worked together in sync and the things were wrapped, packed, and ready to go.
“What time does the driver come?” You asked as you sat down on the nearest chair. It was only 10 00 and you were already tired.
Your boss looked up from his phone and said, “In five minutes. Peng just texted and said he will be reaching soon.” You nodded, getting up from the seats.
The whole day went by as usual - aching arms, spilling coffee and milk, carrying boxes, serving nasty customers, the list goes on. But today, you were more than happy to go home for a whole new reason. You packed up faster than usual and cleaned up like a speeding train, all to go home earlier to see your cat.
Well, he wasn’t exactly your cat to say.
What the hell do I call him?
Bringing your bag out of the storage room, you turned to ask your boss, “What is a nice name for a male cat but not generic?”
“That’s a rather random question?” He looked up from behind the cashier.
“Come on, please? I wanna go home already.” You whined. “I just need some ideas.”
He scratched his chin. “Did you get a cat?”
“Hmm… Maybe Cookies? Or you can try… What is its fur colour?”
“Erm, black?” Your reply was as if it was a question.
“Blackie? Stormy? Burnt?” He shrugged.
“Hmm, alright thanks.” You scurried out of the shop. “Gotta go, bye!”
You ran for the car park at the back of the building where the store was located and quickly got in. Turning on the engine, you thanked the gods that the roads were fairly empty today, allowing you to reach home earlier than usual. You parked in the multi-story car park where it is sheltered and decided to head over to the nearest supermarket to get some food.
You headed over to the cat food section, picking out a bag of new kibbles and can food. Then, you gravitated over to the vegetables and meat, chicken, and beef. Maybe some seasoning and a tad bit too many crackers.
You paid for the groceries and headed up to your block, struggling to grab your keys as you reached your level. You opened your door and ran to the kitchen, putting everything down before rushing back to close the gates. You turned on the lights and started to pack everything into their respective places on the shelves.
Heading over to the bowls that you have left out for kitty, you spotted that there were only a few kibbles he didn’t finish. You tossed those out and gave them a good wash, placing them on the rack to dry overnight.
You turned off the lights and cautiously headed to your room, hoping that all the noise you made had not yet woken the sleeping cat under your sofa. But when you stepped into your room, oh, you were so wrong.
Kitty was indeed asleep but not under the sofa. It hissed at the sudden attack of light that you switched on, scurrying to your pillow’s snout first.

“Sorry! Sorry! I didn’t know you were there. I thought you were sleeping under the sofa.” You dimmed the lights and headed to the closet, walking over to your bathroom from the connection point there.
Yoongi could hear the water running down the shower room from where he was laying on your bed. He was just about to fall back asleep when you picked him up, making him hiss at the sudden contact. Trying to pry your hands away by lightly scratching you didn’t seem to phase you at all.
Where are you taking me? PUT ME DOWN! I SAID, PUT ME D -
“If you want to sleep in my bed, you are going to take a bath first.” You announced, bringing him to the bathtub which you have already filled up with water.
You slowly placed him down into the water and he hissed, not wanting to be washed. He sloshed around in the water, attempting to get out but your grip on him was too tight.
“Come on, kitty. I’ll leave you alone later if you are willing to let me bathe you now.”
So Yoongi floated there, let you wash him up, blow dry his fur, coo over how soft his fur now is, and check his injuries. When he had gotten enough attention, he jumped off the countertop of the basin and trotted back to the pillows with a meow. Letting you close enough was already pushing his instincts, he wanted to rest now and that was exactly what he was going to do.

Yoongi heard you sigh from the washroom and started to clean things up. He didn’t last too long with the warm pillows and your scent, lulling him into the darkness.
A few more weeks went by and the schedule essentially stayed the same. Nothing really changed.
Nothing really changed.
Food schedules may not have changed but your cat sure did. Kitty, you decided to call it, started to be more comfortable with you after that day you bathed him. His injuries didn’t seem too bad, just a few scratches here and there but have mostly healed over the past few days. You realised that it was indeed a he and that his fur - oh, it was the softest thing you have ever touched. It was even nicer than the fluffy rugs you have lying on the floor of your house.
Sometimes, you even wake up with him snuggled in between your arms.
What a character this cat has.
Everything seemed to be going smoothly until a few days ago when you realised that your cat wasn’t eating as much as he used to. He ran fevers, occasionally spasming, and always whined for your attention every time you were near. Hell, you think that he probably vomited while you weren’t around too! You decided to take a leave today to see exactly what was wrong with your cat.
So the moment that you woke up, you prepared to leave for the veterinarian. Your cat, however, did not seem at all fond of the idea. It mewled and clung onto your sofa when you tried to bring it out of the house.
“Come on!” You struggled. “Come on, kitty, seriously! You have been sick for god knows how long and I’m not going to let you keep going like that!” You huffed. “Come…On! Let’s go already. The faster you finish, the faster we can come home.”
When you finally managed to get him out of the door, he meowed the whole way to the vet, almost ripping apart the towel that you had wrapped him in. You heaved a sigh of relief when you reached and got him into the clinic, heading right to the registration counter.
“Hello, what are you here for?”
“Erm, my cat has been having fevers and spasming recently. I would like to have him checked out.” You said, eyes darting around the place, seeing many different animals and feeling real… Out of place. You only fed the stray cats downstairs your blocks but never really had a pet by yourself.
“Have you seen any doctors or come before?”
You shook your head. “No, we haven’t.”
The receptionist nodded. “How long has this been going on?”
You tried to think back to the earlier times when you started to suspect that your cat was sick. “Erm, about a few - maybe around four - days ago?”
“Alright.” The receptionist typed something into her computer and took out a ticket. “You can head over to the seat and wait for your queue number. It will show up on the screen when it is being called.”
You thanked her and went to take a seat.
A3009, You read on the ticket.
“That’s still a long way from ours, kitty. It’s only A286 right now. Hang in there.” You told him as he started to gag after a while. You ran your hands down his back in an attempt to calm him down.
He started to shift around in your hold and you started to panic. “Erm,” You looked up, trying to ask for help just as he puked, vomit splattering off the floor and onto your shoes. People jumped back and pets got startled. The receptionists and nurses came out, trying to diffuse the commotion and clean the mess.
You stood there trying to calm your cat down to no avail. “Gods, I’m so sorry -”
“It’s fine.” A nurse said. “I think this is more serious than you may have thought. Go to room five and knock. The doctor there will let you in. The receptionist has already informed her that you would be going first.”
You nodded and rushed to the room on as steady feet as possible, hoping that your quick movements would not trigger him again.
You knocked and went in, hastily greeting the doctor before explaining what was going on. “I really have no idea and I didn’t know how bad it was. I thought it would have gone away after a while.”
Dr Park conducted some tests and checked his lungs. As the results came back, the frown on his doctor’s brows was not making him feel any better. All the sources online stated that stray cats have a much stronger immune system to counter diseases than domestic cats do, so you decided to try for a few days.
“I think it isn’t quite the problem of what your cat has eaten or what disease it has contracted.” Dr Park said. She scribbled something on the papers and moved to the screens, calling somebody to arrange for some sort of transportation.
When she came back, she looked you dead in the eyes and frowned. Sighing, she said, “Goodness, how do I phrase this?” She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Your cat isn’t a cat. It is a hybrid.”
So What? | MYG | Chapter 1

Pair: Hybrid Cat Yoongi x F Reader
Summary: Running from a past that foreshadows him, Yoongi is adamant about ever turning back to his human counterpart form, in hopes that nobody would recognise him and take him away. You worked at a cafe with your best friend. As a more-than-normal day seemed to go by, you discovered something amidst your housing block. Perhaps - just perhaps, the nighttime is where the angels arrive.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hybrid, non-idol au
Warnings: Contains explicit language, abuse
WC: 2K
Taglist: @bearr02 @svnbangtansworld @vintageoldfashion @rkivemaar
< Prev. Series Masterlist . Next >

Carrying your body home after a full day shift at the café is always the hardest part of your work. The worst thing is that it was raining today.
"Man, it seriously can't get any worse than this already."
You were walking to your apartment from the nearest bus stop when you heard skitting across the road and paused. It was forty-five minutes to midnight and living next to a park made the lights in the area dim. That totally did not help the rising panic within.
“Hello?” You called out. “Nobody? Okay.”
You continued uphill as you constantly looked around, body and mind on high alert. As you walked closer and closer to your apartment building, the hissing got louder. You stopped dead in your tracks, rain harshly hitting the umbrella as you frantically tried to locate the noise. The flight and fight response in you is more towards the latter. Your eyes connected with two moonlit ones, staring back at you as if they knew where your soul was.
“Hi, kitty.” It hissed. “What are you doing out here all by yourself?" You tried coaxing it up with you. "It's raining hard, it’s better if you go under the building.”
You stood under the rain, getting soaked as you tried to coax it from under the car. You wouldn't have believed that you were redoing this on a brain-damaging day, still seem to have patience for a cat. It hissed and moved back when your hand went closer to it. You squatted there for a good fifteen minutes when you groaned and got up from your spot, pants and bag completely wet from the rain. You reached out your hand as a last offer, “Come on sweet pea, please?”
You used your best baby voice. The cat refuses to move from the spot it has pressed itself against.
"Fine. Maybe you don't want to leave me standing here." You have another look. "But when I leave, go under there," Pointing at the shelter of the apartment building. "It's dryer and warmer there. Night, kitty."
You went into the apartment building and took the lift up to the twenty-seventh floor. You brought out your keys as they clanged loudly against the metal gates. One foot in, you looked around your apartment, climbed the countertop, and took a plastic bowl off the shelf.
He's either going to be there or not going to be there.
You decided to take the plunge and filled the bowl with warm water - not too warm but not too cold. A flash of light shines through your house before the loud boom of thunder vibrates the walls. You hurried back down to the parking lot, afraid that the cat would be scared of the noise.
That's stupid. It's stray, it's used to it. But… It doesn't mean it isn't scared.
You carefully went back down to where the vehicle the cat was at but all you found was an empty space. Alarmed, you stood there, calling out for the black cat as if it could understand that it was being called. Only when you registered that the water in the bowl started to get cold did you leave to go back into your warm home with a heavy heart, hoping that the kitty at least found a dry spot before the rain got heavier in the night.

Yoongi never had the plan to be caught by any humans the day he left that horrid place. He survived on the streets, stealing food from vendors, and eating late-night snacks, but overall, he was fine as a cat. He survived as a cat and he has vowed that he would live like one for the rest of his life.
Until you came along.
He smelled you from a mile away. He was at the bin stealing off the last bits of leftover chicken that the hawker centre vendors had thrown away when he smelt you. He never stayed in one place for too long or the animal control would take him. But Yoongi stayed there for three days now. Three whole days and nights, scenting you, seeing you. But he never intended to be found out.
The rain started to pour when he was chewing off the last bits of his dinner. He scurried away to the nearest vehicle, crawling under to shield himself from the rain. People don’t normally like animals under the apartment buildings and it would be a too obvious place for him to be at.
“Hello?” He heard you call out. He scented your fear and kept still, not wanting to be caught. But as you neared the vehicle that he was under, he started to hiss loudly, animal instincts taking over to be alarmed and fight and all costs. You stood still again, now eyes turning to where he was and making contact with yours.
He stilled.
“Hi, kitty.” You called out to him, hands reaching nearer under the vehicle to try and pet him. He hissed out loudly and pressed himself even more against the tyres of the car. “What are you doing out here all by yourself?" You smelled heavenly to him, like tangerine and chocolate. He didn’t want you to leave but he didn’t want to be caught.
You tried your very best but he knew he wasn’t going to budge, not while you’re here at least.
“Maybe you don't want to leave with me standing here." Yes - "But when I leave, go under there," No - "It's dryer and warmer there. Night, kitty." Good night.
No way in hell is he going to go under the apartment blocks especially when he will be too exposed. You never once looked back as you walked into your building.
Maybe I should really go somewhere else to sleep tonight.
The rain started to get heavier, soaking almost half his body under the car. Yoongi walked out, rain splattering on his fur, spreading the blood down to his shin. He winced. Maybe fighting for the food just now wasn’t a good idea. Just as he started to limp away, lightning struck and thunder boomed, making him flinch and run to the trash bins located outside the apartment blocks. He slithered his way in there.
Hmm, dry enough for now.
He fell asleep just as he heard, “Kitty? Kitty! Kitty, where are you?”

You wake up to the sound of the alarm blaring through the house and turn over to grab the phone, turning it off so that it doesn’t sound again. Just as you were about to fall back asleep, your neighbours downstairs started shouting, waking you up.
You groaned. “What the hell. Fine, fine, I’m up.”
You vigorously tried to rub the sleep off of your face and headed to the washroom. You walked out of the washroom with a toothbrush stuck in your mouth as you took the kettle to boil some water. Rummaging through the cupboard for something to eat was the hard part. Being out at work means that the drawers in your house are almost empty. You sighed as you found some crackers in the refrigerator. You took a bowl and filled it with crackers and bread cookies.
As toothpaste started leaking out of your mouth, you hurriedly ran to the washroom to continue washing up. The coffee was simply made and placed beside the bowl of crackers and phones. You readied the vacuum and pail of water needed to clean the house.
You had a strict line-up when it came to Saturday cleaning. All drawers, shelves, and countertops are to be cleaned first. Followed by the carpets being vacuumed. Then, the floors will be vacuumed and moped - twice per room to make sure there is not a speck of dust. After that everything is washed and kept back to their original positions and the basins and toilets are next.
Usually by then, you are too exhausted to be bothered to clean it in any way, just making sure that everything is scrubbed - from top to bottom. Okay, yeah, maybe you do have a slight cleanliness problem. But you absolutely dislike it when the house gets too dusty as it makes you sneeze a lot. Though, cleaning itself is a workout but thankfully, you often finish just before lunch.

You crashed down onto the sofa after cleaning. “Ugh, today is exhausting.” You flung an arm over your forehead. You got up to get your phone from the dining table and adjusted your spectacles properly over the bridge of your nose. Deciding to be lazy today, you ordered in McDonald’s. As you deemed yourself well-rested enough, you got up with a huff and headed to take a shower.
Just as you were about to blow dry your hair, the doorbell rang and you hurriedly made your way over with keys in hand. Your stomach was finally grumbling for some food to grind in its system and you were pretty sure that by now, it was already eating itself. Just as you reached the small water fountain placed in the living room, a few steps away from your room, you realised that there was a ball of black-something.
That ball of black-something was indeed a cat and it looked as if it was a deer - or well, cat - caught in the headlights. Its pupils enlarged as one of its paws was paused midway in the air as if it just stopped from taking another step. The doorbell rang again, efficiently snapping the both of you out of your stupors.
“Coming!” You shouted as the cat scurried under your sofa. You thanked the delivery man for the food and quickly shut the door.
“Kitty? Is that you?” You placed the food on the top of the shoe rack, crouching down, head on the floor, trying to communicate with the cat that just - somehow, maybe flew? - into your house.
No response. As the both of you stared at each other in absolute silence, you somehow knew that it was indeed the cat you saw last night. You weren’t sure of the cat’s coat colour as it was dark in the night, but under the afternoon light, it seemed to be matted and had blood streaks on it. You could clearly see it from where you crouched down but did not move closer to it, learning from last night that it doesn’t like close contact.

Your stomach grumbles loudly. You sighed, getting up from your odd position on the floor and went to the kitchen. You were halfway through your own lunch when you decided to feed him. You got up from your chair, opened a can of soft food and poured it into an aluminium bowl as well as filling the top with a spoonful of kibbles. Then you mixed warm water in another and placed both bowls at the left edge of the sofa, hoping that the cat under there would be tempted to come out to eat with your back faced away from him. The noises from the bowls approved of the action.
Yoongi was hungry - starving. He couldn’t be bothered by what type of food you gave him, as long as you gave him food. He munched on the shredded chicken which was surprisingly nice with the extra crunch of the fish kibbles. He was hesitant at first, wondering if he should leave from under the sofa but the food was too tempting to waste.
The first bite down could have him crying. He didn’t have such high-quality food, human or cat food, for a really long time. The last time he had that was with one of his nicer owners. They were like family - he gets good stuff if he is a good kitty - until everything went to hell. He never intended to be caught but since he was already here, why not eat and then go?
Yes, yes that sounded like a good plan. A very good plan.
Except that plan never went as said.
So What? | MYG | Chapter 2

Pair: Hybrid Cat Yoongi x F Reader
Summary: Running from a past that foreshadows him, Yoongi is adamant about ever turning back to his human counterpart form, in hopes that nobody would recognise him and take him away. You worked at a cafe with your best friend. As a more-than-normal day seemed to go by, you discovered something amidst your housing block. Perhaps - just perhaps, the nighttime is where the angels arrive.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hybrid, non-idol au
Warnings: Contains explicit language, abuse
WC: 2.1K
Taglist: @bearr02 @svnbangtansworld @vintageoldfashion @rkivemaar
< Prev. Series Masterlist. Next >

Three days passed with the same and the schedule between the both of you remains the same. The black cat - you should really start to come out with a name for it - will only come out from the sofa when you feed it, never allowing you to pet it and only starting to eat when you turn away. But you started to get worried. Its fur was matted in blood and you were afraid that it had sustained severe injuries. You wanted to give it a bath to see how bad the injuries were but it was extremely on edge.
You sighed. Your work shift starts in over an hour and you still need to travel down. You left your room and prepared a big bowl of food and water, placing it at the edge of the sofa.
“I’m going to go work now, kitty. Don’t eat everything for lunch. Keep some for dinner. I’ll be back before midnight.” You waited to see or hear any response from it but, nothing. You didn’t know what to expect - honestly.
Your keys clanged against each other as you opened the gate and wore your shoes. “Bye, kitty!” You called out one last time as you hastily locked the gates.
08 33.
You were going to be so, so late. “Damn it.” You looked at your watch. “Never mind.”
You were going to be late, might as well be late. Right? You ran down the block and unlocked your car. Normally your car sits in the parking lot as you prefer the public transport. However, you can’t afford to be late today. There were important events held today and you need to supply them with the necessities before and during the events.
You drove as fast as the speed limit allows and managed to reach the shop just in time - spare a minute.
“Y/N! Good, you’re here.” Your boss exclaimed. “You put everything down first and help pack the cart.”
“With the boxes?” You pointed to the cardboard boxes that were strewn across the floor. He nodded. “Which ones?” You started opening every box to peek inside. “And this cart is for which event?”
Your boss helped you carry the correct boxes to wrap, saying, “This one is for the company event. I think it’s called Furman or something.”
You nodded. “I have no idea what that is.” The both of you burst out laughing. “Normal, eh?”
The both of you worked together in sync and the things were wrapped, packed, and ready to go.
“What time does the driver come?” You asked as you sat down on the nearest chair. It was only 10 00 and you were already tired.
Your boss looked up from his phone and said, “In five minutes. Peng just texted and said he will be reaching soon.” You nodded, getting up from the seats.
The whole day went by as usual - aching arms, spilling coffee and milk, carrying boxes, serving nasty customers, the list goes on. But today, you were more than happy to go home for a whole new reason. You packed up faster than usual and cleaned up like a speeding train, all to go home earlier to see your cat.
Well, he wasn’t exactly your cat to say.
What the hell do I call him?
Bringing your bag out of the storage room, you turned to ask your boss, “What is a nice name for a male cat but not generic?”
“That’s a rather random question?” He looked up from behind the cashier.
“Come on, please? I wanna go home already.” You whined. “I just need some ideas.”
He scratched his chin. “Did you get a cat?”
“Hmm… Maybe Cookies? Or you can try… What is its fur colour?”
“Erm, black?” Your reply was as if it was a question.
“Blackie? Stormy? Burnt?” He shrugged.
“Hmm, alright thanks.” You scurried out of the shop. “Gotta go, bye!”
You ran for the car park at the back of the building where the store was located and quickly got in. Turning on the engine, you thanked the gods that the roads were fairly empty today, allowing you to reach home earlier than usual. You parked in the multi-story car park where it is sheltered and decided to head over to the nearest supermarket to get some food.
You headed over to the cat food section, picking out a bag of new kibbles and can food. Then, you gravitated over to the vegetables and meat, chicken, and beef. Maybe some seasoning and a tad bit too many crackers.
You paid for the groceries and headed up to your block, struggling to grab your keys as you reached your level. You opened your door and ran to the kitchen, putting everything down before rushing back to close the gates. You turned on the lights and started to pack everything into their respective places on the shelves.
Heading over to the bowls that you have left out for kitty, you spotted that there were only a few kibbles he didn’t finish. You tossed those out and gave them a good wash, placing them on the rack to dry overnight.
You turned off the lights and cautiously headed to your room, hoping that all the noise you made had not yet woken the sleeping cat under your sofa. But when you stepped into your room, oh, you were so wrong.
Kitty was indeed asleep but not under the sofa. It hissed at the sudden attack of light that you switched on, scurrying to your pillow’s snout first.

“Sorry! Sorry! I didn’t know you were there. I thought you were sleeping under the sofa.” You dimmed the lights and headed to the closet, walking over to your bathroom from the connection point there.
Yoongi could hear the water running down the shower room from where he was laying on your bed. He was just about to fall back asleep when you picked him up, making him hiss at the sudden contact. Trying to pry your hands away by lightly scratching you didn’t seem to phase you at all.
Where are you taking me? PUT ME DOWN! I SAID, PUT ME D -
“If you want to sleep in my bed, you are going to take a bath first.” You announced, bringing him to the bathtub which you have already filled up with water.
You slowly placed him down into the water and he hissed, not wanting to be washed. He sloshed around in the water, attempting to get out but your grip on him was too tight.
“Come on, kitty. I’ll leave you alone later if you are willing to let me bathe you now.”
So Yoongi floated there, let you wash him up, blow dry his fur, coo over how soft his fur now is, and check his injuries. When he had gotten enough attention, he jumped off the countertop of the basin and trotted back to the pillows with a meow. Letting you close enough was already pushing his instincts, he wanted to rest now and that was exactly what he was going to do.

Yoongi heard you sigh from the washroom and started to clean things up. He didn’t last too long with the warm pillows and your scent, lulling him into the darkness.
A few more weeks went by and the schedule essentially stayed the same. Nothing really changed.
Nothing really changed.
Food schedules may not have changed but your cat sure did. Kitty, you decided to call it, started to be more comfortable with you after that day you bathed him. His injuries didn’t seem too bad, just a few scratches here and there but have mostly healed over the past few days. You realised that it was indeed a he and that his fur - oh, it was the softest thing you have ever touched. It was even nicer than the fluffy rugs you have lying on the floor of your house.
Sometimes, you even wake up with him snuggled in between your arms.
What a character this cat has.
Everything seemed to be going smoothly until a few days ago when you realised that your cat wasn’t eating as much as he used to. He ran fevers, occasionally spasming, and always whined for your attention every time you were near. Hell, you think that he probably vomited while you weren’t around too! You decided to take a leave today to see exactly what was wrong with your cat.
So the moment that you woke up, you prepared to leave for the veterinarian. Your cat, however, did not seem at all fond of the idea. It mewled and clung onto your sofa when you tried to bring it out of the house.
“Come on!” You struggled. “Come on, kitty, seriously! You have been sick for god knows how long and I’m not going to let you keep going like that!” You huffed. “Come…On! Let’s go already. The faster you finish, the faster we can come home.”
When you finally managed to get him out of the door, he meowed the whole way to the vet, almost ripping apart the towel that you had wrapped him in. You heaved a sigh of relief when you reached and got him into the clinic, heading right to the registration counter.
“Hello, what are you here for?”
“Erm, my cat has been having fevers and spasming recently. I would like to have him checked out.” You said, eyes darting around the place, seeing many different animals and feeling real… Out of place. You only fed the stray cats downstairs your blocks but never really had a pet by yourself.
“Have you seen any doctors or come before?”
You shook your head. “No, we haven’t.”
The receptionist nodded. “How long has this been going on?”
You tried to think back to the earlier times when you started to suspect that your cat was sick. “Erm, about a few - maybe around four - days ago?”
“Alright.” The receptionist typed something into her computer and took out a ticket. “You can head over to the seat and wait for your queue number. It will show up on the screen when it is being called.”
You thanked her and went to take a seat.
A3009, You read on the ticket.
“That’s still a long way from ours, kitty. It’s only A286 right now. Hang in there.” You told him as he started to gag after a while. You ran your hands down his back in an attempt to calm him down.
He started to shift around in your hold and you started to panic. “Erm,” You looked up, trying to ask for help just as he puked, vomit splattering off the floor and onto your shoes. People jumped back and pets got startled. The receptionists and nurses came out, trying to diffuse the commotion and clean the mess.
You stood there trying to calm your cat down to no avail. “Gods, I’m so sorry -”
“It’s fine.” A nurse said. “I think this is more serious than you may have thought. Go to room five and knock. The doctor there will let you in. The receptionist has already informed her that you would be going first.”
You nodded and rushed to the room on as steady feet as possible, hoping that your quick movements would not trigger him again.
You knocked and went in, hastily greeting the doctor before explaining what was going on. “I really have no idea and I didn’t know how bad it was. I thought it would have gone away after a while.”
Dr Park conducted some tests and checked his lungs. As the results came back, the frown on his doctor’s brows was not making him feel any better. All the sources online stated that stray cats have a much stronger immune system to counter diseases than domestic cats do, so you decided to try for a few days.
“I think it isn’t quite the problem of what your cat has eaten or what disease it has contracted.” Dr Park said. She scribbled something on the papers and moved to the screens, calling somebody to arrange for some sort of transportation.
When she came back, she looked you dead in the eyes and frowned. Sighing, she said, “Goodness, how do I phrase this?” She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Your cat isn’t a cat. It is a hybrid.”
So What? Coming Back Notice
I guess I should have done this earlier. So as some of you know, this current version of So What? Is a constructed version after comments have said that it was similiar to another authors work. Thanks to a few friends, I managed to find the work belonging to the author.
I sincerely apologise for any mix ups. I truly did not intend for the work to have held such a big portion of similarity. For those who have read the fic before, you would come to know that most of the chapters don't have much difference from the past. The constructed version mainly starts from chapter 11, so I hope that you'll hold tight and wait :))
Since I find it unfair to those who have read the fic to remain waiting for the constructed version to upload on every Tuesday and Friday (the previous uploading days). From yesterday/today/the day before (depending on time zones), the fics are scheduled an hour apart from each other (+08.00). There will be two chapters posted on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Fridays.
I hope that you all (those who've read and those who haven't), enjoy this fic :)) I loved writing this one and I truly wish that I'll bring you some sort of comfort 💜

Hey! Can I be added to the so what taglist?
Of course! Hope you're enjoying the fic!! 💜😁
So What? | MYG | Chapter 3

Pair: Hybrid Cat Yoongi x F Reader
Summary: Running from a past that foreshadows him, Yoongi is adamant about ever turning back to his human counterpart form, in hopes that nobody would recognise him and take him away. You worked at a cafe with your best friend. As a more-than-normal day seemed to go by, you discovered something amidst your housing block. Perhaps - just perhaps, the nighttime is where the angels arrive.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hybrid, non-idol au
Warnings: Contains explicit language, abuse
WC: 1.4K
Taglist: @bearr02 @svnbangtansworld @vintageoldfashion @prwprwprwpr @bontensbabygirl @codeinebelle
< Prev. Series Masterlist. Next >

Your jaw dropped. Hybrid? It can’t be… Right?
“When hybrids stay in their animal counterpart’s form for too long, their body would start to fight and that’s when they would experience what your ‘cat’ is currently experiencing. It is called, hybrid withdrawal symptoms.”
You honestly couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
“I have called for emergency transportation to a hybrid hospital called, JM Hybrid Hospital. I’ve referred you to one of the doctors over there and I promise that he will be in good hands.”
Numbly, you nodded to what she said until, “Wait, what? I’m not going with him?”
Dr Park looked up from your kitty, “Would you like to go with him?”
You nodded vigorously. “Please, if I am allowed. Please.”
“It is most definitely allowed, Ms L/N. But forgive my concern, there have not been many owners whose pets were hybrid and when they found out, they wanted nothing to do with them.”
“No, no. I would never! Hybrid or pet, they’re still beings.”
She nodded. Paramedics barged into the room and took your kitty into their arms, bringing him away from you.
“Wait.” One of the paramedics stopped. “She’ll go with you. I’ll send Dr. Park the stats in a while.”
He nodded. “Come on, let’s go.”
You followed them down to the ER section and into an ambulance.
The whole ride there was sated in awkward silence, the paramedics doing their best to keep your kitty stable and conscious while you just sat there, staring at his limp body. You felt so useless and so, so bad.
If only I found it earlier. If only…
“He will be fine, the hospital is only about ten minutes away from here. He’s symptoms are not that bad yet, he should be treatable.”
All you could do then was nod.
When you finally pulled up to the ER of JM Hybrid Hospital, it felt like an hour’s drive. The paramedics quickly rushed out and you followed closely, nurses navigating them to empty rooms.
“How serious is it?” One nurse asked, checking your kitty’s blood pressure and body temperature.
A doctor came out, tag reading -
“Please, I didn’t know. Can he be cured? Can you do something?” You latched on to his coat.
The doctor looked at you sympathetically. “Of course.” He nodded. “From the notes that the clinic has sent me, he is not yet in an extremely critical condition. Curable, but it will be a tough road.”
The doctors scanned you from head to toe. “I take it you are his owner?” You numbly nodded, wanting the question to stop and the treatments to start.
“Right, I will need you to help me fill in these forms.” He handed you a whole set of documents and a pen while simultaneously pushing you out of the room.
“Wait -”
“You can’t be in there when the doctors are doing their work, Ma’am.” A nurse held you back. “Dr. Park needs these documents in. Could you finish and pass them over?”
You looked at the nurse and then back a set of work in your arms. You found an empty seat and sat down, starting to complete the information inside. You never really knew his real name so you put ‘Kitty’ in the box. You never knew paperwork was suddenly so hard to complete.
“Erm,” You called out to the receptionist. “I don’t really know anything so most of it is empty.” You scratched the back of your neck, embarrassed.
The reception lady - Nurse Ling Hui, it read - nodded her head. “All’s good. Though I have some information for you. From the blood test that went through over at the previous clinic, your hybrid is a black-market registered hybrid. He is one of the hybrids that came up on the recent news.”
“What do you mean?”
Ling Hui slowed down, “It means that he will be under the close watch of police officers to ensure his safety as he is a wanted hybrid in the black market and it is not a good thing. People selling hybrids there are known to be ruthless in what they do.”
You slumped down. Ling Hui walked around the desk and placed a hand on your shoulder. “By the way, his name is Yoongi. Min Yoongi. He is a 29-year-old hybrid, mixed breed.” She held out a folder. “Here are some reports in the system that we can collate. Would you like to take a look?”
Just as you were about to take it from her hands, your head whipped at the heart-wrenching scream that came from your kitty - Yoongi’s - room. You made a move to run over when Ling Hui held you back, shaking her head. “Let the doctors do what they need to. With you in there will only make things more difficult.”
You took a deep breath and took the folder from her hands, sitting on a chair that faces the room. The screams went on for a minute or two and then stopped, a minute or two and stopped. Just when it hit the 15-minute mark, you couldn’t take it anymore and dashed right in.
A guard held you back as you fought to be let through. Yoongi’s screams hit every one of your bones as you fought harder and harder. “Let me through! Please!” You yelled, tears streaming down your face. “Stop, stop. Don’t hurt him!”
The doctors came out, seeing your distressed state saying, “Let her in, we’re taking a break for now anyways. Continue going and he might actually pass out for real.”
The guards let go of you and you immediately rushed into a sight you never want to see again.

Yoongi was exhausted - so, so exhausted. He didn’t want to shift. If he shifted, he would definitely be sold off again. Subconsciously, he could feel the spasming of his muscles and shift of bones, fighting against the doses that the doctors had induced him with.
God, he was so tired.
He closed his eyes, hoping for the pain to subside when he felt the gentlest kisses between his ears. He knew exactly who those kisses belonged to and he let out a pained meow - from the pain but also because he felt his fur getting wet.
Why were you crying?
It hurts his heart more than holding back shifts to know that you were crying. Yoongi lifted his head as much as he could, being strapped to the table.
“I’m so sorry.” You sniffled, head in between his ears and tears flowing down his fur, “I’m so sorry I didn’t know.”
Why were you sorry?
Yoongi tilted his head up, licking off the tears that were cascading down your cheeks, hoping that the action would bring a smile to your face like it did the first time he did so. And he was right. But it was not the bright eyes and teasing smile. This time, it was pained. You moved away from him as his tongue chased your cheeks, still trying to wipe off the tears.
Where were you going? Hey, please come back… Please - Oh -
You had unbuckled the straps that had confined him onto the table and his limbs twitched slightly, hissing at the pain they gave him. You had made your way back to where his head lay, stroking his matted fur with gentle hands. If you keep going, he was really going to fall asleep. He was already this close- this close - to purring.
“Come on, kitty.” He was sure you already knew his name though - “Come on. I know you don’t want to shift but please? I don't know why and I don't ever want to understand why because that is your experience. I could never phantom even 30% of it. But you’re getting really, really sick and,” You sobbed. “And I still need you. How am I going to go home to an empty house now?”
Yoongi was really sleepy and really tempted but -
“Please, please, please. Kitty - Yoongi - please?”
Hearing his name on your lips, god he had wished for this day but not in this way -
Oh, perhaps he could make an exception.
So What? | MYG | Chapter 4

Pair: Hybrid Cat Yoongi x F Reader
Summary: Running from a past that foreshadows him, Yoongi is adamant about ever turning back to his human counterpart form, in hopes that nobody would recognise him and take him away. You worked at a cafe with your best friend. As a more-than-normal day seemed to go by, you discovered something amidst your housing block. Perhaps - just perhaps, the nighttime is where the angels arrive.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hybrid, non-idol au
Warnings: Contains explicit language, abuse
WC: 2.9K
Taglist: @bearr02 @svnbangtansworld @vintageoldfashion @rkivemaar @codeinebelle @bontensbabygirl
< Prev. Series Masterlist. Next >

The doctors were able to do all the checks that they needed to do once Yoongi shifted. His fluffy, soft ears and curled-up tail kept twitching as he slept. You sighed, looking down at the stack of reports on your lap. The doctors have given you the whole stack, saying that you should spend some time reading them through and deciding the next course of action - for both you and Yoongi. Lunch break is only an hour and you for sure knew that there was no way possible to be able to finish this whole thing - you lifted the edge of a piece of paper - in that time frame.
You rubbed your temples. Why did you have to bring it along with you to work?
You unlocked your phone to see a picture that you took when everything was still hidden. “Hello, hello!” A hand shot into your view, waving to catch your attention.
“Hi, Lils.” You offered her the best smile you could.
“Damn, you look down indeed.” She paused. “What happened?”
Lillianne - or Lils, for short - has been working here for almost as long as you have. The both of you didn’t always work every shift together, but you sure knew that a Thursday shift was one that the both of you would work. The both of you were part-time workers, juggling a few jobs at the same time. Lillianne was a year older than you were, but she preferred to study and travel, claiming that she would rather see the world first before settling down for a full-time job.
Sometimes, you were envious of her. The world was vast and broad but you needed the money, so you had to compromise. The dreams were placed aside in an old box, save for when you wanted some sort of motivation to keep life going.
You hummed. “Nothing much, I guess. Just some hospitalisation documents.”
“Shit - what happened?”
You sighed. “Ever had a hybrid before?”
Lils’ family was well-off, not rich-rich, but very much capable of spending a ton, saving a ton, and then having some more to add in.
Lils shook her head. “I mean, my family thought of it. My brother always wanted one but I felt that it was cruel. It’s like keeping a human being like a pet.” She scrunched her nose. “Like slaves.”
You nodded.
“You got one now?”
You shrugged. “‘Sorta. I never knew that he was a hybrid.” Lils stayed quiet, waiting allowing you to speak at your own pace. “I found him when he was a cat and then he stayed as a cat. I mean - at the same time, it never ever crossed my mind that he is a hybrid. I somehow just never thought of it.”
Lils bobbed her head. “I get where you’re coming from.” She stood up straighter at the counter. “Some hybrids at the shelter refuse to shift, instinctively protecting themselves from their past trauma. It’s going to take a while for that guy to open up and trust you. Only then might, I say might - shift.”
“That’s the thing, Lils. He has already shifted and now he’s staying at the hospital.” You waved the stack of papers in front of your friend. “This is his. And I have dug a hole deeper than I can get out of.”
Lils’ eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean?”
“This guy - Yoongi, Min Yoongi - is an underground illegally bred hybrid.” She shot up, eyes wide. “That’s not all. It seems that he is all over the wants of the black market. You know like how people want their pets back and they are willing to give a reward? Yeah, the same thing.”
The silence in the shop was pregnant. “Shit.”
The both of you looked at each other. “So what are you going to do?”
You shrugged. “I honestly don’t know. I know that I don’t have the money and time to take care of myself, or worse yet another human being. The cats downstairs the blocks don’t count.” You sighed. “But at the same time, I don’t want to leave him. He has already been through so much and the doctors feel that it will be good for him to stay with me, seeing that the connection is already pretty deep.”
“Wait - hang on. Pretty deep?”
“The doctors are assuming that I managed to make him shift.”
“And did you?”
“I guess so? He was fighting it but I tried to persuade him and he… Did it?”
Lils had her hand over her mouth. “Damn. I think he trusts you.” She nodded her head vigorously. “Yes, yes. He either likes you or trusts you. Both take trust anyway. Good idea from the doctors. It is important for hybrids to be around who they trust in order to recover faster.”
You rubbed your face and sighed for the umpteenth time today. “I should ask our dearest boss for leave.”
“He’ll definitely let you go on a break but definitely won’t let you leave the company.” Lils laughed and you rolled your eyes, digging into your cold lunch. “You’re far too valuable.”
And who was your boss?
Kim Seok-Jin.
Of course, he would let you on a break.

Yoongi woke up to the constant beeping of machines and the airconditioner blasting full force at his face - in an empty room. That was the saddening part. He had hoped that you would stay after you managed to coax him to shift. But of course, he understood why you wouldn’t want to stay either. I mean, look at him. Covered in scars and bites, scrawny and sad - a monster, he sees himself in the mirror.
He sighed, willing the tears to go away. He didn’t know why this felt like losing you and it hurt him to the extent that he has yet to comprehend the feeling - didn’t know if he should dissect it in the first place.
His head shot up at the sound of curtains being drawn. “Oh! You’re finally awake.” A nurse wearing purple scrubs walked into the room and his instincts woke up. Yoongi hissed and attempted to jump out of bed when he realised that - he was cuffed, again.
The nurse shot him a sympathetic look. “The doctors thought that it would be best so that you don’t injure yourself and others.” She moved around, checking rectangular boxes and liquids around him. “I’m Ling Hui and I’m the substitute nurse for Pong-Ran right now. She’ll be back soon.” The nurse stood up. “I’ll page Dr. Park to check on you.”
That light-smelling nurse left and the room felt even more empty than it was before.
Yoongi sighed. He missed you. And he cursed himself for acting up. Only if his body didn’t instinctively act up from being stuck in that form for a long time, he wouldn’t have lost you. Tears welled up in his eyes again as he furiously rubbed them away.
No, no. He wouldn’t cry right now.
Yoongi’s head stayed down this time when he heard the sound of curtains drawing.
“Hello! It’s good to see that you’re awake. I’m Dr. Park and I’ll just briefly go through what your body is going through now.”
Yoongi peeked up to see the doctor shuffling through his papers with a light smile on his lips. He has this angelic look that makes Yoongi rethink whether or not he has actually died and gone up and that he was currently looking at one of God’s angels - or something.
“Hehe, why hello there. Finally, looking up?” Yoongi’s eyes snapped to the doctor’s. “Yeah, my wife does tell me that I have a too-pretty face. Always saying that I should just be a model and come earn more money for the household.” The doctor rolled his eyes playfully, a smile broadening at the mention of his wife. He seems to really love her.
“Anyway, your owner, Miss Y/N, has already chosen the following procedures and medication for you. So we will move on with it.” Yoongi tensed up. “Oh, oh, it’s nothing invasive, I promise. She just wants to make you thoroughly checked and for you to have the appropriate diet plan and medication for when we send you back.”
Yoongi has no idea what is happening and what is going to happen. So he kept quiet and let the doctor do the explanations of what test was going to be done, how it was going to be done, and approximately how long it might take.
Then, Yoongi got wheeled around to do the respective tests, cooperating with the doctors and nurses. He tries his best to talk about what he eats - his likes and dislikes - and where his body feels uncomfortable but finds it hard to express himself.
It was only after everything was completed, dinner was eaten, and they left him to rest that Yoongi allowed his tears to fall, staining the pillow below him wet as he muffled his cries.

You trudged home after your shift, legs almost giving up as you climbed into the shower room. You had taken up a call from the hospital in the middle of your shift, heart pounding, worried that Yoongi didn’t want to do the examinations or that something was wrong with him -
“He is all good.” Your axis stopped. “With a proper dieting plan and a bit of medication for the time being, he should be up and going by the third month or so.”
Dr Park had been so kind as to also email you the test results so that you are kept up-to-date and he patiently answered all your questions - even the ones you felt were stupid.
“No problem, Miss Y/N. It’s common to feel stressed and unknowing of what to do. That’s why we are here to make this adapting process easier. If there are any questions, feel free to just shoot me a text.”
The call had ended at that.
And for the rest of the night, you had a stupid smile on your face, knowing that your kitty was alright and that it wouldn’t be long before he made it home.
“Well, that also means that you will need to get new beds, make the guest room presentable and buy things too.”
Your shoulders had dropped at that fact. Well, your wallet was definitely going to feel infinitely lighter. You groaned. “Ugh, let me bask in the fact that he is fine first. Money is another problem for another day.”
Lils snorted. “Totally,” She flagged down her bus. “Text me when you get home and when you decide to go shopping.”
You sighed and slumped against the wall of the shower room.
You really needed to get the guest room organised. Well, not that it isn’t already neat, just that it isn’t presentable. Like, you stuffed some clothes in the closet, the sheets have not been changed, the floors were cleaned every month, you know the drill. You stood up, washing the rest of the suds of your body and headed out of the shower room.

Money and organisation will be left for another day- probably tomorrow, probably a day before he comes back - you don’t care. Right now, you really don’t care. Sleep is all you need.
Of course, your alarm doesn’t not ring at 8.30 am. You turned it off with a flick of your finger and went back to sleep - if it was not for the shrill ring that echoed through your house. You attempted to ignore it at first, but the thoughts got the best of you.
What if it’s your parents? What if it’s Lils? Wait, it doesn’t matter if it’s Lils. She just wants to shop. What if it’s the doctor -
You shot out of bed. Shit, if it is Dr Park -
You flipped your phone over to read the caller ID.
Well, fine. You swiped the answer button and placed the phone on your lap.
You knew it. She’d be screaming.
“I just got up, bitch. Stop yelling. It’s 9 in the morning. Too early for you.” You grumbled, hands coming up to scrub the sleepiness off your face. It seems like that night shift yesterday took a bit more out of you than you thought.
“Come on. I’m driving and we’re going shopping. We got to get your kitty’s stuff.”
You yawned. “Where are you then?”
“Fifteen minutes to your house.”
You shot out of bed. “What -”
“Don’t come blaming me! I tried to call you three times. Three times on full ring! It’s your fault!”
“You could’ve left the house only when I answered!”
“Then you wouldn’t have gone!”
“Hey, now that’s not completely true -”
“Yeah? Wanna bet?”
“On what?”
“Books. But technically I’m already out so it’s kinda useless.”
“You chickening.” You stated and heard a gasp from the other end of the line.
“Am not.”
You rolled your eyes. “Bye, I’m going to get ready. Let yourself in when you reach. See ya.”
You hung up, tossing your phone onto the bed and headed to the washroom. Following your routine, you managed to put on some decent clothes just as you heard keys jingling from the living room.
Your bedroom door opened and you heard a “Hiyah, bought you coffee on the way.” Before it closed shut again.
You stepped out of the wardrobe and cleaned the countertop of your washroom, set your bed and fluffed your pillows, before turning off the air conditioner and walking to the guest bedroom where you knew your dearest friend would be waiting.
“It’s really bare.”
“Where’s the coffee?”
“In the car.”
Lils surveyed the room. “It’ll do well with a fresh coat of paint. Maybe a contrasting colour. White and grey and then black photo frames. The shelves and drawers are already white, you can add in a tint of gold paint on the handles.” She nodded, proud of herself. “Guess the bedding can add a bit of green to make the colours pop.”
You had trouble catching up. “Grey for what? Which pane of the wall?”
“The wardrobe and the photo frame wall. The toilet can be green and gold.”
“Paint.” She clarified. “Gold paint.”
Oh, you knew that -
“Okay,” Lils suddenly clapped her hands. “Let’s go! Buy everything then set the dates for the respective delivery. Oh yes, we need to change that -” She pointed to the old bedside table. “For something else.”
You were pretty sure it had dead lizards or something in there. You didn’t want to dissect it.
The both of you left with ideas buzzing in your brains.
The paint store was obviously the first, followed by the furniture store, the household store, and groceries - cause’ why not? - and then lastly, back to the coffee.
Heading home, Lils informed you that she has already told her parents that she’ll be sleeping over at your house for the next few days, to help with the ‘reconstruction of the bedroom’.
Her words.
The removal of everything in that room was first. Including the bed frame, the bed, and now very narrow halfway thanks to the shelves being placed there.
The painting job took a total of sixteen hours to complete painting everything and another good one and a half days for the paint to cure. Then came the cleaning of the room. That itself took a good half of the day.
You thought that was all? To take a break? Oh no.
The deliverables came. The both of you were on a labour streak. From building to shifting and arranging the pieces of furniture. Gods, by the time everything was done, you had your house to clean. And once that was done too, it took a total of one week.
“The smell hasn’t left yet.” You said as you placed the last of the decorations in the room. “I’m afraid that his nose will be sensitive to it.”
You sat beside the cat plushie that you couldn’t resist buying.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine. It will leave in the next few days anyways.”
The both of you looked around the room to finally take in the view of your handiworks. Things changed a bit as the both of you progressed. The colour scheme remains the same but you’ve decided to paint the wardrobe black instead, the washroom green and white instead, and the fluffy rugs on the floors were a last-minute addition. The throw was an impulse buy but so was the cat plush. Not that you regretted it.
“Ugh, I can’t believe we painted the whole place. You barely come into the room your walls were turning yellow from the damn musk!”
You laughed sheepishly.
“Alright.” Lils got up. “They’ll be coming in a while. I’m gonna go home and take a damn good sleep while you have fun.”
You nodded. “Sure. Thanks, by the way.”
“No problem. Just hit me up anytime you go shopping again. Hopefully not for a whole makeover next time.”
The both of you laughed as you walked her to her car. “Alright, I’ll see you at work then.”
You waved as she drove away just as you saw the police car pulling up.
Well, call for better timing.
So What? | MYG | Chapter 3

Pair: Hybrid Cat Yoongi x F Reader
Summary: Running from a past that foreshadows him, Yoongi is adamant about ever turning back to his human counterpart form, in hopes that nobody would recognise him and take him away. You worked at a cafe with your best friend. As a more-than-normal day seemed to go by, you discovered something amidst your housing block. Perhaps - just perhaps, the nighttime is where the angels arrive.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hybrid, non-idol au
Warnings: Contains explicit language, abuse
WC: 1.4K
Taglist: @bearr02 @svnbangtansworld @vintageoldfashion @prwprwprwpr @bontensbabygirl @codeinebelle
< Prev. Series Masterlist. Next >

Your jaw dropped. Hybrid? It can’t be… Right?
“When hybrids stay in their animal counterpart’s form for too long, their body would start to fight and that’s when they would experience what your ‘cat’ is currently experiencing. It is called, hybrid withdrawal symptoms.”
You honestly couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
“I have called for emergency transportation to a hybrid hospital called, JM Hybrid Hospital. I’ve referred you to one of the doctors over there and I promise that he will be in good hands.”
Numbly, you nodded to what she said until, “Wait, what? I’m not going with him?”
Dr Park looked up from your kitty, “Would you like to go with him?”
You nodded vigorously. “Please, if I am allowed. Please.”
“It is most definitely allowed, Ms L/N. But forgive my concern, there have not been many owners whose pets were hybrid and when they found out, they wanted nothing to do with them.”
“No, no. I would never! Hybrid or pet, they’re still beings.”
She nodded. Paramedics barged into the room and took your kitty into their arms, bringing him away from you.
“Wait.” One of the paramedics stopped. “She’ll go with you. I’ll send Dr. Park the stats in a while.”
He nodded. “Come on, let’s go.”
You followed them down to the ER section and into an ambulance.
The whole ride there was sated in awkward silence, the paramedics doing their best to keep your kitty stable and conscious while you just sat there, staring at his limp body. You felt so useless and so, so bad.
If only I found it earlier. If only…
“He will be fine, the hospital is only about ten minutes away from here. He’s symptoms are not that bad yet, he should be treatable.”
All you could do then was nod.
When you finally pulled up to the ER of JM Hybrid Hospital, it felt like an hour’s drive. The paramedics quickly rushed out and you followed closely, nurses navigating them to empty rooms.
“How serious is it?” One nurse asked, checking your kitty’s blood pressure and body temperature.
A doctor came out, tag reading -
“Please, I didn’t know. Can he be cured? Can you do something?” You latched on to his coat.
The doctor looked at you sympathetically. “Of course.” He nodded. “From the notes that the clinic has sent me, he is not yet in an extremely critical condition. Curable, but it will be a tough road.”
The doctors scanned you from head to toe. “I take it you are his owner?” You numbly nodded, wanting the question to stop and the treatments to start.
“Right, I will need you to help me fill in these forms.” He handed you a whole set of documents and a pen while simultaneously pushing you out of the room.
“Wait -”
“You can’t be in there when the doctors are doing their work, Ma’am.” A nurse held you back. “Dr. Park needs these documents in. Could you finish and pass them over?”
You looked at the nurse and then back a set of work in your arms. You found an empty seat and sat down, starting to complete the information inside. You never really knew his real name so you put ‘Kitty’ in the box. You never knew paperwork was suddenly so hard to complete.
“Erm,” You called out to the receptionist. “I don’t really know anything so most of it is empty.” You scratched the back of your neck, embarrassed.
The reception lady - Nurse Ling Hui, it read - nodded her head. “All’s good. Though I have some information for you. From the blood test that went through over at the previous clinic, your hybrid is a black-market registered hybrid. He is one of the hybrids that came up on the recent news.”
“What do you mean?”
Ling Hui slowed down, “It means that he will be under the close watch of police officers to ensure his safety as he is a wanted hybrid in the black market and it is not a good thing. People selling hybrids there are known to be ruthless in what they do.”
You slumped down. Ling Hui walked around the desk and placed a hand on your shoulder. “By the way, his name is Yoongi. Min Yoongi. He is a 29-year-old hybrid, mixed breed.” She held out a folder. “Here are some reports in the system that we can collate. Would you like to take a look?”
Just as you were about to take it from her hands, your head whipped at the heart-wrenching scream that came from your kitty - Yoongi’s - room. You made a move to run over when Ling Hui held you back, shaking her head. “Let the doctors do what they need to. With you in there will only make things more difficult.”
You took a deep breath and took the folder from her hands, sitting on a chair that faces the room. The screams went on for a minute or two and then stopped, a minute or two and stopped. Just when it hit the 15-minute mark, you couldn’t take it anymore and dashed right in.
A guard held you back as you fought to be let through. Yoongi’s screams hit every one of your bones as you fought harder and harder. “Let me through! Please!” You yelled, tears streaming down your face. “Stop, stop. Don’t hurt him!”
The doctors came out, seeing your distressed state saying, “Let her in, we’re taking a break for now anyways. Continue going and he might actually pass out for real.”
The guards let go of you and you immediately rushed into a sight you never want to see again.

Yoongi was exhausted - so, so exhausted. He didn’t want to shift. If he shifted, he would definitely be sold off again. Subconsciously, he could feel the spasming of his muscles and shift of bones, fighting against the doses that the doctors had induced him with.
God, he was so tired.
He closed his eyes, hoping for the pain to subside when he felt the gentlest kisses between his ears. He knew exactly who those kisses belonged to and he let out a pained meow - from the pain but also because he felt his fur getting wet.
Why were you crying?
It hurts his heart more than holding back shifts to know that you were crying. Yoongi lifted his head as much as he could, being strapped to the table.
“I’m so sorry.” You sniffled, head in between his ears and tears flowing down his fur, “I’m so sorry I didn’t know.”
Why were you sorry?
Yoongi tilted his head up, licking off the tears that were cascading down your cheeks, hoping that the action would bring a smile to your face like it did the first time he did so. And he was right. But it was not the bright eyes and teasing smile. This time, it was pained. You moved away from him as his tongue chased your cheeks, still trying to wipe off the tears.
Where were you going? Hey, please come back… Please - Oh -
You had unbuckled the straps that had confined him onto the table and his limbs twitched slightly, hissing at the pain they gave him. You had made your way back to where his head lay, stroking his matted fur with gentle hands. If you keep going, he was really going to fall asleep. He was already this close- this close - to purring.
“Come on, kitty.” He was sure you already knew his name though - “Come on. I know you don’t want to shift but please? I don't know why and I don't ever want to understand why because that is your experience. I could never phantom even 30% of it. But you’re getting really, really sick and,” You sobbed. “And I still need you. How am I going to go home to an empty house now?”
Yoongi was really sleepy and really tempted but -
“Please, please, please. Kitty - Yoongi - please?”
Hearing his name on your lips, god he had wished for this day but not in this way -
Oh, perhaps he could make an exception.
So What? | MYG | Chapter 4

Pair: Hybrid Cat Yoongi x F Reader
Summary: Running from a past that foreshadows him, Yoongi is adamant about ever turning back to his human counterpart form, in hopes that nobody would recognise him and take him away. You worked at a cafe with your best friend. As a more-than-normal day seemed to go by, you discovered something amidst your housing block. Perhaps - just perhaps, the nighttime is where the angels arrive.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hybrid, non-idol au
Warnings: Contains explicit language, abuse
WC: 2.9K
Taglist: @bearr02 @svnbangtansworld @vintageoldfashion @rkivemaar @codeinebelle @bontensbabygirl
< Prev. Series Masterlist. Next >

The doctors were able to do all the checks that they needed to do once Yoongi shifted. His fluffy, soft ears and curled-up tail kept twitching as he slept. You sighed, looking down at the stack of reports on your lap. The doctors have given you the whole stack, saying that you should spend some time reading them through and deciding the next course of action - for both you and Yoongi. Lunch break is only an hour and you for sure knew that there was no way possible to be able to finish this whole thing - you lifted the edge of a piece of paper - in that time frame.
You rubbed your temples. Why did you have to bring it along with you to work?
You unlocked your phone to see a picture that you took when everything was still hidden. “Hello, hello!” A hand shot into your view, waving to catch your attention.
“Hi, Lils.” You offered her the best smile you could.
“Damn, you look down indeed.” She paused. “What happened?”
Lillianne - or Lils, for short - has been working here for almost as long as you have. The both of you didn’t always work every shift together, but you sure knew that a Thursday shift was one that the both of you would work. The both of you were part-time workers, juggling a few jobs at the same time. Lillianne was a year older than you were, but she preferred to study and travel, claiming that she would rather see the world first before settling down for a full-time job.
Sometimes, you were envious of her. The world was vast and broad but you needed the money, so you had to compromise. The dreams were placed aside in an old box, save for when you wanted some sort of motivation to keep life going.
You hummed. “Nothing much, I guess. Just some hospitalisation documents.”
“Shit - what happened?”
You sighed. “Ever had a hybrid before?”
Lils’ family was well-off, not rich-rich, but very much capable of spending a ton, saving a ton, and then having some more to add in.
Lils shook her head. “I mean, my family thought of it. My brother always wanted one but I felt that it was cruel. It’s like keeping a human being like a pet.” She scrunched her nose. “Like slaves.”
You nodded.
“You got one now?”
You shrugged. “‘Sorta. I never knew that he was a hybrid.” Lils stayed quiet, waiting allowing you to speak at your own pace. “I found him when he was a cat and then he stayed as a cat. I mean - at the same time, it never ever crossed my mind that he is a hybrid. I somehow just never thought of it.”
Lils bobbed her head. “I get where you’re coming from.” She stood up straighter at the counter. “Some hybrids at the shelter refuse to shift, instinctively protecting themselves from their past trauma. It’s going to take a while for that guy to open up and trust you. Only then might, I say might - shift.”
“That’s the thing, Lils. He has already shifted and now he’s staying at the hospital.” You waved the stack of papers in front of your friend. “This is his. And I have dug a hole deeper than I can get out of.”
Lils’ eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean?”
“This guy - Yoongi, Min Yoongi - is an underground illegally bred hybrid.” She shot up, eyes wide. “That’s not all. It seems that he is all over the wants of the black market. You know like how people want their pets back and they are willing to give a reward? Yeah, the same thing.”
The silence in the shop was pregnant. “Shit.”
The both of you looked at each other. “So what are you going to do?”
You shrugged. “I honestly don’t know. I know that I don’t have the money and time to take care of myself, or worse yet another human being. The cats downstairs the blocks don’t count.” You sighed. “But at the same time, I don’t want to leave him. He has already been through so much and the doctors feel that it will be good for him to stay with me, seeing that the connection is already pretty deep.”
“Wait - hang on. Pretty deep?”
“The doctors are assuming that I managed to make him shift.”
“And did you?”
“I guess so? He was fighting it but I tried to persuade him and he… Did it?”
Lils had her hand over her mouth. “Damn. I think he trusts you.” She nodded her head vigorously. “Yes, yes. He either likes you or trusts you. Both take trust anyway. Good idea from the doctors. It is important for hybrids to be around who they trust in order to recover faster.”
You rubbed your face and sighed for the umpteenth time today. “I should ask our dearest boss for leave.”
“He’ll definitely let you go on a break but definitely won’t let you leave the company.” Lils laughed and you rolled your eyes, digging into your cold lunch. “You’re far too valuable.”
And who was your boss?
Kim Seok-Jin.
Of course, he would let you on a break.

Yoongi woke up to the constant beeping of machines and the airconditioner blasting full force at his face - in an empty room. That was the saddening part. He had hoped that you would stay after you managed to coax him to shift. But of course, he understood why you wouldn’t want to stay either. I mean, look at him. Covered in scars and bites, scrawny and sad - a monster, he sees himself in the mirror.
He sighed, willing the tears to go away. He didn’t know why this felt like losing you and it hurt him to the extent that he has yet to comprehend the feeling - didn’t know if he should dissect it in the first place.
His head shot up at the sound of curtains being drawn. “Oh! You’re finally awake.” A nurse wearing purple scrubs walked into the room and his instincts woke up. Yoongi hissed and attempted to jump out of bed when he realised that - he was cuffed, again.
The nurse shot him a sympathetic look. “The doctors thought that it would be best so that you don’t injure yourself and others.” She moved around, checking rectangular boxes and liquids around him. “I’m Ling Hui and I’m the substitute nurse for Pong-Ran right now. She’ll be back soon.” The nurse stood up. “I’ll page Dr. Park to check on you.”
That light-smelling nurse left and the room felt even more empty than it was before.
Yoongi sighed. He missed you. And he cursed himself for acting up. Only if his body didn’t instinctively act up from being stuck in that form for a long time, he wouldn’t have lost you. Tears welled up in his eyes again as he furiously rubbed them away.
No, no. He wouldn’t cry right now.
Yoongi’s head stayed down this time when he heard the sound of curtains drawing.
“Hello! It’s good to see that you’re awake. I’m Dr. Park and I’ll just briefly go through what your body is going through now.”
Yoongi peeked up to see the doctor shuffling through his papers with a light smile on his lips. He has this angelic look that makes Yoongi rethink whether or not he has actually died and gone up and that he was currently looking at one of God’s angels - or something.
“Hehe, why hello there. Finally, looking up?” Yoongi’s eyes snapped to the doctor’s. “Yeah, my wife does tell me that I have a too-pretty face. Always saying that I should just be a model and come earn more money for the household.” The doctor rolled his eyes playfully, a smile broadening at the mention of his wife. He seems to really love her.
“Anyway, your owner, Miss Y/N, has already chosen the following procedures and medication for you. So we will move on with it.” Yoongi tensed up. “Oh, oh, it’s nothing invasive, I promise. She just wants to make you thoroughly checked and for you to have the appropriate diet plan and medication for when we send you back.”
Yoongi has no idea what is happening and what is going to happen. So he kept quiet and let the doctor do the explanations of what test was going to be done, how it was going to be done, and approximately how long it might take.
Then, Yoongi got wheeled around to do the respective tests, cooperating with the doctors and nurses. He tries his best to talk about what he eats - his likes and dislikes - and where his body feels uncomfortable but finds it hard to express himself.
It was only after everything was completed, dinner was eaten, and they left him to rest that Yoongi allowed his tears to fall, staining the pillow below him wet as he muffled his cries.

You trudged home after your shift, legs almost giving up as you climbed into the shower room. You had taken up a call from the hospital in the middle of your shift, heart pounding, worried that Yoongi didn’t want to do the examinations or that something was wrong with him -
“He is all good.” Your axis stopped. “With a proper dieting plan and a bit of medication for the time being, he should be up and going by the third month or so.”
Dr Park had been so kind as to also email you the test results so that you are kept up-to-date and he patiently answered all your questions - even the ones you felt were stupid.
“No problem, Miss Y/N. It’s common to feel stressed and unknowing of what to do. That’s why we are here to make this adapting process easier. If there are any questions, feel free to just shoot me a text.”
The call had ended at that.
And for the rest of the night, you had a stupid smile on your face, knowing that your kitty was alright and that it wouldn’t be long before he made it home.
“Well, that also means that you will need to get new beds, make the guest room presentable and buy things too.”
Your shoulders had dropped at that fact. Well, your wallet was definitely going to feel infinitely lighter. You groaned. “Ugh, let me bask in the fact that he is fine first. Money is another problem for another day.”
Lils snorted. “Totally,” She flagged down her bus. “Text me when you get home and when you decide to go shopping.”
You sighed and slumped against the wall of the shower room.
You really needed to get the guest room organised. Well, not that it isn’t already neat, just that it isn’t presentable. Like, you stuffed some clothes in the closet, the sheets have not been changed, the floors were cleaned every month, you know the drill. You stood up, washing the rest of the suds of your body and headed out of the shower room.

Money and organisation will be left for another day- probably tomorrow, probably a day before he comes back - you don’t care. Right now, you really don’t care. Sleep is all you need.
Of course, your alarm doesn’t not ring at 8.30 am. You turned it off with a flick of your finger and went back to sleep - if it was not for the shrill ring that echoed through your house. You attempted to ignore it at first, but the thoughts got the best of you.
What if it’s your parents? What if it’s Lils? Wait, it doesn’t matter if it’s Lils. She just wants to shop. What if it’s the doctor -
You shot out of bed. Shit, if it is Dr Park -
You flipped your phone over to read the caller ID.
Well, fine. You swiped the answer button and placed the phone on your lap.
You knew it. She’d be screaming.
“I just got up, bitch. Stop yelling. It’s 9 in the morning. Too early for you.” You grumbled, hands coming up to scrub the sleepiness off your face. It seems like that night shift yesterday took a bit more out of you than you thought.
“Come on. I’m driving and we’re going shopping. We got to get your kitty’s stuff.”
You yawned. “Where are you then?”
“Fifteen minutes to your house.”
You shot out of bed. “What -”
“Don’t come blaming me! I tried to call you three times. Three times on full ring! It’s your fault!”
“You could’ve left the house only when I answered!”
“Then you wouldn’t have gone!”
“Hey, now that’s not completely true -”
“Yeah? Wanna bet?”
“On what?”
“Books. But technically I’m already out so it’s kinda useless.”
“You chickening.” You stated and heard a gasp from the other end of the line.
“Am not.”
You rolled your eyes. “Bye, I’m going to get ready. Let yourself in when you reach. See ya.”
You hung up, tossing your phone onto the bed and headed to the washroom. Following your routine, you managed to put on some decent clothes just as you heard keys jingling from the living room.
Your bedroom door opened and you heard a “Hiyah, bought you coffee on the way.” Before it closed shut again.
You stepped out of the wardrobe and cleaned the countertop of your washroom, set your bed and fluffed your pillows, before turning off the air conditioner and walking to the guest bedroom where you knew your dearest friend would be waiting.
“It’s really bare.”
“Where’s the coffee?”
“In the car.”
Lils surveyed the room. “It’ll do well with a fresh coat of paint. Maybe a contrasting colour. White and grey and then black photo frames. The shelves and drawers are already white, you can add in a tint of gold paint on the handles.” She nodded, proud of herself. “Guess the bedding can add a bit of green to make the colours pop.”
You had trouble catching up. “Grey for what? Which pane of the wall?”
“The wardrobe and the photo frame wall. The toilet can be green and gold.”
“Paint.” She clarified. “Gold paint.”
Oh, you knew that -
“Okay,” Lils suddenly clapped her hands. “Let’s go! Buy everything then set the dates for the respective delivery. Oh yes, we need to change that -” She pointed to the old bedside table. “For something else.”
You were pretty sure it had dead lizards or something in there. You didn’t want to dissect it.
The both of you left with ideas buzzing in your brains.
The paint store was obviously the first, followed by the furniture store, the household store, and groceries - cause’ why not? - and then lastly, back to the coffee.
Heading home, Lils informed you that she has already told her parents that she’ll be sleeping over at your house for the next few days, to help with the ‘reconstruction of the bedroom’.
Her words.
The removal of everything in that room was first. Including the bed frame, the bed, and now very narrow halfway thanks to the shelves being placed there.
The painting job took a total of sixteen hours to complete painting everything and another good one and a half days for the paint to cure. Then came the cleaning of the room. That itself took a good half of the day.
You thought that was all? To take a break? Oh no.
The deliverables came. The both of you were on a labour streak. From building to shifting and arranging the pieces of furniture. Gods, by the time everything was done, you had your house to clean. And once that was done too, it took a total of one week.
“The smell hasn’t left yet.” You said as you placed the last of the decorations in the room. “I’m afraid that his nose will be sensitive to it.”
You sat beside the cat plushie that you couldn’t resist buying.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine. It will leave in the next few days anyways.”
The both of you looked around the room to finally take in the view of your handiworks. Things changed a bit as the both of you progressed. The colour scheme remains the same but you’ve decided to paint the wardrobe black instead, the washroom green and white instead, and the fluffy rugs on the floors were a last-minute addition. The throw was an impulse buy but so was the cat plush. Not that you regretted it.
“Ugh, I can’t believe we painted the whole place. You barely come into the room your walls were turning yellow from the damn musk!”
You laughed sheepishly.
“Alright.” Lils got up. “They’ll be coming in a while. I’m gonna go home and take a damn good sleep while you have fun.”
You nodded. “Sure. Thanks, by the way.”
“No problem. Just hit me up anytime you go shopping again. Hopefully not for a whole makeover next time.”
The both of you laughed as you walked her to her car. “Alright, I’ll see you at work then.”
You waved as she drove away just as you saw the police car pulling up.
Well, call for better timing.
So What? | MYG | Chapter 5

Pair: Hybrid Cat Yoongi x F Reader
Summary: Running from a past that foreshadows him, Yoongi is adamant about ever turning back to his human counterpart form, in hopes that nobody would recognise him and take him away. You worked at a cafe with your best friend. As a more-than-normal day seemed to go by, you discovered something amidst your housing block. Perhaps - just perhaps, the nighttime is where the angels arrive.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hybrid, non-idol au
Warnings: Contains explicit language, abuse
WC: 2.4K
Taglist: @bearr02 @svnbangtansworld @vintageoldfashion @rkivemaar @codeinebelle @bontensbabygirl
< Prev. Series Masterlist. Next >

Yoongi had been holding back tears the moment they had discharged him. He had a trackable band placed on his wrist as officers guided him out of the hospital, gaining many stares from people around. He bowed his head, letting his hair cover his face, uncomfortable at so many people looking at him.
He didn’t want the attention nor did he ask for the attention. The officers led him to a black SUV with tinted windows, urging him in. He buckled himself in as they drove off. He didn’t know where they were bringing him and he didn’t want to know either.
He looked out of the windows at the passing trees and buildings, tears streaming down his face as he hastily wiped them away. The car ride was silent throughout. The officers were alert and ready, making him feel stiff. He missed you. He really did and all he wants to do is run into your arms and stay there forever. But he understands why you don’t ever want him again.
He lied, cheated, and betrayed you. Of course, you wouldn’t want a bad kitty.
More tears fell from Yoongi’s eyes and he sniffed. Breathing in a deep breath, he controlled himself as best as he could. He hated crying in front of people - especially strangers. But it was only until the officers pulled up that Yoongi was, too, pulled out of his blank state of mind. Yoongi observed that he was in your neighbourhood, more specifically directly outside your apartment building. The officers opened the door and led him out.
“Come on, you’re going home.”
Yoongi drew in a shaky breath. Maybe one of the people who unknowingly bought him coincidentally stays in the same apartment block as you. They went up the lift, to the same level, walking to the same opened door where he saw -
No, no… That can’t be right. Y/N doesn’t want a bad kitty.
“Can you take over from here, Miss Y/N?” An officer questioned and you nodded.
Really? Wait - No, no.
“Alright buddy, we’ll be the transport system for the both of you to the medical checks.” The officer patted his shoulder. “See you soon. Get well.”
They left, leaving him standing there, in front of you and your opened gate. His nose twitched at the lingering smell of paint and dust wood.
Did you renovate the house while he was away?
His ears twitched at the sound of you clearing your throat and turned to you. Your hands fiddled with each other, a nervous tick he knew surfaced when you were anxious.
"Erm," Your eyes darted, looking everywhere but him.
"Hello." He started, hoping that you wouldn’t shut down his attempt to make things… Less awkward.
"Yes… Ah, hello Yoongi." You led the way into your house. "I hope your room is okay for you. I don't know what colours you like but I hope that the green doesn't throw you off."
The both of you entered a room that he was at least seventy percent sure was originally the guest room. The newly painted monochromatic walls, the fresh sheets of linen, the new and old furniture. But most of all, the black cat stuffy caught his eye the moment they walked in. It was placed on the left end of the bed, in a lying position.
Yoongi looked around in wonder. “Are - Am I - Can I really stay here?” He turned to look at you. “You want me?”
You nodded at him with a soft smile gracing your lips. “Of course, I want you, kitty. What do you even mean?” You went over to the curtains, seemingly distracting yourself. “I told you that whatever the circumstances, you’ll always be mine as I am yours.”
You stuck out your hand for him. “So what do you say, Yoongi? Would you like to continue to live with me?”
Yoongi nodded frantically, shoving his head into your hands. Your laugh is the most melodic thing he heard in his life.
“Then may I,” Yoongi walked over to the bedside. “Take this too?”
You nodded at him. “Of course, everything here is yours. They’re all yours.”
He walked over and picked up the stuffy by its paw and brought it to his nose, scenting it like he would with any of his belongings. He was happy, really, really happy and he hoped that this time, the happiness would last.

Since you had found out that Yoongi was a hybrid, you had changed many rules around the house - for one, no more kibbles, only proper human-sized meals from now on; two, no more sleeping on the same bed. The second one had caused a bit of spark in his eyes, lips protruding out into a pout.
“But - but why? I promise I won’t take up so much of the bed.”
You shook your head, standing firm. Although you would admit that the bed now felt empty since missing a fluffy bed buddy, Yoongi needed to understand the boundaries. “Yoongi, no. You are a hybrid, not a cat. I can’t just let you sleep in my bed, come into the room whenever you want anymore. There are boundaries.”
“But we never had such issues last time!”
You sighed. “That was because I didn’t know that you were a hybrid.”
And oh god, you didn’t want to know how many times and exactly what he has seen and heard by just being in your room. His presence is now an awkward one, all the thoughts of so many possibilities.
His pout stayed permanent on his lips as he trudged back to his room, realising that you weren’t going to budge with the rules.
You sighed, turned your back to the door and closed it. You had work tomorrow and whether or not you wanted to stay up arguing about this topic, you still needed sleep. You trudged over to your bed and flopped face-first, groaning at the cold that encased you. Sleep lingered at the edge of your consciousness when you felt a small dip on the bed, eyes too heavy to open and brain too murky to fully register that there was someone else on your bed.
You woke up to the blaring sound of your alarm at your bedside table, groaning to turn it off. You started to fuss when your hair stuck to your face and neck, the sheets that were tangled between your legs felt too warm. Subconsciously, you felt an impending child-like tantrum coming and your morning mood soured almost instantly.
As you continued to fuss and kick off the sheets, you felt a cool wet towel placed on your neck, lifting you up and cleaning your face. The action continued a few times before the towel got warm and the presence disappeared only to come back again a few minutes later.
Slowly, you felt cooler and started to gain more consciousness. It is then did you realise that somebody was standing at your bedside, wiping you down. Your eyes snapped open, tiredness fleeting in a second. You were about to grab your phone from the bedside table when a gentle hand shot out, holding your wrist.
Not that it helped to calm the anxiousness.
You panicked even more. Your mouth opened to scream bloody murder when two hands cupped your face, bringing them to meet the eyes of your - Oh, it’s Yoongi.
You sagged back onto your bed but shot back up, almost hitting your heads together if it wasn’t for Yoongi’s fast reactive movements.
“Oh shit.” Your voice was hoarse. “Work.”
Yoongi's hands came to your shoulders. "No work." He shook his head. "Not when you are in this state."
You didn't understand what he meant. "I'm fine, Yoongi. I'm just a bit more tired than usual. I'll sleep earlier tonight."
"No." Yoongi grabbed you harder. "Y/N, look at you. You're running a high fever."
You touched your forehead. True enough, you felt groggy and overall just really shitty. But you never really thought you were running a fever.
"You can't go to work in this state."
A cough-sneeze wrecked through your body just as he finished the sentence.
Point taken.
Definitely can't go to work. You grabbed tissue from your shelves and blew your nose, throwing the germ-infested thing away. You tucked yourself back under your sheets and wallowed in your self-pity. But you soon realised that Yoongi - your precious hybrid - can't stay here.
You shot out of bed for the third time that morning, grabbing your phone by the bedside table and calling one of your friends.
"'Sup, Y/N. How can I help you today, madam?" The caller's all too cheery voice hurts your head.
"Hoba," You croaked out. "Hoba, I need a favour from you."
You heard rustling from the other side of the line. "Shit, Y/N, are you sick?"
You nodded, forgetting that you were on a call.
"Oh, sorry. Yes, yes. I'm down with…" You measured your temperature. "Well, shit. 39.6°C."
You heard a bang and then a muffled 'Fuck!'.
"Okay, okay. I'm coming over."
You groaned. "Hoba, wait… no."
"No, I need you to come and take Yoongi."
You could physically see the scrunch of his eyebrows. "Yoongi?"
"Yeah." You nodded. "I can take care of myself. I'm fine. Come and take him. I don't want him catching my cold - or whatever sickness I have."
"Erm… I’m not sureyou can but, Y/N, who's Yoongi?"
Oh. In the haste and activities of the weeks, You forgot to tell your friends about your newfound friend.
"Yoongi? Oh, yeah. Yoongi is a hybrid." Your words started to slur. You were starting to feel groggy.
"Okay, I'll come get him but you have a lot to tell me once you recover. I'll be there in fifteen." Hoseok ended the call there.
"Y/N?" Yoongi's voice floated in from the washroom.
"Yoongiii." You made grabby hands and he walked over to you. You tend to get quite clingy when you are sick.
Yoongi made his way over to the bed. You bunched your hands in his shirt, nuzzling your face into his hands. “You’re gonna go stay with Hobi. He’ll take good care of you, I swear. If you want anything, just tell him.”
“So I heard, but I wanna stay here. You need help.”
You shook your head. “I’ll have somebody else help me. I don’t want you to get my illness.”
“But - but…” Tears start glossing over his eyes.
“Yoongi, I’m fine. I swear. I’ll be okay. Go with Hobi, okay?”
Yoongi’s mouth trembled but his resolve suddenly hardened. “No.”
You looked up. “Yoongi, please.”
He shook his head. “No. I’ll stay and take care of you.”
“Yoongi, I swear you’ll go even if it means making Hobi drag you out of the house.” You fluffed his hair. “I’ll be fine in a few days. I’m not dying, just sicker than usual.”
“But who’s gonna help you?” Tears started pooling in his eyes.
Oh no, no, no. If he actually burst into tears, you might consider letting him stay.
You groaned. “Yoongi, please, no. Don’t cry, please. Oh god.” You sighed. “I’ll have Seokjinnie come over. He’s good at cooking.”

Just who was this Seokjinnie?
Seokjinnie. Seokjinnie.
Yoongi humphed in the front seat of the car. He can’t believe Y/N would actually have her friend pull him out of the house. Currently swaddled in the blanket Y/N bought him and his cat toy beside him - a surprisingly accurate identical - he was on the way to god knows where.
He humphed and further slinked between the folds of the blanket, attempting to become as small as he could with the very prominent presence of the stranger driving beside him, making the air uncomfortable. Yoongi doesn’t like to leave the warmth of his comfort space.
“So,” Her friend spoke, startling a hiss out of Yoongi. Y/N’s friend gave him a side glance, before continuing, “So, you’re Yoongi. Sorry if I fail to understand the context of the situation here, but Y/N hasn’t told any of us about you. And, I have a… hybrid at home so excuse her… Ah, excitement.”
Y/N’s friend pulled up into a driveway and exited.
Wait, is he leaving now?
The door at Yoongi’s seat was opened and he was immediately scooped into a pair of strong arms. That set of arms did not take his toy. Yoongi hissed and pawed, claws coming free as he struggled to get his toy.
“Okay! Okay, I get it! Goodness, what a temperamental hybrid Y/N’s has.” Her friend stuck his hand back into his car and picked out his cat toy. “Here ya’ go.”
Yoongi’s ears twitched as he heard a set of keys being thrown before her friend started walking into the big, luxurious building. Yoongi peeked his head out to sniff the air, immediately retreating back into the safety of the blankets.
“Sorry, it’ll take a while to get used to it. Zurie doesn’t like the strong smell either.” Her friend picked up his pace. “I promise it’s better at home.”
A home is a place where one feels safe. Yoongi doesn’t feel safe here so home isn’t here. Home is a good fifteen minutes away.
“I’m Hoseok.” Y/N’s friend finally introduced himself. “I’m sure Y/N told you about me, but it’s better if I say ‘hi’ myself, right?”
They entered a lift and Y/N’s friend - Hoesok - scanned a card, pressing the button of the highest level, the penthouse. He must be really rich then.
Nearing the floor, Yoongi could smell a stronger, more distinct scent of the hybrid that had clung to Hoseok’s clothes. Zurie, he called her. Yoongi wasn’t sure how he would fare with an energetic hybrid. He liked his sleep undisturbed and the house silent. It allows him to curl into a dark spot and rest. With an energetic owner and a probably equally energetic hybrid, Yoongi would rather catch whatever sickness you have than stay.
Yoongi wiggled out of Hoseok’s hold, pulling along his blanket and grabbing his stuffie. Just as the elevator door opened, a blur of molecules passed him, crashing into the man behind. Yoongi didn’t need to turn to know who and what that hybrid was doing. He sprinted under the furthest edge of the sofa, nesting his belongings against the wall.
At least the floors were carpeted.
So What? | MYG | Chapter 6

Pair: Hybrid Cat Yoongi x F Reader
Summary: Running from a past that foreshadows him, Yoongi is adamant about ever turning back to his human counterpart form, in hopes that nobody would recognise him and take him away. You worked at a cafe with your best friend. As a more-than-normal day seemed to go by, you discovered something amidst your housing block. Perhaps - just perhaps, the nighttime is where the angels arrive.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hybrid, non-idol au
Warnings: Contains explicit language, abuse
WC: 2.6K
Taglist: @bearr02 @svnbangtansworld @vintageoldfashion @rkivemaar @bontensbabygirl @codeinebelle
< Prev. Series Masterlist. Next >

Hoseok ran his hand through his hair, sighing. With the bedroom door open, he could smell the spices Zurie was using to make dinner. He was tired and he hoped that Kwan-Mi didn’t mind running the shop along for a few days. He should probably go over and give her a helping hand.
Hosoek didn’t know how temperamental Yoongi was. With no information about him, he truly didn’t know where to start. Perhaps calling Jiminie would be best. Hoseok dried his hair and threw the towel into the laundry bin.
He made his way down into the kitchen, seeing Zurie stir the chicken broth. He slid his arms around her waist and kissed her neck. She replied with a light ‘Hmm’.
“Has the cat come out of the sofa yet?” Hoseok asked.
Zurie shook her head, silky golden ears flopping with the movement. “Nope. He is still there. Sleeping though.”
“I’ll save a portion of it for him later on.” Zurie sets the table. “Let’s eat first.”
Dinner was silent today. No usual talks and kissing. No loud laughter and banging of tables. “Maybe you should call Jimin Hyung. He is a hybrid doctor.”
Hoseok sighed. “Yeah, I already shot him a text but he’s a busy man. Jiminie has yet to reply to me.” Zurie leaned over the table and ran a hand through Hoseok’s hair, trying her best to soothe him. “Would you like to go over to Y/N’s house? You seem too worried for her and I’m used to you going over when she gets sick.”
A laugh huffed out of Hoseok. “That shouldn’t be a good thing.”
Zurie smiled. “But it is normal in our relationship. Normal and good, because I know Y/N needs someone there for her. That girl is always acting strong, just like you. The both of you are as stubborn as rocks. Acting as if everything is okay when it truly isn’t.”
Hoseok tilted his head into her hands as she massaged his scalp. “How’d you know, darling?” His words started to slur. Her hands were skilful indeed. One would think he’s the hybrid instead. Honestly, Hoseok didn’t care as long as he got Zurie by his side, he’ll fight flames and the depths of the ocean.
“That cat, Yoongi? He’s just scared right now. I can scent it on him. He’s scared, brought to a new environment in such a hurry. I scent tears and fear and a hint of hospital antiseptic on him.”
That new revelation had Hoseok shooting up. “Wait what? Hospital antiseptic?”
Zurie nodded. “He…” She hesitated. “He went through quite a lot. I can scent things that may lead to certain assumptions but, no, he hasn’t come out so - no we didn’t talk, Hoseok.”
Hoseok shut his mouth quickly. “Yes, yes. Of course.”

Yoongi did not sleep well. Not that he wasn’t used to it. When he was on the streets, he hardly slept at all. Staying up was no problem for him but after the whole situation of him finding you running a high fever in the middle of the night, he was exhausted. He stayed up the whole night, wiping you down and forcing medication down your throat in hopes that your fever would not spike so close to haunting him again.
He was not well-versed in the human body and medications but he lived with humans enough to know what they should eat and what can help. But, none of his past owners has ever had a fever spike higher than 39.8°C. Your fever spiked so many times, higher than 41°C. Yoongi had never felt fear like that in his life - not even when he was running away from his past owners or rebelling from the facility.
For the whole night, Yoongi did not dare leave your bedside, afraid that your fever would spike so much that you would pass. His heart clenched at the thought of you not being there - not being here, in this world. Only a few months, but Yoongi didn’t know if he could live without your presence in his life. And that revelation itself scared him.
He didn’t want to dissect that information - didn’t dare to. He didn’t want to know where this information may lead him.
Dangerous, dangerous places.
Yoogni stretched his limbs when his stomach got too hungry to ignore. Might as well explore the place, he thought.
Yoongi walked around the levels of the house, investigating the nicks and cracks. He walked until his stomach no longer screamed for food and he headed back to the sofa. Just as he passed the kitchen, he caught a scent of Hoseok’s hybrid - Zurie. But catching her scent didn’t make him fast enough to react.
“Finally up, are we?”
A hiss fell from Yoongi’s maw as he jumped a few feet into the air. He landed with his haunches up and fur spiking.
“Relax, I’m not an enemy. I’m not here to capture.” Zurie looked down at him. “Here, change out and let’s have a talk over soup. I’ll heat it up for ya’.”
Yoongi eyed the hybrid suspectingly as she placed a set of male - oh, his - clothes on the floor. Yoongi pulled the clothes with his maw to the back of the sofa. He heard the beep of the induction stove as he pulled on the shirt. God, even the underwear? Yoongi’s cheeks blushed and his ears flushed pink. Okay, okay, just… get on with it. He left his little ‘hiding spot’, cautiously walking into the kitchen.
A bowl of hot soup was placed in front of him. “Have a seat. I saved some soup for you.”
His tail wrapped around his waist as his ears pressed down. He couldn’t trust her. Not yet. He couldn’t trust anybody but himself right now.
“How are you feeling?” Zuire asked. “I understand the need to be with her right now but she needs some space.” Zurie sat down opposite him. “Y/N has a tendency to constantly overwork herself but she knows her limits. Furthermore, she’s in good hands. Seokjin was a medic before he started his own company.”
Yoongi picked up the spoon and dipped it into the steaming broth. He stuck his tongue out to taste it before putting the whole spoon in his mouth. The air was silent and uncomfortable but Yoongi didn’t want to speak.
He finished the bowl of soup in ten minutes, standing up to wash the bowl when Zurie said, “Please, Hoseok is worried. You could at least answer the ‘How are you feeling?’ question.”
Yoongi sighed internally. He just wanted to change back and go to sleep. “I’m fine.” He replied. He hesitated before asking, “How’s - How’s Y/N?”
Zurie got up from her seat, hands grabbing the empty bowl and used utensil. “Not much difference from when you left. At least that’s what Seokjin told us.”
Zurie looked at Yoongi. He may look as if he couldn’t care less for you but his eyes betrayed all possible emotions. “Y/N will be fine. Just don’t get yourself sick or we won’t hear the end of it from her.” Zurie left him in the kitchen, still sitting on the chair. Yoongi sighed and walked out, going back under the sofa but this time, dragging the clothes under with him as well.

Yoongi woke to the banging of doors. Heavy, rushed footsteps came over to the sofa peering down and scooped him right up.
Yoongi hissed. God, it was so bright and loud. Couldn’t they have the hint that he just wants to be left alone to sleep?
“YO, BRO! WAKE UP!” Yoongi peeked open an eye. What the hell does he want? He hissed his dissatisfaction. Could people around here not get the hint to - PUT ME DOWN!
"Quick, quick." Yoongi heard keys and buttons as Hoseok carried him. He was bouncing as Hoseok ran, shoving him into the back of the car and speeding away.
Wait… Hey, hey, hey - Stop!
"Dude, stop meowing. We're going back to your home. Seokjin is in charge of Y/N, she'll be fine."
In-charge? What happened?
"Seokjin says that it is best if you were to be back home. Y/N could use some moral support."
The drive back was stiff, air-charging with a type of anticipation that Yoongi never wished to feel. People call him ruthless, always hurting the people around him. But was he really? Could he be better than his reputation for you?
Yoongi's whimper alerted the dog hybrid in the front seat. "Why don't you shift first? It might be easier for Y/N when you reach home." Zurie proposed, turning to the back and giving him a set of clothes.
Yoongi didn't understand what was going on. Nobody was telling him anything. Granted, he didn't ask questions either. It's better if he just went home and saw for himself.
The moment Hoseok parked his car in the parking lot of your apartment building, Yoongi sprinted for the lift, hastily pressing the buttons. A duffle bag was taken out of the trunk of Hoseok's car and he slung it over his shoulders, rushing to the opening of the lift doors.
Jittery was not a word Yoongi used often. Not as often since he grew numb to caring for people. He learned that it would only bring him more pain and dig a deeper hole down his aching heart of hope. So Yoongi closed himself off, acting more on the instincts of his animal counterpart than a human would.
The moment he stepped into the house, he could smell all sorts of scents. Some scents were more familiar than others but his aim - was you. Yoongi all but ran to the master bedroom, almost ripping the doors right off their hinges as he opened them. Oh and how he wishes he didn't.
You were lying there, limp and pale. So grey that Yoongi thought you might have died. He growled. You were not okay and they lied to him. You were shaking, spamming, whatever.
He couldn't describe the horror he felt when he smelt the strong stench of body fluids. Your natural scent was covered with a bitter taste. You shook so hard on the bed - a seizure, Yoongi soon realised. You were having a seizure. His pupils contracted as he prepared to lunge for you, only to be held back by a pair of strong arms.
"It is only a fever seizure." The strong arms captured him in, keeping him locked and frantic. "Fever seizures don't leave damage. Y/N will be fine."
Yoongi fought against that hold, wiggling and growling.
“Let him go Jimin-ah.” Hoseok told the male behind him. “He just needs to be close to Y/N. He won’t hurt her.”
The pair of strong arms released him only a second later and Yoongi ran that short distance to your bedside, caressing your hair. Yoongi whimpered at every tremble your body shook with. Covering your natural scent was the cold, sickly stench that clung to your skin like your shirt that clings to your cold sweat. Yoongi took the cold towel from the basin beside your bedside table, soaking it in the iced water before carefully dabbing it on your forehead. He then slowly started to move down your body, wiping you off.
“I know he wouldn’t hurt her. I wouldn’t have let him off so easily if I knew that he was unstable. It is my duty as his doctor to figure that out.”
Yoongi threw the heavy quilt onto the ground and brought over the light blanket you bought him, putting that over you instead.

The boys in the room stared at the continuously moving hybrid, shocked by the way he oh-so-carefully moved around you. Nobody would have thought that the rough, temperamental hybrid that they met a few hours ago would have such a side to him.
Seeing that you were doing fine in the hands of your hybrid, the boys left the room.
“Jimin-ah, I didn’t know that Yoongi was your patient. You didn’t say anything about the doctor-patient relationship when I called you a few hours ago.”
Jimin sighed and pressed onto the pressure point at the bridge of his nose. “I couldn’t and I still can’t. NDA, remember? Whatever goes on between the both of us is confidential.” Jimin moved over to sit on the sofa. “But I also didn’t know that Miss Y/N was your friend.”
Hoseok sighed and joined him on the couch, leaving Zurie and Seokjin to adventure towards the kitchen, both of them hungry for a late-night snack.
“Yoongi is a rare breed of cat - mixed, but rare. It is due to the work of technology - the merging of DNA that is never meant to be mixed. He came from the black market ring.”
Hoseok shifted. “Wait, you don’t mean - the black market ring? Right?”
Jimin sighed wearily, shaking his head as he responded. “I mean exactly that, Hobi.”
Hoseok’s mouth dropped open as his head shook frantically. “We’ve been trying to track them down for ages -”
“I know.” Jimin nodded.
“Wait. That means that new information in the file -” Hoseok groaned. “Oh for goodness sake! They could’ve just said it!”
“Maybe they didn’t as Y/N ticked the ‘no’ on the confidentiality form.”
Silence spread around the air as the two males in the living room sat and processed the information they were just bombarded with. Seokjin and Zurie came back with freshly cut fruits.
“How about the both of you just let your brains take a break?” Seokjin placed the bowl of fruits on the coffee table. Zurie went over to sit on Hoseok’s lap and Seokjin took the loveseat opposite the couple and the painfully-missing-his-wife trio.
They sat in silence with the occasional sound of cutlery clinking and chewing of the fruits. It was so silent that they all jumped a good five feet in the air when the doorbell rang. Seokjin ran over to the door and opened it, revealing -
Zurie ran over, crashing into the lady holding multiple bags. “Ji-Hyun!” Zurie was nearly buzzing with excitement at this point in time and her darling husband was pouting on the sofa. Hoseok was laughing his body off and her husband sat there, cross-legged and crossed-arms with a very prominent pout on his lips.
Ji-Hyun hugged Zurie back as much as she could before moving over to the dining table. “Seokjin told me to bring over food and extra medication when I come over.” She carefully separated the food from the bags and placed everything out. Seokjin moved over to help her.
“Go on. I’ll just put these where they’re meant to be.”
Ji-Hyun stood at the head of the table. “Maybe I should just stay to tease him more.” She laughed.
Seokjin bellowed out laughter. “Yah, just go. His pout is going to stay even more permanent if you don’t.”
Ji-Hyun thanked him as she moved over to her kid-man of a husband. She fluffed his hair as she said, “Hello, darling.”
“Hello, darling.” Jimin mimicked her and Ji-Hyun kept her lips tight, trying hard to not laugh. After a few seconds, Jimin untangled his arms and wrapped them around her. Jimin sighed as he pulled her closer and snuggled into the fabric of her clothes. “Hello, mate.”
So What? | MYG | Chapter 3

Pair: Hybrid Cat Yoongi x F Reader
Summary: Running from a past that foreshadows him, Yoongi is adamant about ever turning back to his human counterpart form, in hopes that nobody would recognise him and take him away. You worked at a cafe with your best friend. As a more-than-normal day seemed to go by, you discovered something amidst your housing block. Perhaps - just perhaps, the nighttime is where the angels arrive.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hybrid, non-idol au
Warnings: Contains explicit language, abuse
WC: 1.4K
Taglist: @bearr02 @svnbangtansworld @vintageoldfashion @prwprwprwpr @bontensbabygirl @codeinebelle
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Your jaw dropped. Hybrid? It can’t be… Right?
“When hybrids stay in their animal counterpart’s form for too long, their body would start to fight and that’s when they would experience what your ‘cat’ is currently experiencing. It is called, hybrid withdrawal symptoms.”
You honestly couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
“I have called for emergency transportation to a hybrid hospital called, JM Hybrid Hospital. I’ve referred you to one of the doctors over there and I promise that he will be in good hands.”
Numbly, you nodded to what she said until, “Wait, what? I’m not going with him?”
Dr Park looked up from your kitty, “Would you like to go with him?”
You nodded vigorously. “Please, if I am allowed. Please.”
“It is most definitely allowed, Ms L/N. But forgive my concern, there have not been many owners whose pets were hybrid and when they found out, they wanted nothing to do with them.”
“No, no. I would never! Hybrid or pet, they’re still beings.”
She nodded. Paramedics barged into the room and took your kitty into their arms, bringing him away from you.
“Wait.” One of the paramedics stopped. “She’ll go with you. I’ll send Dr. Park the stats in a while.”
He nodded. “Come on, let’s go.”
You followed them down to the ER section and into an ambulance.
The whole ride there was sated in awkward silence, the paramedics doing their best to keep your kitty stable and conscious while you just sat there, staring at his limp body. You felt so useless and so, so bad.
If only I found it earlier. If only…
“He will be fine, the hospital is only about ten minutes away from here. He’s symptoms are not that bad yet, he should be treatable.”
All you could do then was nod.
When you finally pulled up to the ER of JM Hybrid Hospital, it felt like an hour’s drive. The paramedics quickly rushed out and you followed closely, nurses navigating them to empty rooms.
“How serious is it?” One nurse asked, checking your kitty’s blood pressure and body temperature.
A doctor came out, tag reading -
“Please, I didn’t know. Can he be cured? Can you do something?” You latched on to his coat.
The doctor looked at you sympathetically. “Of course.” He nodded. “From the notes that the clinic has sent me, he is not yet in an extremely critical condition. Curable, but it will be a tough road.”
The doctors scanned you from head to toe. “I take it you are his owner?” You numbly nodded, wanting the question to stop and the treatments to start.
“Right, I will need you to help me fill in these forms.” He handed you a whole set of documents and a pen while simultaneously pushing you out of the room.
“Wait -”
“You can’t be in there when the doctors are doing their work, Ma’am.” A nurse held you back. “Dr. Park needs these documents in. Could you finish and pass them over?”
You looked at the nurse and then back a set of work in your arms. You found an empty seat and sat down, starting to complete the information inside. You never really knew his real name so you put ‘Kitty’ in the box. You never knew paperwork was suddenly so hard to complete.
“Erm,” You called out to the receptionist. “I don’t really know anything so most of it is empty.” You scratched the back of your neck, embarrassed.
The reception lady - Nurse Ling Hui, it read - nodded her head. “All’s good. Though I have some information for you. From the blood test that went through over at the previous clinic, your hybrid is a black-market registered hybrid. He is one of the hybrids that came up on the recent news.”
“What do you mean?”
Ling Hui slowed down, “It means that he will be under the close watch of police officers to ensure his safety as he is a wanted hybrid in the black market and it is not a good thing. People selling hybrids there are known to be ruthless in what they do.”
You slumped down. Ling Hui walked around the desk and placed a hand on your shoulder. “By the way, his name is Yoongi. Min Yoongi. He is a 29-year-old hybrid, mixed breed.” She held out a folder. “Here are some reports in the system that we can collate. Would you like to take a look?”
Just as you were about to take it from her hands, your head whipped at the heart-wrenching scream that came from your kitty - Yoongi’s - room. You made a move to run over when Ling Hui held you back, shaking her head. “Let the doctors do what they need to. With you in there will only make things more difficult.”
You took a deep breath and took the folder from her hands, sitting on a chair that faces the room. The screams went on for a minute or two and then stopped, a minute or two and stopped. Just when it hit the 15-minute mark, you couldn’t take it anymore and dashed right in.
A guard held you back as you fought to be let through. Yoongi’s screams hit every one of your bones as you fought harder and harder. “Let me through! Please!” You yelled, tears streaming down your face. “Stop, stop. Don’t hurt him!”
The doctors came out, seeing your distressed state saying, “Let her in, we’re taking a break for now anyways. Continue going and he might actually pass out for real.”
The guards let go of you and you immediately rushed into a sight you never want to see again.

Yoongi was exhausted - so, so exhausted. He didn’t want to shift. If he shifted, he would definitely be sold off again. Subconsciously, he could feel the spasming of his muscles and shift of bones, fighting against the doses that the doctors had induced him with.
God, he was so tired.
He closed his eyes, hoping for the pain to subside when he felt the gentlest kisses between his ears. He knew exactly who those kisses belonged to and he let out a pained meow - from the pain but also because he felt his fur getting wet.
Why were you crying?
It hurts his heart more than holding back shifts to know that you were crying. Yoongi lifted his head as much as he could, being strapped to the table.
“I’m so sorry.” You sniffled, head in between his ears and tears flowing down his fur, “I’m so sorry I didn’t know.”
Why were you sorry?
Yoongi tilted his head up, licking off the tears that were cascading down your cheeks, hoping that the action would bring a smile to your face like it did the first time he did so. And he was right. But it was not the bright eyes and teasing smile. This time, it was pained. You moved away from him as his tongue chased your cheeks, still trying to wipe off the tears.
Where were you going? Hey, please come back… Please - Oh -
You had unbuckled the straps that had confined him onto the table and his limbs twitched slightly, hissing at the pain they gave him. You had made your way back to where his head lay, stroking his matted fur with gentle hands. If you keep going, he was really going to fall asleep. He was already this close- this close - to purring.
“Come on, kitty.” He was sure you already knew his name though - “Come on. I know you don’t want to shift but please? I don't know why and I don't ever want to understand why because that is your experience. I could never phantom even 30% of it. But you’re getting really, really sick and,” You sobbed. “And I still need you. How am I going to go home to an empty house now?”
Yoongi was really sleepy and really tempted but -
“Please, please, please. Kitty - Yoongi - please?”
Hearing his name on your lips, god he had wished for this day but not in this way -
Oh, perhaps he could make an exception.
So What? | MYG | Chapter 6

Pair: Hybrid Cat Yoongi x F Reader
Summary: Running from a past that foreshadows him, Yoongi is adamant about ever turning back to his human counterpart form, in hopes that nobody would recognise him and take him away. You worked at a cafe with your best friend. As a more-than-normal day seemed to go by, you discovered something amidst your housing block. Perhaps - just perhaps, the nighttime is where the angels arrive.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hybrid, non-idol au
Warnings: Contains explicit language, abuse
WC: 2.6K
Taglist: @bearr02 @svnbangtansworld @vintageoldfashion @rkivemaar @bontensbabygirl @codeinebelle
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Hoseok ran his hand through his hair, sighing. With the bedroom door open, he could smell the spices Zurie was using to make dinner. He was tired and he hoped that Kwan-Mi didn’t mind running the shop along for a few days. He should probably go over and give her a helping hand.
Hosoek didn’t know how temperamental Yoongi was. With no information about him, he truly didn’t know where to start. Perhaps calling Jiminie would be best. Hoseok dried his hair and threw the towel into the laundry bin.
He made his way down into the kitchen, seeing Zurie stir the chicken broth. He slid his arms around her waist and kissed her neck. She replied with a light ‘Hmm’.
“Has the cat come out of the sofa yet?” Hoseok asked.
Zurie shook her head, silky golden ears flopping with the movement. “Nope. He is still there. Sleeping though.”
“I’ll save a portion of it for him later on.” Zurie sets the table. “Let’s eat first.”
Dinner was silent today. No usual talks and kissing. No loud laughter and banging of tables. “Maybe you should call Jimin Hyung. He is a hybrid doctor.”
Hoseok sighed. “Yeah, I already shot him a text but he’s a busy man. Jiminie has yet to reply to me.” Zurie leaned over the table and ran a hand through Hoseok’s hair, trying her best to soothe him. “Would you like to go over to Y/N’s house? You seem too worried for her and I’m used to you going over when she gets sick.”
A laugh huffed out of Hoseok. “That shouldn’t be a good thing.”
Zurie smiled. “But it is normal in our relationship. Normal and good, because I know Y/N needs someone there for her. That girl is always acting strong, just like you. The both of you are as stubborn as rocks. Acting as if everything is okay when it truly isn’t.”
Hoseok tilted his head into her hands as she massaged his scalp. “How’d you know, darling?” His words started to slur. Her hands were skilful indeed. One would think he’s the hybrid instead. Honestly, Hoseok didn’t care as long as he got Zurie by his side, he’ll fight flames and the depths of the ocean.
“That cat, Yoongi? He’s just scared right now. I can scent it on him. He’s scared, brought to a new environment in such a hurry. I scent tears and fear and a hint of hospital antiseptic on him.”
That new revelation had Hoseok shooting up. “Wait what? Hospital antiseptic?”
Zurie nodded. “He…” She hesitated. “He went through quite a lot. I can scent things that may lead to certain assumptions but, no, he hasn’t come out so - no we didn’t talk, Hoseok.”
Hoseok shut his mouth quickly. “Yes, yes. Of course.”

Yoongi did not sleep well. Not that he wasn’t used to it. When he was on the streets, he hardly slept at all. Staying up was no problem for him but after the whole situation of him finding you running a high fever in the middle of the night, he was exhausted. He stayed up the whole night, wiping you down and forcing medication down your throat in hopes that your fever would not spike so close to haunting him again.
He was not well-versed in the human body and medications but he lived with humans enough to know what they should eat and what can help. But, none of his past owners has ever had a fever spike higher than 39.8°C. Your fever spiked so many times, higher than 41°C. Yoongi had never felt fear like that in his life - not even when he was running away from his past owners or rebelling from the facility.
For the whole night, Yoongi did not dare leave your bedside, afraid that your fever would spike so much that you would pass. His heart clenched at the thought of you not being there - not being here, in this world. Only a few months, but Yoongi didn’t know if he could live without your presence in his life. And that revelation itself scared him.
He didn’t want to dissect that information - didn’t dare to. He didn’t want to know where this information may lead him.
Dangerous, dangerous places.
Yoogni stretched his limbs when his stomach got too hungry to ignore. Might as well explore the place, he thought.
Yoongi walked around the levels of the house, investigating the nicks and cracks. He walked until his stomach no longer screamed for food and he headed back to the sofa. Just as he passed the kitchen, he caught a scent of Hoseok’s hybrid - Zurie. But catching her scent didn’t make him fast enough to react.
“Finally up, are we?”
A hiss fell from Yoongi’s maw as he jumped a few feet into the air. He landed with his haunches up and fur spiking.
“Relax, I’m not an enemy. I’m not here to capture.” Zurie looked down at him. “Here, change out and let’s have a talk over soup. I’ll heat it up for ya’.”
Yoongi eyed the hybrid suspectingly as she placed a set of male - oh, his - clothes on the floor. Yoongi pulled the clothes with his maw to the back of the sofa. He heard the beep of the induction stove as he pulled on the shirt. God, even the underwear? Yoongi’s cheeks blushed and his ears flushed pink. Okay, okay, just… get on with it. He left his little ‘hiding spot’, cautiously walking into the kitchen.
A bowl of hot soup was placed in front of him. “Have a seat. I saved some soup for you.”
His tail wrapped around his waist as his ears pressed down. He couldn’t trust her. Not yet. He couldn’t trust anybody but himself right now.
“How are you feeling?” Zuire asked. “I understand the need to be with her right now but she needs some space.” Zurie sat down opposite him. “Y/N has a tendency to constantly overwork herself but she knows her limits. Furthermore, she’s in good hands. Seokjin was a medic before he started his own company.”
Yoongi picked up the spoon and dipped it into the steaming broth. He stuck his tongue out to taste it before putting the whole spoon in his mouth. The air was silent and uncomfortable but Yoongi didn’t want to speak.
He finished the bowl of soup in ten minutes, standing up to wash the bowl when Zurie said, “Please, Hoseok is worried. You could at least answer the ‘How are you feeling?’ question.”
Yoongi sighed internally. He just wanted to change back and go to sleep. “I’m fine.” He replied. He hesitated before asking, “How’s - How’s Y/N?”
Zurie got up from her seat, hands grabbing the empty bowl and used utensil. “Not much difference from when you left. At least that’s what Seokjin told us.”
Zurie looked at Yoongi. He may look as if he couldn’t care less for you but his eyes betrayed all possible emotions. “Y/N will be fine. Just don’t get yourself sick or we won’t hear the end of it from her.” Zurie left him in the kitchen, still sitting on the chair. Yoongi sighed and walked out, going back under the sofa but this time, dragging the clothes under with him as well.

Yoongi woke to the banging of doors. Heavy, rushed footsteps came over to the sofa peering down and scooped him right up.
Yoongi hissed. God, it was so bright and loud. Couldn’t they have the hint that he just wants to be left alone to sleep?
“YO, BRO! WAKE UP!” Yoongi peeked open an eye. What the hell does he want? He hissed his dissatisfaction. Could people around here not get the hint to - PUT ME DOWN!
"Quick, quick." Yoongi heard keys and buttons as Hoseok carried him. He was bouncing as Hoseok ran, shoving him into the back of the car and speeding away.
Wait… Hey, hey, hey - Stop!
"Dude, stop meowing. We're going back to your home. Seokjin is in charge of Y/N, she'll be fine."
In-charge? What happened?
"Seokjin says that it is best if you were to be back home. Y/N could use some moral support."
The drive back was stiff, air-charging with a type of anticipation that Yoongi never wished to feel. People call him ruthless, always hurting the people around him. But was he really? Could he be better than his reputation for you?
Yoongi's whimper alerted the dog hybrid in the front seat. "Why don't you shift first? It might be easier for Y/N when you reach home." Zurie proposed, turning to the back and giving him a set of clothes.
Yoongi didn't understand what was going on. Nobody was telling him anything. Granted, he didn't ask questions either. It's better if he just went home and saw for himself.
The moment Hoseok parked his car in the parking lot of your apartment building, Yoongi sprinted for the lift, hastily pressing the buttons. A duffle bag was taken out of the trunk of Hoseok's car and he slung it over his shoulders, rushing to the opening of the lift doors.
Jittery was not a word Yoongi used often. Not as often since he grew numb to caring for people. He learned that it would only bring him more pain and dig a deeper hole down his aching heart of hope. So Yoongi closed himself off, acting more on the instincts of his animal counterpart than a human would.
The moment he stepped into the house, he could smell all sorts of scents. Some scents were more familiar than others but his aim - was you. Yoongi all but ran to the master bedroom, almost ripping the doors right off their hinges as he opened them. Oh and how he wishes he didn't.
You were lying there, limp and pale. So grey that Yoongi thought you might have died. He growled. You were not okay and they lied to him. You were shaking, spamming, whatever.
He couldn't describe the horror he felt when he smelt the strong stench of body fluids. Your natural scent was covered with a bitter taste. You shook so hard on the bed - a seizure, Yoongi soon realised. You were having a seizure. His pupils contracted as he prepared to lunge for you, only to be held back by a pair of strong arms.
"It is only a fever seizure." The strong arms captured him in, keeping him locked and frantic. "Fever seizures don't leave damage. Y/N will be fine."
Yoongi fought against that hold, wiggling and growling.
“Let him go Jimin-ah.” Hoseok told the male behind him. “He just needs to be close to Y/N. He won’t hurt her.”
The pair of strong arms released him only a second later and Yoongi ran that short distance to your bedside, caressing your hair. Yoongi whimpered at every tremble your body shook with. Covering your natural scent was the cold, sickly stench that clung to your skin like your shirt that clings to your cold sweat. Yoongi took the cold towel from the basin beside your bedside table, soaking it in the iced water before carefully dabbing it on your forehead. He then slowly started to move down your body, wiping you off.
“I know he wouldn’t hurt her. I wouldn’t have let him off so easily if I knew that he was unstable. It is my duty as his doctor to figure that out.”
Yoongi threw the heavy quilt onto the ground and brought over the light blanket you bought him, putting that over you instead.

The boys in the room stared at the continuously moving hybrid, shocked by the way he oh-so-carefully moved around you. Nobody would have thought that the rough, temperamental hybrid that they met a few hours ago would have such a side to him.
Seeing that you were doing fine in the hands of your hybrid, the boys left the room.
“Jimin-ah, I didn’t know that Yoongi was your patient. You didn’t say anything about the doctor-patient relationship when I called you a few hours ago.”
Jimin sighed and pressed onto the pressure point at the bridge of his nose. “I couldn’t and I still can’t. NDA, remember? Whatever goes on between the both of us is confidential.” Jimin moved over to sit on the sofa. “But I also didn’t know that Miss Y/N was your friend.”
Hoseok sighed and joined him on the couch, leaving Zurie and Seokjin to adventure towards the kitchen, both of them hungry for a late-night snack.
“Yoongi is a rare breed of cat - mixed, but rare. It is due to the work of technology - the merging of DNA that is never meant to be mixed. He came from the black market ring.”
Hoseok shifted. “Wait, you don’t mean - the black market ring? Right?”
Jimin sighed wearily, shaking his head as he responded. “I mean exactly that, Hobi.”
Hoseok’s mouth dropped open as his head shook frantically. “We’ve been trying to track them down for ages -”
“I know.” Jimin nodded.
“Wait. That means that new information in the file -” Hoseok groaned. “Oh for goodness sake! They could’ve just said it!”
“Maybe they didn’t as Y/N ticked the ‘no’ on the confidentiality form.”
Silence spread around the air as the two males in the living room sat and processed the information they were just bombarded with. Seokjin and Zurie came back with freshly cut fruits.
“How about the both of you just let your brains take a break?” Seokjin placed the bowl of fruits on the coffee table. Zurie went over to sit on Hoseok’s lap and Seokjin took the loveseat opposite the couple and the painfully-missing-his-wife trio.
They sat in silence with the occasional sound of cutlery clinking and chewing of the fruits. It was so silent that they all jumped a good five feet in the air when the doorbell rang. Seokjin ran over to the door and opened it, revealing -
Zurie ran over, crashing into the lady holding multiple bags. “Ji-Hyun!” Zurie was nearly buzzing with excitement at this point in time and her darling husband was pouting on the sofa. Hoseok was laughing his body off and her husband sat there, cross-legged and crossed-arms with a very prominent pout on his lips.
Ji-Hyun hugged Zurie back as much as she could before moving over to the dining table. “Seokjin told me to bring over food and extra medication when I come over.” She carefully separated the food from the bags and placed everything out. Seokjin moved over to help her.
“Go on. I’ll just put these where they’re meant to be.”
Ji-Hyun stood at the head of the table. “Maybe I should just stay to tease him more.” She laughed.
Seokjin bellowed out laughter. “Yah, just go. His pout is going to stay even more permanent if you don’t.”
Ji-Hyun thanked him as she moved over to her kid-man of a husband. She fluffed his hair as she said, “Hello, darling.”
“Hello, darling.” Jimin mimicked her and Ji-Hyun kept her lips tight, trying hard to not laugh. After a few seconds, Jimin untangled his arms and wrapped them around her. Jimin sighed as he pulled her closer and snuggled into the fabric of her clothes. “Hello, mate.”
So What? | MYG | Chapter 5

Pair: Hybrid Cat Yoongi x F Reader
Summary: Running from a past that foreshadows him, Yoongi is adamant about ever turning back to his human counterpart form, in hopes that nobody would recognise him and take him away. You worked at a cafe with your best friend. As a more-than-normal day seemed to go by, you discovered something amidst your housing block. Perhaps - just perhaps, the nighttime is where the angels arrive.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hybrid, non-idol au
Warnings: Contains explicit language, abuse
WC: 2.4K
Taglist: @bearr02 @svnbangtansworld @vintageoldfashion @rkivemaar @codeinebelle @bontensbabygirl
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Yoongi had been holding back tears the moment they had discharged him. He had a trackable band placed on his wrist as officers guided him out of the hospital, gaining many stares from people around. He bowed his head, letting his hair cover his face, uncomfortable at so many people looking at him.
He didn’t want the attention nor did he ask for the attention. The officers led him to a black SUV with tinted windows, urging him in. He buckled himself in as they drove off. He didn’t know where they were bringing him and he didn’t want to know either.
He looked out of the windows at the passing trees and buildings, tears streaming down his face as he hastily wiped them away. The car ride was silent throughout. The officers were alert and ready, making him feel stiff. He missed you. He really did and all he wants to do is run into your arms and stay there forever. But he understands why you don’t ever want him again.
He lied, cheated, and betrayed you. Of course, you wouldn’t want a bad kitty.
More tears fell from Yoongi’s eyes and he sniffed. Breathing in a deep breath, he controlled himself as best as he could. He hated crying in front of people - especially strangers. But it was only until the officers pulled up that Yoongi was, too, pulled out of his blank state of mind. Yoongi observed that he was in your neighbourhood, more specifically directly outside your apartment building. The officers opened the door and led him out.
“Come on, you’re going home.”
Yoongi drew in a shaky breath. Maybe one of the people who unknowingly bought him coincidentally stays in the same apartment block as you. They went up the lift, to the same level, walking to the same opened door where he saw -
No, no… That can’t be right. Y/N doesn’t want a bad kitty.
“Can you take over from here, Miss Y/N?” An officer questioned and you nodded.
Really? Wait - No, no.
“Alright buddy, we’ll be the transport system for the both of you to the medical checks.” The officer patted his shoulder. “See you soon. Get well.”
They left, leaving him standing there, in front of you and your opened gate. His nose twitched at the lingering smell of paint and dust wood.
Did you renovate the house while he was away?
His ears twitched at the sound of you clearing your throat and turned to you. Your hands fiddled with each other, a nervous tick he knew surfaced when you were anxious.
"Erm," Your eyes darted, looking everywhere but him.
"Hello." He started, hoping that you wouldn’t shut down his attempt to make things… Less awkward.
"Yes… Ah, hello Yoongi." You led the way into your house. "I hope your room is okay for you. I don't know what colours you like but I hope that the green doesn't throw you off."
The both of you entered a room that he was at least seventy percent sure was originally the guest room. The newly painted monochromatic walls, the fresh sheets of linen, the new and old furniture. But most of all, the black cat stuffy caught his eye the moment they walked in. It was placed on the left end of the bed, in a lying position.
Yoongi looked around in wonder. “Are - Am I - Can I really stay here?” He turned to look at you. “You want me?”
You nodded at him with a soft smile gracing your lips. “Of course, I want you, kitty. What do you even mean?” You went over to the curtains, seemingly distracting yourself. “I told you that whatever the circumstances, you’ll always be mine as I am yours.”
You stuck out your hand for him. “So what do you say, Yoongi? Would you like to continue to live with me?”
Yoongi nodded frantically, shoving his head into your hands. Your laugh is the most melodic thing he heard in his life.
“Then may I,” Yoongi walked over to the bedside. “Take this too?”
You nodded at him. “Of course, everything here is yours. They’re all yours.”
He walked over and picked up the stuffy by its paw and brought it to his nose, scenting it like he would with any of his belongings. He was happy, really, really happy and he hoped that this time, the happiness would last.

Since you had found out that Yoongi was a hybrid, you had changed many rules around the house - for one, no more kibbles, only proper human-sized meals from now on; two, no more sleeping on the same bed. The second one had caused a bit of spark in his eyes, lips protruding out into a pout.
“But - but why? I promise I won’t take up so much of the bed.”
You shook your head, standing firm. Although you would admit that the bed now felt empty since missing a fluffy bed buddy, Yoongi needed to understand the boundaries. “Yoongi, no. You are a hybrid, not a cat. I can’t just let you sleep in my bed, come into the room whenever you want anymore. There are boundaries.”
“But we never had such issues last time!”
You sighed. “That was because I didn’t know that you were a hybrid.”
And oh god, you didn’t want to know how many times and exactly what he has seen and heard by just being in your room. His presence is now an awkward one, all the thoughts of so many possibilities.
His pout stayed permanent on his lips as he trudged back to his room, realising that you weren’t going to budge with the rules.
You sighed, turned your back to the door and closed it. You had work tomorrow and whether or not you wanted to stay up arguing about this topic, you still needed sleep. You trudged over to your bed and flopped face-first, groaning at the cold that encased you. Sleep lingered at the edge of your consciousness when you felt a small dip on the bed, eyes too heavy to open and brain too murky to fully register that there was someone else on your bed.
You woke up to the blaring sound of your alarm at your bedside table, groaning to turn it off. You started to fuss when your hair stuck to your face and neck, the sheets that were tangled between your legs felt too warm. Subconsciously, you felt an impending child-like tantrum coming and your morning mood soured almost instantly.
As you continued to fuss and kick off the sheets, you felt a cool wet towel placed on your neck, lifting you up and cleaning your face. The action continued a few times before the towel got warm and the presence disappeared only to come back again a few minutes later.
Slowly, you felt cooler and started to gain more consciousness. It is then did you realise that somebody was standing at your bedside, wiping you down. Your eyes snapped open, tiredness fleeting in a second. You were about to grab your phone from the bedside table when a gentle hand shot out, holding your wrist.
Not that it helped to calm the anxiousness.
You panicked even more. Your mouth opened to scream bloody murder when two hands cupped your face, bringing them to meet the eyes of your - Oh, it’s Yoongi.
You sagged back onto your bed but shot back up, almost hitting your heads together if it wasn’t for Yoongi’s fast reactive movements.
“Oh shit.” Your voice was hoarse. “Work.”
Yoongi's hands came to your shoulders. "No work." He shook his head. "Not when you are in this state."
You didn't understand what he meant. "I'm fine, Yoongi. I'm just a bit more tired than usual. I'll sleep earlier tonight."
"No." Yoongi grabbed you harder. "Y/N, look at you. You're running a high fever."
You touched your forehead. True enough, you felt groggy and overall just really shitty. But you never really thought you were running a fever.
"You can't go to work in this state."
A cough-sneeze wrecked through your body just as he finished the sentence.
Point taken.
Definitely can't go to work. You grabbed tissue from your shelves and blew your nose, throwing the germ-infested thing away. You tucked yourself back under your sheets and wallowed in your self-pity. But you soon realised that Yoongi - your precious hybrid - can't stay here.
You shot out of bed for the third time that morning, grabbing your phone by the bedside table and calling one of your friends.
"'Sup, Y/N. How can I help you today, madam?" The caller's all too cheery voice hurts your head.
"Hoba," You croaked out. "Hoba, I need a favour from you."
You heard rustling from the other side of the line. "Shit, Y/N, are you sick?"
You nodded, forgetting that you were on a call.
"Oh, sorry. Yes, yes. I'm down with…" You measured your temperature. "Well, shit. 39.6°C."
You heard a bang and then a muffled 'Fuck!'.
"Okay, okay. I'm coming over."
You groaned. "Hoba, wait… no."
"No, I need you to come and take Yoongi."
You could physically see the scrunch of his eyebrows. "Yoongi?"
"Yeah." You nodded. "I can take care of myself. I'm fine. Come and take him. I don't want him catching my cold - or whatever sickness I have."
"Erm… I’m not sureyou can but, Y/N, who's Yoongi?"
Oh. In the haste and activities of the weeks, You forgot to tell your friends about your newfound friend.
"Yoongi? Oh, yeah. Yoongi is a hybrid." Your words started to slur. You were starting to feel groggy.
"Okay, I'll come get him but you have a lot to tell me once you recover. I'll be there in fifteen." Hoseok ended the call there.
"Y/N?" Yoongi's voice floated in from the washroom.
"Yoongiii." You made grabby hands and he walked over to you. You tend to get quite clingy when you are sick.
Yoongi made his way over to the bed. You bunched your hands in his shirt, nuzzling your face into his hands. “You’re gonna go stay with Hobi. He’ll take good care of you, I swear. If you want anything, just tell him.”
“So I heard, but I wanna stay here. You need help.”
You shook your head. “I’ll have somebody else help me. I don’t want you to get my illness.”
“But - but…” Tears start glossing over his eyes.
“Yoongi, I’m fine. I swear. I’ll be okay. Go with Hobi, okay?”
Yoongi’s mouth trembled but his resolve suddenly hardened. “No.”
You looked up. “Yoongi, please.”
He shook his head. “No. I’ll stay and take care of you.”
“Yoongi, I swear you’ll go even if it means making Hobi drag you out of the house.” You fluffed his hair. “I’ll be fine in a few days. I’m not dying, just sicker than usual.”
“But who’s gonna help you?” Tears started pooling in his eyes.
Oh no, no, no. If he actually burst into tears, you might consider letting him stay.
You groaned. “Yoongi, please, no. Don’t cry, please. Oh god.” You sighed. “I’ll have Seokjinnie come over. He’s good at cooking.”

Just who was this Seokjinnie?
Seokjinnie. Seokjinnie.
Yoongi humphed in the front seat of the car. He can’t believe Y/N would actually have her friend pull him out of the house. Currently swaddled in the blanket Y/N bought him and his cat toy beside him - a surprisingly accurate identical - he was on the way to god knows where.
He humphed and further slinked between the folds of the blanket, attempting to become as small as he could with the very prominent presence of the stranger driving beside him, making the air uncomfortable. Yoongi doesn’t like to leave the warmth of his comfort space.
“So,” Her friend spoke, startling a hiss out of Yoongi. Y/N’s friend gave him a side glance, before continuing, “So, you’re Yoongi. Sorry if I fail to understand the context of the situation here, but Y/N hasn’t told any of us about you. And, I have a… hybrid at home so excuse her… Ah, excitement.”
Y/N’s friend pulled up into a driveway and exited.
Wait, is he leaving now?
The door at Yoongi’s seat was opened and he was immediately scooped into a pair of strong arms. That set of arms did not take his toy. Yoongi hissed and pawed, claws coming free as he struggled to get his toy.
“Okay! Okay, I get it! Goodness, what a temperamental hybrid Y/N’s has.” Her friend stuck his hand back into his car and picked out his cat toy. “Here ya’ go.”
Yoongi’s ears twitched as he heard a set of keys being thrown before her friend started walking into the big, luxurious building. Yoongi peeked his head out to sniff the air, immediately retreating back into the safety of the blankets.
“Sorry, it’ll take a while to get used to it. Zurie doesn’t like the strong smell either.” Her friend picked up his pace. “I promise it’s better at home.”
A home is a place where one feels safe. Yoongi doesn’t feel safe here so home isn’t here. Home is a good fifteen minutes away.
“I’m Hoseok.” Y/N’s friend finally introduced himself. “I’m sure Y/N told you about me, but it’s better if I say ‘hi’ myself, right?”
They entered a lift and Y/N’s friend - Hoesok - scanned a card, pressing the button of the highest level, the penthouse. He must be really rich then.
Nearing the floor, Yoongi could smell a stronger, more distinct scent of the hybrid that had clung to Hoseok’s clothes. Zurie, he called her. Yoongi wasn’t sure how he would fare with an energetic hybrid. He liked his sleep undisturbed and the house silent. It allows him to curl into a dark spot and rest. With an energetic owner and a probably equally energetic hybrid, Yoongi would rather catch whatever sickness you have than stay.
Yoongi wiggled out of Hoseok’s hold, pulling along his blanket and grabbing his stuffie. Just as the elevator door opened, a blur of molecules passed him, crashing into the man behind. Yoongi didn’t need to turn to know who and what that hybrid was doing. He sprinted under the furthest edge of the sofa, nesting his belongings against the wall.
At least the floors were carpeted.
So What? | MYG | Chapter 7

Pair: Hybrid Cat Yoongi x F Reader
Summary: Running from a past that foreshadows him, Yoongi is adamant about ever turning back to his human counterpart form, in hopes that nobody would recognise him and take him away. You worked at a cafe with your best friend. As a more-than-normal day seemed to go by, you discovered something amidst your housing block. Perhaps - just perhaps, the nighttime is where the angels arrive.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hybrid, non-idol au
Warnings: Contains explicit language, abuse
Chapter Warnings: Blood, experimenting, abuse. This chapter contains explicit content on how Yoongi was treated back at the facility. Please skip the bolded parts if you feel uncomfortable.
A/N: Bold is for flashback.
WC: 4K
Taglist: @bearr02 @svnbangtansworld @vintageoldfashion @rkivemaar @codeinebelle @ldysmfrst
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The moment Yoongi heard your bedroom door close, he moved your hair aside as he continuously scented you. He nosed the crook of your neck and you ruffled in your hair, effectively covering you in his scent. Once he deemed that it was enough, he walked around the room to clean up the mess. It would be best that you wake up to a clean, clear environment so that it wouldn’t put extra stress on you.
Yoongi wasn’t dumb nor was he deaf. He could clearly hear the ongoing conversation about him outside. Sooner or later, he will have to go out there and confront them. It was not a choice.
Yoongi pulled the curtains back and opened the windows wide, letting the fresh night air into the stuffy room. He had added more ice into the pail beside your bed just as you started fussing. By now, Yoongi could read your body language with ease. You were not tough to read in the first place but now that you are sick and your barriers are down, it was even easier.
He wrung the cloth and placed it on your forehead as he adjusted the blanket to cover your legs. Yoongi heard footsteps getting closer to your door, stopping just outside. Before whoever was outside could knock and potentially wake you, Yoongi shot up and crossed the distance in an instant. He yanked open the door with teeth gritted and bared.
An unknown man stood there with a tray of food - a big bowl of fruits, a few scoops of porridge, and a plate of grilled… Is that beef?
“Hello. I had hoped to meet you under better circumstances but it seems that lives don’t weave that way.” The man with plush lips said. “I’m Seokjin. Y/N told me quite a lot about her troubles with you and the company is swarming with whispers of you as well.”
So this is Seokjinnie. He could see why you liked him. Handsome, plush lips, broad build, and someone who won’t cause you trouble. Yoongi sighed internally, he had no fight with somebody like him. He opened the door wider, letting the man in.
Seokjin surveyed the room and nodded. “You sure did clean up well. Sorry for the mess earlier. I was too busy trying to get everyone to stop crowding.”
Yoongi nodded silently, eyes trained on Seokjin as he placed the tray of food on the bedside table.
“This is dinner for the both of you. Her medications are on the tray as well. The prescriptions are written there too. Come down once you finish and I’ll take over. The boys want to speak to you downstairs.”
Yoongi nodded. He knew what was coming.

Yoongi walked down out of your bedroom with the tray of empty plates, save for the bowl of fruits that were unfinished in one hand. Seokjin immediately got up and took the plates from him, pushing him to the loveseat he sat on a few seconds ago.
Yoongi’s eyes scanned the people in the living room. Other than Seokjin, he seems to have seen everybody before. Dr. Park waved for him to sit, taking the bowl of fruit from him and taking a piece out before putting the bowl on the table. The two doctors’ scents are merged together. His mate smacked his arm, making him flinch and rub the spot.
Yoongi was surprised to find out that Dr. Park is a hybrid. He didn’t see any traits of one when he was in his care at the hospital. Yoongi tilted his head, confusion swarming his senses. There were two Dr. Parks in this room and Yoongi needed another way to address the second Dr. Park. At this point in time, Yoongi can’t differentiate one from the other.
“Jimin! That’s not for you. You already had your share!” The other Dr. Park in this room said - Dr. Ji-Hyun would be better.
Yoongi sighed and curled his legs up to his chest as they started bickering. Hoseok cleared his throat, effectively shutting the couple.
“So Yoongi,” Hoseok started. “I am aware that Y/N has yet to inform you about her group of friends and what they do so here we are going to give you a slight introduction. As you know, I’m Hoseok and this is Zurie.” Hoseok pointed to his hybrid. Yoongi nodded. “Dr Park Jimin is your doctor and Dr Park Ji-Hyun works as a veterinary.” Yoongi also knew that, coincidentally being treated by both doctors. He should apologise for puking at her workplace soon. “And that is Kim Seokjin. Y/N’s boss and brother.”
Yoongi’s eyes bulged out. Wait, brother?
His head whipped to the threshold of the kitchen and back to the closed bedroom door. Hoseok nodded, catching his attention. “Yep, brother. They don’t often go around saying their siblings and they do not look alike at all. Everybody took a while to figure it out anyway. It’s okay.” He continued. “As of who Y/N knows in this room is only me, Zurie, and Jin. She has not met Jimin till the day she brought you in. So now, to address the elephant in the room.”
Yoongi gulped, this is it then.
“As you know Jin and both Dr Park’s occupations, I won’t bring that up. I work under the NIS, Korea’s National Intelligence Service. My team and I have been tracking the sales of illegally sold hybrids so as to find out the mainstream line and put a stop to it.” Hoseok placed a folder and a business card on top, pushing it across the table. “It would be the most effective shall you choose to help us in our cause.”
Yoongi’s eyes drifted to the thick folder but never made any plans to grab it. The air turned charged as the Park’s eyes drifted between the both of them.
“I don’t want to see it. I will tell you what I know and be done.” Yoongi challenged.
Hoseok held his arms up in a surrender position. “I shall leave this here just in case you want a look.” Hoseok slid it under the table and opened a drawer, slotting it inside. He sat back, holding a pen and paper, motioning for Yoongi to start.
Yoongi breathed in a deep breath.

12 years ago
Yoongi didn’t know the first thing about good deeds. Oh, how would he?
Loud footsteps sounded and his ears twitched as hands shot into his cage, harshly pulling his ears and scruff. He lay limp, letting the scientists do as they wish. He was born within these four walls of white - has never seen the world outside. He couldn’t remember much of his time with his mom, ripped away from her at a young age.
Yoongi grew up in the faculty, soon learning the horrors of the world he unwillingly plunged into. Every night, screams and screams could be heard from rooms and wings away. The scientists would always come back with bloodied hands and grab another one of them. In the morning, these hybrids would then be returned to their respective cages.
However, the states of these chosen hybrids were not a pretty sight to see. They always came back bloodied and in pain - either crying for help, fighting to rebel, or completely passed out. It was only with time that Yoongi knew he would be chosen.
He desperately tried to find a way out of it, rebelling against the scientists and disciplinary masters in hopes that they would find him too troublesome and throw him off. Yoongi soon realised that it only got him into more trouble and an early note to being chosen.
So Yoongi stayed silent, letting them do what they wished. Injected him, touched him, cut him open and then stitched him back - he endured it. He knew he couldn’t get out of there, already submitting to his fate every time they pulled him out of his cage. He didn’t understand why he was born into this horrid truth but he fought and rebelled in the way of living.
He wouldn’t let them take away his life - even if this was his life.

3 years ago
Yoongi truly tried to fight. But after so long, he started to grow tired. Started to grow hopeless. Rebelling was no longer a strong enough motivation for him to live. He was awake before the scientists came to get him. He turned and looked around the room. He was the only one of his batch that survived. All his friends and family…
Yoongi curled back into a ball at the end of his cage, refusing to cry. A few stray tears leaked out the sides of his eyes as he sniffled. He turned quiet the moment noises could be heard from the other side of the room.
“I swear, Mr Robbinson. He is a fighter - the last living one of his batch. And because of that, all procedures went through. He is only one of our most successful mutated hybrids his age.”
Yoongi didn’t know what was going on. His ears strained to listen in on the conversation. “I promise to you that he is all you will wish to have.”
Yoongi could hear the sickening click of the key and soon after, he was being grabbed out of his cage. This time, he was faced with a man he had never seen before - well-kept hair, a beard nowhere in sight, and an expensive suit. Yoongi could smell the cologne he used but moreover, he scented the malice coming off this man in strong waves.
Yoongi looked up and made eye contact with the man, instantly cowering back from the death he saw in the man’s eyes. He started to whimper and struggle from the hold of the scientist. Unfortunately, the collar on his neck did not allow him to go far. Injecting hormones into his body, it relaxed against his own will.
The last thing he heard was, “I’ll take him” before darkness engulfed him.

“I was the faculty’s favourite experiment and Mr Robbinson’s daughter’s favourite toy. Things were alright for a while until his daughter took an interest in me. But I refused and rejected her. She would whip me as long as I was not obedient. From that day on, nothing I did was good enough and I would constantly be scolded. Soon, she got enough and sold me off to one of Robbinson’s dealers. I ran away after the fourth deal during the transportation to the fifth.” Yoongi curled deeper into the couch, hoping that he could get this over with. He just wanted to go back into your room and curl up beside you. He didn’t want to be talking about this topic. “Back then, there were many hybrids in one truck and they lacked the manpower so a few of us were able to sneak out. But most of us who did end up getting caught halfway through. Some of them were shot and others were left injured. Only a few of us were lucky to escape.”
“This Mr Robbinson,” Jimin suddenly talked, surprising Hoseok into looking up to observe him. “Does he look like this?” Jimin whipped out a photo from his phone.
Sure, many years passed and everybody changed. However, Yoongi could never forget the malice in his eyes and the way he commanded the world around him. “Where did you get that picture?” Yoongi hissed, shooting up into a leaping position. In the picture, Jimin was smiling widely beside Mr Robbinson and his instincts shot up high.
Jimin shut off his phone and raised his hands in a surrender position, showing his neck as a form of submission. “It happened during one of the conventions held earlier this year. He was one of the sponsors. The convention was on medication advancements for hybrids. He owns many hospitals and a large amount of the market share as well. His companies are dominant in every firm he enters.”
Hoseok shifted on the sofa, whistling. “Well, shit. We can’t just barge in with a warrant like that then.” He shifted his gaze to Yoongi. “Approximately how many hybrids do you think there were?”
Yoongi kept silent. “I- I honestly don’t know. In the truck, perhaps a hundred over. But we were not all from the same dealer or facility. In the facility I came from, we are ever one kept within our own batch. However, each batch is split apart between males and females and then further split upon their breeds and types.” The males in the room nodded. It was expected as so. “In my room, there were about 150 hybrids in total. We were placed in cages, stacked on top of shelves. There were a total of 15 rows and 10 columns.”
“We were never allowed out of the rooms unless it was for experiments. Even so, we are taken out of our cages and wheeled to our respective rooms. During the rides, there isn’t much to see. Just white walls on white walls.” Yoongi shrugged, slowly getting to his feet.
“All right, thank you Yoongi. We will update you if anything happens. I hope to see you healthy soon.” Hoseok flashed him a beaming smile, easily lightening the atmosphere.
“I’ll see you soon for your check-up.” Jimin placed a business card on the table. “If Ms. Y/N is busy or is still feeling unwell, you can call this number and I’ll arrange for an in-house check-up instead.”
Yoongi nodded, heading to your room. Seokjin had come out a few minutes before the talk had finished. Yoongi closed the door and walked over to you, picking up the thermometer on the way.
Yoongi sighed in relief. He was glad that you were getting better. The past few hours talking about his past has drained him. He quickly wiped you down one last time before shifting and snuggling on the other end of your bed, hidden within the tiny pillow fort but enough space to sense you in distress.
With a small meow, Yoongi allowed your scent to cover his, lulling him to a deep slumber.
So What? | MYG | Chapter 8

Pair: Hybrid Cat Yoongi x F Reader
Summary: Running from a past that foreshadows him, Yoongi is adamant about ever turning back to his human counterpart form, in hopes that nobody would recognise him and take him away. You worked at a cafe with your best friend. As a more-than-normal day seemed to go by, you discovered something amidst your housing block. Perhaps - just perhaps, the nighttime is where the angels arrive.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hybrid, non-idol au
Warnings: Contains explicit language, abuse
WC: 2.4K
Taglist: @bearr02 @svnbangtansworld @vintageoldfashion @rkivemaar @ldysmfrst @codeinebelle
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A pounding headache, aching limbs, and stiff neck were not how you hoped to wake up. It felt like you drank five cans of beer and downed the whole rainbow shot. You groaned, pulling yourself into a sitting position at the head of the bed. All you remember was getting really sick and blacking out many times. Your fevers had a way of spiking and scaring even yourself.
You sighed and looked around your room. At least it was neat. Seokjin must have cleaned it while you were bedridden. You took the thermometer across your bed and measured your temperature.
Exactly how long were you out of it? You got out of bed and headed over to the washroom to clean up. You felt like shit and you needed all the accumulated sweat to be scrubbed off your body. Seokjin wouldn’t have bathed you, you rolled your eyes. You had to get something for your brother to thank him for coming over. Working extra hours isn’t going to cut it - mainly cause you don’t want to work those extra hours. You’d rather be home snuggled up and lazing about.
You sloshed around the water on the floor of the shower room and lathered your shampoo, figuring it would be best to not take too long to shower. You just got better - at least you hoped - and you weren’t about to get sick from the cold just because you wanted to soak.
Quickly drying yourself with a towel, you headed over to the connecting wardrobe, pulling on some comfy clothes and doing your skincare routine. You weren’t a girl who puts on makeup at home but you knew a thing or two about taking care of your skin.
As you rubbed in your moisturiser and walked out of your room, you spotted many things at once. Hoseok was sleeping with his legs up in the air on your sofa and it seemed that Yoongi’s doctors were here as well, and Seokjin was teaching an unknown voice something in the kitchen. You cautiously walked to the kitchen and saw both of them wearing aprons, a random male was busy on the chopping board while Seokjin was busy stirring some stew and giving him instructions at the same time.
You walked into the kitchen and headed straight for the medicine cabinet. “Well, isn’t this a sight to see?”
Both males whipped their heads towards you.
“I didn’t realise you were up already. I’m sorry, I should’ve paid more attention.” The male held his head down, hands wringing themselves tangled in front of him.
It only now did you realise the tail in between his legs and the two fluffy ears pressed down against his jet-black hair.
You paused, hands automatically moving to his hair. “Yoongi?” You breathed out. You were so out of it when you fell ill you that all you saw were his eyes. You didn’t even take a good look at your hybrid you had forgotten what he looked like. Or perhaps you were having some memory loss.
His head shot up so quickly that his ears got squashed against your hands that couldn’t retract fast enough. Seokjin was just watching this whole scene with that stupid smile on his face.
Jin shook his head, turning back to the stew. “I told you she’ll remember you. It’s not like she has never seen you in human form before.” Jin continuously stirred the stew and pointed to the chopping board. “Faster, get those chopped or the soup is going to burn.”
Jin left the ladle in a bowl half filled with water and went over to you, hands immediately touching your forehead. “You seem fine. You can pop the panadol down, it’ll do you some good in relieving the headaches.” He pointedly looked down at you. “Not too many.”
You nodded.
As you watch the boys in the kitchen move about fluidly, the doctors in your living room catch your attention. “Why are Yoongi’s doctors here?”
“I called them over once I couldn’t handle you anymore.” Jin turned around. “Exactly what have you been doing other than working recently? This round is one of your worst.”
You shrugged. “I just worked and went home, slept, ate, watched shows, do some hobbies. About there. I’m not too sure how I got so sick either.”
“No symptoms?”
You shook your head. “Too surprising. I had no idea.”
Jin turned back to the stove, putting the freshly cut mushrooms into the stew. “Y/N, go get some bowls. Yoongi, go wake the gang. Lunch’s ready.”
You gave Yoongi’s ears a scratch as he passed you and he nearly collapsed right there and then. He refused any ears scratched or pats from anybody during the time you were sick. Hybrids need the physical connection as well and they didn’t want him over-stressing and not having a way to rest. Even the two hybrids in the house gave him a choice to let them do it but he refused. It felt so good that a loud purr broke through that soon turned into a whine when your hands left his hair.
You giggled, walking away to grab what Seokjin needed.
“Please wash your hands after that. Don’t contaminate my food! Hair lice, you never know! I worked hard for it, you know?”
Lunch was served and the three sleepyheads trudged into the dining room. “Why, hello. Finally woke up?”
Hobi was the first to see you, immediately bolting over to your seat and engulfing you in a bone-crushing hug. You tapped his shoulder, warning him that you were going to die from the lack of oxygen if he didn’t let you up soon.
“Y/N! I didn’t hear you come out?” The sudden weight on Hobi had him confused.
“Nope, you were too deep asleep.” You snickered. “Legs in the air and everything.”
He scratched his bed hair and sheepishly answered, “Oops. Hehe.”
The Parks walked in, hair tangled and clothes dishevelled. “Good to see you’re awake, Ms. Y/N. It was hell the past few days.”
“You had better owe us some coffee.” Dr Ji-hyun yawned.
“For sure. There is a coffee machine in the house for a reason. Feel free to finish my beans.” You offered. “Although, I do have another guest room. Why did you not rest there?”
“Oh, we did. But it was easier access from the living room if anything happened.” It seems like Dr Park was too out of it and Dr Ji-Hyun was answering all the questions.
“Is…” You started. “Is Dr. Park okay?” You owe them more than coffee. If Jin was to be trusted and this is one of the worst fevers, then it would have been more than hell for the doctors. At a young age, your fevers have never done the doctors in the hospitals any good - always giving them a heart attack whenever your fever spikes.
Dr Ji-Hyun waved a hand. “Ah, he’s fine. Just came back a few hours ago after being called in for an emergency patient. He’s good, just tired.”
“I’m sorry.” You hung your head. You didn’t call in anybody else as you knew your brother was capable of handling your fevers. But if even he couldn’t handle it…
“Don’t be.” Dr Park answered. “It’s every doctor’s responsibility.” He smiled, eyes turning into crescent moons. “And, no need to be so formal. Just call me Jimin and my wife Hyun.”
Oh… They’re married?
“Oh. You’re married.” If you weren’t already so embarrassed, your mouth would have hung to the floor from the revealing truth.
“Yeah. Most of our clients don’t know. We don’t have a habit of putting it out there.” Jimin laughed.
Seokjin came in shouting “EXCUSE ME! HOT MAN COMING THROUGH!” before putting the pot of stew on the table, effectively ruining the mood.
“Hot man?” You blanched. “Steaming stew, yes. Hot man? No.”
Jin looked at you offended. “Hey! I’m your oppa, have some manners!”
You rolled your eyes.

Lunch was more than eventful.
You were kept up to date on what happened when you were halfway gone in your own world. From Hoseok telling you about Yoongi, to Yoongi retelling his story, and how they all link together. The conversation then gravitated towards exactly how out of it you were the past few days. Vomiting on Jin right after his bath, flirting with Yoongi till the cat was beet-red, and nearly yanking Jimin’s head off when he attempted to wipe you down.
It was your turn to be beet-red. Your cheeks flamed with embarrassment as you ducked your heads in your hands. Everybody was laughing their asses off - literally, after having Jimin fall off the chair with the force of his laughter, making everyone laugh even harder.
“I’m sorry… Gods, this is so embarrassing!” The group burst out laughing again. Glad that they find your misery funny. Even Yoongi was sporting a smile of his own.
The doorbell rang and the six of you turned your heads towards the door. It rang again. You got up from your seat and opened the door, revealing a dishevelled Lillianne standing there with bags and bags of groceries. Lils pushed past you and placed the grocery bags on the kitchen counter as you shut the door and walked in.
“Wanna tell me what’s up?”
Your best friend gave you a one-over before tackling you in a big bear hug. She is called a bear for a reason. Hugging is her sport.
“Seokjin won’t let me visit you until you have gotten out of bed.” She moaned her complaints to you.
“Yah, you are another problem I refuse to take care of! Obviously, I won’t let you in!” Seokjin yelled back.
“I don’t need you to let me in! I know the passcode, I can let myself in, thank you!” Lils rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue at him.
This just made Seokjin competitive and the both of them started a catfight on who can let themselves into your house.
You left the bickering two in the dining room and headed back to the kitchen to see Yoongi dissecting the bags that Lils had brought over. “Let’s just put the things in the fridge and then return to lunch.”
Yoongi shook his head. “You can go. I’ll pack them up.”
You frowned. “I’ll pack with you then.”
Just as your hand reached to unpack the first bag, Yoongi’s hand shot out to stop you, holding your wrist in a tight hold. You were shocked at the speed and strength that was getting tighter and tighter - a warning. It wasn’t until you winced that Yoongi immediately let go, eyes filled with fear.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Yoongi fell down to his knees. “I’m sorry - I didn’t mean to, I swear! I’m sorry!” Tears were welling up in his eyes, head bowed, and neck open as a sign of submission. Your cat was in hysterics while you were in shock.
You didn’t know what best to do in this situation other than to kneel down - which did not help his panic - and wrap your arms around him. “Yoongi, Yoongi. It’s okay. I’m not gonna scold you, it’s fine. Nothing hurts.” Your cat just cried even harder - really just wailing at this point. You sighed. “Yoongi, don’t cry. It’s fine. I’m okay.” You jutted your hands out. “See? I’m okay.”
Yoongi took your wrist in his hands, gentle as if you were made of glass, and licked the reddening part. You squealed, shocking him and he shuffled back even further.
“Yoongi-” The group came out, wondering what the commotion was.
“Oh, dear,” Jimin said. “Ah… Let’s all, go for a walk in the park. I’m craving some desserts. Let’s go buy some.”
“I got flour.” Lils didn’t get the hint.
Seokjin yanked her along. “Let’s go, Lils. The two need to handle this themselves.”
“Oh. Oh… Yeah, yeah. We’ll be back! With cakes and macaroons in tow!” She screamed from the main door.
It was only after you heard your door close did you slowly slid your way to Yoongi, who was curled up into a ball in the corner of your cabinets. His tail was slid around his waist and tucked in, ears flattened down onto his hair, and sobs wreaking his body.
You cautiously brought your hand to his shoulder, slowly moving up to caress his hair and finally moving to his ears. Yoongi did not move or stop you, with no signs of tensing. You took this as a sign to continue. Slowly in circular motions, you rubbed the base of his ears, moving to the tip and coming back down, paying attention to the little knots and groans that come out of him.
Yoongi’s sniffles subsided as he leaned his body weight into you against the cabinet, pushing his head into your hands. “More?” You giggled.
“Please…” Yoongi groaned.
Surrendering to his demand, you continued. Only when Yoongi was about to fall asleep on your stomach, did you stop. Yoongi whined. “Whyyy?”
As much as he was adorable and you just wanted to keep going, this wasn’t the point of why you started. “Yoongi, we gotta talk about what happened.”
Yoongi stiffened against your stomach, head curling into himself. “Don’t wanna.”
You sighed. “Yoongi, I will never understand what you’ve gone through, lest how you feel. So I won’t tell you what you should do and what you shouldn’t do. However, I will tell you that - no, I promise you that you are safe with me. I will do whatever I can, within my power, to make you feel safe. Feel safe, Yoongi. That’s home.”
The air was still for the next few moments until Yoongi moved and looked up at you from his position. “Home?” He asked, big brown chocolatey eyes sparkling with wonders. His ears twitched in anticipation.
You nodded. “There is a home here, shall you wish to stay.” You smiled at him.
Yoongi shot up, grabbing you into a tight hug, tail snaking over to grip your waist. He buried his head in your neck, sniffing you away.
“Yeah… Home sounds nice.” You could feel your shirt getting wetter beneath his face. But this time, you cried with him.
Yes, home sounds nice.
So What? | MYG | Chapter 8

Pair: Hybrid Cat Yoongi x F Reader
Summary: Running from a past that foreshadows him, Yoongi is adamant about ever turning back to his human counterpart form, in hopes that nobody would recognise him and take him away. You worked at a cafe with your best friend. As a more-than-normal day seemed to go by, you discovered something amidst your housing block. Perhaps - just perhaps, the nighttime is where the angels arrive.
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Hybrid, non-idol au
Warnings: Contains explicit language, abuse
WC: 2.4K
Taglist: @bearr02 @svnbangtansworld @vintageoldfashion @rkivemaar @ldysmfrst @codeinebelle
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A pounding headache, aching limbs, and stiff neck were not how you hoped to wake up. It felt like you drank five cans of beer and downed the whole rainbow shot. You groaned, pulling yourself into a sitting position at the head of the bed. All you remember was getting really sick and blacking out many times. Your fevers had a way of spiking and scaring even yourself.
You sighed and looked around your room. At least it was neat. Seokjin must have cleaned it while you were bedridden. You took the thermometer across your bed and measured your temperature.
Exactly how long were you out of it? You got out of bed and headed over to the washroom to clean up. You felt like shit and you needed all the accumulated sweat to be scrubbed off your body. Seokjin wouldn’t have bathed you, you rolled your eyes. You had to get something for your brother to thank him for coming over. Working extra hours isn’t going to cut it - mainly cause you don’t want to work those extra hours. You’d rather be home snuggled up and lazing about.
You sloshed around the water on the floor of the shower room and lathered your shampoo, figuring it would be best to not take too long to shower. You just got better - at least you hoped - and you weren’t about to get sick from the cold just because you wanted to soak.
Quickly drying yourself with a towel, you headed over to the connecting wardrobe, pulling on some comfy clothes and doing your skincare routine. You weren’t a girl who puts on makeup at home but you knew a thing or two about taking care of your skin.
As you rubbed in your moisturiser and walked out of your room, you spotted many things at once. Hoseok was sleeping with his legs up in the air on your sofa and it seemed that Yoongi’s doctors were here as well, and Seokjin was teaching an unknown voice something in the kitchen. You cautiously walked to the kitchen and saw both of them wearing aprons, a random male was busy on the chopping board while Seokjin was busy stirring some stew and giving him instructions at the same time.
You walked into the kitchen and headed straight for the medicine cabinet. “Well, isn’t this a sight to see?”
Both males whipped their heads towards you.
“I didn’t realise you were up already. I’m sorry, I should’ve paid more attention.” The male held his head down, hands wringing themselves tangled in front of him.
It only now did you realise the tail in between his legs and the two fluffy ears pressed down against his jet-black hair.
You paused, hands automatically moving to his hair. “Yoongi?” You breathed out. You were so out of it when you fell ill you that all you saw were his eyes. You didn’t even take a good look at your hybrid you had forgotten what he looked like. Or perhaps you were having some memory loss.
His head shot up so quickly that his ears got squashed against your hands that couldn’t retract fast enough. Seokjin was just watching this whole scene with that stupid smile on his face.
Jin shook his head, turning back to the stew. “I told you she’ll remember you. It’s not like she has never seen you in human form before.” Jin continuously stirred the stew and pointed to the chopping board. “Faster, get those chopped or the soup is going to burn.”
Jin left the ladle in a bowl half filled with water and went over to you, hands immediately touching your forehead. “You seem fine. You can pop the panadol down, it’ll do you some good in relieving the headaches.” He pointedly looked down at you. “Not too many.”
You nodded.
As you watch the boys in the kitchen move about fluidly, the doctors in your living room catch your attention. “Why are Yoongi’s doctors here?”
“I called them over once I couldn’t handle you anymore.” Jin turned around. “Exactly what have you been doing other than working recently? This round is one of your worst.”
You shrugged. “I just worked and went home, slept, ate, watched shows, do some hobbies. About there. I’m not too sure how I got so sick either.”
“No symptoms?”
You shook your head. “Too surprising. I had no idea.”
Jin turned back to the stove, putting the freshly cut mushrooms into the stew. “Y/N, go get some bowls. Yoongi, go wake the gang. Lunch’s ready.”
You gave Yoongi’s ears a scratch as he passed you and he nearly collapsed right there and then. He refused any ears scratched or pats from anybody during the time you were sick. Hybrids need the physical connection as well and they didn’t want him over-stressing and not having a way to rest. Even the two hybrids in the house gave him a choice to let them do it but he refused. It felt so good that a loud purr broke through that soon turned into a whine when your hands left his hair.
You giggled, walking away to grab what Seokjin needed.
“Please wash your hands after that. Don’t contaminate my food! Hair lice, you never know! I worked hard for it, you know?”
Lunch was served and the three sleepyheads trudged into the dining room. “Why, hello. Finally woke up?”
Hobi was the first to see you, immediately bolting over to your seat and engulfing you in a bone-crushing hug. You tapped his shoulder, warning him that you were going to die from the lack of oxygen if he didn’t let you up soon.
“Y/N! I didn’t hear you come out?” The sudden weight on Hobi had him confused.
“Nope, you were too deep asleep.” You snickered. “Legs in the air and everything.”
He scratched his bed hair and sheepishly answered, “Oops. Hehe.”
The Parks walked in, hair tangled and clothes dishevelled. “Good to see you’re awake, Ms. Y/N. It was hell the past few days.”
“You had better owe us some coffee.” Dr Ji-hyun yawned.
“For sure. There is a coffee machine in the house for a reason. Feel free to finish my beans.” You offered. “Although, I do have another guest room. Why did you not rest there?”
“Oh, we did. But it was easier access from the living room if anything happened.” It seems like Dr Park was too out of it and Dr Ji-Hyun was answering all the questions.
“Is…” You started. “Is Dr. Park okay?” You owe them more than coffee. If Jin was to be trusted and this is one of the worst fevers, then it would have been more than hell for the doctors. At a young age, your fevers have never done the doctors in the hospitals any good - always giving them a heart attack whenever your fever spikes.
Dr Ji-Hyun waved a hand. “Ah, he’s fine. Just came back a few hours ago after being called in for an emergency patient. He’s good, just tired.”
“I’m sorry.” You hung your head. You didn’t call in anybody else as you knew your brother was capable of handling your fevers. But if even he couldn’t handle it…
“Don’t be.” Dr Park answered. “It’s every doctor’s responsibility.” He smiled, eyes turning into crescent moons. “And, no need to be so formal. Just call me Jimin and my wife Hyun.”
Oh… They’re married?
“Oh. You’re married.” If you weren’t already so embarrassed, your mouth would have hung to the floor from the revealing truth.
“Yeah. Most of our clients don’t know. We don’t have a habit of putting it out there.” Jimin laughed.
Seokjin came in shouting “EXCUSE ME! HOT MAN COMING THROUGH!” before putting the pot of stew on the table, effectively ruining the mood.
“Hot man?” You blanched. “Steaming stew, yes. Hot man? No.”
Jin looked at you offended. “Hey! I’m your oppa, have some manners!”
You rolled your eyes.

Lunch was more than eventful.
You were kept up to date on what happened when you were halfway gone in your own world. From Hoseok telling you about Yoongi, to Yoongi retelling his story, and how they all link together. The conversation then gravitated towards exactly how out of it you were the past few days. Vomiting on Jin right after his bath, flirting with Yoongi till the cat was beet-red, and nearly yanking Jimin’s head off when he attempted to wipe you down.
It was your turn to be beet-red. Your cheeks flamed with embarrassment as you ducked your heads in your hands. Everybody was laughing their asses off - literally, after having Jimin fall off the chair with the force of his laughter, making everyone laugh even harder.
“I’m sorry… Gods, this is so embarrassing!” The group burst out laughing again. Glad that they find your misery funny. Even Yoongi was sporting a smile of his own.
The doorbell rang and the six of you turned your heads towards the door. It rang again. You got up from your seat and opened the door, revealing a dishevelled Lillianne standing there with bags and bags of groceries. Lils pushed past you and placed the grocery bags on the kitchen counter as you shut the door and walked in.
“Wanna tell me what’s up?”
Your best friend gave you a one-over before tackling you in a big bear hug. She is called a bear for a reason. Hugging is her sport.
“Seokjin won’t let me visit you until you have gotten out of bed.” She moaned her complaints to you.
“Yah, you are another problem I refuse to take care of! Obviously, I won’t let you in!” Seokjin yelled back.
“I don’t need you to let me in! I know the passcode, I can let myself in, thank you!” Lils rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue at him.
This just made Seokjin competitive and the both of them started a catfight on who can let themselves into your house.
You left the bickering two in the dining room and headed back to the kitchen to see Yoongi dissecting the bags that Lils had brought over. “Let’s just put the things in the fridge and then return to lunch.”
Yoongi shook his head. “You can go. I’ll pack them up.”
You frowned. “I’ll pack with you then.”
Just as your hand reached to unpack the first bag, Yoongi’s hand shot out to stop you, holding your wrist in a tight hold. You were shocked at the speed and strength that was getting tighter and tighter - a warning. It wasn’t until you winced that Yoongi immediately let go, eyes filled with fear.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Yoongi fell down to his knees. “I’m sorry - I didn’t mean to, I swear! I’m sorry!” Tears were welling up in his eyes, head bowed, and neck open as a sign of submission. Your cat was in hysterics while you were in shock.
You didn’t know what best to do in this situation other than to kneel down - which did not help his panic - and wrap your arms around him. “Yoongi, Yoongi. It’s okay. I’m not gonna scold you, it’s fine. Nothing hurts.” Your cat just cried even harder - really just wailing at this point. You sighed. “Yoongi, don’t cry. It’s fine. I’m okay.” You jutted your hands out. “See? I’m okay.”
Yoongi took your wrist in his hands, gentle as if you were made of glass, and licked the reddening part. You squealed, shocking him and he shuffled back even further.
“Yoongi-” The group came out, wondering what the commotion was.
“Oh, dear,” Jimin said. “Ah… Let’s all, go for a walk in the park. I’m craving some desserts. Let’s go buy some.”
“I got flour.” Lils didn’t get the hint.
Seokjin yanked her along. “Let’s go, Lils. The two need to handle this themselves.”
“Oh. Oh… Yeah, yeah. We’ll be back! With cakes and macaroons in tow!” She screamed from the main door.
It was only after you heard your door close did you slowly slid your way to Yoongi, who was curled up into a ball in the corner of your cabinets. His tail was slid around his waist and tucked in, ears flattened down onto his hair, and sobs wreaking his body.
You cautiously brought your hand to his shoulder, slowly moving up to caress his hair and finally moving to his ears. Yoongi did not move or stop you, with no signs of tensing. You took this as a sign to continue. Slowly in circular motions, you rubbed the base of his ears, moving to the tip and coming back down, paying attention to the little knots and groans that come out of him.
Yoongi’s sniffles subsided as he leaned his body weight into you against the cabinet, pushing his head into your hands. “More?” You giggled.
“Please…” Yoongi groaned.
Surrendering to his demand, you continued. Only when Yoongi was about to fall asleep on your stomach, did you stop. Yoongi whined. “Whyyy?”
As much as he was adorable and you just wanted to keep going, this wasn’t the point of why you started. “Yoongi, we gotta talk about what happened.”
Yoongi stiffened against your stomach, head curling into himself. “Don’t wanna.”
You sighed. “Yoongi, I will never understand what you’ve gone through, lest how you feel. So I won’t tell you what you should do and what you shouldn’t do. However, I will tell you that - no, I promise you that you are safe with me. I will do whatever I can, within my power, to make you feel safe. Feel safe, Yoongi. That’s home.”
The air was still for the next few moments until Yoongi moved and looked up at you from his position. “Home?” He asked, big brown chocolatey eyes sparkling with wonders. His ears twitched in anticipation.
You nodded. “There is a home here, shall you wish to stay.” You smiled at him.
Yoongi shot up, grabbing you into a tight hug, tail snaking over to grip your waist. He buried his head in your neck, sniffing you away.
“Yeah… Home sounds nice.” You could feel your shirt getting wetter beneath his face. But this time, you cried with him.
Yes, home sounds nice.