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A car at a stoplight had a bumper sticker that simply said 'Non-Judgment Day Is Coming.' As this fellow pulled away, it raised an interesting question and that was 'How exactly can an event be coming that is NOT coming?' But then pondering more about it, depending on your point of view this statement could be entirely correct!
From the perspective of many, a day of judgment is definitely NOT coming. If there is no god, then it makes perfect sense to be free to live life with impunity without any repercussions for your actions. You are free to 'eat, drink, and be merry' because there are no limits or restrictions on life except the ones you set.
On the other hand, the Bible says something diametrically opposed to that - but with a hopeful twist! While Romans 16:20 says that such a day is indeed coming, here’s the thing – Judgment Day is coming for some but not everyone. Here’s why…
While God is a God of Love, He is also a God of Justice. While we will all cross the threshold of mortality into eternity, when we reach that intersection those that have received a pardon for their sins by standing under the doorposts of the blood of Christ, just as the Hebrews did in Egypt, were “passed over” from that Judgment Day. That means that for those not under the redeeming blood of the Lamb of God (Christ), Judgment Day WILL Come.
So YES, there is a Non-Judgment Day coming for some, but not because you put a bumper sticker on your car, but those that have put their faith in Christ to redeem them from (i.e. pay for) their sins and remove the charges against them that would cause them to stand before that final heavenly court.
If you are “In The World” and not in Christ, then Judgment Day IS coming, but you don’t have to face it.
Agreeing with a bumper sticker will not prevent it from coming. The question you have to ask yourself is “Will You Be Ready When It Comes??”
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You