Finding My Personality Again - Tumblr Posts
Lights at the end of tunnels
From time to time I receive messages from survivors at various stages in the recovery process.
First, I am honoured that you trust me with your stories (some of you telling someone for the first time!), and that you think I may have something of value to say to you.
Second, I’m sorry I don’t always respond promptly. I can get overwhelmed easily and that slows my response time. Sometimes by, like, months.
Third, if there is one thing I wish I could have convinced myself of earlier it would be that being alone is not the worst. It takes practice, but it can be pretty great.
You are awesome (yes, I promise), and spending time nurturing your interests can be an amazing part of your healing. Someone tried to erase my personality; I took it back, piece by piece, doing new things or re-discovering the old ones that make me happy.
Being beholden to no one is freedom, and it was important for me to get to know, sort out, and trust my head again.
Alone there are so many possibilities that don’t exist in the vacuum of an abusive relationship. So many possibilities for a content, peaceful existence.
I hope you believe me.
Happy New Year.