First Week Of Class Sat With The Beautiful Athletic Girls And Found Out They Were Into Books And History And Stuff - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago

"“Holy fuck, BRO, sick HP refs,” says a passing football player." MY FAVORITE THING EVER

Check Please Ficlet: First Week

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Holster pulls the cap off a Sharpie and circles three spots on the map.

“Aaaaaaaaaalll right. So, Giant bell tower penis in the dead center of campus? That’s Founder’s. Can’t miss it. You ever get lost, just think ‘giant penis’ and look up. What did Schmit say during our First Week, Rans? ’Let the dong that ding-dongs guide you.’ Guy was a fucking genius. Now, to get from Founder’s to the rink…just go here and here, right? And–oh–the Haus is over there. River side. You live in Norris which is admittedly out of the way, but just know that everywhere you could ever possibly need to go is north. Just walk along the river and you’ll be fine. Well. Mostly–if you want to go to Stop-&-Shop, there’s one south of you. But that’s Smelly Stop-&-Shop, which may make you vom on a cashier. But 'swawesome!” Holster smacks the map into Eric’s chest. “Bitty? You can now survive First Week.”

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