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Flake's podcast - uncool bands
Published 2021-12-29 (but possibly already broadcast before)

Uncool songs and/or uncool bands: Flake has some difficulty figuring out what the definition of cool or uncool is, not helped by the fact that (as so often) initially he didn't understand the english word and thought it was 'kuhl' when his older brother first mentioned the word at home; what follows is a ramble about an old book, a german movie 'Kuhle Wampe' from 1932, but really figuring out what cool is...no...
So what is cool... at least Flake is sure that fusion music isn't cool (0h20), but the only reason for that is when talking with the band there is always someone who tells him "quit it with that fusion-shit" (for some reason my mental image is of Schneider and/or Paul being the one 😁 but Flake doesn't mention).
It isn't until 0h21 that he solves the mystery for the german listeners, 'cool' means 'cold' (you knew that, didn't you 😁). Most importantly, cool has nothing to do with quality, an really good song can be uncool all the same (and he plays Scorpions 'Wind of change' after that) (which indeed for a certain generation at least is a very uncool song) (am i giving away my age again? 😁)
Very cool people can also make uncool music, like at 0h35 Herbert Grönemeyer, who Flake thinks is a really cool person for the way he plays his music unconcerned if someone is listening..also Flake thinks Grönemeyer is definitely not good looking which is even better, because looking good and making music is a lot easier, but when you don't look good you really have to work for it.
The GDR punks in Flake's circle (from abt 0h50) were very specific in what was cool to listen to and what not, almost like a sort of Taste-Police (again...Paul?). Depeche Mode? Nope, too poppy! The Cure was always a safe bet, you could admit to listen to them
Not many bandanecdotes in this podcast, a quick mention at 1h08 of travelling to London, performing for MTV live, but getting cut off half way through the song because Till let fake-blood run from his mouth, so it was a total flop, going to London for just 40 seconds of tv (bet MTV is now kicking itself for being uncool 😁); but...the good part was that while driving through London Flake saw the actual factory that was on the cover of Pink Floyd's album 'Animals', and only then realized it was a real thing...well...without the flying pig... (for who's keeping track: Pink Floyd is cool)

A hint from Flake if you're in a band at 1h30: always try to be a supporting band instead of the headline act: the expectations are less, the fear of failure is less, and you can hang out with the ladies while the main band is playing. When you're a headliner and you're done, everybody's gone, the canteen is closed, evening is over, when you're the supporting act you've already showered and are partying by that time... (maybe someone can take Flake to an afterparty next time?)
The cutest anecdote for me (at abt 0h51)... you know the 'nasty' ('fies' in german, Paul and Flake still use the phrase a lot) punks Feeling B and their friends at Hiddensee..one of the songs they played day and night? The very uncool 'Walking on sunshine' by Katrina and the Waves.... and I can just picture that immediately 😊

More of my ramblings on Flake's podcasts