Flyona - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
Inktober 2019 #14: Sweetpetal FlyonaCultivated In Sky Buddy World For Its Namesake Petals. They Are A
Inktober 2019 #14: Sweetpetal FlyonaCultivated In Sky Buddy World For Its Namesake Petals. They Are A
Inktober 2019 #14: Sweetpetal FlyonaCultivated In Sky Buddy World For Its Namesake Petals. They Are A

Inktober 2019 #14: Sweetpetal Flyona Cultivated in Sky Buddy World for its namesake petals. They are a common sweetener there popular in tea. They are exported for the annual Tea Festival, held primarily in central Wing Alayna. The petals melt easily into tea, and are thus very convenient, especially for an often-exported item.

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3 years ago
Today's Batch Of Flowers! Finally, All Caught Up~ I Don't Know If I'll Be Able To Stay On Top Of It This
Today's Batch Of Flowers! Finally, All Caught Up~ I Don't Know If I'll Be Able To Stay On Top Of It This
Today's Batch Of Flowers! Finally, All Caught Up~ I Don't Know If I'll Be Able To Stay On Top Of It This

Today's batch of flowers! Finally, all caught up~ I don't know if I'll be able to stay on top of it this week either, but, worst case scenario I'll just post them in November, lol. Keep reading for more floral information!

Pai-nola Spindling

A young spindling of a Pai-nola tree. At least.... that's what it's thought to be. There has been some debate, due to the longevity of the spindlings in this state, if they are not actually an independent Pai-nola vines, and if there really is any such thing as a Pai-nola tree. There are crude drawings of Pai-nola "trees" in the ancient scrolls, but they've never been seen in their full-grown state. So whether the spindling-like plant is really a vine or a young tree is still not well understood, as Pai-nolas have been known to stay in their spindling state for a long time, even with proper nutrition and in ideal conditions. Legend has it that Pai-nolas have gone dormant, and do not grow past their spindling stage anymore, hence the rise of Pai-nola vines, which can be found clinging to tall objects just like any other vine would. These plants, whatever their identity, can be found growing in both major forests of Wing Alayna, both the Great Buddy Forest and Pachimori, and occasionally even smaller forests. Legend has it they also grow in Crescent Minoria, Furheart Iiah and Batulia Songlianne, but they have never been seen growing there. Although there are some reports of similar plants growing in each of these locations, some may be misclassifications, especially since Batulia Songlianne is known for its barrenness. Though, there may be some merit to the theory, as the snowy environment might suit the alpine plant. Some have even reported fully grown Pai-nolas there, but due to the nebulous nature of Batulia Songlianne, it is still not clear if these, if truly found, were not actually growing in a pocket dimension that has its base on the continent.

Kyurloa Ribbonlar

The silky, pastel, aerial relative of the Lar family. They can be consumed by Fashion Buddys to produce beautiful silk, a highly prized commodity for Dancer Buddys who love to dance with silken sashes. The primary feature of the Kyurloa Ribbonlar is its curly leaves and stem extensions, which are usually picked or eaten first in processing to give the resulting silk a smoother finish. Ribbonlars are quite versatile and can be found growing in many locations such as the outskirts of the Great Buddy Forest, along the Great Buddy River, in the foothills and highlands of the Great Buddy Mountains, in northern Wing Alayna, on Mewga Island, and there are even varieties being cultivated on Fuline Ah. Each of these locations can be found to produce a wide array of colors and textures in the plants, which are highly sought after.

Smallpetal Flyona

A relative of the Sweetpetal Flyona, Smallpetal Flyonas have been cultivated in Sky Buddy World. There is a small difference in taste between the sweetener they produce as opposed to the Sweetpetal, but they are much more prolific and can grow in higher densities than Sweetpetals can.

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2 years ago
Lesser Skypetal Flyona
Lesser Skypetal Flyona
Lesser Skypetal Flyona

Lesser Skypetal Flyona

A member of the Flyona family, Lesser Skypetals are distinguished by their leafy stems and lack of antennae-like stamen. Generally known as a wild version of the Sweetpetal Flyona, sweetener made from Lessser Skypetals is a lot less sweet, and generally takes more to boil down as its naturally sweet fluid is much more watery than its preferred counterpart. Still, a type of liorice can be made from boiling the stem and it is widely enjoyed, giving it one advantage over the more famous Sweetpetal.

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1 year ago
Many-petaled Flyona
Many-petaled Flyona
Many-petaled Flyona
Many-petaled Flyona

Many-petaled Flyona

Many of the Flyona species are cultivated in Sky Buddy World for their sweet petals and licorice-like stems. The Many-petaled Flyona, as its name implies, bears many petals, though in exchange it is much leafier than the Sweetpetal Flyona, as well as shorter, with a milder, more diluted taste to its petals than its wild predecessor. It has a stronger flavor in its stem however thanks to the extra bulk it has, and its extra petals lend to a certain aesthetic beauty despite what they've lost in taste.

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