Garden Flora - Tumblr Posts
Gloagli Lavilav
A plant specially bred in one of the Queen's gardens. It had some distant relations to flora in Crescent Minoria, as well as Furheart Iiah. Its closest relative lives in Warminia Songlianne, where much of the crossbreeding took place. Though attractive to Neonyas and Kitonyas, it isn't actually good for food for them or for Buddys. Its purpose is primarily decorative, and it is highly sought after by Fashion Buddys for its color and texture.
Many-petaled Flyona
Many of the Flyona species are cultivated in Sky Buddy World for their sweet petals and licorice-like stems. The Many-petaled Flyona, as its name implies, bears many petals, though in exchange it is much leafier than the Sweetpetal Flyona, as well as shorter, with a milder, more diluted taste to its petals than its wild predecessor. It has a stronger flavor in its stem however thanks to the extra bulk it has, and its extra petals lend to a certain aesthetic beauty despite what they've lost in taste.
Twis-tia Petalia
Twis-tia Petalias were a once wild flowers that have been cultivated to grow in all sorts of different colors. The flower produces a nectar that hardens when exposed to air, producing a hard-candy-like substance within its flowers. The Twis-tia Petalia's close relative, the Sweetea Bundalia, does something similar, but has been cultivated to produce a hardening chocolate-like nectar instead of the honey-like substance that Twis-tia Petalias produce. As efforts to increase the number of Twis-tia Petalia and Sweetea Bundalia in JI continue, their delicious fruits can be expected to spread around JI as well.