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art 6/24/24

Shimsham my little creature

“He that is thy friend indeed, He will help thee in thy need: If thou sorrow, he will weep; If thou wake, he cannot sleep: Thus of every grief in heart He with thee does bear a part. These are certain signs to know Faithful friend from flattering foe.”
William Shakespeare
So i’m starting another story because i hate myself and can’t finish a project
Introductions are in order.
126 years after the Great war, Stable 210 laid dormant. With the last of the Stables power being used to maintain the already depleted food storage and provide minimal functionality to the medical wing, the once illustrious safe haven gave way to a metal prison. As the last of the power died from the coils, the facility generators breathed their last breath before emergency power left all doors open and turned the lights from a soft white to a breathing red. As power was ripped from the medical wing, one pony that was in medically induced stasis was forced awake with gasping breathing as he was pulled to the ground by gravity. His coat and mane soaked in hydrogel, he laid eyes closed and coughing for some time before he attempted standing. As he slowly got onto his hooves his mind swirled with questions, where was he, how long was he out… where was everypony else.
I’ve made some progress on the story... surprisingly
so far all I've received is a few dislikes and 0 criticisms on the content, so thank you for not telling me why you don’t like it! but I've put out the prologue and am currently about half way through chapter 1 here’s the current progress on a docs file.
please, if you have any comments post them. any feed back is much appreciated and goes a long way to making this story more worth reading.
Thank you guys, I love you and have a good day/night/whatever