Forced Weight Gain - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago


Dustin had no idea Shane had laced his joint. It seemed just like any other as he inhaled the smoke, smooth and potent. As his thoughts became lifted, however, he noticed an unexpected change.

His shirt, tight and well-fitted to his muscular form, began to stretch forward. Perplexed, Dustin reached down to tug it back into place before realizing that his once taut abs had ballooned into a thick, round belly that was rapidly filling out his shirt.


The sound pulled his attention away from his predicament, and Dustin saw his friend holding his phone aloft, snapping pictures of his swollen gym bud.

The former stud grinned, unable to put two and two together.

“Shane, bro... are you seeing this? I look like I’ve been on a heavy bulk bro...”

Shane nodded. “Oh yeah man, that’s all it is. Just some off-season bulk. You’re good bro,” he said assuringly. Shane readjusted his shorts. He was getting painfully hard, seeing Dustin’s starter belly swell into a full-blown gut in a matter of seconds. He wondered just how much bigger he was going to get as the man’s shirt rode up over his new belly, fast approaching beach ball status.




manvault - The Man Vault

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2 years ago

“Fuck, here he comes,” Ben cursed into his drink. Across the pool, the large frame of Tom could be seen making his way towards Ben. Several of the other fraternity brother meatheads turned their attention on the oversized quarterback closing in on his best friend. A few grinned and muttered jokes to one another; they’d seen a confrontation coming for days now.

“Benny boy,” Tom bellowed loudly, voice dripping with easy confidence. “We need to chat.”

Ben forced a smile, draining the last of his drink before setting it down. He couldn’t believe Tom was doing this now. In front of everyone. He started to ease himself off the ledge of the pool to stand, but Tom intercepted him, weighing him down with a thick, bulky arm over his shoulders.

“Easy now tiger, I’m just here to talk. See, rumor has it someone was in coach’s office trying to take my spot on the team as soon as they heard about the wreck. I’m fine, by the way,” Tom winked with a cocky grin. “They said being big had its benefits,” he said. He pulled Ben in closer as he flexed with his free arm.

“Point is,” Tom continued, “you betrayed me, Ben. Tried to take away what makes me great. So I’m gonna do the same to you,” he said, giving Ben a poke in his firm midsection.

“Wh-what’s that supposed to mean?” Ben asked, unsure of what Tom was talking about.

“It means you can kiss that scholarship goodbye. And being the campus heartthrob. And clothes that fit,” Tom laughed.

“The fuck are you talking ab—“ Ben stopped, a shiver running through him. He felt light-headed all of a sudden, and extremely... full?

“Uh-oh. Looks like it’s already started. Guess there’s no harm telling you now. I had the chem nerds cook something up for you. How was your drink? You know that shit’s like drinking bread, with all those carbs,” Tom gloated, his rugged features pulled up into a cruel smirk.

Ben opened his mouth to respond, but the wind was suddenly knocked out of him as his stomach groaned loudly as he clutched it.

His hands groped his firm stomach when he felt it. That full feeling. Like he had eaten too many plates of food and was having trouble leaving the table. But more. Amplified. He could feel the fullness rising in his throat when his stomach began to bulge.

Ben’s eyes shot open wide as he looked down, watching his jock body swell into his own hands. Countless hours of lifting and endless dieting washed away in mere seconds. “Tom— Tom, you gotta stop this bro, I can’t be like this—“ Ben cried, panic rising in his voice.

“Bro?” The big man said, anger finally breaking through his words. “Eat shit, Ben. It already looks like you do.” He said, giving Ben’s plumping tit a bounce before rejoining the other studs as they all watched the former jock balloon.

manvault - The Man Vault

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2 years ago

I will gladly feed you until you can barely move. Your gut will hurt, but don't worry, I'll make sure you feel good the entire time. Just keep eating, piggy.... That's it... Keep growing for me fat boy...

Will you feed me and make me fatter? 🥺🥺🥺

Will You Feed Me And Make Me Fatter?

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9 months ago

Twink Death

CW: forced weight gain, hypnosis, nonconsensual, musk

Alex was enjoying the sensation of being filled. Josh’s thick cock was stretching him in all the right ways, but something felt off. His eyes fluttered open to see the dark figure leaning against his bedroom doorway.

“Cam!” Alex frantically shot upright, Josh’s frame turning to face the man in the doorway.

“Hi, Alex. So this is who you’ve been running to? I knew you were a size queen but this…”

“Cameron, it’s not what it looks like-“

“I was just coming by to pick up my stuff.”

Josh stepped in front of the fully clothed man, his naked body clearly meant to intimidate the twig in front of him. Cameron glanced between the heaving pecs in front of him, and the sprawled twink in the bed. Sweat was clearly glistening, running down the broad man’s body down to his- Cameron looked away.

“Clearly, his body is more satisfying to you. Is that what you always dreamed of? Or did you never feel like this when we were-? Nevermind. My books. Sorry.”

Josh intercepted hIm again, cock twitching slightly. Was he enjoying this? Bullying the poor cuck? 

“I don’t think now’s a good time, nard,” Josh spoke with a sneer. Oh, so he really was a bully.

Alex gave a frustrated whine, pitifully pleading, “Josh, please. I forgot he was coming by. Let him grab the box, and get out.”

Josh cocked his head slightly, then with a sweeping gesture, let Cameron pass into the room. Upon entering, Cameron was assaulted by the sweat and musk in the air. Bending down, he picked the box off of the floor, the books inside various tomes of magick and witchkraft. He sighed. His mind was racing.

“So, are you just waiting to watch the next round or…?” Josh taunted.

“Shut up, Josh,” Alex scolded. His eyes darted down to the books. A look of fear crossed his eyes. Cameron noticed. Well… it would be good, wouldn’t it. Curse them both.

“Sorry, lost in thought,” Cameron sighed.

“Please don’t, Cam. I’m sorry.”

“What?” Josh interrupted.

“Nothing,” Alex quickly muttered, “Just let him leave.”

Cameron looked down at the lithe figure sprawled on the bed. How many times had he caressed that body. He had become a top for that beauty. The perfect bottom, those luscious lips pulled in a pout. But potentially they had been too similar. And based on the hulk of man who’d just been going at him, Cameron was clearly never enough for Alex. Cameron pointed.


“Cam, please!” Alex begged, drawing a pillow to himself.

“Will never cheat again. You will be obsessed with his musk. Whenever you smell it, you will want his cock in your throat, and his bush in your nostrils.”

“Yes.” Alex said, his eyes glazed slightly.


“Yo, what the fuck is going on,” Josh demanded, quickly crossing the room to grab Cam’s arm.

“You,” Cameron quickly said pointing at Josh, whose grip became slack almost immediately, “will treat him like a cock-sleeve. You will make yourselves massive for him. You will make yourself a muscular god to make him happy. Your balls will never be empty, you will always be horny. And you will make him fat on your cum.”

“Yes.” Josh’s eyes glazed over, and his balls fattening almost immediately. Cameron gave them a soft feel, they were the size of eggs. But they could be bigger.

“Whenever Alex gains ten pounds, your balls will get bigger by ten percent. You want to have the biggest balls you can have”


“Have a good life you two.” And with that, Alex swept out of the room. The slam of the door broke the strange reverie.

“What was that?” Josh asked, his vision coming back into focus.

“Cameron cursed us I bet,” Alex groaned, “Probably something stupid, like we’ll never be able to avoid a hangover or something. That’s what he did to a one night stand one time.”

“Damn. He can do that?” Josh asked glancing at the twink. Alex’s body was beautiful, almost like he was carved from marble. But he could stand to gain a few pounds couldn’t he. His ass would look a little better with a little more heft. A little more jiggle. He moved closer to Alex.

“Yeah, he… what is that, mmmm, that smell. Is that you?” Alex breathed in hungrily, his nose like a bloodhound, sniffing out the source. It brought him down to Josh’s now flaccid penis. “It is you. God. You’re a beast. I need you. Josh, Daddy, ram your cock down my throat right now.”

“I feel like I ought to clean myself off first since- oh!” Josh bucked slightly as the twink buried his face into his crotch, “Oh, Daddy likes.” He grabbed Alex’s hair slightly, the urge to face fuck him taking over. He was horny. He was ravenous. And he wanted to fill the Twink with whatever he had. 

Alex was lost in the scent. He could feel his mouth aching and the bruise on his throat from the beating it was receiving from Josh’s cock. But he couldn’t stop, even as he felt the twitching pulse as Josh came down his throat. Josh’s balls were pulsing on his face, and the musk was driving Alex crazy. Almost immediately after he came, Josh was already pounding Alex’s throat again. The twink was his fleshlight, an object to be used and filled. And Josh was horny. He was ravenous.

The two passed out, hours of facefucking drawing all of their strength, fatiguing their bodies. The smell of sweat, and musk, and cum pervaded the air as the two fell into a deep sleep.

A few weeks later, Alex was noticing changes. His pants weren’t fitting quite as well. His belly had budged up a little. It must have been the change in diet. Josh had gotten really into bodybuilding again. He said he wanted to be massive for Alex, which made him blush remembering the way he growled it into his ear. Alex would have to start doing more exercise to make up for it, but it was hard to exercise with Josh. The moment he caught a whiff of the muscular man, he couldn’t help himself. The urge to drink him in was too much, so he had taken to just waiting for Josh to get home from the gym, so he could bury hsi face between the larger mans thighs. And Josh loved it. 

Almost a year later, the changes had really started to catch up. Alex was near the 300 pound mark. His lifestyle of gluttony had taken a toll on the slender twink’s body. What one was toned muscle was now a layer of flab. But his boyfriend was a  different story. Despite the near similar weight, his boyfriend was a beast. Nearly every inch was pure muscle, his body shook the ground when he moved. His biceps we mountainous peaks, his pecs were slabs of beef, and between the two was the beautiful armpits that Alex worshipped like a puppy, breathing in the intoxicating scent. Josh’s thighs were thick and corded, and Alex spent most of his time nestled between them, drinking the jock’s nearly endless supply of fresh cum.

“Drink up my little piggy” Josh said, emptying his balls down Alex’s throat for the eighth time this morning, “I want to make you a whale.”

Alex’s moaned around his boyfriend’s cock, the orange sized balls pulsing energetically. Alex hadn’t liked the nickname at first, but was coming around to it. He felt like a pig, a good pig with his face covered in cum. It felt like every drop of cum that was poured into him now was enough to keep him fed. He was stuffed, and he loved it.

It was three years later that Cameron finally dropped by again. The scent of the house made him gag at the doorstep. Wrapping a mask around his face, he knocked. 

“Come in” came a booming voice. Cameron opened the door slightly, and heard the heaving breathing and moving of weights down the hall. The house was a mess. It looked like the apocalypse had happened, cobwebs and dirt piled up everywhere. Empty takeout filled the table, and Cameron swore he even saw a rat sneak through the filth. He followed the sounds, but was stopped in the doorframe, and chuckling he leaned against it.

Inside was a massive man, clearly he had taken muscle growth to heart, His whole frame had blown up. It looked like he was struggling to move with how massive his body had become. His arms looked like gorillas, the musculature showed every vein, extending from two shoulders that deemed more like beachballs. They framed his head, where a thick beard hid most of his face and neck. His pecs were heavy; he was past slabs of beef, he was a whole bull waiting to be carved up. His waist tapered slightly, but the round gut he had showed he staring for strength, not for aesthetics. His thighs were tree trunks, but little more than could be said about them, because nestled between them was a mop of hair, furiously. Going to town on him.

The twink was gone, obliterated. In Alex’s place was a whale of human being, his throat seemed swollen from the sheer amount of cum he was constantly draining. Kneeling in front of his master, the former twink rested on his massive belly, his ass high in the air. Every inch of him was flab, soft and supple, too big to move. 

“So… looks like I was right. You didn’t cheat on him”

All that answered Cameron’s jeering was the muffled gags from Alex, and a deep sigh of release as Josh came again. Cameron walked around to view the handiwork. And like he imagined, Josh balls hang like two weights, solid watermelons, churning and pumping cum into the whale in front of him. The cycle now seemed permanent. Every time Josh came now, he was probably pumping a gallon of cum into his personal cock sleeve. It wouldn’t be much longer til the two were just growing each other constantly.

“I’m doing fine. Thanks for asking. But it looks like you’re happy like this.”

There was another sigh of release, and frantic gagging as Alex was pumped full again. Guess he really was a size queen.

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7 months ago

Down a Level

"Well at least I’m trying to stay fit!” Those were probably the last stinging words that sealed my fate. The way Connor looked at me was full of resentment, he was working an office job, and had started to put on just a little bit of chub. He was embarrassed, and I brought it up like a dick. My own free time was devoted to the gym and my dissertation - things Connor had been proud of me for, and had been supporting my pursuits - but s my husband looked at me, I felt an anger I hadn’t seen from him before. 

“No reason to rub it in,” he said, and started poking at pasta in front of him. The table fell silent, and the argument felt heavy in the air.

“I’m sorry babe-“ but his fork stabbing into the noodles clearly meant we weren’t talking about ti anymore. I joined his silent eating. By the time we were finsihed eating, the sun had set outside.

‘I wish,” he started with a sigh, “that you were on my level.”

Oh. This was that again. Connor had always thought I was too good for him. I was fit when we met, starting to begin my bodybuilding, and top of the class. Hell, I got my Master’s and was working on my PhD, while all he’d managed to do in the meantime was earn a basic job. It paid bills, but my stipend was paying for the apartment. 

“Do you want to top tonight?” My joke made him huff. I didn’t chase it further. Maybe I should have. Maybe I should have apologized more. Maybe, if I ‘d known what was coming, I would have begged him not to do it.

The next morning, he woke me up with a breakfast in bed. A banana smoothie, and he watched me drink it. 

“Sorry for the tiff last night…” he was watching me drink it a little too closely, “I just sometimes get so frustrated, looking at how perfect you are compared to me.”

I shook my head, and pursed my lips, drawing him in for a kiss. I felt a little good, a little floaty.

“I’m sorry for this.” Sorry for what, I thought, and then realized I had been thinking that thought for a while, he had moved on, his dick looked good in his pants, and he looked really kissable, and I don’t know what I’m really thinking about anymore, but the throbbing hardness in my own pants was starting to get distracting. Oh my god, he drugged me. How much…weed Wass in that smoothie. God. It felt good.

‘Anyways, I see you still get excited when you’re high.” He was pointing at me. My cock was twitching in my hand. I felt a little disembodied, like I was holding my own, but also somebody else’s dick in my hands. “Good boy.” He ruffled my hair. Everything was moving really fast. “You’re gonna stay home and be my good boy today, okay? No gym. No writing. You’re gonna be my good pup.”

That did sound nice. And, it’s not like I was gonna be able to drive in this state. I nodded at him, blinked, and he was back in front of me, with McDonald’s in his hands.

“Did you just lie there all day?” I looked at the clock on my bedside table. It was 5:30. Had I stayed in bed all day? What did I do all day? A burger was put in my mouth. Oh my god I hadn’t reized how hungry I was. I was starving. The burger was gone in seconds, and another was handed to me. “Good boy.” My dick perked up, and I felt it ache. My balls were blue, the sensation made me involuntarily whine. “Do you need something, pup?” Yes. Yes. Yes. Food and an orgasm. And I was given both. My mind lost in a foggy haze, I must’ve eaten 20 burgers. Probably not actually, right? He wouldn’t have bought that many burgers. And I remember his mouth around my cock.

When I woke up the next morning, I felt lucid again. My stomach was sore, and I felt bloated and heavy. Before I knew it, Connor had a smoothie in front of me. I gave a weak push to the smoothie, but it was forced in my mouth, and I was suddenly worried. I couldn’t do this again. One day was kinda of funny and cute, but again? This time, Connor wrapped something round my cock, it pulsed rhythmically. It felt good. Barely even fully sober, I felt my mind starting to cloud again. How much weed was he putting in these? What was I thinking about?

The next few weeks were a drug addled blur. Every morning, Connor force fed me a smoothie, and I was a lump of dough ready to be baked. McDonald’ wrappers were everywhere, and the standing mirror in the room showed my muscular body was getting softer. I don’t know how much he was feeding me, but it was definitely starting to catch up to me. The milking machine made me cum again. God, I was turning into a cow. My once strong pecs had begun to sag, piling over my now bloated belly. I wasn’t sure if I looked pregnant, but I certainly looked ready for children. A double chin had started to form, and as I poked it, I noticed Connor standing behind me.

“How’s my good boy today?”

“What did you do?”

“I’m bringing you to my level.”

“But I’m smart-“

“Not anymore, by the time I’m done with you, you’re gonna be my stupid bull of a husband. Now aren’t you hungry?” My stomach growled in response. “Good boy”

Nearing 400 pounds, I realized I really liked this life. I don’t think anymore. I just eat and cum. Connor takes care of me. He’s been going to the gym. He’s getting bigger too. He likes to brag. He likes to see me high. He likes how my mouth feels around his cock. And I didn’t have to think anymore.

“Does my good bull need more cake?” I mooed in affirmation. Cake filled my vision. I was always so hungry. The weed made me hungry.

“Does my good bull need to cum?” I mooed in affirmation. The pulsing around my cock grew faster. My balls emptied again. Already churning more.  I was always so horny. The weed made me horny.

“Does my good bull need more cock?”  I mooed in affirmation.  The cake was smeared across my face, as his cock filled my mouth. I sucked. He moaned. I mooed. He came. He was always so horny seeing me like this. The weed made me like this.

“You’re such a good bull. You’re such a good bull” Connor said, ruffling my mess unkempt hair. “I can’t wait to see how big we get you. I’m glad you like my special smoothies.” I do. I can’t imagine another life anymore. I just want to be a big, soft bull.

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