Franklin Portman - Tumblr Posts
Idk but for some reason the part of what remains of Edith finch that the part
Abe:Edith has a right to know my/these story’s
Frank & Susan:Those/the story’s are the reason on why children are fed 
Reminds me of Abe & frank & Susan portman relationship because of the particulars, hollowgasts
And that maybe if frank wants Jacob have a different relationship with him or no relationship at all since Abe was a shit dad to him & Susan since they thought that he was having an affair because of a letter that Emma sensed
And that he maybe just wanted to protect him from all the stuff that Abe put them through when they were kids since he did neglect both of them and that he wanted to protect Jacob from all those story’s that mad
And that fact that he has a gun safe and sleep with a gun or a few guns (I wouldn’t be surprised if he did sleep with more than one gun)
Sorry but am I the only one who wonders what happened in Jacob’s job/work smart aid like
Like what happened in that job to make a teenager do ANYTHING & EVERYTHING just for his manager to fire. him and why isn’t he aloud to quit like I know that it’s a family tradition to work at the company (well in his mother side of the family) I think
And just imagine instead of a few pages of the 1st book is Jacob working we get a WHOLE chapter of him working and being miserable being there and we see
Some drama & tea and maybe we see him having a work friend or just someone he can talk too and that we see him deal with customers
So is it Just me……ok
Maryann portman
The birthday party
Ok so I wanna talk about Maryann (aka Jacob’s mom) and on how she’s a shitty mom and yes I know that frank & Abe are shitty parents too
(Also how rich is Maryann’s family??)
First I wanna talk about this part on how she did/probably did not care about on how Jacob feels and it was during a party that Jacob didn’t even want in the first place
And invite people that Jacob doesn’t even speak to or barely does (relatable)
And that she only cares about their looks witch means that she doesn’t even care about his feelings but more about his looks & appearances
And the fact that she was drinking wine during the party and also the only one drinking too
Also the fact that she probably only threw parties to show of anything like the house or just money

Idc what you say this is how Jacob Magellan parents met
Look at me and tell me the woman doesn’t look. like Maryann Portman and well yes the police officer does look like Franklin because they have the same actor
Let me get this straight
This is base on a conversation that I had with @hannahhook7744
Jacob’s parents or Maryann
. They havea house with a ROOF DECK
.can pay HUNDREDS OR THOUSANDS of dollars on expense Adirondack chairs they they brought from a trip to some Amish county
(Just outside chairs)
. Afford to get SCONCES FROM ITALY ( basically lanterns)
Okay so I wanted to add stuff that I hate the portmans for + Ricky

Okay so let’s start with Abe/ Abraham
I know that he is a victim of the war the possible or stuff that happened before the war if not his family was ( I could name multiple things that Abe has been thought in history witch is a lot for Abe)
List Tuesdays
2.the great depression
3.word war two
4. The Cold War
5.The division of Europe
6. The holocaust
7. The Korean War
8.The Vietnam war
And with this information all of this will affect Abe’s life because nobody can forgot events like the ones I listed especially someone who has been thought them and lost all of their family & friends along the way
Witch is why Frank is an ABSOLUTE ASSHOLE for sending Jacob to Abe’s house (like the original post there could been multiple things. that could happened to Jacob and/or Abe too when he was in a panic but also ricky as well since he was there but just outside . any of them found have been injured because of Abe and his panicking but also Ricky has a gun in his car witch is a 22 I believe , he could have brought that gun if something happened anyone inside the house , HE COULD HAVE SHOT SOMEONE!!!!
But also Abe was a neglectful father and husband to his family witch cause the abuse because the abuser to Frank (basically the neglected becomes neglectful ). making him neglectful to his son and his OWN DAD because why on earth nobody decided that maybe it was a good choice to see if they can send. a nurse to Abe’s house when his health started to decline to help him or check up on him if they could .but yes I do understand why they wanted to send Abe to a home because Abe wound be able to get the help he needs.
But also to Jacob as well basically making Abe do all the parenting until Jacob was 15 and he FUCKING DIED!!! same with his mom if she was still alive when Jacob’s was born witch its a possibility since we don’t know anything about her😔😔 or when she died at all but we do know that that Abe didn’t take Frank truck or treating and she took of picture of him (I still don’t know why he didn’t take Susan maybe she went with friends or she was wasn’t born yet??) who knows.
The way he also broke up with Emma is just something but that something isn’t something that I like because why on earth did he send a picture of him with susan….. just why , like how on earth did he get the audacity to do that to her and also that his kids found one of Emma’s letters , got rid of it some how (I think they flush it down the toilet ) but it made them think that Abe was cheating on their mother with one or more woman
And I don’t blame them at all because if I found that out I wound believe that there was one or more woman but also they he was also neglecting his OWN wife too making her do all the parenting and if she was still alive when and died I do think that Frank’s reaction could different when Susan gave Jacob the book for his b-day
I really don’t have any problems with aunt Susan but I do wonder why she couldn’t give Jacob the book earlier since he was been dealing with grief & mourning for mine months I believe so?? , so why couldn’t she give him the book earlier , I mean the only things I can think is because she wants to Jacob fully heal before she gives him the book
(I’ll mostly be repeating things I wrote for and for Frank I think)
Like I said in the beginning Frank is irresponsible for sending their own 15 yr old son ti deal his his own dad who has deal with many horrors of the past ( basically some of the stuff I listed) and not actually going to check up Abe him self since he doesn’t even have a job it’s volunteering (I don’t know if you get paid for it) he could have been a house husband at this point
Also making Jacob call out of work instead of Frank doing it and telling all the other volunteers that there is some family emergency 
Since the more responsible thing was Frank to go to Frank himself or ask Susan to go to check up on their dad who may or may not even recognize their own grandchild when he’s in a panic
And again Abe had a box cutter witch he could hurt himself or Jacob with where boxes cutter he could also do the same to Ricky
There was no need for her to be the only one drinking in all adaptations of mphfpc she was drinking in the book , graphic novel , movie while everyone was completely sober during the “birthday party scene
Also that there wasn’t no need to even have a birthday party for Jacob at all when he wasn’t stable for it or that he didn’t even want one at all , hell she even threw a party for their own dog so she could just show off her house since she’s R-I-C-H
But also why did she and not buy any gifts for Jacob until he was 8 or 9 years old , THEY HAVE MONEY!!! or Maryann’s has the money because in the book she bought something from Italy or somewhere from Europe to south florida if she can do that she can buy gifts for her own KID!!!
And the fact she doesn’t even bother telling other relatives about his interest of even tries to learn his interest is just low because almost everything he has gotten are just stuff from his relatives that they don’t even want expect the book and the old Sudan that he got because his mom or parents are getting a new car and the new camera that he wanted but only to help Frank witch basically means that “ is this a gift for me or for you” type of situation for me in the scene
I don’t make much to say about him since this post is basically just about his family and not the peculiars
But something I did found funny but is kinda fuck too is when he said “ do I look like a truck stop hooker” when Ricky said are you my mom when Jacob asked him if he was smoking and also chewing 🍃 at his roof after Abe died and that Jacob was trying to convince him about the hollow that he saw
Also he knew that they both came from different backgrounds and he knew that he was richer or his moms side of the family is richer
But I also would like the point out how he thought if Ricky when I received a new car that costed more than Ricky’s car that he bought with a jar I coins but still has parry goers hit the car with something
Like Susan I don’t have many problems with him
But I do agree with Jacobs frustration when he discover that he was smoking & chewing 🍃 at the fight page and also that he muttered that Jacob needing brain shinier
While Jacob was dealing with the lost of grandfather and dealing with grief (I haven’t dealt with grief but I know it can be hard on the person who is dealing with it ) and the fact that he said
“ whatever, I’m just being straight with you,” he said. “ keep talking about monsters and they’re gonna put you away. Then you really will be special Edd
Witch someone who dealing with grief that his grandfather is now dead but also going to some physiologist that he didn’t even want to and also he thinks that the hollow was just some hallucinations and doesn’t like the fact that people are treating him like he’s crazy , doesn’t want to hear at alll
And I do think that Jacob may or may not made it clear that is isn’t the biggest fan of Ricky doing both but this is just an opinion
Why Franklin and Maryann Portman are the Worst™ (Part 1)!;

I want to preface this by saying that I know that by no means Franklin and Maryann Portman are the actual worst parents in fiction or in this series even.
Of course they aren't.
But that doesn't mean that I can't still refer to them as the worst™ for them being shitty. Even if I do believe that on some leave that they do care about/love their son.
I also wanna point out that it's been awhile since I read the books so I'm going off my memory and the wiki for this. So I may forget some context of why this or that happens, and if I do that, feel free to comment it down below respectfully. And if I forget something that you find shitty that they did, also feel free to reblog or comment it down below because I would love to talk about these characters and fandom more.
Am I saying that Abe Portman is 100% perfect and did nothing wrong whatsoever? No, that would go against how his character is betrayed in the books—as a flawed traumatized man who did his best to be there for his family and keep them and himself (as well as others) safe and went about some things the wrong way.
Now that that's out of the way…
According to the wiki:
“Jacob was born on Halloween, and up until he was eight years old was convinced by his parents that trick-or-treating candy was birthday presents (something apparently revealed in Hollow City).”
These people are rich.
Rich enough that Jacob’s dad can study birds and volunteer and write mine books that he never publishes without the worry of them not having anything to eat.
R-I-C-H enough that Jacob comments that “I did love her, of course, but mostly because loving your mom is mandatory, not because she was someone I think I'd like very much if I met her walking down the street. Which she wouldn't be, anyway; walking is for poor people.” And rich enough that they gave their kid their four year old sundan so that they could get a brand new car.
And for eight years, they had their son believing that candy was a birthday present.
1. Now, look. I get it. Birthday shopping is hard, especially for a little itty bitty kid but not actually having the money to buy your only kid gifts and choosing not to because people are handing out candy on that day anyway? That's not a very nice thing to do for that long.
They let him go through three years of school thinking that and we never learned how he found out that was a lie. That's not even including the fact that the rest of their extended family let this lie continue (assuming they knew).
Can you imagine if Jacob found out because he mentioned this to his classmates or a teacher? Maybe a teacher or family member could salvage the situation but little kids can be brutal, especially towards other little kids who they think are wrong and considering we know that in that same year, Jacob was pants-ed causing him to stop believing anything Abe said…. It's not entirely out of the realm of possibility tl believe that one of Jacob's classmates got in a fight with him over it and caused some kind of embarrassing, painful memory.
Though I guess it's a good thing they didn't get Jacob birthday presents that early on considering my second point.
2. The birthday scene.
Look at his birthday scene.
This scene? Shouldn't really exist.
Not because I hate birthday scenes but because Jacob literally told his parents he didn't want a party which under normal circumstances is a reasonable ask within itself. But these? These aren't even normal circumstances.
Jacob doesn't want a party because the one person he'd actually want there, in his own words, is his grandpa. His grandpa who died in his arms nine months before and who Jacob has been viciously mourning for said nine months. His grandpa whose death caused Jacob's ‘mental breakdown’.
Whose house they had also cleaned out recently, doing shit all for the now sixteen year old’s mental health and grief.
But what do his parents do?
Throw him a surprise party.
A surprise party.
For their jumpy traumatized son who found his grandpa bleeding out in the dark after getting attacked by a monster (or ‘rabid dogs’) and who has been sleeping in the fucking laundry room.
Why on earth would going against his wishes be good for him? He said he didn't want a party and under these circumstances, it's even more understandable. If you really want your son to socialize or to celebrate, then get him a cake or some food he likes and invite his friend over. Talk to him.
Don't throw him a party he doesn't want and don't throw the kid who's been having non-stop nightmares about the monsters who killed his grandfather a fucking surprise party.
To make matters, in this party:
One of his uncles he’s not close to tries to spring a summer trip to his house on him, listing shit that he likely knows Jacob doesn't like with no previous warning to the kid himself (his parents were just planning to ship him off, whether he wanted it or not).
They're calling Jacob's apparent disorder ‘his thing’.
And nobody is actually getting him anything he wants. Just shit they've been gifted and are trying to get rid of.
Gifts like CD's of country Christmas music or subscriptions to Field and Stream (because his Uncle Les thinks he's outdoorsy, this one I can understand slightly since Jacob did want to be an adventurer but still).
The only exceptions being:
1. The key to the family four-year-old sedan, which Jacob is embarrassed to be receiving in front of Ricky (who Jacob hasn't talked to in a long while after a fight they had).
2. A camera Jacob had been wanting for ages (since last summer) from his parents….who likely only gifted it to him because of his dad's new book.
Which leads to his mom drunkeningly making front of her husband at her sixteen year old’s birthday party…. Real classy.
Oh and 3. A book that belonged to Abe that Jacob's parental Aunt Susie snagged trom the house when they were cleaning it out. A book titled “The Selected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson”.
She gave this to him, saying it was from Abe because he'd written Jacob's name in it.
Thoughtful right?
Well everyone else doesn't think so because they go quiet. Jacob's mom, Maryann even while drunk, tries to say it was thoughtful and that she didn't know Abe was a reader.
Meanwhile Jacob's dad, Franklin, is barely hiding how pissed he is.
Like dude.
Do you really hate your own dad so much that you don't want your grieving son to have even just a book of poems that the only member of the family who he was close to left for him? Are you still, even after that disastrous day where you cleaned out the fucking house with him there and fought with him, refusing to let him have any ties left?
To be fair, you can say that this is because of his own history with Abe and that it's because Jacob is in a worrying state. But that doesn't really hold up considering that they let Abe babysit Jacob often and fill his head up with stories they thought he embellished due to his own trauma and because they thought that Jacob was well enough to handle trashing and donating all of his dead grandpa’s stuff.
Sure, they don't take the book from him but the fact Franklin can't even hide how pissed he is is shitty.
That's not even considering this little tidbit here:
“My mother leaned toward me and in a tense whisper asked if I needed a drink of water, which was mom-speak for keep it together, people are staring.”
Do I even need to say anything?
The fact that Jacob thinks this probably means that his parents—or even just Maryann—have said this to him before. Frequently so, even. To the point where he's trying to escape the room, feeling like he might cry, and instead of thinking that his parents (or anyone in this family) might be able to potentially comfort him in this hard moment, this is what he's thinking.
It's infuriating.
But not as infuriating as my last point for now!
3. Franklin sent his then fifteen year old son to deal with what he thought was his dementia ridden, war world 2 veteran father having a PTSD attack/episode.
Franklin gets called when he's volunteering at a bird rescue in what is either early afternoon or night by his worried fifteen year old said who tells him that Abe called him ‘flipping out’.
He asks if he's taken his pills today and Jacob tells him Abe wouldn't tell him.
At this point, any reasonable adult would go and help their poor ailing father who may be having an episode or PTSD attack about the war, what happened to his family. The monsters.
At this point, any reasonable adult would send their son home out of danger and call up a friend or sibling or in-law to go deal with the situation.
What does Franklin do?
He sends his fifteen year old, who is at his job, to go check on Abe. Who again, Franklin thinks is having an episode.
Now, even if there was a chance that Abe would still recognize Jacob and wouldn't be a danger to him, who would risk sending their son to check on an ailing relative by himself when there's every chance that when Jacob gets there he'll be having flashbacks to the horrors he witnessed. I mean, it's understandable if you or another adult is there and need help calming the man for you to maybe have your teenage son there. Especially if he may be caring for him one day out of choice.
But sending your fifteen year old there by himself to handle the situation when he probably won't know what to do and when he probably hasn't seen one before?
And doing that when you know that your dad was in a war and still has a sea of weapons hidden away behind lock and key (a key which you have) because you can't be half assed to tell the shelter your volunteering at that there's a family emergency?
Franklin literally sent Jacob into a traumatizing situation that could turn dangerous (for Abe or Jacob, if Abe didn't recognize his grandson) under the assumption that all of his paranoid dad's weapons are stored away.
And what did Abe die with in his hand?
A box cutter.
Which just proves that Abe had things lying around that he could use as a weapon if needed. Things he could improvise with.
Just think for a moment about what could have wrong if Abe wasn't actually in danger from a wight but something he was actually imagining—a memory from his past. Imagine what could have happened to Jacob if Abe had mistaken him for a burglar or a wight or what Franklin thought he was imagining.
Jacob can't fight.
It's dark.
Things could easily go wrong.
And what would happen if they did?
Jacob would be hurt and traumatized or dead and Abe would likely be in a horrible place if he wasn't, all because Franklin didn't care enough about his dad to go check on him himself. Hell you can he didn't even care about Jacob enough here, because he didn't care about what Jacob could possibly see if he sent him to deal with his grandfather.
Like, not only is he being incredibly shitty to his son but to his own ailing father who was at the very least convinced he was in danger and who was actually in danger (for all Franklin knew his dad could have actually heard someone breaking in but he didn't even take the time to think about it).
That's all I have time to write for today but there's several other things that they do that are pretty crappy where their son is involved that I will happily discuss.
Hope this doesn't disappoint, @kallmeweirdhprroe .
Yes especially when Abe and Jacob were both struggling because of the hollowgast that was at Abe’s
And also that Abe has been struggling since his own wife’s died but yet they didn’t do anything, basically playing some waiting game until who knows what would happen to him and especially that he has the take medication and had ptsd attacks/ episodes
and since Abe is old he can forget to take his medication or even take care of him self in many ways that being physically or mentally , physically becomes he has access to weapons and if not he can use house whole objects as weapons
Especially kitchen items like bowls , plates , knife , silverware if not anything solid like or small items that he can grab and use as a weapon
Jacob was also suffering after the hollow and was traumatized to the point he didn’t event want or couldn’t go outside because of it and just stayed inside his house (specifically the laundry room where there aren’t any windows )
Had terrible nightmares and woke up screaming but also had to wear a mouth guard because he kept grinding his teeth in his sleep or the fact that he only gets 3-4 hours of sleep (witch is unhealthy for him )
But also he to be on medication for nightmares or the fact that he had panic attacks or anxiety attacks during the day that he could basically not go to school and had a tutor to help him as well
Yes I do agree with Ricky , he’s a teen he’s going to say & do stupid stuff ( like having a gun in his car ) but he does care about jacob differently than how his family cares about him even if the friendship may be strained
1. Driving him to Abe’s place
2. Probably listen to him complaining about his job and how was wants to quit it
3. Does his part of the deal when Jacob’s tutors him in English
4. He stayed out of the house when Jacob told him too and when he gave him the reasons
5. Got his gun when Jacob discovered Abe and shooting thin air
6. Checking up on Jacob when he passes out (I think he past out)
7. Still dealing with Jacob and going to his house even though he didn’t believe him on the hollow and he was probably uncomfortable
8.Showing up to Jacob’s birthday even after three fight that they have
9. Showing up to his funeral (I believe)
10. Stay at his house even though he made Jacob’s parents uncomfortable or that they made I’m uncomfortable because of their money it just because their assholes
11. Basically drive him places because jacon doesn’t have a car or he doesn’t know how to drive , maybe both
Why Franklin and Maryann Portman are the Worst™ (Part 1)!;

I want to preface this by saying that I know that by no means Franklin and Maryann Portman are the actual worst parents in fiction or in this series even.
Of course they aren't.
But that doesn't mean that I can't still refer to them as the worst™ for them being shitty. Even if I do believe that on some leave that they do care about/love their son.
I also wanna point out that it's been awhile since I read the books so I'm going off my memory and the wiki for this. So I may forget some context of why this or that happens, and if I do that, feel free to comment it down below respectfully. And if I forget something that you find shitty that they did, also feel free to reblog or comment it down below because I would love to talk about these characters and fandom more.
Am I saying that Abe Portman is 100% perfect and did nothing wrong whatsoever? No, that would go against how his character is betrayed in the books—as a flawed traumatized man who did his best to be there for his family and keep them and himself (as well as others) safe and went about some things the wrong way.
Now that that's out of the way…
According to the wiki:
“Jacob was born on Halloween, and up until he was eight years old was convinced by his parents that trick-or-treating candy was birthday presents (something apparently revealed in Hollow City).”
These people are rich.
Rich enough that Jacob’s dad can study birds and volunteer and write mine books that he never publishes without the worry of them not having anything to eat.
R-I-C-H enough that Jacob comments that “I did love her, of course, but mostly because loving your mom is mandatory, not because she was someone I think I'd like very much if I met her walking down the street. Which she wouldn't be, anyway; walking is for poor people.” And rich enough that they gave their kid their four year old sundan so that they could get a brand new car.
And for eight years, they had their son believing that candy was a birthday present.
1. Now, look. I get it. Birthday shopping is hard, especially for a little itty bitty kid but not actually having the money to buy your only kid gifts and choosing not to because people are handing out candy on that day anyway? That's not a very nice thing to do for that long.
They let him go through three years of school thinking that and we never learned how he found out that was a lie. That's not even including the fact that the rest of their extended family let this lie continue (assuming they knew).
Can you imagine if Jacob found out because he mentioned this to his classmates or a teacher? Maybe a teacher or family member could salvage the situation but little kids can be brutal, especially towards other little kids who they think are wrong and considering we know that in that same year, Jacob was pants-ed causing him to stop believing anything Abe said…. It's not entirely out of the realm of possibility tl believe that one of Jacob's classmates got in a fight with him over it and caused some kind of embarrassing, painful memory.
Though I guess it's a good thing they didn't get Jacob birthday presents that early on considering my second point.
2. The birthday scene.
Look at his birthday scene.
This scene? Shouldn't really exist.
Not because I hate birthday scenes but because Jacob literally told his parents he didn't want a party which under normal circumstances is a reasonable ask within itself. But these? These aren't even normal circumstances.
Jacob doesn't want a party because the one person he'd actually want there, in his own words, is his grandpa. His grandpa who died in his arms nine months before and who Jacob has been viciously mourning for said nine months. His grandpa whose death caused Jacob's ‘mental breakdown’.
Whose house they had also cleaned out recently, doing shit all for the now sixteen year old’s mental health and grief.
But what do his parents do?
Throw him a surprise party.
A surprise party.
For their jumpy traumatized son who found his grandpa bleeding out in the dark after getting attacked by a monster (or ‘rabid dogs’) and who has been sleeping in the fucking laundry room.
Why on earth would going against his wishes be good for him? He said he didn't want a party and under these circumstances, it's even more understandable. If you really want your son to socialize or to celebrate, then get him a cake or some food he likes and invite his friend over. Talk to him.
Don't throw him a party he doesn't want and don't throw the kid who's been having non-stop nightmares about the monsters who killed his grandfather a fucking surprise party.
To make matters, in this party:
One of his uncles he’s not close to tries to spring a summer trip to his house on him, listing shit that he likely knows Jacob doesn't like with no previous warning to the kid himself (his parents were just planning to ship him off, whether he wanted it or not).
They're calling Jacob's apparent disorder ‘his thing’.
And nobody is actually getting him anything he wants. Just shit they've been gifted and are trying to get rid of.
Gifts like CD's of country Christmas music or subscriptions to Field and Stream (because his Uncle Les thinks he's outdoorsy, this one I can understand slightly since Jacob did want to be an adventurer but still).
The only exceptions being:
1. The key to the family four-year-old sedan, which Jacob is embarrassed to be receiving in front of Ricky (who Jacob hasn't talked to in a long while after a fight they had).
2. A camera Jacob had been wanting for ages (since last summer) from his parents….who likely only gifted it to him because of his dad's new book.
Which leads to his mom drunkeningly making front of her husband at her sixteen year old’s birthday party…. Real classy.
Oh and 3. A book that belonged to Abe that Jacob's parental Aunt Susie snagged trom the house when they were cleaning it out. A book titled “The Selected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson”.
She gave this to him, saying it was from Abe because he'd written Jacob's name in it.
Thoughtful right?
Well everyone else doesn't think so because they go quiet. Jacob's mom, Maryann even while drunk, tries to say it was thoughtful and that she didn't know Abe was a reader.
Meanwhile Jacob's dad, Franklin, is barely hiding how pissed he is.
Like dude.
Do you really hate your own dad so much that you don't want your grieving son to have even just a book of poems that the only member of the family who he was close to left for him? Are you still, even after that disastrous day where you cleaned out the fucking house with him there and fought with him, refusing to let him have any ties left?
To be fair, you can say that this is because of his own history with Abe and that it's because Jacob is in a worrying state. But that doesn't really hold up considering that they let Abe babysit Jacob often and fill his head up with stories they thought he embellished due to his own trauma and because they thought that Jacob was well enough to handle trashing and donating all of his dead grandpa’s stuff.
Sure, they don't take the book from him but the fact Franklin can't even hide how pissed he is is shitty.
That's not even considering this little tidbit here:
“My mother leaned toward me and in a tense whisper asked if I needed a drink of water, which was mom-speak for keep it together, people are staring.”
Do I even need to say anything?
The fact that Jacob thinks this probably means that his parents—or even just Maryann—have said this to him before. Frequently so, even. To the point where he's trying to escape the room, feeling like he might cry, and instead of thinking that his parents (or anyone in this family) might be able to potentially comfort him in this hard moment, this is what he's thinking.
It's infuriating.
But not as infuriating as my last point for now!
3. Franklin sent his then fifteen year old son to deal with what he thought was his dementia ridden, war world 2 veteran father having a PTSD attack/episode.
Franklin gets called when he's volunteering at a bird rescue in what is either early afternoon or night by his worried fifteen year old said who tells him that Abe called him ‘flipping out’.
He asks if he's taken his pills today and Jacob tells him Abe wouldn't tell him.
At this point, any reasonable adult would go and help their poor ailing father who may be having an episode or PTSD attack about the war, what happened to his family. The monsters.
At this point, any reasonable adult would send their son home out of danger and call up a friend or sibling or in-law to go deal with the situation.
What does Franklin do?
He sends his fifteen year old, who is at his job, to go check on Abe. Who again, Franklin thinks is having an episode.
Now, even if there was a chance that Abe would still recognize Jacob and wouldn't be a danger to him, who would risk sending their son to check on an ailing relative by himself when there's every chance that when Jacob gets there he'll be having flashbacks to the horrors he witnessed. I mean, it's understandable if you or another adult is there and need help calming the man for you to maybe have your teenage son there. Especially if he may be caring for him one day out of choice.
But sending your fifteen year old there by himself to handle the situation when he probably won't know what to do and when he probably hasn't seen one before?
And doing that when you know that your dad was in a war and still has a sea of weapons hidden away behind lock and key (a key which you have) because you can't be half assed to tell the shelter your volunteering at that there's a family emergency?
Franklin literally sent Jacob into a traumatizing situation that could turn dangerous (for Abe or Jacob, if Abe didn't recognize his grandson) under the assumption that all of his paranoid dad's weapons are stored away.
And what did Abe die with in his hand?
A box cutter.
Which just proves that Abe had things lying around that he could use as a weapon if needed. Things he could improvise with.
Just think for a moment about what could have wrong if Abe wasn't actually in danger from a wight but something he was actually imagining—a memory from his past. Imagine what could have happened to Jacob if Abe had mistaken him for a burglar or a wight or what Franklin thought he was imagining.
Jacob can't fight.
It's dark.
Things could easily go wrong.
And what would happen if they did?
Jacob would be hurt and traumatized or dead and Abe would likely be in a horrible place if he wasn't, all because Franklin didn't care enough about his dad to go check on him himself. Hell you can he didn't even care about Jacob enough here, because he didn't care about what Jacob could possibly see if he sent him to deal with his grandfather.
Like, not only is he being incredibly shitty to his son but to his own ailing father who was at the very least convinced he was in danger and who was actually in danger (for all Franklin knew his dad could have actually heard someone breaking in but he didn't even take the time to think about it).
That's all I have time to write for today but there's several other things that they do that are pretty crappy where their son is involved that I will happily discuss.
Hope this doesn't disappoint, @kallmeweirdhprroe .
Another post about the conversation that I had with @hannahhook7744
( since I want to rant about it but sadly I don’t have anyone else to rant to sadly )
So in the original post when it mentions the fact that Frank sent his own teenager to check up on his dad who may or may not be dealing with ptsd attack/episode
And didn’t even think about sensed his own sister or just saying to the other volunteers that “ hey I need to to leave because of a family emergency ” but no he sent his own son
Who may or may not even know how to deal with Abe’s ptsd ( since Jacob said “ I can handle him , dad really) but yet that still is a maybe because we don’t know at all but also it is cannon that Abe use to sleep wiry his gun at hand , so he could actually shot his own family (that being Mrs.portman ,
Frank , Susan , younger Jacob , maryann)
Or anyone in the house could have gotten shot by Abe witch is why I do agree that it’s kinda a good idea to get rid of Abe’s gun , but getting rid of the Huns fully would be a better option to help everyone
But the fact that nobody ever even thought of paying a nurse to check up on Abe if that was an option ( witch can or should be an option if it was possible at all )
But the fact that Jacob found Abe with a box cutter witch means that Abe does have other small weapons if not he can turn house whole furniture ( kitchen knifes , forks , plates , bowls , cups , picture frames , chairs ,)
To use as a weapon , so he could harm himself or Jacob and maybe Ricky ( since he was still at Abe’s house but just inside)
But what can Jacob do he can’t fight of his life , it’s dark , anything could have happened to him or Ricky they could be traumatized of what Abe could do to them
They could have been stab with the box cutter , get hit by anything Abe could reach if not get hid by Abe himself and it would be the same to Ricky if he intervened on what would happen outside
And if Ricky used his gun as self defense ( he keeps a gun in his crown Vic , which is illegal I think) he will end up in jail for using it and keeping it , if not parole at best and it will be the same for Abe since people who are struggling with anything can still end up in jail
And if what I am taking about actually happen the argument part of the book will be different , and it will be different in many ways
Why Franklin and Maryann Portman are the Worst™ (Part 1)!;

I want to preface this by saying that I know that by no means Franklin and Maryann Portman are the actual worst parents in fiction or in this series even.
Of course they aren't.
But that doesn't mean that I can't still refer to them as the worst™ for them being shitty. Even if I do believe that on some leave that they do care about/love their son.
I also wanna point out that it's been awhile since I read the books so I'm going off my memory and the wiki for this. So I may forget some context of why this or that happens, and if I do that, feel free to comment it down below respectfully. And if I forget something that you find shitty that they did, also feel free to reblog or comment it down below because I would love to talk about these characters and fandom more.
Am I saying that Abe Portman is 100% perfect and did nothing wrong whatsoever? No, that would go against how his character is betrayed in the books—as a flawed traumatized man who did his best to be there for his family and keep them and himself (as well as others) safe and went about some things the wrong way.
Now that that's out of the way…
According to the wiki:
“Jacob was born on Halloween, and up until he was eight years old was convinced by his parents that trick-or-treating candy was birthday presents (something apparently revealed in Hollow City).”
These people are rich.
Rich enough that Jacob’s dad can study birds and volunteer and write mine books that he never publishes without the worry of them not having anything to eat.
R-I-C-H enough that Jacob comments that “I did love her, of course, but mostly because loving your mom is mandatory, not because she was someone I think I'd like very much if I met her walking down the street. Which she wouldn't be, anyway; walking is for poor people.” And rich enough that they gave their kid their four year old sundan so that they could get a brand new car.
And for eight years, they had their son believing that candy was a birthday present.
1. Now, look. I get it. Birthday shopping is hard, especially for a little itty bitty kid but not actually having the money to buy your only kid gifts and choosing not to because people are handing out candy on that day anyway? That's not a very nice thing to do for that long.
They let him go through three years of school thinking that and we never learned how he found out that was a lie. That's not even including the fact that the rest of their extended family let this lie continue (assuming they knew).
Can you imagine if Jacob found out because he mentioned this to his classmates or a teacher? Maybe a teacher or family member could salvage the situation but little kids can be brutal, especially towards other little kids who they think are wrong and considering we know that in that same year, Jacob was pants-ed causing him to stop believing anything Abe said…. It's not entirely out of the realm of possibility tl believe that one of Jacob's classmates got in a fight with him over it and caused some kind of embarrassing, painful memory.
Though I guess it's a good thing they didn't get Jacob birthday presents that early on considering my second point.
2. The birthday scene.
Look at his birthday scene.
This scene? Shouldn't really exist.
Not because I hate birthday scenes but because Jacob literally told his parents he didn't want a party which under normal circumstances is a reasonable ask within itself. But these? These aren't even normal circumstances.
Jacob doesn't want a party because the one person he'd actually want there, in his own words, is his grandpa. His grandpa who died in his arms nine months before and who Jacob has been viciously mourning for said nine months. His grandpa whose death caused Jacob's ‘mental breakdown’.
Whose house they had also cleaned out recently, doing shit all for the now sixteen year old’s mental health and grief.
But what do his parents do?
Throw him a surprise party.
A surprise party.
For their jumpy traumatized son who found his grandpa bleeding out in the dark after getting attacked by a monster (or ‘rabid dogs’) and who has been sleeping in the fucking laundry room.
Why on earth would going against his wishes be good for him? He said he didn't want a party and under these circumstances, it's even more understandable. If you really want your son to socialize or to celebrate, then get him a cake or some food he likes and invite his friend over. Talk to him.
Don't throw him a party he doesn't want and don't throw the kid who's been having non-stop nightmares about the monsters who killed his grandfather a fucking surprise party.
To make matters, in this party:
One of his uncles he’s not close to tries to spring a summer trip to his house on him, listing shit that he likely knows Jacob doesn't like with no previous warning to the kid himself (his parents were just planning to ship him off, whether he wanted it or not).
They're calling Jacob's apparent disorder ‘his thing’.
And nobody is actually getting him anything he wants. Just shit they've been gifted and are trying to get rid of.
Gifts like CD's of country Christmas music or subscriptions to Field and Stream (because his Uncle Les thinks he's outdoorsy, this one I can understand slightly since Jacob did want to be an adventurer but still).
The only exceptions being:
1. The key to the family four-year-old sedan, which Jacob is embarrassed to be receiving in front of Ricky (who Jacob hasn't talked to in a long while after a fight they had).
2. A camera Jacob had been wanting for ages (since last summer) from his parents….who likely only gifted it to him because of his dad's new book.
Which leads to his mom drunkeningly making front of her husband at her sixteen year old’s birthday party…. Real classy.
Oh and 3. A book that belonged to Abe that Jacob's parental Aunt Susie snagged trom the house when they were cleaning it out. A book titled “The Selected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson”.
She gave this to him, saying it was from Abe because he'd written Jacob's name in it.
Thoughtful right?
Well everyone else doesn't think so because they go quiet. Jacob's mom, Maryann even while drunk, tries to say it was thoughtful and that she didn't know Abe was a reader.
Meanwhile Jacob's dad, Franklin, is barely hiding how pissed he is.
Like dude.
Do you really hate your own dad so much that you don't want your grieving son to have even just a book of poems that the only member of the family who he was close to left for him? Are you still, even after that disastrous day where you cleaned out the fucking house with him there and fought with him, refusing to let him have any ties left?
To be fair, you can say that this is because of his own history with Abe and that it's because Jacob is in a worrying state. But that doesn't really hold up considering that they let Abe babysit Jacob often and fill his head up with stories they thought he embellished due to his own trauma and because they thought that Jacob was well enough to handle trashing and donating all of his dead grandpa’s stuff.
Sure, they don't take the book from him but the fact Franklin can't even hide how pissed he is is shitty.
That's not even considering this little tidbit here:
“My mother leaned toward me and in a tense whisper asked if I needed a drink of water, which was mom-speak for keep it together, people are staring.”
Do I even need to say anything?
The fact that Jacob thinks this probably means that his parents—or even just Maryann—have said this to him before. Frequently so, even. To the point where he's trying to escape the room, feeling like he might cry, and instead of thinking that his parents (or anyone in this family) might be able to potentially comfort him in this hard moment, this is what he's thinking.
It's infuriating.
But not as infuriating as my last point for now!
3. Franklin sent his then fifteen year old son to deal with what he thought was his dementia ridden, war world 2 veteran father having a PTSD attack/episode.
Franklin gets called when he's volunteering at a bird rescue in what is either early afternoon or night by his worried fifteen year old said who tells him that Abe called him ‘flipping out’.
He asks if he's taken his pills today and Jacob tells him Abe wouldn't tell him.
At this point, any reasonable adult would go and help their poor ailing father who may be having an episode or PTSD attack about the war, what happened to his family. The monsters.
At this point, any reasonable adult would send their son home out of danger and call up a friend or sibling or in-law to go deal with the situation.
What does Franklin do?
He sends his fifteen year old, who is at his job, to go check on Abe. Who again, Franklin thinks is having an episode.
Now, even if there was a chance that Abe would still recognize Jacob and wouldn't be a danger to him, who would risk sending their son to check on an ailing relative by himself when there's every chance that when Jacob gets there he'll be having flashbacks to the horrors he witnessed. I mean, it's understandable if you or another adult is there and need help calming the man for you to maybe have your teenage son there. Especially if he may be caring for him one day out of choice.
But sending your fifteen year old there by himself to handle the situation when he probably won't know what to do and when he probably hasn't seen one before?
And doing that when you know that your dad was in a war and still has a sea of weapons hidden away behind lock and key (a key which you have) because you can't be half assed to tell the shelter your volunteering at that there's a family emergency?
Franklin literally sent Jacob into a traumatizing situation that could turn dangerous (for Abe or Jacob, if Abe didn't recognize his grandson) under the assumption that all of his paranoid dad's weapons are stored away.
And what did Abe die with in his hand?
A box cutter.
Which just proves that Abe had things lying around that he could use as a weapon if needed. Things he could improvise with.
Just think for a moment about what could have wrong if Abe wasn't actually in danger from a wight but something he was actually imagining—a memory from his past. Imagine what could have happened to Jacob if Abe had mistaken him for a burglar or a wight or what Franklin thought he was imagining.
Jacob can't fight.
It's dark.
Things could easily go wrong.
And what would happen if they did?
Jacob would be hurt and traumatized or dead and Abe would likely be in a horrible place if he wasn't, all because Franklin didn't care enough about his dad to go check on him himself. Hell you can he didn't even care about Jacob enough here, because he didn't care about what Jacob could possibly see if he sent him to deal with his grandfather.
Like, not only is he being incredibly shitty to his son but to his own ailing father who was at the very least convinced he was in danger and who was actually in danger (for all Franklin knew his dad could have actually heard someone breaking in but he didn't even take the time to think about it).
That's all I have time to write for today but there's several other things that they do that are pretty crappy where their son is involved that I will happily discuss.
Hope this doesn't disappoint, @kallmeweirdhprroe .