High Tier War Thunder - Tumblr Posts
Hi hey it’s me and I’m here to continue to complain about this fucking abomination of horrific balancing on behalf of Gaijin

It is at a lower BR than the Sea Vixen, which has been nerfed so hard that it is now dogshit useless. The Vautour IIN Late sits at a fucking disgusting 8.3 when it’s a 10.3 at fucking MINIMUM.
If you do not have an offensive gun or are in a WW2 prop bomber (which this things can fucking fight on a regular basis, not even a full fucking uptier) you die. End of. No evading. No dodging. No possible change to fight back, it locks you from 3km the front and insta-kills you with radar guided munitions. At fucking 8.3.
‘But it turns like shit!!!!!!’ It’s an interceptor.
‘It’s actually pretty balanced’ sit in a B-29, see one of these kill you every game with 0 chance for you to fight back or do anything and then say that again.
I’ve stolen this meme and it pretty much sums it up

Yes I am mad that I just lost 8 >150% boosters because this thing flew in my general direction every fucking time and just instantly killed me.
And I love the official war thunder Reddit being like ‘Ooooohh but it’s an interceptor!!!! It’s meant to do that!!!!’ It fights 1944 propeller driven bombers on a regular basis. It is from 1970-80.