Fundoshi - Tumblr Posts

I made this yesterday for Valentine's Day as a gift for leomon32 ^///w///^ I wanted to make something cute instead of porn and I really loved how it turned it!
It's a drawing of his oc, Bahn, and my giant, Luxen hugging each other~
Please note that this is slightly out of character for Bahn, as he does give hugs, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't get up close your face during them. X//D

After a suggestion from leomon32 I decided to redesign Luxen's main outfit and include another alt. for him to wear. Main: loincloth Casual: fundoshi Alt: kilt The alt. was actually going to be his new main, but I changed my mind after Ronny's suggestion of the loincloth one, plus I can't draw kilts properly yet xD"

MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR(S):
LooK aT THaT GoRGeouS LYCaNTHRoPe BeiNG 🐺.
i WoNDeR WHY i’Ve DRaWN HiM a BiT LaTe?🤔
“FRee” iS MY 3RD FaVoRiTe CHaRaCTeR iN THe aNiMe “SouL eaTeR” (1ST - GiRiKo & 2ND - DeaTH THe KiD) 🤓
FRee © SouL eaTeR
No uNCeNSoReD VeRSioN FoR You GuYS/GaLS 😝
aND!! i’Ve DeCiDeD To oNLY PiCK a FeW DRaWiNG VeRSioNS FRoM MY eNTiRe 22 iMaGe SeT THaT i CReaTeD… So… 😒MY aPoLoGieS iF i DiDN’T SHoWeD/PoSTeD eVeRYTHiNG. 😐
aLSo! iT MaY LooK a BiT MeSSY So… MY aPoLoGieS WiTH THaT 🙄. i TeND To uSuaLLY LeaVe THe "oFF" LooKiNG BaCKGRouND oN MY DRaWiNG(S) 😬 aND DoeSN’T aDD a LiTTLe eFFoRT To FiX THoSe MeSS 🙃

aRT-DuMP FiLe 101
SuBJeCT: 💪 aLPHa SHaRK 🦈
MooD: SoOoO... BLaNK 😐
aRTiST(?): Me (Rowney)
MeSSaGe To THe VieWeR(S): FiNaLLY! i'Ve FiNiSHeD THiS aRT-PieCe THaT i LeFT aRouND JaNuaRY oF THiS YeaR. 🙌
i STiLL DoN'T KNoW THe CHaRaCTeR NaMe BuT, i'M... (NoT) SaTiSFieD WiTH THe ReSuLT. 😓 (HoPeFuLLY eVeRYoNe WiLL LiKe iT. 😫)
aNYWaYS! THaT'S aLL FoR NoW aND... eNJoY THaT SHaRK BaRa HuSBaNDo! 😝

Hanzo from Overwatch
Judging from recent posts Hanzo has easily become everyone’s favorite zaddy. No complaints from me! I’d chew him up in a second. Great character design and looking forward to more Overwatch fan art *drools*

Remaster an Old Artwork back in 2015

Bearing a mikoshi (portable shrine) at a matsuri (festival). Fundoshi, the traditional men’s undergarment, is often worn by participants.