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1 year ago

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JWST Looks Towards The Most Distant Star Ever Seen

JWST Looks Towards the Most Distant Star Ever Seen

JWST was designed to look towards the early universe, and there we see countless galaxies, but individual stars are usually far too faint to really be able to separate from all the other stars around them. Even galaxies fairly close to us can be a huge technical challenge to zoom in to the point of being able to see individual stars, and when you consider the closest star (not counting our sun) isn't even visible in the night sky to the naked eye at 4.24 light years, when we're talking millions even billions of light years, just seeing the galaxies is a miracle within itself.

That was until Hubble picked out Earendel, an actual individual star gravitationally lensed across 12.9 billion light years.

JWST Looks Towards The Most Distant Star Ever Seen

What was exciting about this was that this star was in existence within the first billion years of the universe, so maybe it was a population III star, one of the original stars theorised to have populated that early universe. The problem for Hubble was, being an optical telescope, it couldn't see all of the wavelength data coming from the star, only that which had become visible after being red shifted.

Now, JWST has also done the same, and it has the data to see what kind of star this is, and interestingly it's a blue B type star, much more massive than our Sun, but similar to the kind of stars most visible in open clusters, and born today in our own galaxy.

What's more, JWST also detected red light, potentially pointing at a companion star, which wouldn't be too surprising given most B type stars are binary in nature.

JWST Looks Towards The Most Distant Star Ever Seen

While this star doesn't appear to be a Population III star, it is evidence that we can pick out light from some of the earliest stars in our universe, and expectations are that it's only a matter of time before such a star is detected.


Earendel revealed: James Webb Space Telescope lifts veil on the most distant star known in the universe
Earendel is about twice as hot as the sun, and it probably has a stellar companion.

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