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3 years ago

Early-Game Tips for Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Most people looking up Animal Crossing content have probably already played this game, but as I’m guiding someone IRL through their first time playing, I thought I’d share some of my favorite early-game tips and tricks. Enjoy!

1. Pay off your tent as soon as possible, as well as your first house. Some game-enhancing features are tied directly to paying off your loan, such as the Nook Miles+ feature and the town hall.

2. Always keep tool-making resources on hand. You never know when you’re going to break your net or fishing rod, and in the early game, it’ll probably be every few minutes. Few things are as annoying as having to scrounge for twigs and rocks when all you wanted to do was fish.

3. Purchase a wet suit. While fishing and crafting are reliable sources of Bells, diving tends to be more profitable on average, at least in my experience. The least valuable catches are 500 Bells each, while the average sea creature is at least 1,000 Bells. Rarer, harder-to-catch creatures are easily worth 10,000 Bells, if not more!

4. Expand your inventory. You can double the amount of items you can carry by trading miles for upgrades at the Nookstop. Again, the upgrades’ availability is directly tied to paying off your first loans and building city hall, which is yet another reason you want to pay your debts early.

5. Use Nook Miles Tickets. Often. These are a great way to stock up on certain harder-to-find and/or commonly used resources (iron, anyone?), as well as acquire new fruits or invite new residents to your island. Just don’t forget anything, as you’ll never go back to that island again.

6. Talk to your neighbors. While it can be easy to miss an islander or two, especially as your population grows, maintaining good relationships with other islanders comes with its own rewards. Not only can you earn Nook Miles by talking with them, but as your relationships progress, they may teach you Reactions (which are fun for screenshots) or give you random gifts. Giving islanders gifts or writing letters is also a good way to keep your relationships growing.

7. Don’t stress! While grinding for Miles or Bells may help you reach milestones faster, remember that this game is supposed to be relaxing. The moment it feels like a chore instead of having fun, take a step back and do something else for a while. Remember, Nook’s loans are extremely flexible. If you go a month or two without paying, he’s not going to take your house away. And while others may show off their civil engineering projects online, none of us going to judge you if your island doesn’t progress as fast as others’, or at least no one who matters.

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