Garrison Girl - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


Drabble with the prompt-

"He's so obvious... it's embarrasing..."

Pairing - Thomas Shelby and Reader

This was a request, can’t remember who by, sorry !


Opening the door of his bar for you, Tommy guided you through. His hand coming to rest, on the small of your back. Leaning down, his lips brushed your ear. “This way, I can see Arthur and Pol,” he advised you. Steering you towards the bar.

The pub was busy tonight, not even the Shelby’s were in their usual snug. Instead, joining the rest of the customers. After a long week working hard, people wanting to relax. Greeting Tommy's family, you sat beside him. Feeling your body stiffen, as you locked eyes with someone.

Freddie- your ex

Well, you would use the word Ex very loosely. You had dated for a couple of months, until you had ended the relationship. There wasn't a spark there, had been your reason. He was a normal working class man. Too normal maybe?

No danger, no excitement.

Not like with Tommy.

Just over a year, yourself and Tommy had been together now. It still felt new, he was loving, tactile, passionate. You couldn't keep your hands off each other. Unlike Freddie, it was two pumps inside of you and he was done.

Roll over and start snoring. Leaving you feeling deflated.

Seeing him wink at you, you quickly averted your eyes. Tommy hated him with a passion. Without reason of course, he would hate anyone who had ever been with you. He was insanely jealous.

"Y/n? Gin and tonic?" he asked, running his thumb across your knuckles. Eyes sparkling, as he stared into yours. Making your heartbeat faster. God, you had fallen so deeply for this man.

Dragging your gaze away from Freddie, you nodded. "Oh, yes please,"

Watching Tommy approach the bar with Arthur, you found Polly grinning at you.

“You've noticed him, haven't you?" she chuckled, lighting a new cigarette with an old one. Before blowing the smoke towards the roof. Subtly turning her head, she glared at Freddie.

"He's only having a drink, Pol. Nothing will happen, just don't tell Tom, please," shifting in your seat, you positioned your body, so Tommy wouldn't be able to see Freddie.

"You know as well as I do..." she smirked, leaning forward.

"He doesn't miss a thing," you both said at the same time, beginning to laugh together.

"Here we go, ladies," came the voice of Arthur, loud in your ear even over the hustle and bustle of the bar. Shrugging off his over-coat, Tommy paused mid-movement. Meeting the eyes of his arch enemy.

Or, at least that was they way he thought about it.

Freddie didn't break his gaze, as if he was challenging Tommy to look away first. Instead he raised his glass, giving you a little wave. Throwing his coat, Tommy stood back up.

"Is he fucking serious?" he fumed, "I told him he was barred,"

Grabbing his elbow, you gazed up lovingly at Tommy. "Let's just have a quiet drink, hmm?" you purred towards him. "Then we can go home, have an early night, yes?"

Taking a deep breath through his nostrils, Tommy puffed out his chest.

"Please?" you tried again.

"He's so obvious... it's embarrassing," Tommy scoffed, but he reluctantly sat back down. Freddie was no competition, he reminded himself.

Stay calm, stay calm.

Twenty minutes later, Freddie was still glaring over. Tommy glaring back, hardly joining in the conversation. "I'm saying brother, Y/n should leave Marshall's behind. Come and work for us, ey?" Arthur yelled across at Tommy.

Without giving him a chance to answer, you interjected.

"We have already had this conversation, Arthur. I am happy at Marshall's, I run the office now. And if we spent the whole day together, there would be no excitement," you shrugged, picking up your drink.

Stubbing out his cigarette, Tommy chuckled, "Oh believe me, there would be, love,"

"I'm with you, Y/n. You keep your independence, oh shit...." Polly sighed out, eyes darting to the left. Watching Freddie approach, staggering in between the customers.

You felt Tommy's body tense, shaking his head, unbelieving. Reaching the table, Freddie gazed at you lovingly. Ignoring Tommy, as he wobbled regaining his balance.

“Y/n," he hiccupped, "How.... you've... have you ... you been?"

Your heart sank, this was so awkward. Polly was trying to hide her snigger, behind her glass.

"Fuck off, Freddie, before I chuck you out, yet again, ey?" Tommy snarled, subtly shaking his head, as Arthur made to stand up.

Keeping your composure, you smiled back at him. Reaching for Tommy's hand, "Good thank you, Freddie. We were just leaving," you lied, expecting him to move. Finishing your drink, you placed the glass back on top of the oak table.

"That right?" he slurred, ignoring him, you stood up reaching for your coat. This was going to end badly.

“Happy, are ya? Didn't... I didn't think you would whore yourself out," he laughed, as the pub fell into silence.

Standing up, as fast as lightening. Tommy knocked him to the floor, with one solid punch against his jaw. Falling, Freddie landed with a thump. Knocking your table, causing the drinks to spill.

Tutting, Polly began to pat her dress.

"You just won't take the warning will you, ey?" Tommy barked at him, picking him up by the lapels of his coat. "You want more, you want fucking more?"

Spitting blood onto the floor, Freddie began laughing. Hysterically laughing.

“You think I'm scared of you, Shelby?"

Rounding the table, you held onto Tommy's bicep. "You should be Freddie, and it was never going to work between us. You need to move on," you tried, not wanting him to come to nay further harm.

Despite the fact Freddie was in the wrong. You hated violence.

"Let's go," you spoke gently to Tommy.

"Move on?" Freddie scoffed, pulling himself to his feet.

Still unsteady, trying to swing for Tommy again. You pulled him out of the way, feeling a sharp pain against your cheekbone. Freddie had caught you. He had missed Tommy, and hit you instead.

Raising your hand to your cheek, you rubbed gently. In pain, in shock of what had occurred. The whole pub fell silent... you could hear a pin drop.

Gasps from the customers!

Taking one look at Tommy. Freddie made a decision, a stupid decision.

He chose to run....

Before he even reached the door of The Garrison, Tommy and Arthur were chasing after him. Polly clicked her fingers towards the barman.

“Ice," Checking your injury, she helped you back into your seat. "Better get comfortable, we could be here a while,".

You knew she was right, no doubt Freddie wouldn't be causing trouble again.....

Tags- @romanogersendgame@captivatedbycillianmurphy @namelesslosers @lauren-raines-x @kathrinemelissa @kaybeeboop @cloudofdisney @geminiwolves @datewithgianni @lyarr24 @ysmmsy @sixbillionpieces@mysticaldeanvoidhorse @kaleid0sc0pe @dolllol2405 @agirlcandream84 @missymurphy1985 @alreadybroken-ts @whitejuliana1204 @look-at-the-soul @goldensunflowe-r @lespendy @cillmequick @raychhh @watercolorskyy @cillybillyy @everyonesawhore @peakypoet @camilleholland89 @kaitieskidmore1 @midnightmagpiemama @castellandiangelo @babayaga67 @thenattitude @forgottenpeakywriter @elenavampire21 @cljordan-imperium @peakyscillian @muhahaha303 @aesthetic0cherryblossom @carma-fanficaddict t @pono-pura-vida @already-broken144 @kmc1989 @amberpanda99 @bernelflo @trixie23 @globetrotter28 @laylasbunbunny @fiokw @lau219 @surfin-the-sun @in0320 @stilestotherescue @girlwith-thepearlearring @brummiereader @heidimoreton

Tags :
10 months ago

Can You Promise?

Pairing - Thomas Shelby and Reader

Note- Set after Derby Day, but with a twist.

One shot

Can You Promise?

All day, you had sat waiting around. Pacing up and down, biting your nails, on and off the toilet. With a nervous bladder. You felt sick, you couldn't eat, couldn't drink. Your chest was burning with anxiety. You just wanted some answers. Some reassurance.

Was that so hard? A simple yes or no?

Not just waiting.... hanging on... hoping and praying. But that was what they wanted. Wanted you to worry, wanted you in despair.

"Mrs Shelby?" a voice spoke up, breaking you from your thoughts. Heaving yourself up from the steel chair, you rushed forward. A wave of dizziness hitting you. You really should eat something. You didn't even know what time it was, was it still the same day?

"Yes, that's me," you managed to say, your voice sounding like it was somewhere in the distance. Come on Y/n, hold it the fuck together.

Do not let them win.

"This way," he instructed, pointing towards a metal door. A grin visible, under his overgrown beard.

Nodding, you followed him, meeting him on the other side. As he proceeded to march along the corridor, you struggled to keep up. Out of breath, tired, your whole body aching, from sitting on the same metal chair.

“Can you.... can you slow down?" you pleaded, holding onto the wall to catch your breath. Oh.... this man knew exactly what he was doing.

"Hurry the fuck up," he barked, unlocking another door.

Trying your best not to cry, you shuffled along you just had to reach the door. Twenty more steps, come on Y/n, you could sleep tonight.

"I'm coming, please .... I'm trying," you pleaded, tears stinging your eyes.

Holding the door open, he chuckled darkly. His evil eyes looking you over.

“Today would be good, come on quicker,”

Reaching him you tried to catch your breath again, chest burning. You shouldn't be doing this, you knew that. Seeing light on the other side of the door, he took hold of your bicep shoving you through.

Desperately, you tried to keep your balance. A room full of people watching you.

Seeing you be pushed into the room, Tommy was up from his chair.

“What the fuck, Digby?" he growled.

"Sit the fuck down, Shelby," another police officer warned, standing over Tommy holding a steel pole. Having no choice, Tommy obeyed, sitting back in his chair, waiting for you to reach him.

Rushing towards him, you held in a sob. "Tommy, oh god, Tommy, are you ok?" Standing before him, he stood up to hug you.

"No touching," the officer warned, shoving Tommy back into his chair.

“You sit the fuck down, or you are out," he warned, waving the pole near your face.

Bottom lip quivering, you lowered yourself into the chair. Again your bladder was full, you felt like you were going to wet yourself.

“It's ok love, just sit, catch your breath. It's just me and you here, eh," Tommy tired, noticing your eyes shooting around the room.

Taking in the unsavoury characters, this jail was like hell on earth. "Alright sweetheart, I can give you a good fucking," one of the prisoners called over to you.

Bowing your head, you locked eyes with Tommy. One hand resting on your huge stomach, feeling your child moving inside of you. Clearly feeling your distress.

"You just fucking wait Jones, I will fucking have you when we get out of here," Tommy shouted to the prisoner, who had heckled at you.

The officer you knew now as Digby, hit Tommy hard across his back. Earning a scream from you, as Tommy bit his lip to hold in any reaction. Panicking to try and reach him, you stood back up.

"Sit down!" he screamed in your face, as you quickly complied.

Now in floods of tears, becoming more and more distressed.

“Y/n, look at me, calm down, just calm down. This is why I didn't want you to come, It’s not safe," Tommy announced, through gritted teeth. He had two black eyes, a spilt lip, a cut on his head.

"I had to see you, Tommy. I'm sorry," you sniffed, rubbing your bump again.

"Don't be sorry, don't be sorry, ey. I love you, I will be out soon, they have nothing, you hear me, ey?" he nodded, offering you a small smile.

"Nothing on me, I will be home soon, just us, and our baby,"

"Can you promise?" you begged him, "Please, can you promise me? I need you home Tommy, we need you,"

You kept your head low, trying not to make eye contact with any other prisoners. Their wives sat chatting to them, looking happy and composed.

You were not used to this, Tommy shouldn't be in here. It had all gone wrong at Derby day. He shouldn't have gone near Kimber.

He was a good man, deep down. What he did, he did for his family.

"I promise, yeah, I can promise," he reassured, "I don't want you worrying. I will be home soon, we will all be together,"

Even if he was lying, you believed him. You had to hold on to some hope. To hope you would all be re united, before your child was born....

Tags-@kaybeeboop @cloudofdisney @romanogersendgame @loveableasshole @goldensunflowe-r @captivatedbycillianmurphy @namelesslosers @lauren-raines-x @katsav17 @answer-the-sirens @kathrinemelissa @datewithgianni @geminiwolves @lyarr24 @ysmmsy @morgana-olson @mysticaldeanvoidhorse @dolllol2405 @nikkialex @fictionaldemon @padfootdaredmetoo @cheekybluefox @stevie75 @american-sataness @blyanyan @peaky-cillian @cevans-winchester @shadow-hunters-lover @look-at-the-soul @livelifewondering @duckybird101 @watercolorskyy @lespendy @raychhh @dressedinpoetrysblog @cillmequick @castellandiangelo @midnightmagpiemama @thenattitude @forgottenpeakywriter @elenavampire21 @angelic-kisses13 @cljordan-imperium @peakyscillian @pono-pura-vida @already-broken144 @muhahaha303 @kmc1989 @lilorphanann @amberpanda99 @bernelflo @trixie23 @cilloak @globetrotter28 @in0320 @stilestotherescue @girlwith-thepearlearring @zunin-msty @crispynutella @snowtargaryen@neonpurplestars89-blog @bvxygriimes @brummiereader @blondie-22

Tags :
8 months ago

Sinful Lust

Pairing - Thomas Shelby and Reader

Warnings- Sexual content, swearing, violence. 18+

Would love to hear your thoughts on this fic!

Sinful Lust

You stood in front of the floor-length mirror, scrutinizing every detail of your dress. Anticipation had been building all week for this moment, but now a flicker of doubt crept in. As you questioned whether it was the perfect choice.

It clung to every curve, exposing just enough of your full cleavage. It made you feel sexy, but was it too much? Feeling a pair of eyes on you, you turned from the mirror to find your boyfriend smoking in the doorway. As he let his gaze drift across your body, he spun on his heel and called over his shoulder, "Let's go."

Feeling deflated at his lack of appraisal, you tottered after him in your heels, already wishing the night was over.

With his hand on the small of your back, you were guided through the bar, pausing every so often while he shook hands with his friends. You stood beside him, smiling when you needed to, remaining quiet and letting him do the talking.

"Sit, I will get us a drink," he ordered, wandering off to the bar, leaving you alone once again. Sighing, you checked your reflection in your compact mirror before glancing around the crowded room, your eyes finally landing on him.

Tommy Shelby.  Feeling your heart rate quicken, you boldly held his gaze. Who would be the first to look away? If your boyfriend caught you, so much as making eye contact with his boss…. Well, it made you shudder to think what he would do. 

As you heard the faint clink of a glass being carefully placed in front of you, you swiftly looked up to meet Joe's gaze. Leaning in close, he rested his hand on your elbow. To an outsider it would appear as a reassuring and comforting gesture. But no.

Gripping tightly, his eyes darkened, “Don’t be getting pissed tonight,” he growled in your ear. “You fucking show me up once… I swear to god…”

Nodding, you swallowed hard as you noticed Tommy making his way over. You tried to keep your gaze fixed on your glass, but you could feel your heart racing, causing your chest to rise and fall gently. “Joey,” Tommy announced, “You made it, ey,” His strong hand landed on your boyfriend’s shoulder. Long fingers gripping onto him.

“Course I did, wouldn’t miss John Boy’s birthday,” he smiled back at Tommy, shaking his hand. 

“Y/n,” Tommy spoke, his full attention on you, “You look beautiful,” Leaning over Joe he bent, softly kissing your cheek. “Really stunning,” he whispered. 

Seeing Joe’s eyes darken, you sat back in your chair. “Thank you,” 

“Go and say hello to Polly, now,” Joe ordered you, standing up you obeyed. Slipping between them both. 

“Everything alright?” Tommy asked Joe, once you left them alone. His gaze follows you across the room. Fuck … 

"Yeah, fine. What do you mean?" Joe asked defensively.

Tommy, concerned about the interaction, questioned, "Are you two arguing?" He didn't like the way Joe spoke to you. He felt like squeezing his hands around his throat. Then smashing his head off the table. “You know women Tom, never do as they are told,” Joe laughed, though Tommy didn’t find it funny. 

After spending time with Polly, you approached Joe. He was now standing alone, ordering more drinks. He had only got you one so far, and you didn’t have any of your own money. Gently resting your hand on his arm, you plastered on a smile.  “Did you order me one?” You sweetly asked, eyelashes fluttering.

“No, will get you one next round. Thought you were sitting with the women?” He questioned, “I’m talking business, you know how it is. Wait here while I go for a piss,” 

Resisting the temptation to gulp down his whiskey, you leant against the bar and found yourself facing a pair of piercing blue eyes.

“Drink for the lady,” Tommy winked, handing you a glass of champagne. Sensing your hesitation, Tommy thrust it into your hand. “It’s a party, Y/n, relax,”

Downing the glass, you placed it back onto the bar. “Thanks, Mr Shelby,” you smiled, checking Joe was out of earshot.

“Mr. Shelby?” He grinned, taking a step closer, sure he could smell your perfume. Observing your smooth skin, glistening in the lamplight. Hmm, he would love to bite that neck. "Very formal, Y/n,"

"What should I call you?" you asked, your eyes drifting across his prominent features. Thoughts of Joe long forgotten, time seemed to slow. Feeling like there was only yourself and Tommy in the room. Wishing it was...

"What would you like to call me, ey sweetheart?" his tongue flitted across his lips, moving ever closer. His breath fanning against your collar bone. "Would you like to fuck me, Y/n?"

Feeling your throat drying out, you sucked your bottom lip between your teeth. "Yes," was your honest answer, gaining a smirk from Thomas. Seeing Joe approach you took a step back.

By midnight, there was only yourself, Tommy and Joe left. The barmaid cleaning up around you. Joe was wasted now, but more relaxed. Actually letting you sit with him, and join in with conversation. His hands wandering along your leg, under your dress. Gripping your chin, he kissed you harshly.

Hearing Tommy clear his throat, he stood up, reaching for his jacket. Pulling away, Joe grinned up at him. "Where you going Tom? It's too early for the party to end, come back to ours, we will have our own special party?" Helping you up, Joe smacked your ass, laughing loudly.

"Sure you would like that, wouldn't you, Y/n?" your boyfriend asked. "Bet you're horny now, hmm? She loves a good fucking, Tom," Grabbing your breast, he kissed you again.

"I will leave you both to it," Tommy stated, Joe was getting on his last nerve now.

Scoffing, Joe stepped closer to Tommy. "You think I haven't noticed, the way you both look at each other?" You stood before them both, hands shaking, wondering which way this was going to go. "You want to fuck my girl? That's fine, but I watch,"

Tommy frowned shaking his head, thinking Joe had lost his mind. "Listen Joe..." he began, before Joe held his hand up, cutting him off.

"Tell him, Y/n, tell him what you want," Joe ordered. Was this a test? Would Joe turn on you? With both men staring at you, you nodded, picking up your bag. This was the only way, you were going to get why you wanted.

"I want you, Tommy," you cooed, standing before him.

Eventually making it back to your house, it was just the three of you in your shared room. Joe sitting legs wide open, a bottle of whiskey in hand. Ready to watch, ready to observe another man fucking you. It wasn't the first time, you had agreed to do this with him.

He loved to watch other men use you, then he would take over.

You hoped Tommy wouldn't hurt you, like Joe did. Hoped he wouldn't be too rough, you were mentally bracing yourself for what was about to come. No doubt Joe would encourage him, to push you as far as he could.

Stood before you, Tommy let his knuckles brush over your cheek. Goosebumps appearing on your skin. His touch ever so feather like. Leaning closer, his lips brushed against yours. One hand on your waist, as his other followed the path of your spine. So sensual...

Lips meeting, he began to kiss you, small, gentle pecks, before the passion built. Tongues moving in sync, his hands holding your face. Already feeling the blood rush to your core.

"Strip her off," Joe bellowed, sucking on his cigarette.

"Say stop, I stop," Tommy whispered, unzipping your dress. Desperate to bury himself inside of you, but aware of Joe being there. This felt wrong, but fuck.... he wanted you soo much.

"It's ok," you answered, your dress falling to the floor. Tommy licking his lips at the sight of your body, undoing your Basque. Letting your breasts fall, his pupils wide with desire. Thumbs brushing your nipples, making them erect.

Dropping to his knees, he pulled your panties along your legs. Face right in front of your core, "Fuck yeah, give it to her Tommy," Joe laughed. Although exposed, you felt comfortable with him.

"So beautiful," he praised, pressing kisses along your thighs, holding onto your waist.

"Lick her pussy," Joe ordered, "She tastes so sweet," Joe was now stroking himself over his trousers.

Guiding you to lay on the bed, Tommy spread your legs wide. Before pausing .... was that? When he met your eyes, you looked away, ashamed. A row of cigarette burns, lined your left inner thigh. Holding your right hand in his, he squeezed reassuringly. Before gently kissing the marks.

"Clumsy, aren't you baby?" Joe asked, standing over you, before pulling your left nipple roughly. "She's something else, isn't she Tom?"

"So sexy," Tommy answered, before burying his head inside of your folds, his tongue licking a stripe. Instantly, making you throw your head back in pleasure.

"Oh yeah," you moaned, his tongue flickering across your clit. "Hmmm,"

Feeling you respond to his touch, Tommy felt his cock strain against his trousers begging to be freed. Gently easing a finger inside of you, your walls clamped against him. Lips covering your swollen bud, as he sucked gently. His finger sliding in and out.

"Oh god," you gasped, legs falling open even wider. Uncaring what Joe was thinking. This man was going to make you cum so fast.

"You gonna cum for me, Y/n?" Tommy asked, eyes meeting yours. Joe now pumping his cock in his hand. You getting turned on, making him want to blow his load.

"Yes please, please Tommy," you pleaded, back arching again, as he sucked harshly on your clit. Two fingers curling inside of your pussy. Tapping... tapping.... tapping your g-spot.

"Don't stop....don't stop," you begged, grabbing his hair.

"Jesus, Y/n," Joe groaned, standing over you, getting himself off. "Cum in his mouth,"

Looking back up at you, his tongue flicked harshly over your clit. Making you see stars, applying just the right amount of pressure. "Yes... ah...ah..." Your whole body shook, as your orgasm convulsed through your body.

Soaking the bed, had you ever been so wet?!!

"Open your mouth," Joe ordered, as you tried to recover. Obeying he came on your face, squirting his seed into your mouth, coating your chin. "Fuck yeah," he growled.

Grabbing an item of clothing, Tommy handed it to you to clean your face. "Lick me clean," Joe ordered, grabbing your head. Forcing his cock into your mouth. “Yeah bitch, clean me up," Holding the back of your head, he made you gag. Eyes watering.

A pleading look in your eyes, for him to stop. Struggling to breathe. Choking on his cock.

"My turn," Tommy warned Joe, squeezing his shoulder. Releasing your head, you gasped for air. "Get her a drink, eh?"

With a huff, Joe moved away handing you the whiskey. Swilling it around your mouth, you swallowed harshly. Wiping your eyes, humiliated. "Come on, Y/n," Joe warned you. Tommy now naked, his cock springing to attention. "Give him one of your best,"

Licking along his shaft, you slowly took Tommy's cock into your mouth. Keeping eye contact with him, feeling his cock twitch in your warm mouth. He was bigger than Joe, and clearly knew how to please a woman.

Watching you suck his boss, Joe was getting hard again. He was going to fuck you so rough, you wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow. Just how you liked it.

"Fuck... feels so good, I just need to be inside of you," Tommy groaned, taking your hand to pull you back towards him. Wiping his pre-cum from your mouth. "You ok?"

Nodding, you scooted backwards, drawing him along. For months, this moment had plagued your dreams. Every instance spent with Joe, was shadowed by a longing for Tommy. A need for him.

Hovering over you, you wrapped your legs around him. "Fuck me, Tommy," you asked.

"Fucking dirty girl," Joe laughed, ready to take his turn and fuck you now.

Running his cock through your folds, Tommy tapped it against your clit. Before letting his foreskin, slip inside of you, then gently pull out. Teasing you, letting the pressure build. "So wet again, fuck..."

Slipping slowly inside of you, you pulled your hips towards him, letting out a loud moan as he filled you.

"Ah Tommy," you gasped, wanting him to move. Lips brushing over yours, he kissed you softly. Beginning to pump in and out of you. Holding your right hand above your head in his, rolling his hips into you, walls quivering.

"Fucking perfect," Tommy praised kissing you deeply again, juices spilling onto his cock.

Thrusting harshly, you felt you walls pulsating. About to cum again, all over him. You were meant to fuck this man, he knew just how to touch you.

"Move over Tom," Joe ordered, his face full of anger. "I will show you how she likes it,"

Your heart sank, as Tommy pulled out of you. "Don't worry baby, I'm back where I belong," Joe laughed, thrusting into you with one movement. You braced yourself. Roughly pulling your leg, he hooked it over his shoulder.

Bending forward, he landed a harsh slap on your face.

"Tell me how you like it," he growled, slapping the other side of your face, even harder. Tears filling your eyes, "Tell me,"

"Oi, don't fucking hit her," Tommy warned, he would never hit a woman, he could see how scared you were. How hard he was pounding into you.

Releasing your leg, Joe wrapped his hands around your throat.

“She fucking likes it like this, stay the fuck out of it, Tommy," Grunting and groaning, he squeezed harder and harder, your face going red. Hands trying to pull against his arms. He loved to play these sadistic games. See when you would pass out.

"Joe enough," Tommy warned, his voice loud, as your eyes fell shut. Joe pushing further and further onto your throat. His whole weight on top of you. Crushing you.

"Fucking let go," Grabbing Joe, Tommy tried to pull him off. His anger rising.

"Fuck off, Tommy," He warned, applying more pressure. So close to cuming inside of you. You'd finally gone quiet and stopped struggling. Thank fuck, he hated it when you whined and moaned.

"Get the fuck off her," Tommy roared, launching Joe off the bed. Seeing you laying unresponsive, fuck.... "You fucking psycho!"

"Y/n?" Tommy asked, shaking your shoulder, "Y/n?" he tried louder, willing you to wake up. Lifting your hand, to feel for a pulse, but it was floppy.

"Fuck...fuck...." Tommy panicked, "Y/n, wake up, wake up," Grabbing you, he lifted your head, which lulled to the side. Skin pale and clammy. "Get a fucking ambulance!!"

Standing up, Joe caught his breath, “Too fucking late, she’s gone,” He stated, without a flicker of emotion…

Tags- @cloudofdisney @romanogersendgame @loveableasshole @goldensunflowe-r @captivatedbycillianmurphy

@namelesslosers @lauren-raines-x @katsav17 @answer-the-sirens @kathrinemelissa

@datewithgianni @geminiwolves @lyarr24 @ysmmsy @morgana-olson

@mysticaldeanvoidhorse @dolllol2405 @nikkialex @padfootdaredmetoo @cheekybluefox

@stevie75 @american-sataness @cevans-winchester @shadow-hunters-lover @look-at-the-soul

@livelifewondering @duckybird101 @watercolorskyy @lespendy @raychhh

@dressedinpoetrysblog @cillmequick @castellandiangelo @midnightmagpiemama @thenattitude

@forgottenpeakywriter @elenavampire21 @angelic-kisses13 @cljordan-imperium @peakyscillian

@pono-pura-vida @already-broken144 @muhahaha303 @kmc1989 @lilorphanann

@amberpanda99 @bernelflo @trixie23 @globetrotter28 @in0320

@girlwith-thepearlearring @zunin-msty @shazwan-walker @crispynutella @snowtargaryen.

@neonpurplestars89-blog @bvxygriimes @nandinik-blog1 @gentlebeari @hagarsays

@niktwazny303 @brummiereader @kxnnxy

Tags :
8 months ago

Sinful Lust -Part 2

Part 1 Here

Pairing - Thomas Shelby and Reader

Warnings- Sexual content, swearing, violence. 18+

Would love to hear your thoughts on this fic!

Sinful Lust -Part 2

Tommy awoke abruptly the following day, having slept for barely two hours. His mind was haunted by images of you, laying motionless in bed. How had everything happened so quickly? He regretted his involvement in the night, driven by his desire and lust for you.

And how had he failed to see Joe was a psychopath?

They had been friends since their school days, even went to France together. Over the years, Joe had been with many women, never alone. Did he treat them all the same? Joe was not a man, not by any means. He had fled the house, leaving Tommy and his crew to deal with the aftermath. To move your body.

What were his men's thoughts? That Tommy was at fault? Surely not!

Now Joe was on the missing list, but Tommy had to find him. He needed to make him pay, he couldn't let him go on like this. Couldn't let it happen to someone else. Feeling a wave of nausea wash over him, he sat up in bed. Head bending forward over his knees. Breathing slowly in, slowly out. Resigned to the fact, he was now awake.

Surveying the street, Tommy rapped on the wooden door three times. "It's me," he declared, his voice devoid of emotion. The door swung open to reveal Polly, her expression one of clear disdain. He knew what she was thinking, but she would do what was asked anyway.

"We can't stay here forever, Mrs Bridges needs her own space," she sighed, sucking on her cigarette.

"Noted, Pol," he nodded, lighting his own cigarette.

"Get any sleep?" she questioned, hand resting on her nephews shoulder.

"Can sleep when I'm dead, Pol," he winked, strolling through the small house. Nodding a hello to the old lady sitting by the fire. Rolling his shoulders back, he slowly pushed open the bedroom door. Feeling his heart race, trying to keep his expression soft.

"Hey," he smiled, slowly approaching the bed, perching on the edge.

Blinking rapidly in reply, you turned your head to look at him. "Hi," you managed to speak, throat raw, voice hoarse.

Tommy had thought that was it, back at your house last night. He thought you were dead, but he hadn't given up. Joe had stated you were gone, and fled the house. No doubt off to find his next victim. Tommy had given you CPR, got you breathing again. Before scooping you up, and getting you medical attention.

Paying for a private Doctor, to come to an unknown house. Hiding you away, away from him. Until he got his revenge.

"How are you feeling now?" he asked, resting his hand on top of yours.

You looked so small and fragile, laying in the double bed. Tommy wanted to lay beside you, wrap you in his arms, tell you he would look after you now. That he wanted to be with you. But he wasn't sure what you wanted.

"I'm ok," you lied, trying to sit up, still feeling very weak. "Thank you Tommy, for everything,"

"Fuck... Y/n," he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Don't thank me, I should have never been involved. I didn't think fucking Joey was .... like that. If I had known...."

"You weren't the first, you won't be the last," you shrugged, swallowing deeply.

Terror sitting in the pit of your stomach, at the thought of going back to Joe. He was going to wonder where you had been. Would no doubt blame you for messing the night up.

"Y/n, you aren't going back to him, you can't, ey," Tommy warned, face serious, "He doesn't deserve you, I'm going to take him out, for good,"

Scoffing, you turned your head away to hide your tears. "He will never let that happen, he will find me, he always does,"

Shuffling further towards you, he tilted your face to look at him. Feeling anger rise again, at the hand prints on your neck.

"I am looking after you now, I..." Pausing, you searched his face, a hint of embarrassment showing on his cheeks. "I have always... lo…liked you, Y/n,"

"You have?" you whispered, feeling him squeeze your hand.

"Yeah, and I promise you now, I will never treat you like he did," he confirmed, "You are a beautiful, kind, soul, and I know a man like me...."

Holding your finger up, you placed it on his lips. "Don't, don't say that, you are a good man," you blinked away the tears, holding your throat. "I have always ….liked you too, I'm sure you could tell, and not just for sex,"

Closing the distance, he gently pressed his lips against yours. "We can fucking take him out together,"

It took three days for Tommy to track Joe down. He acted as if he was worried about him, pleading with him to meet. It was just to talk, to ensure he was alright, that he had moved on from what had happened. And Joe believed him, because after all, they were friends.

The canal had always been their meeting spot. As children, they spent hours there, skimming stones and counting the passing boats. Those days were now distant memories, overshadowed by the events that had unfolded since.

“Tommy,” a voice spoke up, as he was extinguishing his cigarette underneath his boot. Calming his nerves, Tommy turned to see Joe behind him. “Everything ok? Did you?”

"Deal with the mess?" Tommy inquired, completing his former friend's sentence. "Yes, I've cleaned up your mess, Joe, been at it for twenty years."

Joe’s eyes widened at Tommy’s statement. He thought he would have laughed it off, been on his side. “Look, that wasn't meant to happen. Fuck… she was fucking crazy, Tom. Liked me to fucking choke her, bit of rough play, you know?”

“There was a fucking corpse in your bed,” Tommy roared, stepping forward to shove Joe. Watching him land on the floor. “Bit more than rough play, ey?”

Joe actually had the decency to look away. “And I'm sorry! If could change things, I would. Just don't tell anyone Tom, please. I can’t go to prison,” he sniffed, emotions spilling over now. “You know what people will do to me!”

Tommy shook his head, unbelieving. How could this man be so selfish? He wasn't even going to accept the responsibility. Not even apologise.

“What about Y/n?” Tommy asked, hovering over him, trying to stick to the plan. But desperate to beat the life out of Joe. Just start hitting him and never stop. Make him feel pain.

“She’s fucking gone, Tommy. I'm grateful for you helping me out, I owe you,” Joe begged, trying to get Tommy back on side.

"It's not me you owe," Tommy grinned, looking behind him. Reaching out his hand.

Joe hurriedly rose from the floor, anticipating the arrival of the Blinders. They would teach him a lesson. Not believing in violence against women; their motto was 'No women, no kids.' As he stood up, his eyes widened in surprise, at the sight of the figure emerging behind Tommy.

"Y/n?" he gasped, watching you both entwine hands. "What the fuck? You're ok? Shit, I... I....."

"You what, Joe?" you spat, feeling nothing but hate for the man before you. "You're sorry? You took it too far? How many times have I heard that?"

Swallowing the lump in your throat, you regained your composure. You had to get this off your chest.

"How many beatings have I had to take from you? Times I've had to hide away? How many men have you got to join in with us?" you yelled, feeling Tommy tense beside you. "It ends now,"

Joe burst into genuine laughter, bending over and clutching his stomach. You had finally gone mad, who did you think you were? Speaking to him like that!

"That right?" he smirked, taking a step forward, delighting in the fact you shrunk back against Tommy. You were still scared of him. "You are nothing but a whore, that's how you should be treated. Like the whore you are,"

In a swift movement, Tommy landed an almighty punch against Joe's jaw. Making him once again land on the floor, rolling around in pain.

"Shut your mouth, Joe. It's over,"

"You can fucking have her, Tom. Dirty whore," he snarled, spitting on the floor near you.

Reaching into your coat pocket, you pulled out a small pistol. Unleashing the safety catch, aiming it at Joe. "It's over Joe, it ends with us,"

Shaking his head, he raised his eyebrows in jest. "You don't even know how to shoot, you stupid bitch, you..."


Sinful Lust -Part 2

Before he could finish his sentence, you pulled the trigger. Landing the perfect shot, right between his eyes. "Rot in hell, Joe," you whispered, voice quivering, as you fell into Tommy's arms.

Six months later

You smiled to yourself, as soft, warm kisses were pressed across your shoulder. Morning stubble, rubbing against your smooth skin. Moving your hair to the side, Tommy nuzzled his nose against your ear. Rolling his hips against yours from behind, as he made love to you. It had been a whirlwind six months, you were both deeply in love.

"I love you, Mrs Shelby," he whispered, nibbling your ear.

Just yesterday, you had both exchanged your wedding vows. Tommy had persistently asked you. for a month before you agreed. Hoping to heal from the trauma, of your past relationship. However, Tommy was nothing like Joe; he was gentle, affectionate, and attentive.

"I love you too, Mr Shelby," you smiled back at him over your shoulder.

Looking forward to starting your new life together.

Tags- @cloudofdisney @romanogersendgame @loveableasshole @goldensunflowe-r @captivatedbycillianmurphy

@namelesslosers @lauren-raines-x @katsav17 @answer-the-sirens @kathrinemelissa

@datewithgianni @geminiwolves @lyarr24 @ysmmsy @morgana-olson

@mysticaldeanvoidhorse @dolllol2405 @nikkialex @padfootdaredmetoo @cheekybluefox

@stevie75 @american-sataness @cevans-winchester @shadow-hunters-lover @look-at-the-soul

@livelifewondering @duckybird101 @watercolorskyy @lespendy @raychhh

@dressedinpoetrysblog @cillmequick @castellandiangelo @midnightmagpiemama @thenattitude

@forgottenpeakywriter @elenavampire21 @angelic-kisses13 @cljordan-imperium @peakyscillian

@pono-pura-vida @already-broken144 @muhahaha303 @kmc1989 @lilorphanann

@amberpanda99 @bernelflo @trixie23 @globetrotter28 @in0320

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@niktwazny303 @brummiereader @kxnnxy

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6 months ago

Blind Date Masterlist -Modern Thomas Shelby

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