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I want to eat a hairy ass

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My Best Friend's Beautiful Ass
Wrote this based off a hot anecdote a follower told me forever ago.
My friend Derek has known about me being gay since we met. I’m happy he never had an issue with it because some straight guys act weird around having a gay friend, let alone also being roommates. Living together, other friends have made jokes about us being like an old married couple. “Plus we never fuck anymore!” He’d say, get everyone to laugh. I’d laugh too, but felt kind of tortured because that kind of talk did turn me on.
He is pretty hot too. Tan skin, long dark brown hair, deep eyes, some stubble. He was thin like me, but more toned because he goes to the gym a lot. His smile makes my heart melt. And sometimes he walks around the apartment in just a towel and I get to see his back, and a faint impression of abs on his front, hair around his belly button trailing downward.
What I love most of all was his ass. I only got to see it in sweatpants or jeans. The way the fabric clung to the curves made me drool. I wanted him so bad, but he says he’s straight, and I didn’t want to ruin our friendship by hitting on him or anything.
I still couldn’t help myself, whenever we went out to bars he would lean against the rail and I’d get to enjoy the view of his big cheeks pushing against his pants. So badly I’d wanted to kiss and sniff his ass, and even more, I’d wanted to taste it.
One night, we’d gotten very drunk at some bar that was also a bit of a dance club. The music was fire and we were dancing in the crowd, numbed from beer and shots. At some point, the DJ spoke over the intercom,
“Alright ladies and gentlemen, it is just after one am, you know what that means!”
Derek and I cocked our heads to the side like confused dogs. Ass and Twerk?”
“That’s right, if anyone here thinks they’ve got a fat ass to show off, come up on the stage now. Winner gets a free shot!”
On the stage against the back wall, a few girls that had been dancing walked up, their skirts and dresses tightly hugging their butts. Derek turned to me with wide eyes, wiggled his eyebrows, then rushed forward through the crowd.
“Where are you going?!” I called out. My heart was racing.
People laughed as Derek climbed onto the stage, because he was the only guy in a line of girls. He was in the middle of the line, his face a huge smile, and he’d winked at the crowd a bunch. Girls in the front row were cackling, while guys were catcalling. Derek had his tongue out. My body was shaking.
“Alright, Lady number 1, show us what you got!”
For each person, the DJ played the opening of Big Sean’s song “Dance”, over and over “Ass ass ass ass ass ass,” while the contestant would twerk for the crowd, and the audience would holler and cheer.
Then it was Derek’s turn.
“Alright, the one and only Sir in tonight’s competition, show us…uh, whatever you got,”
Laughter from the crowd. My mouth had gone dry. The ass song came back on, and to the beat, Derek whipped around, yanked his pants down, and bent over, wiggling his hips and showing the bar the back of his tight underwear. Grey boxer briefs barely contained his thick ass as he shook his hips and made his cheeks jiggle. Everyone was screaming. My cock was hard. Drunk girls in the front row were jumping up to slap his ass cheeks. The other girls on stage were clapping. The image burned in my memory. Even in my drunken haze I knew I was going to jerk off to this later.
After the whole row took their turns, the DJ spoke “Alright, lots of great shows here…I think that the best contender was…nope, it is a tie…Lady number 4 and the one and only Sir”
The bar erupted. “Ass off! Ass off!” My heart was going to break out of my chest. What place was this? Derek and I had never heard of an after-dark ass competition.
“Alright alright,” The DJ spoke as the rest of the contestants got off the stage. Only Derek and a short blonde girl stood there, “Now, both of you are tied. In order to crown this night’s Ass Champion, both of you need to step it up. Miss, pull up your skirt. Sir, pull down your underwear…”
The crowd was going crazy now, whooping and laughing. People had their phones out to get pictures. I felt frozen for a moment, but realized what was going to happen. I whipped my phone out and zoomed in on Derek.
Both of them turned around and mooned the audience. The girl was shaking her butt more, but my eyes were glued to Derek’s ass. It was smooth and plump, so thick that I couldn’t see his asshole even though he was bent over. His balls and cock hung from this view, as he’d dropped his underwear completely. I’d seen his bulge before and thought he was big, but I had no idea he was a horse. My mind went blank. My body was trembling. I was on the verge of going deaf from everyone screaming at the bawdiness of it. But I was recording a full 30 seconds of Derek exposing his ass to the crowd.
Finally both of them covered their butts, and the DJ said, “Hmm…very very close but I’m gonna have to be a gentleman and give it to the lady. Congratulations number 4, you are tonight’s Ass Champion!”
Everyone cheered. She bowed, blew kisses, and the bartender came over with her winning shot.
“Honorable shout out to the good Sir, the bravest man ready to show his stuff when no one else did” at least he got claps. Walking back through the crowd to me, he got a few pats on the back and a few girls smacked or pinched at his butt. I was fucking floored. I couldn’t believe what I just saw happened in reality.
“Fuckin lame dude,” He laughed, “She only won cuz she’s a girl,”
“Yeah that’s bullshit,” I gulped, “You should have won, you…” I couldn’t hold back because of all the beer I had earlier, “Your ass is beautiful,”
He burst out laughing, “You think?!”
“Yeah, that was so fucking hot,”
He kept laughing. My cock was hard.
After the bar, we staggered out and took an uber back to our apartment. Derek went to his room while I collapsed onto the couch.
The next morning I woke up to his ass. Derek was standing over me, his butt in the same underwear he had on last night, inches from my face, and he wiggled it side to side, and the smell was awesome. A hint of musk from not showering the day before, and sweating in his sleep.
“Wakey wakey” he grinned over his shoulder. “Thought I’d brighten your day with my beautiful ass,”
“Yeah I remember what you said last night,” his voice was hoarse, “now i’m glad I know I’ve got a secret weapon against you,” He winked again, then walked off to go to the bathroom to shower. He swayed his ass back and forth with each step.
My cock was throbbing from just waking up, and from seeing his ass and remembering what I saw. While he showered, I rushed to my room and watched the video over and over again. The resolution was bad from being far away and filtered through bad lighting but I still got the outline of his ass cheeks, and even his cock and balls underneath, swaying his butt side to side, and turning around with a huge joyful grin at all of the people cheering for his ass.
I came all over my chest and stomach.
Since that night, he kept teasing me about what I’d said about his ass. I felt mortified. And I was mad that he was mocking how much I loved his butt knowing he’d never do anything sexual with me.
Finally, the best night of my life happened on his birthday. We’d gone out with a few of our friends to a bar, then after we headed over to their place for more beers and just to chill. We were sitting on their patio, relaxing in the cool night air, chatting and laughing. My face was flushed.
“I gotta cancel my gym membership,” our friend Cole complained, “I never go there,”
“Dude you gotta go,” Derek moaned, “It’s how I stay in shape. Look at this,”
He got up, turned around, lifted his shirt a little, and yanked up his jeans so they would make his butt stand out. My heart skipped a beat.
“Girls go crazy over my glutes. Sam does too,”
I jumped at him mentioning my name. Our friends all went “oooooo”
“Hey,” Derek’s voice slurred a bit from the drinks, “he’s gay, he’s allowed to say it looks good. You think my ass is beautiful right Sam?”
“Sure thing babe,” I laughed, winking.
“Why don’t you kiss it?” He raised his eyebrows, faced his butt toward me and wiggled it a bit.
I thought my stomach was going to turn. He had to know what he was doing to me. Our friends laughed along and changed, “Kiss it! Kiss it! Kiss it!” They clapped. My lips twitched in a smile, but I was overwhelmed by what was happening. Drunk Derek acted like a slut for attention around his ass. I could see in his eyes that he loved it. Or at least loved teasing me about it. Shaking his butt in my face and all my friends clapping for me, my drunk self couldn’t hold back. I leaned forward and pressed my face into his ass, kissing between his cheeks against the fabric that just covered his hole. I felt Derek’s hands grab my head and push me against his ass as he grinded it on my face, laughing deeply, his jeans scratching against my skin. I thought I was going to cum in my pants.
“Derek leave him alone,”
He let go of me. My face was burning red. I couldn’t believe what’d just happened. My underwear felt wet from precum.
“You look shook,” Another friend laughed. We all laughed out loud.
I was beyond shook.
On the uber ride back to our apartment, I kept my eyes out of the window watching trees and buildings pass. I was very drunk, but I felt anxious from Derek making me kiss his ass in front of our friends. On the one hand it was humiliating and I didn’t like him teasing me about how I told him his ass was beautiful. On the other hand, this kind of teasing was turning me on. As my mind wandered, I felt him rest his chin on my shoulder and he muttered in my ear,
“You daydreaming about my beautiful ass?” His voice felt so smooth in my ear.
“No!” I was annoyed. I didn’t want the uber driver to hear and judge us. I turned and his eyes were so glassy and warm, he looked at me in a way I’d never seen him look at me before. Like he was hungry.
He smiled. It made me shiver, “I know you are,”
“Quit it,” I gulped.
“Hey when we get back I want you to give me my birthday present,” He leaned back in his seat, his head up and his eyes closed.
Birthday present? I’d already given him a record he wanted earlier. And a shot at the bar. What was he talking about?
We got to the apartment. As I was changing into more comfortable clothes, ready to fall into bed, I heard him call from his room,
“Sammie boy, get in here!”
I wanted to go to sleep, but I rolled my eyes and left my room. When I got to the threshold of his room, I was frozen in place, and my eyes were wide.
He was on all fours on his bed, facing away from me. His head was down, and his clothes were still on, except he’d undid and dropped his jeans a bit so his ass was hanging out, still covered in underwear.
“You said my ass is beautiful,” He looked over his shoulder at me, swayed it slowly, “I want you to kiss it some more. Wish me happy birthday.”
My hands were trembling. His ass got closer as I started walking toward the bed. My cock was growing in my pants. The teasing was because I’d turned him on. And he wanted more.
I fell to my knees and crawled up to the bed, where his ass was looming over me. His feet were still covered in socks, and on my knees my face was at the same level of his big ass. I stared at it for a long time, my entire body was shaking, and I didn’t know what to do.
“C’mon, you know you want it,” He muttered like he was falling asleep.
I licked my lips, gulped, and leaned in. The warmth of his ass was hitting my skin, and getting closer I could smell his musk. I kissed one cheek softly. Then I moved to the other cheek, and kissed it deeper.
“Yeah, that’s right,” he whispered, “Show my ass some looooove,”
I slowly pressed my nose between his cheeks, and my lips felt the indent of his asshole. I kissed deeply, and took in a long, slow sniff. With his cheeks wrapped over each side of my face, the warmth of the fabric and my breath and his stink was overwhelming. His ass had taken over all of my senses, and I moaned into it as he slowly swayed it back and forth, moving my head along with it. I wrapped my arms around his lower back, and pressed my face in deeper. I was in love with his ass. So fucking much. I pushed his cheeks forward so they would squeeze over my head and suffocate me a bit. I smothered myself in his underwear.
“You dirty boy,” he laughed, “I always knew you wanted it.”
I pulled away, and started rubbing my hands over his ass globes, feeling the warmth of his underwear. I saw my saliva had wet the fabric over the crack, which I’d wedged into his ass. My dick was throbbing so hard it almost hurt. I knew I couldn’t back off now. He’d lured me in and wanted a birthday present.
“Happy Birthday,” I whispered to him, and I pulled down his underwear. Like I’d seen at the night of the bar, his smooth ass took up my vision. Only it wasn’t completely smooth. He hadn’t shaved in a week or so maybe, and little hairs were poking out. Drool fell out of my lip. I licked it up and tried to focus. I ran my hands over his smooth ass cheeks, and pulled them apart. Derek seemed to be holding his breath, waiting to feel it.
“Be gentle with me I haven’t done this before,” his voice came out very sober. I nodded even though he wasn’t looking at me, and I leaned in and pressed my lips to his asshole.
“Oh,” he let out a little surprised moan. His hole was so warm, and his cheeks felt sticky against my face. His musk was strong now. Not dirty, but the smell of a sweaty man’s ass at the end of the day. The perfect smell. I poked my tongue through my lips and it met his hole. I licked around it, slowly and wrapped my arms around the small of his back like I was hugging his ass. My face smashed between his cheeks, I licked up and down his crack, putting a lot of attention around his asshole.
He moaned a lot. Quiet at first, also muttering swear words, but soon his hole was relaxing more and he was moaning more.
“Fuck, go up my ass,” He was pushing his hips into me. I did as he asked, and pushed my tongue deeper against his muscles and worked my way up his ass a bit. I moved in and out like I was fucking him with my tongue. He seemed to really like that, because he started laughing.
“That’s so hot dude, girls don’t do this stuff for me,” he gulped, “Don’t stop,”
I made out with his asshole for a long time. I don’t know how long, but my jaw and tongue were getting so sore. I didn’t care though. My face was burning red and my dick was on the edge of exploding. I slowly brought my hand up to touch and play with his balls, which were tight against him. As I rubbed them, massaging him from the inside out, his whole body started trembling. He was moaning like he was in heat.
“I’m gonna fuckin burst,” He panted.
He let me play with his cock. Slowly I rubbed it, feeling the precum at the tip against my fingers, and using that as lube. I licked from his taint up to his hole and back again, going up and down to massage it and make him shake. Doing so, my face was slipping from my saliva and I was rubbing it against his ass crack. Dragging my face up and down his ass was like my own kind of massage. My balls were swollen, and so were his.
Finally, I stopped and told him to move to the side for a bit. He did, and I laid down on the bed, and had him lay over me in a 69 position. I stared up at his throbbing cock.
“Use my mouth like a fuck toy,” I told him.
He was trembling as he lowered his cock toward my lips. I opened my mouth wide, and he slowly lowered his entire body onto me, his cock pushing passed my tongue and deep into my throat. I swallowed it, and he kept going. I started to gag, and gagging against his cock made him moan.
“Oh fuck,” He didn’t even get a change to hump me because my throat muscles were clenching around his cock. My eyes watered form gagging and through the tears I looked up at his tight balls and the mounds of his ass cheeks, wet with my spit. I wrapped my arms around his body and hugged tight. My throat massaged his cock until,
“Oh FUCK” he whimpered.
I felt hot cum shoot down my throat, and I fought against the reflex to gag so I could swallow it. Swallowing rubbed his cock even more, and so my throat was milking his cock. His balls were so tight and I felt like I was draining them. Pump after pump, I choked and gagged and swallowed hard to take it all. He shot so much cum into his throat that his body was shaking. Without touching myself I began to cum too, his chest rubbing against my cock was too much for me to take.
Finally he’d stopped twitching, and he felt like a dead log on top of me, his cock still in my mouth. It was getting smaller and I gently sucked on it, staring at his balls and ass.
“Fuck me dude that was,” he couldn’t say any more.
After dozing off for a moment, he got up and pulled his cock out of my mouth. He didn’t care that my gym shorts were soaking wet from my cum. I told him to get back onto the bed. He laid back down, and I yanked his pants off. I lay behind him between his legs and dove my tongue back into his ass.
After an hour long session of passionately making out with his hole, I realized he’d fallen asleep. I kissed his ass goodnight, and quietly left the room.
In the shower, my entire body was electrified. I replayed the events of the night in my head over and over. My throat was killing me from when he fucked it.
I jerked off twice before finally falling asleep.
We didn’t talk about what had happened the next day. It felt kind of awkward between the two of us. I was worried that Derek was too embarrassed. We were both really drunk, and he’d never told me he had a thing for guys before.
That night we were watching TV, but the both of us were on edge. Who would be the first to speak?
Finally, he said, “You know…last night was really….”
My heart paused.
“That was fucking awesome,” He laughed nervously, “I…I didn’t know if you’d do anything with me but, oh my god,” He couldn’t even finish his sentence.
He didn’t need to. I asked, “Do you wanna do it again?”
He blinked, and licked his lips.
We rushed into the bedroom for round two.