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3 years ago

Spending the holidays with Itzy !!

Spending The Holidays With Itzy !!

Clips from —> hyunjin’s smile on ytb

Pairings : poly itzy x reader :)) —> (truly one of my favorite pairs !!)

Genre : fluffy fluff <33

warnings : mentions of food !

Disclaimer : this is short </3

Hii !! Yes gaypeople4itzy is officially back :)) it’s late and this is probably going to be short :(( but I wanted to at least offer a little bit of content !! I’ll make clearer posts about my absence and what’s coming soon ! Thank you all so much for being so patient with me :D it truly means a lot !!

This is really like, a post i’ve written just for fun and quickly, my normal content should be back soon :))

Summary :

ahh finally the vacations !! After giving everything you’ve got for the last bit of school you had, you’re glad to say that you can finally rest ! If you weren’t planning to do anything, forget about that ! Your five lovely girlfriends will make sure to make the next days truly memorable ! For once, let yourself be taken care of, your worries soon forgotten as they come to take you home after your last final ! Let the fun begin :D !!

- When your finals were done, all the girls came to pick you up and congratulate you ! They all had their own particular gift to start the vacations nicely !

- Ryujin was the first one who approached you, she had a bouquet of your favourite flowers, she went to take them that very morning, just to see that pretty smile of yours on your face

- Lia was more than glad to bring you your favourite chocolate !

- Yeji came with a poem ! It was in a perfectly decorated card and the way it was written assured you that she put all her heart into it :))

- Yuna obviously baked you some gingerbread cookies ! Only a few of them, apparently because Yeji wanted to avoid the both of you eating too much sugar ! Though she promised you would make some together soon !

- Chaeryeoung came in with cute clothes she had bought for you ! An outfit exactly in your style ! Perfect for the date the girls were planning to take you on

- Talking about that date, they first brought you home and made sure you felt comfortable in the clothes Chaeryeoung had bought for you !

- Then, they treated you to a fancy restaurant, the food was absolutely delicious but what made it even better was the presence of your lovely girlfriends

- Then, they insisted on walking you around the town as snow was falling, each of them stealing kisses from you and the whole time being really enjoyable ! Ryujin sneakily pecking your lips as Chaeryeoung was showing you ideal spots to come later on while on break, or yuna arguing with lia about holding your hand meanwhile Yeji, who already had hers in yours, kissed your forehead before making a tiny heart in snow, made specially just for her dear love

- When you started feeling tired, they immediately brought you home, despite Yuna and Ryujin’s whines from wanting to continue wandering around, Chaeryeoung was categoric, you were the priority, and if you felt tired, you would all head back home !

- Once there, they put you to bed and stayed with you for a while, childishly fighting on who would get to sleep with you for that night ! Yeji telling everyone to quiet down once in a while, afraid to wake you up </3

- The next morning, as well as pretty much every morning that followed, you got greeted with food, breakfast in bed is a must from now on !

- They told you to stay in bed, scared you were too tired, until they all agreed for you to get up and start another fun day !

- During the vacations, days might’ve seemed similar in a way ! But you wouldn’t exchange those moments for anything in the world >:(( !!

- As an example, you spent loads of time playing board games with the girls, yes, something you used to be forced to do with your parents ! Yuna whining about losing against ryujin, lia trying to cheat, chaeryeoung picking a fight with whoever won over you, basically, all dumb but fun little memories here and there !

- Another example is just lazily cuddling with them in bed ! Or anywhere really ! You did this with all of them of course ! But the best cuddlers remained Yeji and Chaeryeoung :)

- A bunch of other little activities occurred, but the main point is that you didn’t feel the need to do loads of incredible things for the moments to be amazing themselves ! The presence of your five girlfriends and the chance of sticking with them for the whole day was way more than enough to warm your heart !

- You did a few vlives with them, at first, Yeji and Chaeryeong weren’t sure about showing you off, Yuna ended up convincing them it would be fun to introduce you to the fans as you were now present in their house, and would be there for a few weeks !

- Regardless of if you all celebrate christmas or not, you collectively decided to do a little gift exchange all together ! Of course a few limits were set, knowing those girls, they would buy the moon for you if they could, and clearly, as much as you’d like to, you wouldn’t be able to afford doing the same !

- It was a really fun time all together, Yuna, who had picked you, had decided to offer you not only loads of candies for your sweet tooth, but also a bunch of plushies, so many that you ended up starting a plushie collection over the vacations ! Simply because of how attached you grew of the ones Yuna offered you !

- The girls hadn’t been able to see you in a while due to your studies, and that caused Lia to feel sad, since she had not been able to offer you an avent calendar, regardless of if you celebrated Christmas or not, she just wanted you to enjoy chocolate she had for you :0

- Since she couldn’t buy it back then, she decided to do something else ! She convinced you to start making your own chocolate with her ! And surprisingly, after buying all the necessary materials, it was way easier than you were anticipating ! So much that it was decided that it would become a tradition to make chocolate for the holidays every year !

- Yeji, her, insisted to make all of your meals for you ! You’re hungry ? Don’t even worry about it ! Food is coming right up ! She actually enjoys cooking quite a lot and the thought of making something for you overwhelms her with joy, she seemed so happy with her cooking that, once in a while, you join her in the kitchen so you can share fun times together ! Christmas recipes sure are cute, and you both had so much fun doing these things all together !

- Chaeryeong would come see the both of you sometimes ! She spent the holidays trying to learn crochet, secretly wanting to make you a gift ! As shy as she can be, she was so excited that you ended up discovering it :0 ! Though it didn’t really matter, as the thought of her making something for you was already great enough to satisfy you :))

- Ryujin has always been a great cook, so it was no surprise when she came to join both you and Yeji in the kitchen, not without mentioning her cooking skills of course ! Learning new recipes with you both really made her happy, she might not have said much, as she’s not always the most expressive, but she was more than glad to have fun with the both of you !

- Though sometimes she got lazy and preferes to order food ! Which often lead to small “fights” over what to pick, it was funny to live with your girlfriends for the whole while for holidays, and things like that were meant to happen ! Though they always turned to you, letting you choose, claiming that you deserved it after all that work !

- Yuna found herself a new hobby, puzzles ! She finds them irritating at times but the satisfaction of being done with one brought her so much joy that she did not care anymore ! She often dragged you out of bed so you could come with her :))

- You had tons of movie nights, always popcorn in stock somewhere in the house, tons of blankets, pillows and plushies !! And of course, a bunch of candies to satisfy everyone’s sweet tooth ! Sometimes it was cheesy romance movies, resulting in the girls all kissing you one by one ! And when it was horror movies, it gave them an excuse to hold you close to them !

- Ryujin spent a whole punch of times playing video games with you ! You could both spend hours curled up together, the controller in one of her hands and another hand in your hair, stroking it gently as she swore she would win against you ! You both wished to become stronger and better at the games you were playing, and it truly did work after all that time spent in ryujin’s room :D !

- Yuna took you outside quite a lot of times ! Insisting on building a snowman with you ! That and doing snow angels :0 !! As well as writing your initials in a heart made of snow !! All those cute little things done while preciously holding your hand, never letting go of it because it brought her (and to you too) such a warm sensation :))

- Sometimes, all of the five girls would bring you outside to take walks like the first night when vacations started ! They always protect you in case anything happens of course ! They just absolutely love how calm the night can be ! And the romantic atmosphere reminds them of you so much, they used to walk all five alone but now that you’re here, why not bring you with them :0 ?

- Finally, just know that the girls tried their best to make your vacations special ! Making you forget the stress from school and your daily life ! It was genuinely nice to let yourself get pampered for once ! They made you feel the safest you’ve ever been in your entire life and you cannot thank them enough for that :D !

Spending The Holidays With Itzy !!

The end !

Like I said, this is a reallyyyyy short post aha ! My apologies, though I hope it was enjoyable :)) love you all <3

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2 years ago

I am back :) !!

I Am Back :) !!
I Am Back :) !!
I Am Back :) !!

Hello lovelies <3

Yes, it’s me !! I’m still here !

Firstly, I wanted to apologize for such a long period of inactivity, I have had a lot happening in my life, and quite honestly, I was scared to disappoint because I couldn’t put as much effort in my writing due to being really, really tired

It’s been a while, and I truly did miss all of you ! I missed updating you guys about my life, and I had so many ideas of drabbles and thoughts to share, I was just too shy to come on here and speak my mind :(

I want to say a special thank you to everyone that has waited !! You all mean the world to me :) and thank you to all the lovelies that have started following me while I was absent, you truly do all melt my heart <3

I still do feel unsteady, to be honest, I’m v much in need of love and support at the moment, so don’t hesitate to fill my inbox and dms, I’ll be more than glad to answer !!

Once again, a big thank you to all of you, I love you, a whole lot :) <3

I Am Back :) !!

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