Gaypeople4itzysendslove - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

your literally the most cutest writer everrr ilysm make sure to take care of yourself <33

When I read that it had me kinda blushing ngl lovelies !! Thank you so so SO much love ! You are the absolute sweetest, and this makes me feel very warm on the inside ! I am trying to take care more of myself truly :) Thank you once again !! And I am very very happy you find me cute pfft :D <3

Your Literally The Most Cutest Writer Everrr Ilysm Make Sure To Take Care Of Yourself

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2 years ago

Itzy - their s/o is feeling unwell

Hello lovelies !! Finally gaypeople4itzy is posting her silly little writings again !! Hopefully you will all enjoy this one :) It was very nice to write, I absolutely loved it !

Warnings : mentions of reader feeling unwell, brief mentions of stress and slight isolation

Pairings : individual itzy members x reader !!

Word count : about 2k !

Enjoy loves !

Hwang Yeji

Itzy - Their S/o Is Feeling Unwell
Itzy - Their S/o Is Feeling Unwell

Sweaty and tired, Yeji came to your place after practicing for hours. If there was one thing she was looking forward to after those hours of dancing, it was to see your pretty face. Though when she walked inside, she was met with silence, which left her to walk around to find where you could possibly be

She opened the bathroom door and glanced at the sight of you quietly crying on the mere floor, without seeing your face, Yeji knew she had to do something, her heart breaking by seeing you so hurt. She made you aware of her presence as she came closer to you, wanting to sort this out

She picked you up in her arms, you seemed weak, and she did not want you to waste any more energy. She carried you to the nearest couch, and made you lay on her lap. With a reassuring hand, she started playing with your hair

She broke the silence by asking you "do you wish to tell me what is upsetting you my love ?", to which you only responded by silence. She understood, and she continued playing with your head, telling you to take your time, and that no matter what, she would wait all the time you needed

She spent a while reassuring you with her words, she felt calm, and safe. Yeji was a home that you knew you could go to, and that led to you speaking about what was troubling your mind. Her long responses and her care for you made you feel understood, and you started to feel better

She asked you if you wished to stay like that, to which your answer was positive, and so she did not move one bit, you two stayed that way for a moment, feeling as if nothing else could ever better, there was no better sensation ever than that

Yeji had a way of seeing you that others didn't, and you could never be grateful enough for it <3

Choi Jisu

Itzy - Their S/o Is Feeling Unwell
Itzy - Their S/o Is Feeling Unwell

Lia and you had been spending a wonderful morning together, in your shared home, you had spent time cooking and messing around each other. It was so lovely, truly you couldn’t have hoped for something better ! 

Though when noon came, you took paused what you were doing to look at the notifications on your phone, suddenly, your throat was sore, and your vision seemed blurry. Lia looked over you as you told her you were starting to feel a little tired, wanting to take a nap, she told you to rest, and that she would come by later

She was obviously worried, but she understood that you might need space. So she let a few minutes pass by, until she decided to join you upstairs

She found you asleep, she couldn’t resist laying next to you, she just wanted to be by your side. Not wanting to rush you, she sat there and waited for you to wake up by yourself

You opened your eyes a few minutes later, a sigh escaping from your lips until you were met with Lia's worried gaze, she had such a sweet way of looking at you, it felt as if, without any words, she had assured you that she was there for you

You could feel yourself tear up, so she took one of your hands in hers, and cupped your cheek with the other, looking at you in the eyes and kissing the crown of your head, before whispering

"You're safe my love, I'm here, no one can hurt you, I won't let them. I love you so much, and I want you to know that you can trust me , that you don't have to talk about what just happened, but that I'll stay here as long as you need me :)"

You explained to her briefly what had happened, to which she said what she thought, meanwhile reassuring you that she was right by your side, and that you hadn't done anything wrong, that you weren't deserving of what had been happening

She made you lay your head on her lap, playing with your hair and humming you lullabies till you felt comfortable again, promising you that you would both continue what you had started this morning later

You fell asleep once more, but this time, way more comfortably, she was who watched over you when you needed it <3

Shin Ryujin

Itzy - Their S/o Is Feeling Unwell
Itzy - Their S/o Is Feeling Unwell

Ryujin was quite the romantic, if it wasn't obvious already with how many times she'd say she love you in a day, she always found a way to surprise you with little gifts, as she loved the smile it put on your pretty face !

Which is why she was now in front of your house, holding your favourite flowers behind her, she waited for you to answer the door after she had rang the doorbell ! So excited to see you, she had trouble hiding the slight blush on her face

The door finally opened after what seemed like an eternity ! To her surprise, your parents were the ones in the entrance, a worried look on their faces. They greeted her and explained to her that you were upstairs, and that you hadn't left your room since this morning !

She thanked them for letting her in, and she immediately rushed upstairs, worried for her love's well being ! She knocked on your closed door, and waited for a response, but there was nothing

She slightly opened the door, greeted you, but she understood that you weren't going to move from your spot. Facing the wall and listening to music, you hadn't noticed her until she removed your headphones and sat next to you

"Hey my love, I wanted to come surprise you ! Everything okay ? If you're not up to talk, I can leave, and we can talk later if you'd like ! As long as you know I'm here for you baby :)"

You didn't have the strength to respond, so you simply looked up to her, which made her open her arms for a hug. You shifted to the side a little bit, letting yourself fall in her embrace as she placed the flowers on your bed

Kissing your forehead from time to time, you both stayed that way for a while, just in silence, you already felt better with her by your side. And once you were ready, you began telling her what had been upsetting you lately, and she listened very carefully

When you were done talking, she took your hand in hers and kissed them :) she assured you that she understood, and that she would do anything to make your current stress go away ! She offered you the flowers and put one in your hair, as well as in hers, just to see that beautiful smile of yours :)

She stayed the night, and took such good care of you, you couldn't possibly feel any better than when Ryujin was around <3

Lee Chaeryeong

Itzy - Their S/o Is Feeling Unwell
Itzy - Their S/o Is Feeling Unwell

Chaeryeong never wanted to take too much space, nor overwhelm you with her love and clinginess, as she was afraid it'd make you go away from her. She wasn't much of a heavy texter before she had met you, but now, she absolutely loved spending the day sending you texts

So when she realized that you hadn't answered her at all today, she felt a little off, though she did not want to rush you, as she still had this fear of being too much for you

To ease her mind, she went for a walk, she was looking around and admiring the view. It was still early this evening, there wasn't many people around however, as it was a bit cold already

She walked in what seemed like an empty park, she felt peace even if her mind was filled with worries about you. When suddenly, she saw you on a bench, seeming troubled

She approached you, and even though you were visibly upset, your expression immediately softened at the sight of your girlfriend, who sat right next to you, in silence

Trying to find the right words, she opened her mouth and spoke "Baby, you know you can always talk to me if there is something the matter right ? I love you so much, and I hope you realize you aren't alone at all, far from that :)"

You looked at her, tears filling your eyes, which made her take you in her arms, she just couldn't bare seeing you sad. She rubbed your back and let you speak about what had been eating you from the inside for a while

She listened to every bit of it, and offered you her advice, which was very wise in your opinion, and made you thank the sky for sending you such an angel !

Worried to leave you alone, she took you to her place, where she made you hot chocolate and took care of you all night, making sure you had all of what you needed ! Holding you against her, she wanted you to know that she would never leave you,

Chaeryeong loved you more than anything <3

Shin Yuna

Itzy - Their S/o Is Feeling Unwell
Itzy - Their S/o Is Feeling Unwell

Yuna loved going out ! She was such an extrovert, and always wanted to take you to the loveliest places, wanting to spoil her lover with anything they could ever want !

Which is why it wasn't uncommon at all for you to go on dates, even if they weren't planned in advance ! What could she say, she just loved surprising you, and always wanted nothing more than your happiness, because it always brought the best in her :)

Today she was on her way to your place, it had been a busy week for the both of you, and she wanted to catch up ! On her way there, she tried calling you, twice, but she was left with no responses, which made her heart hurt a little

She didn't want to seem too insisting, although she was worried, you were usually quick to pick up, and if you were not available, you would always let her know in advance ! She did try to not make a big deal out of it as she was at your door, not wanting to make you feel guilty in any way !

When it finally opened, she immediately noticed how tired you looked, your eyes looking down, you seemed as if there was something you wanted to say but it just wasn't coming out of your mouth

Wasting no time, Yuna came in and picked you up, carrying you to your bed, where she made you lay down, before coming right next to you

"Angel, what's the matter ? Did someone hurt you ? Or is it school ? I'm all ears if you want to talk about what's bothering you ! And if you'd rather do something else, then I understand :) I love you so much baby"

You slowly turned around to face her, and buried your face in her chest, mumbling words that no one other than her could ever understand. You spend a while like this, trying to find the words to explain what was wrong, as she made sure you knew she was there for you

She was the reassurance you needed, and made you feel as if all the problems in the world were gone !! You felt so comfortable that you ended up falling asleep right there, exhausted from all the emotions you had been feeling lately

When you woke up, she offered to take you on a quieter date, where it would just be the two of you, and no one else around, which touched you ! You were so grateful to have someone like Yuna with you, and it was by far one of your favourite dates with her

There was no greater love other than Yuna's <3

I hope this has cheered up some of you ! I know life is really tough sometimes, and I can speak from experience when I say that there are times where I'd rather just not see anyone, but remember that you are all loved, and that if you aren't told enough, that I love you <3

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2 years ago

Hii my lovelies !! So glad to see all of you again !! I missed you guys a whole whole lot !!

As you’ve probably guessed, gaypeople4itzy’s return means… DAILY UPDATESSS !! Yes yes yes !! The awaited daily updates are finally back :) so so glad to be here to write them again !!

Once again, I really did miss all of you !! Thank you for still being here and the notes on yesterday’s post :) <3

Wishing you all a lovely day and I hope you are all well !!!

Hii My Lovelies !! So Glad To See All Of You Again !! I Missed You Guys A Whole Whole Lot !!

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2 years ago


Also luv the header and the pastel green them 😭😭😭

- biker anon nnshehegwhe

HII MY LOVEE !! Missed you a whole whole lot !!

Hope you’ve been well :) !!

AND YESS !! Thank uuuu !! I love love LOVE kirby so much and star allies (the new game out on switch !!) is just absolutely adorable !! I couldn’t resist making it my header :>

Wondering when I’ll find the waddle dee to my kirby, or vice versa honestly !!

Gaypeople4itzy back at daydreaming again pfft !!

Anyways, wishing you a lovely day !! Love you so so much !!! <3


(Ps guys i really like cats and my obsession has gotten worst, get ready to see some all over my account😎⁉️)

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2 years ago

Hello my lovelies !! Hope you all had a wonderful day today :) Remember that you can always (!!!) come talk to me if something is upsetting you, or just if you want to have someone to talk with :D

As for me !! Today has been pretty productive !! I did about four hours of homework !! And now I am finally doneeee yayayay !! I just sadly sort of have a headache and my head is spinning :(

Wish you all a wonderful day !! I love all of you so so much <3

Hello My Lovelies !! Hope You All Had A Wonderful Day Today :) Remember That You Can Always (!!!) Come

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2 years ago

Uhm ?!!! My i dunno how much it’s been return

Hello guys^^ it’s me !! the silly girl behind her phone screen, writing all these little scenarios and watching all of your kind messages

I honestly wasn’t so sure if I wanted to return, because I usually don’t have much time to write during most days,

Though reading some of your messages in my inbox really warmed my heart, and I felt as if it wasn’t fair to never return here

I won’t be as active as I have been in the past, and I don’t think I will write exactly the same kind of content, but I will come back with what I actually want to write and put out <3

I have been inactive mainly due to issues within my life, to be honest, I have been going through an emotional rollercoster since last autumn (2021)

This account used to mean a lot to me, and it still does, I just didn’t want to disappoint, or feel pressured

I want to write because I like writing, not for the number of notes I’ll get or for the followers I’ll gain

I like writing to touch people, to connect with others

I hope you can all welcome me back :)

It’ll be slow but safe, and I wish for my account to take a slightly different turn, with more open talks with anons and you guys

So go ahead, spam my inbox all you want, and I’ll be there <3

Uhm ?!!! My I Dunno How Much Its Been Return

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2 years ago


Hii ! You probably do not even recall sending me this, I think it’s been quite a few weeks😭 but if you’re miraculously seeing this, I hope you know that receiving a message from you made me happy :)

I’m doing fairly good ! Pretty tired at times, but overall, better than ever !

I hope you have the greatest night, sending you much love <3

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2 years ago

Aye have a good day/night man

I hope ur okay, you're doing great and I'm very proud of you <3

- biker anon

Hii famous biker anon !! I hope you know that I am in the process of reading all the unanswered messages in my inbox, and that yours always hold a special place in my heart !

Thank you so much <3 wishing you the bestest^^ !!

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2 years ago

Kirby lover superiorityyyy

I love kirby SO MUCH guys !!!!! I don’t think life would be the same without kirby, kirby is so me :o

Kirby Lover Superiorityyyy

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2 years ago

Profile pic slays

- pfp anon

Also,Kirby lovers are superior

Thank you so so much !! That’s so sweet :O

And yes so so true !!!! I love kirby nd kirby lovers muhahahah🤭🤭

Profile Pic Slays

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2 years ago

You're my safe space <3 and I hope you have a safe space to go to too

I am legit honoured to be your safe space oh my god !!!

If you ever ever need to talk, you can always come in my inbox, and you are so welcome in dms as well :)

As for me, I feel safe in the comfort of my blankets, watching silly videos about my silly interests, whenever im journaling, and I feel safe here as well <3

Psst !!

You are the message that made me want to start posting again :o !!!!

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2 years ago

BOO !!

right no its the wrong season☹️ i totally missed spooky times on here

But anyways !! Hello my loves^^ I hope you are all well today :)

Gaypeople4itzy’s little daily updates are backkkk !!! I just could not abandon you guys again😡 so here I am🤭

Today was heather day omg !! So I obviously HAD to buy myself (yet another) sweater !! It’s so so cute and I absolutely love it !

A lot of unexpected events hit me today honestly :o, like… an ex and I had a talk ?? It was kinda nostalgic but weird :I I’m glad it’s over now at least !!!

What about you guys :O ? How are you !! I want to know everything :D

Reminder that my inbox is open 100% of the time (as well as my dms) so you can all come there to tell me about how you feel or just silly things you’d like to share or if you want to ask me a question/get my opinion on something !!

I love youuuu !!!

BOO !!

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2 years ago



I AM🤭🤭🤭 with tons of thoughts and ideas in mind !! And most importantly, very very excited to be writing againnnnnn !!!!

I missed you !! I hope you have been well <3

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2 years ago

Thats okay! Take all the time you need! And thank you for your well wishes! (Also why do I feel like those old grannies being like 'Hi children. How are you? Why yes.' And etc but I love them they always make my day at work' - N

You are so so so sweet N😭 (i wish I had a proper name to refer to you but N will do !!!)

And yes you are always so caring, thank you so so much !!

Those grannies are always the kindest I love them so much for real <3 love them with my whole heart !! I just love love I think :o I love kindness !!!!

I hope you’ve had a great day !! <3 don’t forget to take care^^

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2 years ago

I don't even read fics but you're just so good vibey that i just HAVE to follow you,don't let anyone ruin ur happiness and if they do I will slishy slash their ankles


(Any of you guys messages make me happy always of course😡😡😡 !!!!)

But anyways that is SO SO SWEET😭😭 I AM SO HONOURED HONESTLY !! Sobbing with real tears :O

I am so so so SO glad I give off good vibes and can make people smile !! A lot of time people have tried to make fun of me for being too excited and enthusiastic about stuff, so it really warms my heart whenever people say such kind words


I hope you are well !!! Take care lots^^

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2 years ago


with Loona’s Chuu


warnings : none

wordcount : 0,7k

Surprise surprise !!

wanted to offer you guys some fluffy content now that I am back !! I have seen this fluffcember or something going on around here, so I wanted to try it :>

May you all enjoy <3

Hands intertwined with hers; you walked in your favorite restaurant, which had always held a special place in your heart, especially as a little kid. Jiwoo had been quick to notice your frowns and yawns earlier today, work had been getting to you a lot, you needed rest

Which is why she took you here, a place that had grown up with the both of you. Living in your hometown had that advantage, you could be reminded of so many memories just by going somewhere ten minutes away from your shared home. The smell, the music, the bowl of candy at the entrance, everything was exactly like you remembered it, it felt so familiar, so warm

Warm just like Jiwoo, a confident hand taking yours, leading the way while following the waitress to your assigned table. She had always been this sweet, even when you were both younger, in your very first dates

She was shyer back then, blushing at your every movement, attempts at flirting were made more often than you could even realize, she always made you feel good. Despite her many acquaintances and her tendencies to befriend any living creature, she had always made sure you know just how much you meant to her, you were the center of each other’s life, like a cozy bed when you most need a nap, you were the person each other wanted, at any given time

Jiwoo has known all along how to please you, how to make you smile, she would never fail to bring you somewhere that would leave your mouth wide open, she needed to make you the happiest, no matter the cost

So, when you came home yesterday, tiredly making your way to the couch where she was sitting, eyes barely open and whining silently, she knew she had to do something about it. Who was she to not take care of you when you were this exhausted ? Immediately carrying you to your bed, she took you in her arms until you doze off

And when you woke up this morning, Jiwoo had already called your workplace, saying that you could not make it today due to feeling ill. Proud of her half-lie, she promised to make today such a good day that you would never want anything other than that,

And god she was right !

The joyful music in the restaurant instantly put you in a cheerful mood, that and your girlfriend’s cheek kisses. Briefly after, you had already ordered your food and had Jiwoo recall many memories you two had made together when younger,

Truly a perfect night

Love was clearly in the air as you got the fuming plate of food in front of you, if you hadn’t felt hungry throughout the day, you definitely were now, and Jiwoo was more than happy about it !

Was it because the place was full of people that you felt so warm or was it because of how close Jiwoo was to you ? You weren’t really sure, and really, it didn’t quite matter as you felt her eyes admiring you, making your heart jolt even though she had always done that, and you had been together for who knows how many months

Nostalgia combined with her gentleness made you nearly tear up, tonight seemed unreal, like it was some sort of fever dream. You felt so out of this world, but for good reasons, feeling like you were floating among the stars, you hadn’t been feeling this relaxed in a long while

Walking out of the place, not without thanking the chef, Jiwoo took both of your hands in hers before leaning in to kiss you, making every minute of today worthy

She was a home like nobody else was,

She was just so warm

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2 years ago

Hello hello !!

How are you all today my loves <3 ? Personally, I have spent a day mostly in bed, working on stuff my job assigned me to do (im so so excited to work on it, its such an honour !!!) and having some family members over for dinner !!

Pretty long week ahead of me :o we can all get through it lovelies !!

Take care and stay safe, always^^

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2 years ago

Aaaaah don't scare me like that you little brat you almost gave me a heart attack 🦊

I am insanely scary you are right😍 thankies for the compliment muhahahahah !!

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2 years ago

honestly i’ve been all over the place, but i’m glad to see you’re back with ideas!!! cant wait to read them all!!

I see I see !!! I hope you get to rest a whole lot and that you will take care because that is so very important <3

Sending you many many warm huggies and wishing you so so well for the next few weeks :)

And omg i hope you’ll enjoy the stuff ill be putting out ahdjdk😭 I hope it’ll be good enough !!!


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2 years ago

An angel waved at me

with Loona’s gowon

wordcount : 0,7k

warnings : none !! pure fluffy content :>

surprise surprise !! Gaypeople4itzy is able to post writings two days in a row :o no way !!!! Anyways🤭 I hope you all enjoy this silly scenario <3

An Angel Waved At Me
An Angel Waved At Me
An Angel Waved At Me

A beautiful Sunday, in the middle of the afternoon, you were heading for the mall with in mind the new clothes you wanted to buy for yourself. You hadn’t had much time to shop lately, so you were more than happy to take today’s day off as a shopping one, time to spend your well-earned money on the cutest outfits you could find

Once there, you immediately turned to a shop you had always liked a lot, wanting to make sure there would be enough clothes left for you. Entering it, you went to the sweater section, it was already so cold outside, so why not wear one?

Done with that purchase, you attempted to find one of your favorite places, it had many clothing pieces you were tempted to get in the past, today was a good day, a great day even, so there was nothing stopping you from getting those desired clothes!

Another purchase done and you were now heading to another shop that held a special place in your heart. Time passed quickly as you went to check a few more brands and your arms began to feel sore since you were carrying so much ! You decided it was a good time for a little break

Heading to the dining hall, you felt someone eying you, but couldn’t tell from who it was coming from. There were so many people around you, it was nearly impossible to tell if strangers were looking at you or if you were simply paranoid

Lowering the volume of your music, you kept walking until you reached a free table, where you put the bags of clothes you had bought previously today. You sat down for a while, scrolling on social media and answering your friend’s texts. A bit of time passed until you felt like you were being observed again, leading to you looking away from your phone to try and find who seemingly couldn’t take their eyes off you

Your heartbeat increased when you found out who was staring at you, a beautiful girl stood there, blonde hair and a shy smile. A slight blush made its way to her cheeks when she realized you were looking right back at her, turning away to who seemed her friends, she disappeared in the crowd of people around you both

As if she was an angel sent to you, you thought for a second you must had dreamed, there was no way such a mesmerizing girl was (what seemed like it) flushed at the sight of you ?!

Amused and surprised at the same time, you did feel a little disappointed thinking that you would probably never see her again. Though quickly enough, your mind was no longer preoccupied by the pretty girl, as you were too hungry to think properly

Getting yourself sweets at one of the many options you had around you, you came back to your seat only to find a little paper note laying on your table. Picking it up you could read “You are so pretty, I literally cannot stop looking at you, I’m so sorry for seeming embarrassing but I hope the compliment made you smile” in such a lovely handwriting !

She was right clearly, her message had you smiling instantly as you were looking around, trying to find where she could be hiding. Quickly you caught a glimpse of her face, looking at you lovingly, waving at you when she saw you watching her again, right before disappearing through the mass of people that stood over where she was

Determined to find her, you got up once more and started to walk around the dining hall, desperately wanting to at least ask for her number. You could feel your cheeks heat up, clearly, you hadn’t felt like this before, and you didn’t know what to do !!

After long minutes of research, you had to give up, your legs tired from walking all day long. Heading to your seat defeated, your eyes lit up as you saw another paper placed near your food. On this one was written “if you didn’t understand it yet, I’m quite shy, though I would like for us to get to know each other, so here’s my phone number :)” and she signed with what you assumed was her name : “Chaewon”

Looking up to see where she might be this time, you quickly recognized her blowing you a kiss, but this time, heading towards you instead of hiding as you gave her your warmest smile

Maybe you weren’t too tired after all, at least not tired enough to head home yet

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