Gender Inequality - Tumblr Posts

this started as a joke but then i started actually thinking about it and now im really annoyed that IDs have this one letter that doesnt mean anything for cis people and is a huge pain in the ass for trans people when we could instead have literally lifesaving information so emergency medical services could just check ur wallet to see which blood to give you so you dont die or whatever But No
dad to brother: you need to work hard but also enjoy your social life, set goals, get good grades, either not focus on girls or find a girlfriend who'll support your dreams and life, focus on a trade, set your career and goals first, live the life of your dreams.
dad to me, the daughter: you need to work hard, forget social life, set goals, get good grades, learn to cook and clean, find a good job, find a man, have children, take care of and put family first even if it means leaving your job.
But then continues to tell me he doesn't raise my brothers and I differently and that gender inequality doesn't exist and neither does double standards when it comes to gender.
Quote from Richard Rohr with a personal reflection at the end.
Hi, I would just like to share that in English class, our teacher asked us to pick an issue we are interested in and/or passionate about for our essay for our month-long project.
Once we all picked them out, she asked us all to put them in this google doc for her to approve. As I'm scrolling through, I see issues like;
Human Rights
Gender Inequality
Mental Health
Corruption in the Government
I'd like to inform everyone reading this that me and my classmates are 12-13 years old, and we have thoughts on these things. These are matters that have been debated for years by adults, some of which are less educated on said issues than us. Yet we have real solutions and ideas based on solid, thorough research.
And for the cherry on top, this isn't something we're not excited to do, or we consider a ‘boring assignment,’ We talk about these things during our free time, during lunch and outside of school.
Maybe this is something for people to think about. That we, a group of 'immature,' or 'naive,' teenagers, CHILDREN have real discussions and thoughts about government corruption, rape, and discrimination.