Genshin Impact Venti X Male Reader - Tumblr Posts
Hey there! May I request a scenario for Venti princess carrying his Male!S/o? S/o is really embarrassed but he secretly likes it and Venti teases him about it. Sorry I know this is a weird request.
This is not a weird request at all!
But I have to admit that I have no idea how to tease someone- and then I recieve so many requests that are about teasing hfgiugh I really hope I meet yall expectations
I hope this is what you wanted & you enjoy reading!
Venti x male! reader

Genshin Impact Masterlist
Like a princess
(Y/N)'s weapon disappeared with a swift move of his hand into thin air after the last treasure horder threw their smoke bomb onto the ground, fleeing from the male. He stretched, groaning slightly in pain.
His injuries were small, but exhaustion washed over him, having fought about 30 horders at once, all alone. (Y/N) tried his best to not fall onto the ground, but it was difficult with burning legs.
He held his head and took a few deep breathes, trying to catch his breath, not realizing how he slowly fell backwards.
"Whoops-", the arms of the bard caught him right on time, "That was close.", he laughed out. (Y/N) widened his eyes in shock. How did he neither notice he was falling nor Venti approaching? Venti only let out another laugh, "What? Did I surprise you?"
The (Y/HC)-haired didn't respond and instead tried to stand upright again. Unfortunately, his knees gave in under his weight. Venti caught him once again, "You okay there, lovely?"
(Y/N) wrapped his arms around Venti's neck, "My legs are burning...", he muttered in his lovers neck. Venti grinned, "Well, judging by the amount of treasure horders I saw running this way, that's no wonder. You're really amazing, you know?"
The bard was silent for a moment, analyzing the other for any major injuries. When he found nothing he had to worry about, he let one of his hands travel to the back of (Y/N)'s knees, before picking him up. (Y/N) let out a short yelp as he tightened his grip around Venti's neck.
"L-let me down! I just need a moment, then I can walk on my own!", he tried to convince the anemo god who only grinned cheekily in response, "See this as an apology for not helping you deal with those treasure horders! Besides, isn't it nice to be carried like this?"
The (Y/HC)-haired buried his face deeper into his lover's neck, trying to cover up the blush that was growing on his face. The blue-eyed smiled fondly, adjusting the other in his arms so both of them would be more comfortable, "You can hide your face all you want, you will never be able to hide how you truly feel, hehe."
When (Y/N) didn't answer once more, Venti giggled to himself and started walking, "Let's go home, shall we, love?" (Y/N) let out a grunt in response, still not showing his face. He had to admit, it really was nice being in Venti's arms. They were definetely stronger than he expected. And way more comfortable too.
After a few mintes of walking in silence, the (Y/EC)-eyed lifted his head to look ahead of them, a nice breeze hitting his face gently. The beautiful scenery of Monstadt and the wind made the experience even better.
(Y/N) felt like a prince, being rescued and carried by his knight in shining armor. Minus the shining armor. Plus a goofy grin on his knights face.
(Y/N) couldn't help but smile. It's been quite a long time since the both of them were able to share a moment like this. It was kind of romantic.
Venti thought so too, but he had to ruin the mood.
"There is that precious smile I was waiting for! Enjoying the ride?"
Right as their eyes locked, the young man looked away again, "You just had to say something, didn't you?", he mumbled pouting and tightening his grip around the other's neck again. The bard giggled, "How could I not? You're just so adorable. Especially when you deny liking being carried like a princess."
Venti glanced down at his lover, this cheeky grin reappearing on his lips, but started to pout slightly when (Y/N) spoke up again, "Who said I was enjoying this?", he asked, trying to look upset.
"You did.", Venti began to smile teasingly again, plotting a little something in his head, "Just a few minutes ago."
(Y/N)'s eyes widened in shock yet again, his cheeks starting to burn like his legs. "Did I say that out loud??", he asked embarrassed and slightly panicked. How could he not notice it? He really was tired, had to take a nap soon.
"Nope~", Venti laughed triumphantly, "I lied, hehe~"
(Y/N) gasped and slapped Venti on the shoulder, his face even redder now, "You jerk!" He tried to wiggle out of his lover's grip, pretty much not caring if he fell onto the ground and hurt himself.
The anemo god let out a hearty laughter and strenghtened his grip around the other one. He winked at the (Y/HC)-haired and stuck his tongue out, "So you really are enjoying this! Hah, you're too easy to fool~" He recieved more slaps and punches for that comment, "Ow, ow, ow, ow! Okay, okay! I'm sorry, hehe!"
"You don't sound sorr-"
Venti cut off (Y/N) with a little smooch on the lips, his laughter dying down, "Come on, it's just us. Just us and the wind." (Y/N) rolled his eyes by the tone of Venti's voice, but stopped hitting him. He annoyedly mumbled something under his breath, inaudible.
The bard smiled brightly and placed another kiss on his lover's lips, "Let's enjoy the scenery while we walk home a little more, shall we?"
hello, if you're not busy then can you write a scenario for Venti with a male s/o that's short? s/o isn't tall enough to kiss Venti so Venti teases s/o about it and s/o gets really blushy
Ayyye, still don’t know how to tease someone ufghliughf
I hope this is what you wanted & you enjoy reading!
Venti x male! reader

Genshin Impact Masterlist
A little blushy
Being short was already hard enough for (Y/N).
People constantly mistaken him for a child, teased or underestimated him, he couldn't reach things on higher shelves, it was difficult to find adult-fitting clothes in his size and so on.
But then Venti came along, the two of them fell in love and became a couple. This brought a new inconvenience to being short, being even shorter than the anemo god.
(Y/N) just couldn't reach Venti's lips whenever he wanted to plant a kiss on them. Everytime he tried he either stumbled and almost fell over or gave his cheek a smooch instead. The bard always returned the favor, but there was always a cheeky little smile on his lips.
As if he knew what (Y/N)'s original plan was.
But he never said anything or made a move to help his boyfriend out. Venti was actually enjoying this, not as far to being sadistic, but he found it rather amusing. And very cute.
How the (Y/HC)-haired stood on his toes, trying not to lean on Venti, as he tried to land a kiss right on his lips...but missing completely and starting to blush out of embarrassement, hoping Venti wouldn't notice. A sight Venti could never get tired of.
After a while though, the anemo god decided it was enough of silently watching and pretending he didn't notice. But that made everything only worse for the shorter male.
It was one of those times again: (Y/N) carved for some affection, a kiss to be precise. Not being the kind of person to say those kinds of needs out loud, he walked over to his boyfriend and made himself as tall as possible by standing on his toes.
He refused to use anything to stand on, such as a chair or a box. It made him feel a bit more insecure about his height. And also gave Venti another opportunity to tease him.
(Y/N) was determined to get that kiss this time. It wasn't that difficult, just needed a bit of... experience.
He could do it, no problem.
"Do you need anything, little Cecilia?", the bard smiled down at his boyfriend, already knowing what that longing gaze in his eyes meant. He knew he wanted a kiss, but he wasn't going to give him one just yet.
Not before teasing him a little.
The (Y/HC)-haired paused, he didn't expect Venti to ask him anything, too focused on not falling over. He sank back down and shook his head, "Nah...not really."
He wrapped his arms around Venti's waist and looked up at him, "Just wanted a hug.", he lied.
The taller male rose his eyebrow at that statement, "Are you sure, love? You seem to long for something else.", he returned the hug and planted a kiss on (Y/N)'s forehead.
(Y/N) blushed a little, but nodded and buried his face in Venti's neck, "Just a hug...", he repeated.
"Alright then.", Venti continued to look down at his lover. He noticed how (Y/N) sighed ever so quietly, as if he was disappointed in himself. And he kind of was.
He could've just told Venti he wanted a kiss, but now he probably won't get it. Not when he doesn't say anything.
"Ah, I see now.", Venti giggled and pulled away slightly so he could see (Y/N)'s face, "You want a kiss, don't you?"
The (Y/EC)-eyed's eyes widened a bit, a little bit of hope in them. Though, he blushed even harder out of embarrassement now, he'll at least get what he wanted.
"Come on now, little Cecilia, tell me.", a cheeky smile appeared on Venti's face as he waited. The other just nodded again and glanced away. The bard, however, wasn't satisfied, tilting his head slightly, "What? You have to use you're sweet voice for me to understand. You know I can be a bit oblivious sometimes."
//Liar.//, (Y/N) thought to himself as he finally realized Venti was only toying with him. But he wanted that damn kiss, so he tried again, using his voice this time, like Venti requested.
"'Yes' what?"
The god leaned down a bit, his eyes half closed, still having that teasing smile on his lips, "What is it that you want, lovely?" The (Y/HC)-haired's face put Diluc's hair color to shame by how deep the shade of red was. He clicked his tongue in annoyence which made the taller one only giggle in respond.
"You find this amusing, don't you?"
Venti winked at him, "Why, yes of course! It's just so adorable how you can't get yourself to say it." (Y/N) clawed on the back of Vent's clothes as he whined, "Come on...pleaasee..."
"Nawwww~ You're so cute, hehe~", the bard cooed as he rubbed his boyfriend's upper back, "Alright, alright, I won't tease you any further...Come here."
Venti let his hands travel to (Y/N)'s cheeks and leaned down, planting a soft kiss on his cheek.
"Hehehehe, I'm sorry!"
He leaned down again, aiming straight for his lips this time. It was certainly worth the wait. The kiss was long and soft, but passionate. They parted slowly, as if they don't want the feeling of the other's lips to go away.
"I swear, next time Imma just pull you down by your collar."
Venti laughed nervously at that.
Hello there! May I request a scenario where Venti spends some quality time with his bf finds out his bf is easily flustered? Bf denies it and Venti keeps teasing him. I'm sorry if that wasn't specific ahsbdbsjs and I know you said you're bad with writing teasing, I'm sorry, you can skip this request if you want
Hello darkness, my old friend
Just because I'm terrible at writing teasing, doesn't mean Imma just ignore this
You know what you wished for, so you know this'll be terrible
Genshin Impact Masterlist
I hope this is what you wanted & you enjoy reading!
Venti x male reader!

Enjoyable Discovery
Venti and (Y/N) had been a couple for quite some time, though there were still some things for each other to discover about the other. Let's take Venti's habit of messing around with his boyfriend's stuff when he's not around as an example. (Y/N) surely didn't know about that yet.
Or better yet as example, how easily (Y/N) gets flustered. It's really adorable how quick his cheeks turn red by the most simplest things, is what the anemo archon will soon find out.
Walking side by side, the two males bathed in the calming feeling of the sun on their skin and breezes through their hair and clothes, as they walked up Starsnatch Cliff. It was rather crowdy on the streets of Monstadt that day, so the couple decided to go to a more secluded area to enjoy some time together.
"What a beautiful day to enjoy some alone time with the most beautiful man alive.", Venti exclaimed in a somewhat dreamy voice, letting his bright eyes travel from the sky to his partner. "You're so cheesy.", the (Y/HC)-haired replied, shaking his head slightly. Venti could actually already see a faint redness on (Y/N)'s cheek, but the male played it off so good, Venti just ignored it.
Venti let out a laugh, "Awe, come on, (Y/NN)! Don't be like that. You know you love me with an extra load of cheese."
(Y/N) scoffed, but smiled nonetheless, "If you say so."
They continued to walk until they reached the very top of the cliff, sitting down and letting their legs dangle over the edge with an exhausted sigh, "Phew...That was kinda tiring, but definitely worth the view.", (Y/N) said as he placed his hands slightly behind him to support himself while he leaned back a bit. He let his (Y/EC) eyes take in the view infront of them, it really was beautiful.
"Indeed.", The other replied, not taking his eyes off his boyfriend as he admired the glow of the evening sun on his form.
Venti was feeling a little cheesy the whole day, wanting nothing more, but to smother (Y/N) in compliments and love, but he didn't get the chance to yet.
So now was his chance.
After a swift glance to his lover, (Y/N) let out a sigh, "You're supposed to look infront of you...", he muttered, turning his face away from Venti as subtle as possible so he wouldn't see the blush he felt like was slowly appearing on his cheeks.
The anemo archon scooted a little closer with a smile on his face, placing his hand over (Y/N)'s, "Why would I when you're so much more beautiful?"
(Y/N) clicked his tongue, not taking away his hand from Venti's, but turning his face even further away.
"Hm?", Venti was quick to realize what was going on, letting his smile grow into a more evil one.
"What's wrong, darling? Did I make you flustered?", teasing was clear in his voice, making (Y/N) pout, but blush even more, "N-no? Why would you think that?", he tried to deny.
Venti giggled, squeezing his boyfriend's hand a bit as he spoke, "Why else would you turn away from me, love? When it's not to hide your cute little blush?"
"I just- I saw something out of the corner of my eyes- nothing interesting.-"
"Oh?", Venti leaned closer, just beside (Y/N)'s ear, "You know, your blush already reached your ears. You can't deny it.~", he whispered, sending shivers down (Y/N)'s spine.
"Venti!", the (Y/HC)-haired yelled as he shoved the other away from him.
"Haha! I'm sorry!", Venti apologized, "I didn't know you're that easy to fluster, love."
(Y/N) crossed his arms over his chest, embarrassed of how fast his heart was beating, "Just- Shut it-"