Ghostly Babbling - Tumblr Posts
I just sent a mood board request like a crazy person, I included memes to get the vibes. I swear to dogs I might have to make it myself but I'd have no idea where to start
I'm actually a very spooky little kitty, my hoomans put a white cloth over me with lil holes so I can see. Boo! :3
I don't wanna be a big boy
I wanna be one of these very silly kitties

I redid my account for spooky month!! Sry it's kinda late, I also updated my bio. It's still the pinned post on my page, kinda wonder if my whole everything needs a redo... should I get more professional?
Okay im a silly kitty again
I am no longer a silly little kitty, I'm a grown up who needs a job for money and grown up things.
I made an Art!!

When I say I'm a silly little kitty THIS is the kitty >:3
I kno I just changed my profile pic buuuutt I kinda really want it to be this now, would y'all be mad?
Guys I need help
I had to wash my best friend but her eyes broke. She had cracks before but now it's so much worse, her eyes are chipping off now! I feel so bad that I made her blind. Is there any way to fix this?? ππ

Hi, my agere blog is @scene-pup! Could I get a scene/scenecore themed banner with kandi, maybe an outfit or clothes, and some cool themed toys and stuffies? I like invader zim, mlp, and the colors hot pink, lime green, and french sky blue! (exact hex is like #82a8ff i think?) I really love what you do, definitely following too!!
Posted! Hope you like it!! :3c
I hope it's okay that I got some more info from your blog, not meant to be stocker-ish /gen
M at work and starting to feel smal cuz I'm hurtin but m front stuck too and I jus wanna cry and cuddle with my stuffies
On my lunch break rn, send me some and I'll answer when I get home! :3c
Making my own agere ask game!! Ft. My favorite emojis hehe β¨
π¦ do you like learning while regressed? If so, how?
π¦ what is an uncommon thing about your regression?
π§Έ do you have a special interest/topic you really like (especially while small)? Share about it!
π What type of shows do you like while regressed?
π¦ what is a toy you really want?
π do you have pets? Do they add to your regression at all?
π What is a positive trigger for your regression?
π‘ What is your favorite small activity?
π¦ what's your favorite small food?
π¦ describe your dream regression day/playdate!
πwhat would your ideal regression space/room be like?
π what fictional character would you like as a caregiver?
πββ¬ what are your favorite nicknames?
π what are your favorite games to play while regressed?
π make/describe an ideal agere outfit
πβπ¦Ί do you have any agere friends?
π how is small you different from big you?

I don't know I needed to hear this oh my gosh
Hey little bug,
sometimes things happen like our impenetrable fortress gets stolen by little geometric creatures, or we lose someone close.
It's okay to be scared. It's okay to be sad. But don't blame yourself for what you can't control. It's not your fault. This weird world works in its own odd ways, control isn't always ours.
But it's gonna be ok. Do the little things you like. Take time for yourself. Listen to your instincts. And if they say you need to be small, then if it's safe go on ahead.
You are loved and admired and beautiful. Just like a soft moth, you may be overshadowed by another's brighter wings, you are still so majestic in your own way.
Im here for you little bug <3

Whisp is such a cool name!! It's good that he's eating, hogs can be so friggin picky it's not funny. I've never heard of a yeti morph before, do you know much about it? Are you willing to share your knowledge??
We got a baby hognose snake! He is almost 3 months old (his hatch date is 8.20.23), and he weighs 10 grams. He likes to eat (yay!), explore, and climb! He is a yeti morph, and his spots are purple and pink, though the camera has a hard time photographing them.
Anyway, meet Whisp!

I made mine into a kitty!!
I tag @grauntiemotersblog and @aew-kun-age-regression !!!
Starting a picrew chain!!! :0

Tagging @itty-bitty-bird-nest @jane-does-dolly @babyfrankiestein @princeminnow @ragmeow @smallragdoll and anybody else who wants to!!!
Verryy in and out of my regression RN and Im rereading my raggedy Ann and Andy fic I wrote so long ago I forgot what happened :P
πππ it's so sweet are we sure IM the one who wrote that what the frick
Verryy in and out of my regression RN and Im rereading my raggedy Ann and Andy fic I wrote so long ago I forgot what happened :P
M sicky.. I fweu ups an now tiny... don wanna be alones but sibby eepin and i's stuck... Wan dadda ππ
IMMEDIATE FOLLOW-UP Please share Little Sun CG Moon thoughts as well please!!!
This is in response to this post where I made a Cg Sun and Lil Moon Agere Board with lil headconnons bc I got inspired
Also sorry there's not much Moon... I uhhh don't have an excuse and I just realized that now. Sorry :3
- he's so high strung all the time, being smol is genuinely an escape for him. He's a carefree older toddler 3-6
- HE. LOVES. CRAFTS. (Supplies) paints, sequins, buttons, beads, twine, thread, glue, glitter, markers, crayons, pencils, you name it he's got a stach of it at his disposal at all times. Ready to make a *very pretty* mess hopefully on a piece of paper.
- he does his best to clean up after but there's usually a residue or a few markers that got left behind.
- he's kinda stubborn in a not bratty way.. ex: if he's hanging out with his favorite Glamrock, he never wants to leave! If he's building a block tower, he'll make the tallest one ever!! If he's got a crayon in his mouth and Moon tells him to spit it out, how can he? It's the best flavor!! That's a waste Moonie.. fiiiinneee :(
- he like to draw his friends and one time someone turned it around and said "imma draw YOU" it turned a playfull fight on who can draw who faster. (Side note, true story. I heard from friend after and I have his drawing if people wanna see it I'll ask him if it's okay I'll edit it in here)
- HES SO SILLY AND PLAYFUL. his favorite games are follow the leader *bonus points if the leader doesn't know they're the leader* he loves hide and seek too but sometimes he forgets to tell anyone that they're supposed to seek and then he gets sad
- he likes looking at balloons but hates when they make that gosh darn *balloon noises* they spook him when they pop too
- his favorite Glamrock is Monty. Full stop. No debate. No one's been able to get him to explain why, not even he knows, sometimes we just have favorites!
- no paci for him, he's a big boy!! Buuuutt... There's no shame in thumbs when he gets reeeeaaaalllllllyyyyyy sleepy and thinks no one's watching.
- speaking of: KEEP AN EYE ON HIM AT ALL TIMES!! Wether it's making a mess or climbing too high up on the jungle gym, if you don't keep an eye on him always he'll get up to something... He usually comes clean before anyone notices tho
- if you need him to sit still, GOOD FREAKING LUCK, but you may have some success with those ASMR slime videos. Don't let him watch too long tho because he may try to use the video as a tutorial.
- he absolutely loves those kids crafts kits you can buy at Walmart or target, never reads the instructions tho. It's usually just a fun time anyways, having a product at the end isn't necessary if he gets to be silly and make a mess.
~If this one feels more thorough than the lil Moon head cannons that's because it's a lot more accurate this time.. our alter Sun does regress sometimes and he's read though this for me to confirm he's okay with sharing and that's it's accurate! Some stuff that includes IRL friends have been made anonymous for their safety~
Really upsetti rn cuz I yelled at my puppy and he got scared and now I'm crying and he's trying to help but it's just getting so much worser and I didn't wanna be little today but it looks like that's gonna happen soon