Agere Boy - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

'm at work an my baby brain doesn't wanna do this anymore

I wanna go home an watch bluey an I wan my paci

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2 years ago


This blog is currently being modded by a headmate, intro page to him coming soon!

*About me*

I'm Ghost

I'm 19 irl but this is a kiddo safe blog!!

I Age Regress pretty young, 0-4

I'm in a bunch of different fandoms and I love chatting about them :3

I also love getting recommendations for shows/fandoms

I'm the host of a System, not much content regarding that but this blog is safe for all systems. I'm not knowledgeable enough to claim that curtain systems are/are not real. Just be respectful here please <3

My pfp is made with this Picrew

Ive written two fics now:

The first one is raggedy Ann and Andy with Little! Andy and supportive big sister Ann. Here it is :)

And my latest is for the Daycare Attendant from FNAF getting their own little found family. Here's part one :)

I take agere board request! I do themes (x) and characters (x) please send me any character from my fandom list and I'll let you know asap if I can do it. Please keep in mind I'm only human and cannot read minds so be as descriptive as possible when making your requests :3

My tags:

#thoughts of ghost - just random ideas I have or commentary, mostly text posts

#life of ghost - life updates, mostly text posts

#ghostly response - a response to an ask, either a text post or request that someone put in

#ghostly rambling - excitedly talking about something I like, will probably include at least one image

#ghostly babbling - most likely something I post while regressed or being close to regressing, could be anything honestly

#Ghostly's Boards!! - my Agere Boards! Read the green portion before requesting one plz <3

#imma bout to reblog this mans whole career - I've searched something or someone on Tumblr and reblogging the heck out of everything I really like, genuinely could be anything

Do not interact if you and/or your blog isn't kid safe. I am not afraid to block and report!!


Stay safe Bubba! <3

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1 year ago

Does anyone have anything about agere and Stardew Valley?? I'm not finding much and I just want sweet fic recs..

Looking for something more npc focused if possible ty ๐Ÿ’•

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1 year ago

I knew what the answer was going to be but I didn't wanna see it.. 0-1 lol

Doing quizies for fun!

Doing Quizies For Fun!

What is your regressed age?
Let's find out what your regressed age is! :)

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1 year ago

Same here.. so expensive ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค

What's a tiny gotta do to be babied around here???

It costs 4 hugs????

The economy nowadays, stupid inflation.

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1 year ago

That's it

You've found her

The prettiest kitty

@grauntiemotersblog look at the lil meow meow!!


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1 year ago

Let's say, hypothetically, I was writing an agere fanfic for a nearly dead fandom (Raggedy Ann and Andy) and, hypothetically, was super proud of what little I've written so far and wanted to share it.

How many of you guys would, hypothetically, read it??

Edit: I did it :) here it is

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1 year ago

I am one bajillion present gonna use these!!!

Hi! I love your banners! Can I please request a banner with a picture of a cartoon cat or a paw print that says "This kitten is small and soft, sfw interaction only" ? Thank you! @stuffielovinhours

@stuffielovinhours i hope you like these ! ๐Ÿพ

Hi! I Love Your Banners! Can I Please Request A Banner With A Picture Of A Cartoon Cat Or A Paw Print
Hi! I Love Your Banners! Can I Please Request A Banner With A Picture Of A Cartoon Cat Or A Paw Print
Hi! I Love Your Banners! Can I Please Request A Banner With A Picture Of A Cartoon Cat Or A Paw Print

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1 year ago

I'm working on polishing the fic y'all!! It should be up soon-ish. Please don't expect a whole lot, I've never posted my fics before lol :/

Let's say, hypothetically, I was writing an agere fanfic for a nearly dead fandom (Raggedy Ann and Andy) and, hypothetically, was super proud of what little I've written so far and wanted to share it.

How many of you guys would, hypothetically, read it??

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1 year ago

Raggedy Ann and Andy's First Slumber Party

A Raggedy Ann and Andy age regression fanfic by me!

Let me know if I should add trigger warnings! I'm not used to posting my writing





Marcella is invited to a slumber party at her classmate's house to celebrate a set of twins' birthdays. She brings Ann and Andy to play/sleep with cuz it's her first sleepover. Ann is super excited but Andy hasn't been out of the house besides they're adventures in the deep dark woods so he's a bit nervous. He'd never admit it to anyone but Ann tho.


The first few hours of the sleepover went by quickly, Marcella set them both up at her sleeping bag by her pillow and went off to play with the other kids outside. This gave the two twin dollies a chance to meet the other kid's stuffed friends. They met a huge stuffed moose named Sammy, a plush cockatiel named Charlie who spoke in squeeks, a small cat full of plastic pellets named Fiona, and a stuffed dog named Frenchie. Ann was having such a great time meeting these new friends, Andy was doing his best to be friendly but he was having a hard time acclimating to the new environment. Something about this whole outing made his stuffing turn, he decided he would stick close to Ann. Purely so he could protect her if something happened, or at least, that's what he told himself.

After supper and cake all the kids rushed into the bedroom to grab their respective toys and bring them all to the birthday twin's shared playroom. It was a large bright room seemingly split through the middle between the two twins. One side felt similar to the nursery back home and the other was decorated with superheroes, zombies, even wrestlers. 'Great more toys to meet!' the ragdoll twins both thought with very different sentiments.

It was all going fine as the children played. Marcella was playing with the twin dollies, having a pretty fun time until one of the boys took Andy from Marcella's hand. It took all his effort not to come to life and rush back to his kid and sister. He was brought to the boyish side of the play room. There was almost a conflict between the children but then a woman came in to say it was time for a movie. The boy holding him tossed him back to Marcella and dashed out the door in a rush to find the best spot for movie watching, much of the other children followed suit. Marcella gave Andy a big hug before setting him down next to Ann and leaving the room. Once every toy was sure that no one would be coming back to the playroom the toys came to life once more.

"Oh Andy! Are you okay?" Ann exclaimed as she hugged her brother and checked a few of his more fragile stitches. Andy was struggling internally, it felt like this slumber party was only going to get worse and all he really wanted was for Ann to cuddle him and tell him it'll be okay. That they would be home soon. But he couldn't admit that out loud, not with all these new toys around that could judge him for being 'too soft'. Before he could get a word out to his sister a teddy bear approached the twin dollies. Andy stood behind his sister and held onto the loose sleeve of her dress.

"Looks like you got snagged by Michal, are you alright? No stitches popped" the bear asked kindly, "My name is Freddy, welcome to the play room! I'm sorry some of our kids play a bit rough" The bear, Freddy, seemed friendly. Andy nodded.

"That's one way to put it, who just grabs a toy out of another kid's hands at this age?" Andy asked halfheartedly. "Anyways I'm fine, thanks." Andy looks away, he didn't want to make nice with Freddy- or any of these other toys- he wanted to go home. Ann could sense the tension building in her brother and tried her best to keep the peace.

"oh- Andrew" she jabs playfully "Don't mind him, he's just grumpy. My name is Ann, it's nice to meet you Freddy! Your playroom is so nice! Much bigger than Marcella's nursery back home!" She and Freddy shook hands and began talking about... something. Andy wasn't paying attention. He decided he didn't want to be a part of this conversation anymore and walked off. He found a spot next to some building blocks that looked nice and sat down to settle himself.

He didn't like any of this, that much was obvious. He could feel a fuzziness creeping up in the corners of him mind, his regression. He really didn't want to do that here, not around toys he didn't know. Just the thought of it upset him. But he also thought about what Ann said, was he really being that grumpy? Was that his only two options? Grumpy or regressing? No, he needed to make some friends. He could have a good time here, just look at how great Ann is at making new friends! He decided, the next toy he sees he will try to befriend.

Not two seconds later an action figure came out of nowhere, crashing through the small tower made of blocks he was sitting by. He was a bit shorter than Andy was and he had a wrestling outfit on. 'oh sweet! a boys toy I could be friends with!' Andy puffed up his chest as he waited for the wrestler to get up and out of the tower's remains.

"that was wicked!!!" The action figure pops up yelling, facing a whole group of other figures. The wrestler ran back to the group and Andy followed.

"Hey guys, I'm Andy!" He put on a smile and held out his hand for a handshake like he's seen his sister do thousands of times before. The figures seemed to not notice him so he cleared his throat of any loose stuffing and tried again. "Hey guys, that was super cool! What games do you like to play?" A few of the plastic toys gave Andy the side eye and the toy in the middle of the crowd, a slightly taller toy with a removable biker helmet and molded on leather jacket and ripped jeans, approached Andy like he was bothered by having to look at the ragdoll.

"What do you want, Plush-Boy? We're busy." The dude said. "The tea party is that way, Doll" he pointed to where Ann and a group of other toys were playing a bored game. Andy was confused but tried his best to put on a genuine smile and he held out his hand again for a handshake.

"My name's Andy, what are you busy with? Maybe I could lend a hand?" The biker looked at Andy's hand and shook it. His mates behind him seemed surprised at this.

"No. You can't. You're far too soft for our stunts. You'll pop a stitch. Now get out of here and go back to the girls toy side." He said as if he were talking about something as mundane as the weather. The other figure behind him snickered and chuckled as they watched Andrew stammering.

"Hey- wait a minute! I'm no girls toy! I can do anything you guys can and probably better too." Andy defended himself, he didn't like being considered weak. Especially not by these... these hoodlums!

"Sure mate, you'll notice though.. none of us are wearing lipstick and mascara." The biker pointed out the stitching on Andy's face that looked like make-up. His goonies behind him were agreeing and exchanging high-fives as they laughed at the ragdoll. Before they could say anything else to him, Andy ran away.

He ran to his sister who was playing a board game, snakes and ladders, one of his favorites. He didn't ask to play though, he sat silently next to Ann and resigned himself to watching her play. He could still hear them across the room, he's sure if he looked they'd be laughing and pointing at him. It took all of his strength not to cry. He dug around in his overalls pocket for his paper flower, something that always made him feel less alone, upon finding it he put it safely in his lap. He smoothed out some of the crinkles in the petals, smiling sadly and humming quietly to himself. He hummed the song he and Ann always sung when one or both of them were feeling down, Candy Hearts and Paper Flowers. He was thankful for the ambient noise of the room so no one else could hear him. Or at least that's what he thought.

He was so deep in his own world he got startled when he felt Ann's arm wrap around his shoulders in a side-hug. After the initial scare he melted into his sister's embrace, leaning his head against her and closing his eyes. She leaned her head atop of his and they stayed like that until it was Ann's turn to play. She had to scoot forwards a bit and played one handed as she held Andy's hand. Andy paid more attention to the board and saw that the moose they met earlier had just won. They were all chatting and setting up for another round. As they were all ready to start Ann looked at him holding the two dice.

"Do you want to roll for me Andy? I could use some good luck," She asked with her perpetually kind smile. Andy nodded excitedly and rolled them, then Ann moved their piece. As the game went on it became more obvious to Ann that her brother had regressed, she wondered if he even realized it. Soon they were reaching the end of the game, it was what could be their last turn. Ann had to suppress a giggle when she saw just how seriously Andy was taking it. He shook the dice with both his hands before dropping them on the board, leaning in close to read what the numbers were. Three and five. Everyone else who saw had already put together the simple addition but waited for Andy. He counted the dots on the dice carefully. Eight.

"Annie!!! It's eight!! That's what we needed right?!" He spoke louder than he meant to in his excitement. Everyone at that board knew it was but we're playing like they didn't know so Andy could figure it out.

"Oh well, I just don't know Andy. Let's check!" So the two of them counted each pace with the player piece. The look on Andy's face when he realized they'd won was priceless. He was smiling ear to ear and got a few kind words from the other toys playing. He looked back at his big sister and she ruffled his hair through his hat. "See Andy? I knew you'd be good luck!" The boy beamed with pride, maybe this slumber party wasn't as bad as he thought!





I enjoyed writing this and I am inexperienced at writing so call me out if you find it necessary

If you know me IRL the stuffies that are named are mine, some of them are also my roommates

I really just wanted an excuse to write some hurt comfort, sue me.

If I find inspiration I might write more :)

I friggin love these guys :)))))

Tag list take two! (Thank you to everyone who liked or commented or reblogged my original post, it kept me motivated to write past what I originally thought I would!)

@grauntiemotersblog <= my roomie/bestie/spouse








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1 year ago


Credits under the cut!


The sun is my spouse's (@grauntiemotersblog) art and the moon is mine!

I used a lot of PicsArt stickers feature for most of it!

The book is my own copy I used the website Remove.BG to get rid of backgrounds for the book and Sun and Moon :)

The banner is @puppershy 's!! I requested it a few days ago. TY!!!

I can't remember for the life of me what picrews I used for the image of me, if I find it I'll link it here!!!!

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1 year ago

Made a Wally Darling Agere Moodboard ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ

Made A Wally Darling Agere Moodboard

Made with pixart (free in app store)

All official art belongs to @/partycoffin !!!

My roommate and I were talking about this and I just had to make it (เฒฅโ โ•ญโ โ•ฎโ เฒฅ)โ™ก

Should I start taking requests for these, y or n?

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1 year ago

โ˜€๏ธโœจSundrop Moodboard โœจโ˜€๏ธ

Sundrop Moodboard

I'm on a friggin role- please send me requests!! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

The art belongs to @/shandzii here on Tumblr!!

Made with pixart! Free on app store!

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1 year ago



Please send me requests!

Reblog if you save please!!

Made with pixart (free on the app store)

None of the art is mine but it was free in the stickers book on pixart!

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1 year ago



Please send me requests!!! ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿฆด๐Ÿ‘ป๐Ÿผ

Made with pixart!! (Free on apps store)

None of the art is mine, it was all found on the app!!

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1 year ago

I made an Art!!

I Made An Art!!

When I say I'm a silly little kitty THIS is the kitty >:3

I kno I just changed my profile pic buuuutt I kinda really want it to be this now, would y'all be mad?

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