Giant!george - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Here’s what I have for an au I might write soon...

•renowned “man hunter” hired to take care of a supposed giant

•plot twist bitch they’re HUGE and there’s more than one

•BBH, Sap, and George as giants btw

•dream is overtly cocky and doesn’t do any research, so mans runs into this expecting someone like 7 ft tall

•honey no they’re like easily 70 feet tall (maybe taller)

•he goes into attack them blindly, tracking the camp from the smoke he can see, stumbling on their camp and freaking tf out at the sight of three giants surrounding a gigantic fire

•they surround him and are angry as they see his weapons and everything, but Bad sees how terrified the little muffin looks and tries to reassure him

•it doesn’t work

•as he reaches forward to try to gently soothe him, Dream attacks

•the blade is netherite and enchanted, and Bad pulls his hand away with a hiss

•Sap and George try to get him too but he’s able to get a few more hits in and it’s kind of impressive honestly. But he eventually gets snatched up by Sap. He looks PISSED.

•Dream is panicking but he deflects with some snark and he gets squeezed a bit too tight

•normally this would be a huge no-no for the giants, and Bad would usually stop Sap from going to the extent of physical harm, but he’s off with George now tending to their surprisingly deep wounds

•Dream bites at the hand around him enough to be able to quickly shift and grab his sword, stabbing the hand around him harshly

•he gets dropped and lands badly on his ankle, letting out a pained gasp but he doesn’t have time to focus on that. He uses the adrenaline to keep him going and ignore the pain, managing to get away from the giants and hide in a nearby cave

•it’s not until then that he realizes that his sword is gone, so the giants must still have it

•all he has for now is his stone axe to defend himself and there are three angry giants looking for the man

What do y’all think? :0

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3 years ago

"In my defense, I was left unsupervised." Maybe tiny Sapnap with George and Dream? Either they're both human/giant or one of them is also small. (This is giant-tiny-squid's main blog btw)

Sorry this took so long! I hope you like it! Sorry it’s short!

Warnings: Swearing, fear (mentioned)

Word Count ~600

(Story below the cut!)

---------------- Left Alone -----------------

“I’m glad you felt comfortable enough to meet Wilbur,” George shifted Dream from cupped palms into one hand as he fished for his keys with his free hand. He slid the key into the door’s lock and pushed the door open, walking up the stairs. “So anyway, I was just-”

The borrower looked up from his place in George’s hand as his human friend cut himself off abruptly. “George, what’s... oh.”

He understood immediately as they walked into view of the kitchen, where he could make out a fluffy black mop of hair amongst the mess. All on the counters were packages of crackers and chips, one of which was open and spilling out on the counter.

“Sapnap, what the fuck?!” George crossed the room quickly, voice irritated as he placed Dream down onto the counter near Sapnap, nudging the latter with a finger. Dream appreciated the gentle nature despite the obvious annoyance. It wasn’t much, but it made Dream feel a lot better about his decision to befriend the human.

“Hey!” Sapnap batted at the finger and took a step away, grin wide and mischievous as he stared up at the human. “In my defense, I was left unsupervised.”

“You said you didn’t want to go!”

“You did say that.” Dream affirmed, shifting his weight and leaning back against a nearby sugar container.

“Well, I- Okay, yeah, you got me there...” Sapnap grumbled, shooting a look at the scattered items on the counter. “But! I got hungry. And Dream has been so buddy-buddy with you that he hasn’t been borrowing like he used to!”

The smile he shot Dream let him know that he was teasing, but it still made him feel guilty. He had been spending a lot of time with George since the human had discovered him. He had been skittish at first, shying away from any of the human’s movements. 

But George’s soft-spoken words and gentle kindness were enough to win him over. It wasn’t long before the two had begun to bantered back and forth, and he had mostly lost any fear of the human. Sapnap, on the other hand, had been unafraid since day one. 

That’s what he said anyway.

“That doesn’t mean you get to make a huge mess in the kitchen.” George reached over Dream for paper towels, taking one with a soft ripping sound. Dream was thankful that the human decided not to comment on the way he ducked away at the fast movement.

Yeah, most of that fear was gone, but quick movements still caught him by surprise.

As George mopped up excess water from the side of the sink, Sapnap let out another loud laugh.

“Serves you right for stealing my best friend, you British bastard.”

George scoffed and shook his head slightly, dropping the slightly damp paper towel on the borrower, the latter sputtering and spitting out curses. “And this is for being a disaster, you little fiend.”

The two of the looked over at Dream, who was doubled over with his signature wheeze laugh. The banter between all of them had been a key part in all of the friendships they’d formed with each other.

“You’re both idiots.” The affectionate smile on his face only grew as Sapnap hurled the damp paper towel at the human/s face. It connected and slid slightly, falling back to the counter with a soft plop. “Let’s just get this cleaned up and then we can supervise Sapnap while we watch a movie.”

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3 years ago

The Job

Here it is! The first part of my Giant Slayer Dream AU!! Let me know what you guys think and feel free to send in some asks and such!

Warnings for fear, talks of death, mentions of blood, and language

Word Count ~ 1k

Dream was the best manhunter in the realm, his signature smiling mask and green cloak gaining his notoriety in any place he went. With such a reputation, he was overly confident, cocky to the point he’d rolled his eyes and laughed at the prospect of a giant.

His rival was considered to be a giant, and Dream had learned from his loss (though it was a close match) for his next hunt, rolling his eyes at the piglin hybrid’s victorious teasing. He’d taken down a 9 foot target just last week. That so called ‘giant’ was what made him the obvious choice to send after a giant that a fairly isolated village had sent word of.

There wasn’t much to go off of, just mentions of spotting a demonic looking giant on the edge of the village.

“Remember to gather intel when you get there.” Another manhunter called out after him as he headed out. “You don’t want to be caught off guard if you don’t have to be.”

Dream had agreed, but he rolled his eyes with a scoff as he turned away. He didn’t need that. He’d never needed any extra preparation, he was better than that.

So he just set off and travelled through the Nether to get there a bit faster, shifting his pack on his shoulder and keeping his enchanted netherite blade firmly in hand. All he stopped by the village to do was see what direction the giants had been spotted in, but the plains on one side versus a lush forest on the other made it clear enough where the giant might be hiding.

At the very least, if the giant wasn’t in the forest, Dream could find where it went to finish the job. Easy. Piece of cake.

It was only a bit after noon when Dream had entered the forest but it was slowly starting to get dark by the time he made any progress. He was sweating and panting slightly from exertion as he ran toward smoke in the distance. He huffed slightly.

The giant had lit a fire? Didn’t they know they were being hunted? Or was it just an idiot?

Dream decided he didn’t care, It would make it that much easier for him. He steeled himself and charged into the area, squinting his eyes a bit against the brightness of a large bonfire. He oriented himself quickly, scanning the area quickly and faltering as he spotted his target.

It was definitely demonic, true, with its white eyes, black skin, and horns under its red-trimmed cloak. But it was nothing like what Dream was expecting. He definitely understood why there had been so much panic over a giant because it was absolutely massive, maybe a good 70 feet tall or so.

Shit, he thought, shit, I’m not equipped for this what the fuck.

His brain buzzed with panic as the being finally noticed his presence, their eyes locking. The world fuzzed out for a moment and the world stood still. It was broken as the giant spoke.

“Um, hi there.” The voice was a bit higher pitched and definitely more nasally than Dream had been expecting, but the giant made no move to come closer. “Are you lost?”

Dream didn’t answer, just staring incredulously up at the giant. Did he not notice his signature mask? Maybe that meant he could make it out of this alive. Before he had the chance, two other giants emerged from a tent on the other side of the encampment.

“Bad? Who are you talking to?” An accented voice asked as another giant rubbed at his eyes under his white clout goggles. Another voice, a moment later, from one with fluffy black hair and a white bandana: “What’s the famous Dream doing all the way out here?”

Dream took a cautious step back at that, watching through his mask with a pooling feeling of dread in his stomach. He could clearly see the giant processing the situation, eyes flicking to his sword and then to his mask.

And suddenly it must have clicked, and there was a moment of pause.

And then a hand shot toward him and Dream sprang into action, running forward, toward the hand!? his mind screamed in protest. But it paid off as he narrowly avoided the hand and darted under the giant, hearing confused sputters that might have been funny if he wasn’t filled with so much adrenaline.

If he got a bit further, there was a gap between two massive bags that he could get between. Then he’d be back in the forest. He could hide, get away.

But then Clout Goggles placed a boot in front of that exit, nudging him with it and making him fall back, scrambling away from it and colliding with one of the bags. He looked up slowly, following three pairs of legs to three giant faces above him. They mostly looked, well, pissed, frankly. 

But even without them being able to see his face, something must have given away how he was feeling because the demonic one hushed the one with the headband before he could say anything.

“C’mon Sappy Nappy, the muffin looks terrified.” His original target lowered himself to the ground, and Dream wished he could say he was wrong, that he wasn’t scared. But his body’s natural response was to shy away more. “It‘s okay, you can just calm down  and explain why you’re here, okay? I’m sure this is all a misunderstanding.”

And then clawed black hands were palm out, and Dream panicked. Looking back on it later, it was a dumb reaction, but it was also the fighting part of him. So, at the movement, Dream slashed his enchanted blade, the netherite cutting easily through the flesh with a faint sizzling sound. It coated the blade with a sheen of dark blood, a cry of pain erupting from the giant.

Shouts from the giants made Dream’s head pound from the noise and he knew, in that moment, that was was, quite plainly, absolutely fucked.

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3 years ago

Lashing Out

Part 2 of the Giant Slayer Dream AU! Part One here.

Warnings: swearing, manhandling, fear, injuries, blood

Word Count ~ 1k

The area exploded into motion as even the giant formerly trying to diffuse the situation, his target, swung his hand instinctively toward the hunter as he felt the sting of a blade. It was a knee-jerk reaction, one that the demon wasn’t proud of. He missed the human, but his fingers pinched around the bag he was wearing, dragging the human into the air with a startled yelp.

Dream squirmed, feeling a sense of paralytic fear as he locked his gaze with those white eyes again. He felt trapped, mind frantically whirring as it tried to figure out a way out of this. His eyes flashed to the straps of his pack he was wearing, which were digging into his shoulder painfully.

And then he took a breath and quickly dropped himself out of it, hitting the ground and doing his best to disperse his weight with a roll. He still landed a bit awkwardly, his ankle uncomfortably throbbing as he stumbled forward. 

Realizing that running wasn’t currently much of an option, he came to the conclusion that he was going to have to fight his way out of this. Unfortunately, most of his potions were in his pack, which he’d left in the giant’s fingers. His heart twisted a bit as the giant let go of it in favor of turning his attention to Dream.

Right. And there were two other angry giants that were after him he had to worry about too. He reached down to his belt, grabbing the splash potions that were hanging there. There were, coincidentally, three that were all harming potions. In a smooth motion, he tossed the at the hands that were reaching for him. The shattering of glass filled the air, followed by several noises of pain.

He took the opportunity to run forward, slicing at the flesh of the arms that he could reach. He barely cast a glance over his shoulder as the two shifted their weight, trying to push himself and go just a little faster despite his ankle, which was surely spelling. Maybe he could get to a higher point, take advantage in the fight somehow and get away from this unscathed. Maybe--

His thoughts were derailed as a pale hand blocked his path, making him whip his head around with a startled shout, seeing his reflection in Clout goggles. The sight of his tattered cloak was enough to make him pause for a fraction of a second, but it was already too much.

Weight closed around his middle, making his arms dig into his ribs as he was picked up by the one with the bandana. The grip was uncomfortably and painfully right and rough, and Dream struggled to pull in breaths through his panic. His sword was still in an iron-grip in his hand, but it was such that he shouldn’t move it at all, and it wasn’t helpful in its current position.

“So what do we do with him?” The one holding him asked gruffly, and holy shit Dream could feel the vibrations of the voice through the hand. His heart hammered against his ribcage and he’d be shocked if the giant couldn’t feel it.

“Sapnap,” the nasally voice was back again--Bad, was it?-- and it was close, “you’re using your scary voice.”

“Bad, he was here to kill us!” 

“Well we didn’t die!” Bad pointed out, and he turned to the other giant, who was still rubbing at where he’d been cut as well as where the potion had hit before. “George, come on, what do you think?”

“Bad... I agree with Sapnap.” He sighed, and Dream let out a pained gasp as the hand around him tightened a bit, he wasn’t sure why. Surprise, maybe? “ I know your big heart is usually in the right Bad, but he did attack all of us.”

Silence stretched for an agonizing few moments before the giant holding Dream spoke again. “That’s 2 to 1, sorry, Bad.” Dream, was shifted slightly, and he could feel that his ribs would bruise if he survived this as he was brought a bit higher into the air. “We gotta do something about him.”

And then, in another brilliant moment of panic and instinct, Dream decided he didn’t want to leave his fate in the hands of these giants. He bit into the hand around him, the hand tensing reflexively around him before loosening just enough for him to shift his sword. And stab it deeply into the hand around him.

And then he was falling, colliding heavily with a knee and hearing more than feeling his shoulder dislocate with a sickening pop. And then he hit the forest floor on his back, winded. But there was no time to dwell on any of the pain he felt, using the surprise of the scenario in order to get away, vanishing into the foliage soon after.

It was only when he was out of earshot of the giants that the adrenaline in his system slowly began to fade, his arm that he usually used to fight with useless, for all intents and purposes. His left hand went to his belt next, freezing as he realized it was empty. Dread pooled in his stomach again and he scrambled to make a shoddy crafting table and a barely put together stone axe to wield in his other hand. 

He limped slowly through the tall and darkening forest, feeling jittery again as he settled down in a cave, shivering in the night air and he fought to stay awake and safe.

He knew those giants were going to be pissed, and they’d easily overpower him like this. He wished, not for the first time that day, that he’d been more prepared. He didn’t know how to reset his arm either, and that was probably going to get him killed. Dream rested his head against the stone cave wall with a sigh, watching the last of the sunlight fade from outside.

He didn’t feel good about his odds.

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2 years ago


I got inspired by the mer post of shark Dream I made a while back, so now here’s this! Enjoy!

Dream, Sap, and Goggy designs

Karl design

Word Count: 4,180

Warnings: Mentions of death; blood; descriptions of injury

Czytaj dalej

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2 years ago
Late Night Doodle Dump But Anatomy Go Brrr Anywhoooo

Late night doodle dump but anatomy go brrr anywhoooo

@beckyu​ @pygmy-marmo​ @giant-tiny-squid​ @cyncerity​ @navigating-through-gray​ @zero00o0​ @dingbatnix​ @kayla-crazy-stuffs​ @quotemenevermore2​

Lots of tagging sigh

Closeups below!

Czytaj dalej

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