Giclee Prints - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Transitional Dining Room in New York

Transitional Dining Room In New York

Huge transitional medium tone wood floor and brown floor kitchen/dining room combo photo with beige walls and no fireplace

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2 years ago
Persephone - The Lady Of The Beautiful Garden (2022)

Persephone - The Lady of the Beautiful Garden (2022)

by © sophiE D. S. wright - alias MâOphélie

Digital mixed media

It started with a longing for the sea, yet the sea was far. So, in the summer heat waves, the Lady of the Beautiful Garden bathed in the morning mist with her beloved flowers. As she was lost in her rêverie, he saw her and her eyelashes like butterflies wings.

He gave her a crown of burning ashes, sun and silver, kissed her lips with white orchids, and took her down for an ever after in his kingdom of dormancy …


Persephone - The Lady of the Beautiful Garden was composed on iPadPro with Procreate. As in all of my digital work, my signature plays a role in the composition : A little enigmatic accent, here, two white doves holding my name displayed in the form МаОфели (M’âOphélie).


Giclee prints available:

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2 years ago
Aurora (2022) - Closeup

Aurora (2022) - Closeup

by © sophiE D. S. wright - alias MâOphélie

Digital mixed media

A florid digital art portfolio and art blog by ©️ sophia D. S. wright


Giclee prints available :

Aurora Artwork
Saatchi Art
Saatchi Art is pleased to offer the artwork, "Aurora," by MaOphelie - sophia D S wright. Original Digital: Digital, Digital Painting, Photog

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2 years ago
persephone-enamored - Swan Songs & Painted Rêveries
MaOphelie - sophia D S wright | Saatchi Art
Saatchi Art
View MaOphelie - sophia D S wright’s Profile on Saatchi Art. Find art for sale at great prices from artists including Paintings, Photography

A Girl With A Bird (2022)

by © sophiE D. S. wright alias MâOphélie

These is a three stories construction. A first version, inscribed in the tradition of japonisme was released in 2017 under the title Path of Beauty. Then, in 2019, the painting evolved in another direction, the lady shed her skin, put a fair eighteenth century wig on and became part of a short film made of stills set in motion, being one of the Gifts of Birds as the story unfolds :

There was once a Cheshire Cat Owl in my Garden

In his sleep, many many song birds :

Acorn woodpeckers, jays

& dreamy ladies.

Gems, Flowers, Berries

All telling stories …

In 2022, the lady took off her wig to reveal a braided hairstyle intertwined with the berries gifted by the bird. In one of her many hands, she holds three crystal balls pierced by a golden arrow with a leaf - the weapon of Love. She looks pensively and smiles gently, floating on a dreamy flower bed, as the bird carries to her the enigma of a fourth crystal ball.

What lies ahead ?

A Girl with a Bird was composed on iPadPro with Procreate. As in all of my digital work, my signature plays a role in the composition : A little enigmatic accent, here, two birds in a magical square holding my name displayed in the form софи (Sophie).

persephone-enamored - Swan Songs & Painted Rêveries

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2 years ago
Embellishing A Giclee Print With Metallic Golden Leaf

Embellishing a giclee print with metallic golden leaf …

Embellishing A Giclee Print With Metallic Golden Leaf

Writing the title and signing …

Embellishing A Giclee Print With Metallic Golden Leaf

Closeup on a one of a kind …

Embellishing A Giclee Print With Metallic Golden Leaf

Caresse du cœur (2022)

by © sophiE D. S. wright - alias MâOphélie

Digital mixed media

Composed on iPadPro

With Procreate

Giclee print on archival FB Gold Silk paper

Embellished with metallic golden leaf

One of a kind - 30x30 cm

Private collection

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2 years ago
Shamanic (2022) (with Closeup)

Shamanic (2022) (with closeup)

by © sophiE D. S. wright - alias MâOphélie

Digital mixed media

Composed on iPadPro

With Procreate

Original artwork 34x34 in.

Open edition fine art prints available at :

MaOphelie - sophia D S wright | Saatchi Art
Saatchi Art
View MaOphelie - sophia D S wright’s Profile on Saatchi Art. Find art for sale at great prices from artists including Paintings, Photography

The story of this art piece started a long time ago with the imaginary portrait of a shamaness. Initially, it was her and only her, holding a screen of blossoming blue clouds. And her skin and fingers were blue also, as a summer sky.

Then, the picture got blurred with flames of fantasy, orange diffused shapes swaying around the central figure. And I let it go …

A few weeks ago, I found an antique bird, small and smooth as a fetish. And it occurred to me that this bird belonged to the shamaness. Floating on a sea of white clouds, the bird entered my old painting with the first snowflakes, and in this midwinter sweetness, the shamaness blushed, as her screen cleared out to become a bronze mirror revealing a golden bird.

Now is the time of enchantment - all walls have faded away, a tree has grown in the sweet moss and receives the caress of the snow, the birds hold precious gifts in their beaks - a peony and a necklace of ground glass pearls -, the shamaness wears a mysterious ring on her finger. All is silent.


Shamanic was composed on iPadPro with Procreate. As in all of my digital work, my signature plays a role in the composition : A little enigmatic accent, here, my name displayed in the form софи (Sophie) in a square partially hidden by the magic mirror.

Shamanic (2022) (with Closeup)

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1 year ago
MaOphelie-sophie D. Schallerwright

MaOphelie-sophie D. Schallerwright

Previously known as sophia D. S. wright


Artist of the month at Bloomsbury Blends Cafe (Ashland, Or, USA)

Giclees on velvety archival paper on display -Limited edition (50) signed and numbered by the Artist

MaOphelie-sophie D. Schallerwright
MaOphelie-sophie D. Schallerwright
MaOphelie-sophie D. Schallerwright
MaOphelie-sophie D. Schallerwright

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1 year ago
persephone-enamored - Swan Songs & Painted Rêveries
Yseut Aux Blanches Mains (2023)
MaOphelie-Sophie - My Store
A one of a kind • Only for US market Giclée on Velvet Archival Paper- 6x6 in. (plus white margins : 8x8) Signed by the Artist, it is deliver

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