© MaOphelie-Sophie D. Schallerwright 2016-2024https://linktr.ee/maophelie_sophie
419 posts
Persephone-enamored - Swan Songs & Painted Rveries - Tumblr Blog

Embellishing a giclee print with metallic golden leaf …

Writing the title and signing …

Closeup on a one of a kind …

Caresse du cœur (2022)
by © sophiE D. S. wright - alias MâOphélie
Digital mixed media
Composed on iPadPro
With Procreate
Giclee print on archival FB Gold Silk paper
Embellished with metallic golden leaf
One of a kind - 30x30 cm
Private collection

A Girl With A Bird (2022)
by © sophiE D. S. wright alias MâOphélie
These is a three stories construction. A first version, inscribed in the tradition of japonisme was released in 2017 under the title Path of Beauty. Then, in 2019, the painting evolved in another direction, the lady shed her skin, put a fair eighteenth century wig on and became part of a short film made of stills set in motion, being one of the Gifts of Birds as the story unfolds :
There was once a Cheshire Cat Owl in my Garden
In his sleep, many many song birds :
Acorn woodpeckers, jays
& dreamy ladies.
Gems, Flowers, Berries
All telling stories …
In 2022, the lady took off her wig to reveal a braided hairstyle intertwined with the berries gifted by the bird. In one of her many hands, she holds three crystal balls pierced by a golden arrow with a leaf - the weapon of Love. She looks pensively and smiles gently, floating on a dreamy flower bed, as the bird carries to her the enigma of a fourth crystal ball.
What lies ahead ?
* A Girl with a Bird was composed on iPadPro with Procreate. As in all of my digital work, my signature plays a role in the composition : A little enigmatic accent, here, two birds in a magical square holding my name displayed in the form софи (Sophie).

Aurora (2022) - Closeup
by © sophiE D. S. wright - alias MâOphélie
Digital mixed media
Giclee prints available :

Persephone - The Lady of the Beautiful Garden (2022)
by © sophiE D. S. wright - alias MâOphélie
Digital mixed media
It started with a longing for the sea, yet the sea was far. So, in the summer heat waves, the Lady of the Beautiful Garden bathed in the morning mist with her beloved flowers. As she was lost in her rêverie, he saw her and her eyelashes like butterflies wings.
He gave her a crown of burning ashes, sun and silver, kissed her lips with white orchids, and took her down for an ever after in his kingdom of dormancy …
Persephone - The Lady of the Beautiful Garden was composed on iPadPro with Procreate. As in all of my digital work, my signature plays a role in the composition : A little enigmatic accent, here, two white doves holding my name displayed in the form МаОфели (M’âOphélie).
Giclee prints available:

A flower kiss to another
On a fallen tree nesting.
Murmurs of tangled souls.
Soulmates (March 18, 2020)
by ©️sophia D. S. wright
Digital mixed media
Composed on iPadPro
With Procreate
Original 5050x5050px

Masks Of Mindfulness (April 27, 2020)
by ©️sophia D. S. wright
Digital mixed media
Composed on iPadPro
With Procreate & PSExpress
Original 7000x9500px
I composed this piece as a graphic novel where the narration is conveyed through recurrent symbols and figures, sometimes mirrored.
It all started with the obsessive thought that the trendy cliché ‘We are all in this together’ reveals its full accuracy during the worldwide pandemic we are currently undergoing. In this situation, the simple truth that we are much more alike than different is striking. I tried to express this through the many close faces in my composition. Isolated, framed, and yet connected on a deeper level, mindfully, soulfully. The eyes look within as isolation enhances the tendency for introspection, but they look also beyond. They look to the past, they stare at the present and this is why the color scheme talks about the melancholy of times. Those eyes also express the hope for healing, as does the faint tender smiles, the presence of masks, the two slogans - Masks of Mindfulness & Passion for Life -, the passion flowers, the butterflies and the ladybug. We all know that a page will be turned as the left side of this composition suggests, rolling onto itself, fading in greyish blue.

By ©️ sophiE D. S. wright - alias MâOphélie
By ©️ sophiE D. S. wright - alias MâOphélie
Read the story behind the story on my blog or on my YouTube channel

The Look (January 14th, 2022) (with closeup)
by ©️ sophiE D. S. wright - alias MâOphélie
Digital mixed media
Composed with Procreate
On iPadPro
Original 3000x3000px
*Printed only once and already owned*

Et puis peut-être faut-il se souvenir que les auteurs de ces lignes et tracés, ici ou là, entendent le lyrisme en son sens musical et diffus, et non comme l’expression d’un donné personnel de confessionnal.
On éviterait ainsi …
And yet, the Ghost of Lamentendus cries her cold misty tears at every window.
Begging for
Heart and Soul.
Summer Snow In Lamentendus (August 19, 2020)
by ©️sophia D. S. wright
Digital mixed media
Composed on iPadPro
With Procreate
Original 4581x7297px

Blessed With A Tattoo and Wings (August 14th, 2021) (with closeup)
by ©️ sophiE D. S. wright - alias MâOphélie
Digital mixed media
Composed on iPadPro
With Procreate
Original 5050x5050px

Transmittance (July 17, 2021) (with closeup)
by ©️ sophiE D. S. wright - alias MâOphélie
Digital mixed media
Composed on iPadPro
With Procreate
Original 5050x5050px
This is a story of the Otherworld. A vivid dream. With no other timeline than flowing hair. Serene, a Lady blown away by a gentle breeze. She raises her tattooed palm, glowing lilies and an inky heart. Drawn to the heart, a bird lands on her shoulder, tightens his grip, becoming a wing at her side, as his beak rests on a sweet spot where a flower blossomed for a bee …

The Path (May 24th, 2021)
by ©️ sophiE D. S. wright - alias MâOphélie
Digital mixed media
Composed on iPadPro
With Procreate
Original artwork 5050x5050px
Print - Giclee on Archival Paper (Cotton) - Limited edition of 10, 13x13 in.
On display at the McCloud Mushroom Festival (California), May 29th-30th 2021
by ©️ sophiE D. S. wright - alias MâOphélie

Phoenix (March 11, 2021) (with closeup)
by ©️ sophiE D. S. wright - alias MâOphélie
Digital mixed media
Composed on iPadPro
With Procreate
Original art 5050x5050px

Fleur de neige
Au cœur du gel
Ainsi ne dépose nulle empreinte
Mais se mire
Et ce reflet abyme
S’attarde comme une ombre déliée
Une aile charbon à son œil
Et rouges baisers.
Ondine (January 26, 2021) (with closeup)
by ©️ sophiE D. S. wright - alias MâOphélie
Digital mixed media
Composed on iPadPro
With Procreate
Original 5050x5050px

So it seems …
… and therefore, ignore.
All love and gratitude on the other hand to the few souls … 🖤

Above and below with a closeup on one of mine :
Eerie (November 13, 2020)
by ©️sophia D. S. wright
Digital mixed media
Composed on iPadPro
With Procreate
Original 5050x5050px

Swan Song (January 15, 2021) (with closeup)
by ©️ sophiE D. S. wright - alias MâOphélie
Digital mixed media
Composed on iPadPro
With Procreate
Original 5050x5050px

Last year, in August, I wrote : ‘I started this piece a year ago… thought it was finished. As often, this was a ghost destined to haunt me… It kept me awake all night, dark circles under three pairs of eyes …’
And I knew something was still unfolding … So, this is it.
Sweet thing
In the likeness
Of a mortal one
She is a ghost
Living In A Pixie Dream
Pixie Dream (December 1st, 2020) (with closeup)
by ©️ sophiE D. S. wright - alias MâOphélie
Digital mixed media
Composed on iPadPro
With Procreate

Heart of the Matter of the Heart (final version, with closeup) (November 19, 2020)
by ©️ sophiE D. S. wright - alias MâOphélie
Digital mixed media
Composed on iPadPro
With Procreate
Original 5050x5050px

Discover the series ‘Kisses of Sun & Snow’ on Behance : https://www.behance.net/gallery/107807689/Kisses-of-Sun-Snow

For Remembrance (November 10, 2020)
by ©️ sophiE D. S. wright - alias MâOphélie
Digital mixed media
Composed on iPadPro
With Procreate
Original 5050x5050px
Yseult Awakening In A Mirrored Dream I (November 11, 2020)
by ©️sophia D. S. wright
Art in motion composed with iMovie
See the whole series on Behance : https://www.behance.net/gallery/107620699/Tristania-The-Room-Within-A-Dream

Finishing this painting took me more than 2 years. I wrote the poem spontaneously after a walk in the wilderness. But there was more in the picture, a sword with a scar, covered with rust, blossoming too. This could only be the sword lying in between Tristan & Yseult, sleeping beauty in the tender eyes of Marc, more poet than king at this very moment. Therefore, this is the portrait of his gentle soul.
In those woods
Everything whispers
For Me.
Whispering Woods (October 24, 2020) [Tristania project] (with closeup)
by ©️ sophiE D. S. wright - alias MâOphélie
Digital mixed media
Composed on iPadPro
With Procreate & Adobe Capture
Original 5050x5050px

… sous le baiser de l’Ange, tout se mue en remembrances …
Alors, s’ouvre le champ d’autres possibles
Chant mnémosyne (fragment unfolding …) (October 5, 2020)
by ©️ sophiE D. S. wright - alias MâOphélie
Digital mixed media
Composed on iPadPro
With Procreate
Original 5050x5050px

And they vanished in a snow storm
Their pockets filled with broken mirrors …
Hearts safe and sound.
Under the Coat of the Snow Queen (October 3, 2020) (with closeup)
by ©️ sophiE D. S. wright - alias MâOphélie
Digital mixed media
Composed on iPadPro
With Procreate
Original 5050x5050px