Give This Kid Therapy - Tumblr Posts
Ok so, people were interested so here
Ok so
It takes place after the kraang invasion for rottmnt and at the beginning of season 1 for 12 tmnt
Portal shenanigans happens and oop, rise leo is thrown in the 12 universe
He bonds with them (even tho a certain turtle is jelly rn) and the episode where raph and leeo fight about leadership happens, and instead of raph going "i can be a better leader" he actually goes "i bet that leon over there would be a better leader"
They nominate leon as leader, and leo storms off, he meets karai, usual stuff
And the snakeweek incident never happens cause leon actually manages under stress and didn't freeze like raph did in the og episode
So leon is still chosen leader by the team (splinter is very blissfully unaware because the boys kept this between them)
The tension between leo and Leon only gets thicker, leon knows that this is not good, he knows that leo's bros are only trying to get under his skin and they don't mean any true harm, but he can sense thaat there's something wrong
One day he catches leo watching space Heroes by himself
So he scoots over
"what'cha watching?" he asked, obviously trting6to strike a conversation
Any emotions that were visible on leo's face fell, silence, then he proceeded to answer "space heroes..."
"what's it about?"
"... Its about this space captain that saves galaxies with his team"
"ooooo, just like jupiter jim!"
Leo frowns, and Leon doesn't know why so he decides to lighten it up a bit by explaining what JJ is
"it's a sci-fi space show too! It actually has the same premise of space heros where-"
"CAN YOU NOT -" the shout of leo cuts him off
"So what?! You're gonna replace space heros too? That's what you're gonna do?"
"jeez kid, no need to get so defensive, it's just a tv show-"
Silence fell heavy on the room after that, leo deciding ro break it
"it's not about the show- it's about- ALL OF THIS! yiu can't just- just waltz in and take the ONE thing i was good at and act like nothing' s going on!"
"Being leader was the onky good thing i had! The only purpose i was able to serve! Raph is the strongest, donnie's the smartest and mikey's the life of the team! But me?! I got NOTHING! sure i can come up with plans, but nothing as precise as donnie's, i can crack jokes but no one laughs at them like they do at mikey's, and i can pull my weigh, but raph can pick all of our weights, the only reason i train hard everyday is so i can keep up with them! And when i finally got something, when i finally have something of my own, you decided to come in and take it! Heck they never listen to me when i talk about space heros, but suddenly they're interested when YOU decide to talk about your stupid jupiter jim, and i kmow for sure that they're not fans of space sci-fi! "
Leo stops as he draws in a deep breath after dropping that shell bomb doing nothing but leaving leon stunned and speechless
"... Who am i kidding, you're the fun Leonardo, everything I'm not and everything they'd want... Of course they'd listen to you..."
Silence is invading the place again before its broken by leo as he gets up, the show he'd been watching long forgotten and abandoned
" j-just leave me alone... You got brothers that would love your company more than mine... Plus I'm pretty boring to hang around with"
And with that he retreated back to his room
Leon just sat there processing everything
These kids need to talk this out, asap
It was so unfair.
Pardon had been given the opportunity to watch the future after he'd apprenhensively and suspiciously threw his sword at the wall. While it took a lot more time to convince him, he never thought that he'd agree to such a ludicrous thought.
It wasn't much of a thought. Not anymore.
But as the videos progressed, as the room became less empty, he thought of how unfair it was to watch someone's life like it was some story. For entertainment.
That pain and suffering conveyed at the screen were not fake and to see it play out with such detail felt almost disrespectful to see. But the voice told him that this was necessary. That this was for the sake of the future. So he watched.
So he watched his son's life play before him.
And his heart sank.
After his death, Regret's life took a turn for the worst.
At first Regret denied his death but he was forced to accept it as he saw his corpse being lowered to the ground. He refused to leave his bed for the first week as his death weighed heavily on his shoulders that he couldn't bring himself out from the comfort of their own home.
The second...well.
Regret left town. He left to make himself a home at Adonis and work to his hearts content as he tried to navigate his way without Pardon. But it didn't feel like he left willingly. Sure, he agreed, but mostly because of how different everyone started treating him.
Anger quickly draws ahold of him at how the townsfolk treated Regret after his death. He always knew the villagers didn't like him. The fact that everyone was so adamant in convincing him to return back to duty and leave the kid to an orphanage told him right off the bat that they didn't like Regret. But he never knew it was this bad.
He never knew it was to the point that they wanted Regret gone that they'd send him to his death.
So when Billy offered to let him stay at Adonis, his chest lightened.
It was outlived quickly.
Because oh dear god.
Billy was...he was...
He gave Regret another offer. A way to become stronger. To join him and his group—the Guild of Night—to train him. Help him become stronger. And in his grief, Regret accepted.
But that wasn't the case.
Because after winning a challenge to prove Regret was worthy of joining became his hell and purgatory. Came endless grueling training that forced his son to his feet despite wiggling legs and a stumbling limp. Wounds covered his body, some of which he's sure will scar for the rest of his life as a smoldering tattoo sat on his shoulder, skin angry and red and the haunting Dragon Clan symbol showing where he belonged to.
Like an object. A fucking object.
But the other members show it off proudly and Regret does too even with stiff held back shoulders and a shaky tired grin on his bruised face.
The grin slowly fades as a permanent frown tugged at the corner of his lips, eyes dim and dull, the light gone from those brilliant blues and he's not sure if they'll ever shine again.
His proud boy became meek. Silent. Aloof. Something he never thought he'd see in him. He flinched whenever someone got too close and becomes quiet whenever someone raised their voice.
But Regret was different in that training ground. Someone fierce, unrelenting, cruel—or trying to be. But everytime he got the opportunity to strike a finishing blow, he hesitates. And someone shouts and shouts and shouts until Regret was on the ground heaving and coughing and puking.
And tears roll down his watery blues. "But there has to be—"
Then he winced at another reprimanding yell. Pardon has to physically restrain himself from throwing hands at a screen because Regret gets held by the throat and lifted off the ground and his face was turning blue as he tried to fight the hand trying to take his air and his life—
"—I'm trying to make you strong! Don't you want to be strong?!"
"I-I do but—!" Came his choked reply, saliva and blood trailing down his chin.
"Then give me everything you've got! Come at me!"
At another round of stabbing silence, Regret was thrown to the hard floor.
His son gasped and gasped and gasped, clawing his broken hand to his chest as though it'll help him breathe normally again before tears flood his cheeks.
And then another scream. "Do you want to avenge him?!"
And suddenly, Pardon's heart dropped to his stomach.
That was the reason he joined. That was the reason he accepted. He was the reason Regret accepted in the first place.
"Do you want to make him proud?!"
And Regret trembled from the floor, sweat, tears, and blood pooling below him.
"Are you gonna just let his murderer run away?!"
Something changed because Regret shook harder and his knuckles turned white clenched on the ground. He breathed, his ragged breaths echoing through the walls, becoming pants.
"Are you just gonna let that murderer live when your father died—?!"
Regret screamed.
And there's red. There's so much red.
Billy was dead.
His son stared at the corpse with dead eyes, void of any light, glazed with a haunting look as murky blues reflect the blood staining the floor.
Billy was dead.
Pardon can't help but feel satisfied. The traitor. The bastard. He released a breath he didn't know he was holding and watched as the door opened and two dragons come, one taking the body, the other taking Regret.
"Good job." It said with a hand on his head. Regret doesn't answer. He's slumped on the dragon's shoulder, inhaling shuddered breaths as his body quivered. The dragon guided him back to his assigned room and as the door closed Regret collapsed to his knees, struggling to keep himself from falling face first.
At first, there's inhales and exhales. The second, a hitch.
And then finally, tears.
He cries and cries and cries until there's nothing to cry anymore. Salty tears mixing with the blood that still hasn't healed or hasn't been treated. All of panic and anger melted into something distressed and guilt ridden, murmuring nothing but apology after apology with cries of help that no one will hear behind those blood stained walls.
And yet despite it all, Regret called. "Pa..." he said so quietly, voice coarse and bleeding and shaking. "I'm sorry." He bows, pressing his bleeding forehead to the ground. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry—"
Regret cried until the night came and passed.
And the video ends there.
Pardon blinked away his own tears, quickly wiping them away to stare at his grown daughter.
Her eyes flared with anger whenever she had to watch these videos but ocean sapphires stared at the blackened screen with a haunted look, eyes blown wide and shocked with something he couldn't read. Pardon knew she was angry at Regret. He doesn't know why but she is. But after seeing all of that...
His son joined a cult. A fucking cult. And he couldn't even blame him by doing so. Billy was someone he trusted and he was the only one that didn't treat Regret any differently after everyone did. Pardon trusted him too. He thought that the man would help his son but no, instead he took advantage of him at his most vulnerable state and died doing so.
Billy was traitor.
He deserved it but at what cost? He was his son's first kill.
Billy may have died but he did with a cost.
Regret would never be the same.