God I Want Him So Bad - Tumblr Posts

Just finished my aizawa fan art !! im so happy TwT!!!!

⌕ boku no hero academia - aizawa shota.
like or reblog if you save/use. 🤍
"You would even agree to become a paper towel if it meant you did not need to be in this situation." i live for you descriptions because wow but im sorry i did laugh at this part because the accuracy?😭😭 to do anything n avoid him
"the warrior’s stance and glare, all of him looked like a future you wanted to write into the present." I csn fully picture him in my head like this omg our warrior ❤ haha
"Listen here. Whatever your motivations are, you look like a guy who I would have to treat at work. And believe me, I know full well how to dissect and take scum like you apart. And if you dare ever be even within a five-kilometre radius of Y/N, I will ensure that your outcome is a plethora of diagnoses.”
please i think i may have died reading this part omg my hwa?? That's my mf boy right there!!! MY DOCTOR HUSBAND FOR REAAAAL AHHH MY HEART ❤ I want one too 😭
Feels Like Home (part 2)
(part 1)

pairing: seonghwa x fem!reader genre: fluff, slight angst, doctor!seonghwa, graphic designer!reader, slice of life summary: What is home? Perplexed by this notion, you spent many years looking for your own answer, moving and running from your past. Your new neighbour, Park Seonghwa, might just be the key to discovery. wordcount: 4.4k warnings: language, suggestive, mentions of food, mentions of the pandemic, anxiety, mention of past abusive relationships a/n: here is part 2 <3 love and appreciate you all, thank you so much for the likes, reblogs, kind words and generally for being part of this community!

[do not answer!!!] hey
[do not answer!!!] I know you are seeing this, you have read receipts on
[do not answer!!!] Y/N… come on I just want to talk things through
[do not answer!!!] I don’t think we have ever really had a chance to go over things
[do not answer!!!] you know, understand each other’s perspectives
[do not answer!!!] Y/N! seriously give me a chance I want to just TALK
[do not answer!!!] anyways, I am on my way to your place so… I guess talk soon?
“Wait… what?” You screamed as if a scalding hot iron poked your skin. You read the message, re-read it. Checked the time it was send.
“Forty-three minutes ago… no way, he can be here any second. What the hell do I do?”
You were in a panic. Something was telling you it was too late to do anything – if he was really coming to your apartment, forty minutes would be plenty for him to get to you and hunt you down even if you were to attempt to make a run for it right this second. Besides, if he was outside, he would have probably seen your windows. Nevertheless, you rose to draw the curtains in a hurry. Your heart was pounding, and your hands went cold. You did not want to believe that one of your nightmares could just happen. And right in your complex. Just as you were about to shut off the lights for good measure and potentially lock yourself in your bathroom to wait things out and if need be, call everyone you knew, you heard knocks on your door.
Two knocks softly.
Three knocks a little stronger
Three that knocked the breath out of you.
And there it was, that voice you did not want to ever hear again.
“Hello? Y/N! I know you are in there, open up!”
You were frozen in place, staring at the entrance.
How in the world did he get past the receptionist? How did he get in at all? This cannot be happening right now…
You wanted to dissolve into thin air. Become the monstera by your window. You would even agree to become a paper towel if it meant you did not need to be in this situation. Your fingers moved on their own as they unlocked your phone and searched for the only person who knew this complex, and your apartment, as well as you did. Initially, you had typed out a ‘help’ with far too many exclamation points, but deleted it to instead send a more cryptic
[you] on your way back, could you please get dog repellent?
There was one of your habits reappearing when you least expected, vague texting – your ex enjoyed prying into your phone, no matter how locked and off limits his own was. Just as you saw Seonghwa come online, you heard the pin code to your door being pressed in, and in a matter of a click, you saw the silhouette of a man who made you feel worthless for far too long.
Shit… why did I not think to change the damn pin code? Probably because I hoped that I would not have an ex that would try to BREAK IN?
“Y/N, long time no see.”
“I wish that time lasted longer, to be honest, Minjae.”
“Honesty is the best policy.” Your ex appeared to have totally ignored the venom that instantly came pouring out of you, as you crossed your arms.
“Then let me be honest once more, I have nothing to talk to you about, and I demand that you leave this property before I call the police.” You insisted, hoping that your voice was not shaking.
Minjae had yet to set foot into the apartment, having stopped by the front door in the area where you had stored your shoes. He was suspiciously eyeing a pair of slippers you had forgotten to put away. Male. He demonstratively pushed them aside with his lacquered boot and smoothed his hair in one swift movement.
“You’re a big girl, Y/N. You know that there is no reason for me to do anything out of hand. I just came to figure some things out, see how you were doing…”
Without asking for permission, he kicked his shoes off, faking his respect for your apartment and for you, and lazily walked down the small corridor, all the way into the kitchen dining area. You were still in the same place, with the television to your left. The contrast between you two was hilarious – him every bit a sleazy wannabe businessman, looking like he had just gotten off work and ‘happened to be in the area’; you in a dusty pink sweater and sweatpants combo, fluffy socks on. Every bit the domestic queen. And with each second that past, you were growing more convinced that there was a chance you might not come out into tomorrow in one piece. Danger was written all over this man.
Minjae unceremoniously dragged a chair and fell onto it. He gestured for you to join him, and when you refused, he cackled, and spat:
“What, would you prefer to sit on my lap instead?”
You had to bite your tongue to supress the myriad of retorts that immediately bubbled up.
“So, how have you been, Y/N?”
“Couldn’t be better, thanks.”
“That’s the effect I have on people I guess, thanks I appreciate it.” He teased, very pleased with himself. Your blood was boiling while you remained an immovable statue, burning holes in your uninvited guest.
Disgusting. You felt filthy. And to recall that this was the man who you had given three years of your life to made you want to break everything in your vicinity and shout from the rooftop at the Seoul skyline. This was the man who had the chance to exploit you as he saw fit, and you thought that it was a normal part of a relationship… oh how wrong you were. And how glad you were that all that time ago, while still together, you had the bright idea to move. You had been in a situation that was similar to that of a mouse running around a trap. Had you agreed to move in with him, it would have been over, and you were sure of it.
He had been a manipulative bastard, giving you love only when he wanted to, and other days would hold you at a painful distance, leading your mind astray. Knowingly he had induced your conjuring up delusions that there was a chance he was very much in love with you and was serious. You were embarrassed to had been stringed along for such a grand period of time. Was it narcissism that motivated him? Perhaps – he did not enjoy your company, but he did enjoy the attention that you gave him, and how at any social event it was obvious that he was the apple of your eye. You had a way of making him feel more special than any other bitch he would pick up for a night when he had business trips or was staying late. The innocent adoration that you had been a temple for was addictive, and he could not help but want to take all of that adoration for himself.
Hence, he had pulled and pushed you around like a toy, until a silly error had defined the end of his reign. Truth be told, had you not walked in on him and another random chick he had picked up for some fun, he would have just continued as is and tried luring you back to the neighbourhood where you used to live, and right into his paws. You were more malleable when you had been vulnerable and always scared of something. He had come to state that it was your charm.
It was that you had been already growing distant and he was on edge. To get his mind straight again, he had to have all his needs satisfied, and since you were not as readily available as he had trained you to be before, he had to search a little bit harder for someone else, not that it was too much of a challenge. Minjae was a man confident in his looks and his abilities to show off his money and power, though he did not have much of it. You knew best that in reality, he was on the lower ranks of the food chain at some wealth management firm and did everyone else’s bidding. So outside of work, he took that out on you. How damn romantic.
It had been an unplanned trip. You had been looking for a panini maker you had been gifted a couple of years ago, and your memory led you to go check at your at the time boyfriend’s place for it. Who would have guessed that a panini maker was the bringer of truth and turmoil? And an unpleasant sight of another woman’s bare ass and animalistic grunts resounding in his apartment. Minjae had known it was you instantly, and although he was disappointed, a part of him was oddly turned on by the experience of being caught by you, the innocent and loyal lamb, so while you crept into the kitchen, one hand blocking him and his temporary lover from your field of vision, he pretended not to have noticed.
When the woman who you had never seen before in your life, and Minjae had never contacted again finally had come to realise that there was a figure moving about behind here, only then did Minjae go through the routine of covering up, attempting to waddle after you and bellowing “this is not what you think, Y/N”. It gave him an odd sense of achievement, like he had finally come to this milestone that he had discussed so many times over alcohol-fuelled parties with his colleagues. It was your reaction that had left a sour taste. Panini maker in hand, you merely smiled at him, and said “good luck, mister Lee. We be better strangers.” And that was it. You had left in the blink of an eye, leaving his mouth agape and a script’s worth of dramatic monologues left unsaid.
It was the indifference that had slowly driven him mad. All he wanted now was to see some reaction out of you. Something more than a sigh or a glare. No, something bigger. He wanted to see you lose your mind, just like you had unknowingly done to him by simply walking away. So while in your apartment, on your chair, staring at a changed and seemingly happier you, he was ready to do all he could to tear you apart.
“Who is the lucky guy?” Minjae inquired, gesturing at the corridor. You tilted your head. “The slippers…?” he elaborated, amused by this twinge of jealousy, or more likely, the idea that someone who he was trying to make his possession was very much not his.
“Oh.” You voiced, not giving way to any emotion.
“Oh, what? You have a pretty voice, darling, use it.”
You were wishing on every star in the sky for this torturous encounter to stop.
The aforementioned lucky guy, upon having received the mystical text from you was trying to process its meaning. He was at checkout of the supermarket in your neighbourhood when his phone buzzed, and you had never normally texted in the hours when he was meant to be heading home, so it was entirely unexpected. Deciding that whatever product you were implying needed a bit more elaboration, he put his phone away to finalise the payment and head out.
Once Seonghwa was back out on the street and commenced the final stretch of his journey home, it finally hit him. In recent times there had been one particular person whose entire existence you had concentrated into a series of colourful terms with first character being ‘gae’ (dog) in them. And that one person was… ta-da, your ex.
“There is your chance Seonghwa. Stop being dense and do something. SPEED UP!” he heard his best friend’s voice echoing around him. Manifesting a cry for action. He clenched his fists, and ran like his life depended on it, you on his mind.
His track and field experience had come in handy for the first time since finishing university, with him covering the distance in record time. He had noted that your curtains were drawn, but he could make out a light still on – Seonghwa could not help but feel his worry spike. How were you? Were you holding your ground? What if the time he wasted in the store was critical.
Swinging open the doors to the building, he stormed past a flabbergasted receptionist, only to pause and turn, and forcing an unnaturally polite tone to combat the anger he had accumulated. Today of all days the regular grumpy-looking guard was nowhere to be seen, instead substituted by a timid, tiny lady in her late sixties.
“Excuse me madam, did a young man pass by not too long ago? Not a resident here, went to the ninth floor?”
“Um… why yes… Yes, I believe so… He even greeted me, what a nice young man.”
“Lovely. Well, thank you very much for the information. I am so sorry for shocking you, but he is highly dangerous, and has been harassing one of the residents. I would appreciate it if you could alert security to restrict his access in some way. If a couple of the guys could come to apartment number 907 in the next five or so minutes, it would be much appreciated.”
And on that note, he heard the elevator ping and departed from the receptionist’s desk, leaving her open-mouthed and pale-faced. Why were these boxes of steel so slow when you least wanted them to? Seonghwa tried to level his breathing. He tried to think of everything in medical terms, forming analogies in his head, settling himself into a headspace where he had control. Once out, he stepped out and listened. Nothing yet, so perhaps not too bad? Who was he kidding, he had already imagined at least one thousand scenarios of where things had turned to the worst.
He shuffled forward stealthily, knowing that any heavy footsteps could be heard from the apartments. Four seconds and he was at your door. Now, he heard a male voice. So that was him… the man who you had to spend time getting over. The man who had made you forget what love was. Seonghwa was not going to give you back to that nightmare. He did not have any plan but hearing your raised voice and making out something along the lines of “don’t… get away” and “stay where you are” had him unlock your door and slam it open with no scenario, no operation plan, no ideas. Best he could do was be there for you and be with you.
Seonghwa had crossed the entrance to your apartment at exactly the right time. Minjae had stood up and was about to grab your wrist after you had snapped at him to mind his business and leave. The man was nonplussed, his hand still hovering in mid-air. This gave you ample chance to step away and race towards your saviour. Mouthing your gratitude to him, you used every ounce of your remaining power to not let the waterworks start – as soon as you laid eyes on the young doctor you merely wanted to give yourself space to cry. You mused how his embrace would feel, and if you could melt into it. You wanted to get away from your old self, who was made small and helpless by repeated torment. Your past had caught up to you, but a wave of clarity overtook you.
Seonghwa’s dishevelled hair that still gracefully framed his face, the bead of sweat that was about to run down it, the bag in his hand and, most importantly, the warrior’s stance and glare, all of him looked like a future you wanted to write into the present. Despite that the time was not right for sentimentalities, you understood what drew you to Seonghwa, and why you entrusted him with what could be your life. He felt like home.
“Hi! You brought the groceries I see! Thank you so much, seriously.”
“Who in the… is this the-” Seonghwa heard the man, still in the living room, begin. Think fast, ah to hell with it, all or nothing.
“No problem, love. I missed you.” You were stunned as your handsome neighbour reached out with his right arm and pulled you into a quick hug.
With the trench coat he was wearing being unbuttoned, you ended up being pulled under it as though it was a blanket, and pressed flush against Seonghwa’s chest. Your cheeks flared up, and you could bet on the fact that your face was probably turning a bright red. The cotton sweater he was wearing was soft and gentle, though not to the same level as the hand that was gently caressing your back, thumb moving in repetitive calming motions. You were drifting away, focusing on Seonghwa’s erratic heartbeat. How was he so outwardly collected? After the initial shock passed, you wrapped your own arms around his torso, snaking them under the coat, feeling him stiffen for a split second. This was not how neither you nor he imagined your first more intimate embrace to go, but… desperate times call for desperate measures?
“Stay by me, okay?” he whispered almost right into your ear. You nodded, not wanting to break contact.
“Ahem.” The walking red flag was demanding an audience once more, leading to you turning your body slightly, but still not fully letting go, one arm around Seonghwa.
“Yes?” Seonghwa countered the empty sound, setting the shopping bag on the stool by the entrance.
“So, you are the guy huh.”
“The guy?”
“The guy I was trying to inquire after, but Y/N here would not crack. Great to see you in person, more than I could ask for really.”
“I am afraid I cannot share your happiness, mister…”
“Call me Minjae. We are closer than you think. You see, Y/N and I-”
“I’d suggest you stop and leave our apartment this instant.” He emphasised, ready to open the door right back.
“I think you would want to hear this. You know who I am?”
Minjae had moved from his position in the living room closer to you and Seonghwa, inching forwards like some beast.
“And for that exact reason, I am asking you, politely, to leave.” He persisted, taking him and yourself aside to be at least a fraction further away from your personal monster.
The two men stared each other down, as Minjae pushed his feet into his shoes, having figured out that he would not be able to do much to you while you were protected by this newcomer. Least he could was spit some toxicity while he still could. So when he noted that Seonghwa had taken part of his attention away to listen out for something behind the door, Minjae gave you a dirty smirk and blurted:
“What an honour! So, tell me, does she still cry when she orgasms?”
It all happened very quickly.
How Seonghwa removed his arm from your shoulders. How in the blink of an eye his fist connected with your ex’s solar plexus, with such momentum that you swore you saw some recoil. Minjae’s eyes rolled back as he doubled over in pain, gasping for air. Livid, Seonghwa grabbed the door handle and threw it open, exiting and dragging Minjae behind him. Once out in the corridor, he dropped his voice to a low hostile tone and hissed:
“Listen here. Whatever your motivations are, you look like a guy who I would have to treat at work. And believe me, I know full well how to dissect and take scum like you apart. And if you dare ever be even within a five-kilometre radius of Y/N, I will ensure that your outcome is a plethora of diagnoses.”
For the first time, you could see real fear in your ex’s eyes, and them welling up, be it due to the lack of air or due to him not expecting to meet someone who could equally act like a gangster when the situation demanded. Truthfully, you were in awe of Seonghwa too. The precious image of a nerdy doctor and boy next door was very much gone, instead replaced by a strikingly handsome, alluring and dependable man. His demeanour changed once more as two security guards appeared from the elevators and commenced their routine questioning all the way across the corridor.
Pushing Minjae’s back for him to stand up straighter, Seonghwa forced his weakened form into the grasps of the guards, explaining what had unfolded.
“And who are you?”
“I live in-”
“-My boyf-”
“-in apartment 904.”
“Oh cool. Good neighbour, well, have a nice night.”
You covered your mouth. What in the world were you thinking when you let that fall out? What had provoked you? You were praying that Seonghwa had not heard you as you turned around to head back into your apartment. He followed you, once confirming that the intruder was taken care of and seeing the floor number on the lift come to a standstill, far away from you.
When he entered your abode and took off his coat and shoes, he found you in the kitchen, storing the items he had bought, but setting aside the bbungyeoppang. He disappeared in your bathroom to wash his hands, making you initially believe that your outburst was going to go unnoticed.
Only when you had set two plates on the coffee table, adamant on not touching the chair and dining table for the time being, and you sat together, side by side, did he lean back, stretch his arms out, and muse out loud, with a cheeky expression:
“Your boyfriend, huh? Doesn’t sound too bad. I like it.”
“It was out of bounds, sorry, I didn’t mean it.” You mumbled, looking down at your lap. Seonghwa was observing you, eyes half-lidded.
“Could you look at me?” as gentle as ever, he asked. You dared to lean back a bit and turn your head, encouraged by the brilliant man’s hand being placed over yours.
“Do you mean, it was a spur of the moment kind of thing to make your ex jealous?”
“Oh no. God, no! I… well. Uh. I am cornered here, aren’t I?”
“Yep. But trust me, no matter what you are about to say, know that I will respect it to the fullest, okay?”
He gulped. Fate was not joking around today. Had he known that he would be in this situation even five hours ago he would have laughed at the messenger. Patiently, he waited for you to say what had been running through his mind for far too long, and moved to look at you directly, a mere few centimetres away.
“How do I even… Okay. Two points. Firstly, I would never use you. And secondly, now… it is only you. Only ever you. Seonghwa. I cannot describe how infatuated I am with you, Seonghwa. Ever since we met, something told me, this was it. This was what I was looking for-”
He need not hear more.
“Y/N, may I kiss you?”
“Yes, please.”
Resting one hand on your waist he leaned over to close the gap between you, giving into the paradise that was ‘the now’. Both of you were smiling into the kiss, tasting euphoria and the inimitable feeling that came with the realisation that you were there for one another, and that it was not going to change.
His kiss was like the golden hour, a tender light worshipping your every breath. A slow serene delight, with each touch leaving you basking in a magical glow. Time did not exist, lost to his soft lips. Perfectly in sync, loving Seonghwa was effortless, translating from the little acts of service to the wondrous whole you had kindled. His other hand, which had moved to your nape, guided you. Seeing further closeness, Seonghwa settled back into the sofa, pulling you with and onto him, breaking apart for a moment to ensure that you were comfortable. He allowed himself to seek you once more only once you had given him a nod and a breathy confirmation. Curious and relishing in your personal sunshine, you explored one another, testing the limits of the present. Your fingers found his onyx locks, and gave them a light tug, mind going into overdrive as you heard him stifle a moan.
Even as your moves got lazier, with the intensity of the initial contact being replaced by simple glee, the love did not subside. Never did something feel quite so right. Reminiscent of late spring when the days were beginning to get warmer, when nature showed its beautiful colours, flora in full bloom. Seonghwa trailed your jawline and neck by peppering kisses, rays of sunshine onto your skin. You drew yourself back to take the scene in. His swollen lips, glinting eyes and stunning profile were irresistible. Above all you were here. You were his, and he was yours. As if reading your mind, he took you into his arms and embraced you with the passion of someone who was terrified of losing it all. He nuzzled into the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent, memorising you.
Soon enough, both of you were lying down on the sofa, unwilling to move apart, legs a tangled mess. His index finger was drawing abstract shapes on the small of your back, while you were quietly listening to the now more level beating of his golden heart. Suddenly, he stopped. Your eyes fluttered open.
“A penny for your thoughts?” you asked, barely audible.
“Well, anything for my girlfriend.” He chuckled to himself after saying the title out loud, proud. “I was just thinking back to the time we first met. You remember? Dead of night, us channelling our inner shadow people. When we then sat and talked through until morning, I felt as though I had found my world.”
Bashful, you hid your megawatt grin as Seonghwa hugged you tighter.
You were home.
Literally I keep rewatching Ultraman EVERY👏🏻SINGLE👏🏻TIME👏🏻 it's like I'm obsessed with him, yeah I know he's fictional and NOT real.
(I'm falling in life)
𓈒༷♪˚.✧ㅤ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵉᵛᵉʳʸᵈᵃʸ ᶜʰᵃᵗˢ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵒⁿᵉ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵒⁿˡʸ, ᴷᵉⁿʲⁱ ˢᵃᵗᵒ.
Warnings: Suggestive(not really), mentions of ASS,
Summary ; wholesome that'll make you kilig ehe, drunk whiny babey Kenji in the first photo omg,

HELP? EXCUSE ME? oh i shall help you unbutton your clothes good sir🤭🤭🤭 (He's like a tired dad who's taking care of mephistus lol)