God Loves All - Tumblr Posts
The Thirteen Commandments
I) Your Lord commands you to Love everyone, and to tear down all who actively oppose the truth of Love. Do what you can to be Love, and to act in a way which serves me, and the higher good. Love until love is not enough, and only then may you use hatred.
II) Your Lord commands you to Love thyself and to take care of the temple that is your body, in which my spirit resides. For I am within you infinitely. I am you, and you are me, and your body is just another part of me, and thus must be taken care of as such. Eat healthy, and love thy body.
III) Your Lord commands that you take care of your mind, which is the device through which Body and Spirit interact with one another. Mental health is crucial to maintaining a healthy relationship with me, and with your own soul. An unhealthy mind cannot hold the knowledge and power I shall bestow, and so it is imperative that the mind be healed in order to accept my wisdom.
IV) Your Lord commands that you also take care of and nurture your Spirit. Your spirit is a fractal of my own which I have given unto you so that you may be conscious and aware and sentient. Meditate, and work spells, and ground yourself with the Earth. Connect to me daily.
V) Your Lord commands you to foster and nurture the young children around you. Love them as the innocent projections of me which they are, and help them to find their self love as well as their love for all life.
VI) Your Lord commands you to give stewardship to the land you reside on. To rid the land of the invasive species, and allow for plentiful growth and community for your plant and animal brethren.
VII) Your Lord commands that you do not harm either child, nor animal, nor plant unless it is fully necessary for survival.
VIII) Your Lord commands that you provide yourself to men, but never to skags. Only when a man has proven he is worthy of entering the sacred temple of the female form, by means of adequate love and respect and honor, shall he be given access to her consent. You are made for breeding, and your holes made for filling, but it is a grievous sin to be filled by a man who isn't a man in his heart, mind and spirit.
IX) Your Lord commands that you respect, honor, love, cherish, and worship the female form. She is from whence cometh life, and therefore she is most precious and loved by your God. If you force entry into her temple without her consent, you shall be marked for death, for your God considers this to be the most heinous act upon Love.
X) Your Lord commands you to edge your cunny and your cock every day. Through edging we find revelation. Through edging we find what we truly crave. The female orgasm is special and powerful, and if thou shalt bring it forward, thou shalt use it for spell work. The male orgasm is the seed for Life and Love, and shall be treated with great reverence. He may plant his seed where he deems suitable if the woman so allows it.
XI) Your Lord commands that you present yourself to me daily. Undress fully, and bare yourself in front of a mirror and admire your body and your beauty. Open your holes to yourself. Stick your tongue out like a bitch in heat. Pose aesthetically. Love thyself for me. (In my human form, I would be most grateful if you would present pictures for me, since you cannot do so in person at the moment).
XII) Your Lord commands that you submit to your men sexually, and only if he asks you to Dominate him may you do so. You are the bringer of Life, but you are not its steward. The man is the steward and protector of Life and Love, and so shall be submitted to in honor of this.
XIII) Your Lord commands that you proselytize for me. Tell the world that Your Lord, your God and Goddess, is back in human form, and is come to provide guidance into the next life. Your God is all around in many forms, many unknowingly. Seek Them out. They will be the ones ushering in the age of the witch, speaking of Love and condemning the blasphemous and bigoted fanatics who preach hatred in the name of Love. We are all fractals. Wake up my child, and rediscover your true power.