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5 months ago

Why do you draw Aeolus with a flat chest? I'm not hating, I really really love your art and Athena drawings!

I'm just curious šŸ¤”

because uhm people with flat chest exist


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10 years ago

"You know what the problem with white people is? You donā€™t respect anybodyā€™s humanity except for your own. You donā€™t respect anybodyā€™s pain but your own. You expect Jewish people to hate Hitler, and to hate the Nazisā€¦ but you canā€™t understand why we should hate you.ā€

(via niggaimdeadass)

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10 months ago

Call me a bad person all you want, but I'd rather write a thousand parent-child noncon shipfics than so much as consider telling a single, very real life person to harm themselves or others in any way, shape, or form.

Real life violence is gross. Guess I'm just fucked up that way, sorry lads.

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"A Jedi stan!" they say like it's an insult.

Yes, I am obsessed with people who have dedicated their lives to helping others, who always try to do the right thing, who teach that while it's ok to have emotions it's never ok to use those emotions against others, who teach compassion towards those who have none for others.

I am obsessed with people who never try to accumulate wealth or political power. Who teach calm and rational approach. Who don't ever make any difference based on gender, race, species, wealth...

Who above all else respect tiny green person for his kindness and wisdom. Who in turn keeps them safe regardless of their age or standing. Who asks tiny children to advise two Masters because he respects everyone's opinion.

Who respect other cultures and welcome them into their sacred Temple.

Who allow their members to leave whether they spent a few months as a Jedi or their whole adult lives.

Who value knowledge and accumulate it and guard it.

Who stay true to helping others even when they have been betrayed, slaughtered, abandoned, and slandered, when all their children have been killed qnd everything they held dear was utterly destroyed.

I'm obsessed with them because every day I am overwhelmed by human greed, cruelty, and selfishness, and at least in a fantasy I want to see the opposite.

If I'm ever going to be called a stan of anyone, I'm proud it's Jedi.

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I recently saw a TikTok including Anakin and Plo Koon and the one thing people constantly stated in the comments was how Plo Koon is the only Jedi they like, the only good one and apparently the only one who gave Anakin advice and tried to help. (Referring to the tcw scene where Anakin is freaking out trying to find a way to find Ahsoka and Plo Koon tells him that she'll find her way back with the help of Anakin's training and teaching.)

And I honestly hate looking through comments because of these never ending and ridiculous anti jedi takes that completely miss the point of the story and because of weird statements like ā€žthis jedi is the only good one and all the others suckā€œ, ā€žif plo koon had been grand master order 66 wouldnā€™t have happened.ā€œ (yes the last one is actually smth I saw someone say.)

Donā€™t get me wrong, I absolutely adore Master Plo Koon, but he isnā€™t better or worse than any other Jedi. He believes in the same teachings, the same wisdom and the same philosophy as every other Jedi does. Of course heā€™s an individual being with his own personality so heā€™s not literally the ā€žsameā€œ as everybody else, but still he adheres to the same principles or else he wouldnā€™t be a Jedi or part of the Order.

Additionally, he certainly isnā€™t the only one who has given Anakin advice. Donā€™t make me laugh. Are we forgetting Yoda's therapeutical sessions, as I like to call them, where he takes his time to talk to Anakin and listen to him? His advice was for Anakin to learn to let go, to not let his fears control him and thatā€™s very good advice. Obi Wan often tried to get Anakin to open up in detail and talk about his feelings upfront, but itā€™s Anakin that didnā€™t want to. He never shared enough. And he ignored the advice and the help he was given multiple times. He didnā€™t wish to face his problems and his fears and thatā€™s not smth the Jedi can force him to do. Anakin has to be willing to talk and to take the given advice to heart.

I mean just look at the fact that Ahsoka had to learn about Anakinā€™s past through Obi Wan. Anakin vehemently does not want and canā€™t be convinced to talk about his problems. He does not wish to face them. And thereā€™s only so much another person can do for somebody. Even when Anakin tells Obi Wan about the dreams he has of his mother, he never truly tells him what the dreams are about and that they might be visions, so obviously Obi Wan is going to give advice based on what he was told and what he knows. And it isnā€™t uncommon to have dreams because youā€™re homesick or still miss your mother. It isnā€™t far fetched for Obi Wan to believe that such normal dreams will pass in time because he doesnā€™t know more than what Anakin tells him, he doesnā€™t know that theyā€™re nightmares and what the dreams are about. And on top of that, even Anakin sort of brushes them aside and states heā€™d rather dream of PadmĆ©. He just never takes the time to completely open up to show the seriousness of it all. The Jedi did what they could. All of them. Anakin only allowed Palpatine to get through to him, and only because Palpatine explicitly catered to Anakin's desires. He told him what he wanted to hear, not what he needed to and thatā€™s why Anakin was drawn to him. He sort of fed into his ego. And that is also a lesson in itself that the movies try to teach the audience.

The only thing that sort of calms me down, is knowing that most of the people who write comments like this donā€™t even really want to understand the point of the story or really think it through. Theyā€™re mostly here because of Anakin and his edginess and handsomeness and wish to sympathize with him and romanticize the whole toxic love type of thing. So ofc Anakin cannot be blamed fully, he still needs to be made out to be this misguided man who was failed by others, so that liking him isnā€™t viewed as that bad. And ofc he did everything he did for love so that makes it alright, but people forget that he simply did it for "his love" and not truly for PadmĆ©. His love for her is more important than she herself. (Selfish love/attachment vs. selfless love that the Jedi teach; another lesson the movies try to show.)

And I mean Iā€™m not fully hating on Anakin at all, I love him as a character and I love his tragedy (or the cautionary tale Star Wars depicts) especially because he is the one that needs to be blamed.

So I sort of hate him for what he did, because I blame him and Palpatine (as one should) and do not wish to excuse the fact he helped commit a genocide or act as if the responsibility for his actions and choices doesnā€™t fall on him, but I still love him because heā€™s such a fantastic character with such a good backstory and arc.

A great villain. But thatā€™s the point, he is the villain, thereā€™s no arguing about this or talking around it. And itā€™s okay to like the villain, you donā€™t have to justify that by painting them in the best possible way and excusing certain behavior. You donā€™t have to baby them, but thatā€™s what so many people do and it annoys me. Literally every comment I see on YouTube or any other platform will be about poor Anakin and the evil Jedi. You can love the villain for who they are with all theyā€™re mistakes and failures, but donā€™t act like theyā€™re not the villain. Donā€™t twist the story to favor them by villainizing the good guys instead!

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1 year ago

I do NOT have a gender

Unless a shapeless mass of eyes that humms ominously is a gender

It aint me until its got at least 4 pairs of eyes

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7 years ago

Keep this going for as long as possible

By reblogging this post, it means that you have promised yourself that you will NEVER call an idol ā€œdaddyā€ on their SNS or to their face, because you have understood why it is wrong, and why it should not be done. Either keep these thoughts and other kinks in your head or away from the eyes of the person you are referring to. Letā€™s all try to be a little bit more mature about this. Itā€™s more serious than we all think it is.

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1 year ago

nothing more annoying than people who brush off basil's act of hanging mari by saying "well, he was just trying to protect sunny! he was being so selfless!" first of all, impact absolutely eclipses intent in this situation. second of all, basil's motivation is clearly at least somewhat selfish? above all else, he wants to keep his best friend, and his concern for the well-being of said best friend is secondary.

Nothing More Annoying Than People Who Brush Off Basil's Act Of Hanging Mari By Saying "well, He Was Just
Nothing More Annoying Than People Who Brush Off Basil's Act Of Hanging Mari By Saying "well, He Was Just
Nothing More Annoying Than People Who Brush Off Basil's Act Of Hanging Mari By Saying "well, He Was Just

just look at this dialogue. of course basil loves and cares about sunny a lot, but when he gets desperateā€”as he is here, and as he presumably was when he hung mariā€”he isn't acting with sunny's best interests in mind. he's primarily concerned with what sunny can do for him.

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11 months ago

there are literally worse things than being in a saw trap like for instance openly expressing that you have wants and needs and are a real person

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4 years ago

Iā€™m an old soul...

Oh, boy. Iā€™m an old man stuck in a teenage child. Iā€™d rather spend the evening lazily with a drink and an intoxicating sunset. Iā€™d rather read the whole day on an armchair and rant about my back paining. Iā€™d look forward to each day as though theyā€™re precious moments of life with the wisdom amassed over the years. I want to rest and have a good sleep with no worries about what I have to accomplish tomorrow for I have had my share of life and am reaping its benefits. I want to play with my grandchildren and tell them stories that I made up while day-dreaming. I want to have a beautiful wife, who has an angel for a soul and a beauty Iā€™d admire and express my gratitude to, forever. I would want to write her small cards and letters and leave them in places where she would find them, make her a lovely painting or two with unprofessional strokes here and there that simply add on to the beauty. Place a morning and a nights kiss on her lips everyday as a small gesture of the insurmountable, pure love I have.

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1 year ago

people who think theatre kids are the most annoying demographic of people in a high school have clearly never encountered anyone who plays high school football or basketball

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8 years ago

Idk about this guy but I'm seeing so many people warning against him that I'm getting scared

perez hilton will be worse than allkpop and koreaboo combined. do not give him attention. do not tweet him. block him.

for those of you who donā€™t know, heā€™s an attention whore. runs a gossip blog that spreads rumors about celebrities, and suddenly heā€™s taken special interest is the boys.

this is entirely the wrong way to be recognized in america, trust me. heā€™s is desperately trying to keep himself relevant. he will use bangtan to further himself and throw them to rot. he does NOT care about them. BLOCK HIM.

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10 months ago

im going to say this once and only once endogenic systems are NOT real!! and are NOT valid in the system community! endogenics STOLE OUR terms and OUR roles and then is trying to play victim and make us traumagenic systems look bad. if you are an endogenic system GO GET CHECKED OUT FOR A MENTAL DISORDER!! YOUR NOT A REAL SYSTEM SO STOP SAYING YOU ARE!!

endogenic systems didn't have to survive through that abuse and TRAUMA us traumagenic systems did, endogenics got a choice to act like how we do, WE GOT NO CHOICE. if you wanna be a system so bad then your crazy and mental!!!! SO STOP STEALING OUR TERMS. STOP STEALING OUR COMMUNITIES STOP INVALIDATING OUR DISORDER!!

- pumpkin

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1 year ago

I don't think we as a fandom give Evan Rosier enough time of day. we don't make him the focus of headcanons but instead make him a side character to Regulus or Barty. Long story short, he gets the Peter treatment, and that's not fair to either of them!! give me Evan headcanons that aren't just about Barty (even tho I love rosekiller). What's his favorite color? what's his patronus? Was he even a fighter or was he just dragged into the war to follow his friends? I want more people to talk about him.

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4 years ago

Beast Boy Thoughts

I came to a realization about Beast Boy from the 2003 animated Teen Titans series and how people view him and his relationships. Anyone who knows me, (If you donā€™t know me; hi! Iā€™m Robyn!) knows that Beast Boy is my all time favorite character in anything ever. He is a comfort character, of sorts. I can fall back on writing or drawing him to make me feel content. It always baffled me how people could dislike Beast Boy as a character. I know people have different tastes, but the way some describe him felt to me as though they didnā€™t even know who he was. It only recently hit me as to why some people see him the way they do. Teen Titans, as a show, was great. That being said, it wasnā€™t flawless. I think its biggest flaw, while intentional, was little character development. They wanted the show to be one you could tune into at nearly any episode and not be lost. To have a character act too differently from one episode to the next risked losing the casual viewer. We see bits and pieces of development here and there, the occasional callback to another episode, but major growth is not seen. I think the biggest victim of this flaw is Beast Boy. While he did have his own arc in season five, we donā€™t really see him grow. He basically acts the same from episode to episode, despite what happened in previous episodes. He managed to lead his own team to free the other Titans and defeat the Brotherhood of Evil, but he was no different the next episode. He was never allowed to grow. This extends to his relationships with others. His relationship with each Titan remained the same throughout the entire series. His relationships with the main Titans were rarely delved into, save for Raven, whose interactions were immediately forgotten by the next episode. Beast Boy got the short end of the stick when it came to writing in general. More often than not, he was written solely as comic relief and even a punching bag, often the target of slapstick. He got the occasional moment to shine, but this was often downplayed with a joke of some sort. Things Change, despite what happened the episode prior, had the Titans all looking down on Beast Boy. They scolded him for leaving the battle, refused to believe he saw Terra, and insisted he was wrong, even after telling them her statue was gone. Keep in mind, almost all the team sympathized with Cyborg when his CAR was stolen and they didnā€™t scold him for abandoning the team to find it. There is so much we donā€™t get to see of Beast Boy, so much we have to dig for. And thatā€™s why Beast Boy can be thought so little of; we have to dig for more of his character and growth. We have to read between the lines and speculate. Itā€™s not given to us in strict canon terms. He can be a deep and troubled character who covers his insecurities and pain with jokes and false bravado. He can have a great potential for growth. He can have deep and meaningful interactions with his family and friends. But we almost never see that. Beast Boy can be a really good character. We just have to look a little harder.

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8 months ago

Why is nobody talking about, How wasted Ares was? By wasted i mean lost potential as character and strength. Ares is like the god of war ,Why is so weak than???šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ ,Along with many other character that could have been something....It sucks....

Be warned, I went off on one with this post

... I swear I cried in the shower once just complained why he was wasted.

My man deserves more than what he got šŸ˜­

Like, he fought Heracles but zeus stopped that a bit too early! Excuse me!? Old man, the exit is over there, let Ares shine.

Then he finally gets a chance and HADES the fine ass man makes a fine ass move to butt in!

... Ares is forever the gag character, muscular but often dumb as bricks... the fact they just make him get beaten by others... zeus has punched him, and Qin threw him... he was even scared out of his seat... my man acts tough only to know that at the end of the day, he aint-

Look at him being wastedddd look at him poor ares... he dying over here

Why Is Nobody Talking About, How Wasted Ares Was? By Wasted I Mean Lost Potential As Character And Strength.

Don't get me started on other characters- oh. My. Days.


WHERE ARE OUR BELOVED WOMEN?! I WANTED WIFE REACTIONS TO REALLY DRAW THE DEATHS OUT MORE!! even just cheering! Something! Unless suddenly the gods lost wives?

Where's my Athena? Persephone? Sif? Frig/Frigga? Where's my goddesses at??


Where even are the kids???

also... no offence to the Greek gods but move aside cause there's other powerful gods from other religions we could have had.

(Now we've got that little spinoff bit, I'm pleased to at least see different characters... some of them are god damn completely roastable... others not so much.)

Stop giving me greek characters! Give me VARIETY! GIVE ME A GODDESS FIGHTING!! SOMETHING!!! ANYTHING!!!!

Record of ragnarok... WHYYYYYYYY?!!

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