Golgari - Tumblr Posts

Time is…
The first design of my dnd character Rycin from our Ravnica campaign, back when I made them over a year ago. They’ve come a long way since. Also ended up deciding they’re pan, they just don’t have great people skills.
Their hair is important to note through these designs. Their dad was not a great person and chopped their hair off so in this first design, they grew it out because they’re starting to go out on their own and be their own person.

Rycin’s older sister Chanterelle (left) and younger sister Reishi (right). They both still live at home and work on the family’s rot farm. Although… things in the story have definitely taken a turn.

an old friend who never became anything more…
An old friend/crush of Rycin’s. They didn’t tell her in time, and then their dad found out they left home and made a friend so she had to get outta dodge.
Full disclosure I did change her design the very next time I drew her so… imagine the girl with black hair actually has purple hair.

Rycin’s mum Morel Ponderosa!! When Rycin was little, they were out foraging for mushrooms in the Golgari sewers together when they came across a gorgon. Morel told them to run home and not look back, but Rycin looked for just a split second, seeing their mother’s statue and leaving them with half of their face turned to stone.

Rycin’s father Castor Ponderosa. After Rycin came home after losing their mum, he blamed them for her death. Hair is very symbolic for them and he cut off Rycin’s—it symbolizes longevity and their belief in the earth, so cutting off their hair was Castor saying that Rycin was dead to him.
He did not cope well with the grief of losing his wife, falling into alcohol and abuse, primarily towards Rycin. Rycin left home after an incident where they got caught sneaking out of the house and making friends, transitioning and pretending to be some cousin coming to stay with them instead. By the time the campaign started, they had mostly left home to do odd jobs for the Golgari. When they came back to visit, Castor lashed out at them, revealing that he knew it was them, and Rycin’s best friend killed him to protect them. They’re healing… for now.
Since hair is a running metaphor for Rycin, they will never tie their hair up because it makes them look too much like Castor.

Chanterelle’s younger older sister Chanterelle’s original design. We ended up changing the birth order because it worked better in the story.

Rycin’s older sister Chanterelle (left) and younger sister Reishi (right). They both still live at home and work on the family’s rot farm. Although… things in the story have definitely taken a turn.

And maybe if I’d been a little bit braver
Maybe if I stayed behind to fight
But maybe doesn’t let me go back and save her
Maybe doesn’t make it all right
The Tree on the Hill, The Lightning Thief Musical
Sometime after, they found their mother’s statue and made a garden for her. They sat in that garden a lot over the years.

…Tracing his face…
Rycin’s Season 2 design!! This was about 6 months after we first started the campaign and my art, as well as my character design, really changed a lot during that first year at art school. Pro tip: if you need to practice drawing more, start a DND campaign!! This is the most consistently I’ve drawn, ever.
This was after the masquerade and after they cut their hair short again, this time of their own accord. They still have their mother’s petrified finger (it broke off of her statue over the years), they turned 120, and they hung out and bonded with their sister Chanterelles and Nitrogen, an Azorius arrester/aspiring therapist they befriended when he was a teenager and sort of pseudo-adopted. Things are really looking up for them. Surely, nothing will go wrong, right?

Time is…
The first design of my dnd character Rycin from our Ravnica campaign, back when I made them over a year ago. They’ve come a long way since. Also ended up deciding they’re pan, they just don’t have great people skills.
Their hair is important to note through these designs. Their dad was not a great person and chopped their hair off so in this first design, they grew it out because they’re starting to go out on their own and be their own person.

…But strangely he feels at home in this place
This is Home, Cavetown
Rycin’s most recent design: the Undercity. The outfit was lifted off of a Golgari noble so I added more detailing like embroidery and decorations that Rycin’s outfits usually wouldn’t be able to afford.
The shaved hair draws more emphasis to the stone half of their face, which they’re starting to embrace more after finally telling the party about what happened and being in an enchanting and new place.
And the gills are a long story involving a boat chase (they fell overboard).

Time is…
The first design of my dnd character Rycin from our Ravnica campaign, back when I made them over a year ago. They’ve come a long way since. Also ended up deciding they’re pan, they just don’t have great people skills.
Their hair is important to note through these designs. Their dad was not a great person and chopped their hair off so in this first design, they grew it out because they’re starting to go out on their own and be their own person.
I storyboarded my DND character's backstory for an assignment!!

when your dnd session gives you the perfect excuse to go on a rlly long ramble about your hyperfixation

context: they can listen to people through the mushrooms (hence why Arc wants them gone but Rycin wants him to keep them without letting him know)
got bored, drew my dnd character if they were in my little pony

i ended up loosely basing them off of clydesdale/shire horses cuz those are common farm horses
i have no idea how they’d have their mother’s petrified finger in this au. i’ve chosen not to think about it too hard

rycin doodle page!! 🍄🌿✨

My dnd character Rycin and designs of them through the years/the campaign

Overgrown Tomb #2 The Antehall 32x56
With their dead being planted and regrown as plant zombies, their reanimation magic has made the Golgari the largest Ravnican guild. Much like a swarm of insects, the Golgari often seem to behave more like a single organism than as a group of individuals. The whole Swarm is driven by a primal instinct to survive and reproduce.
More variations of this map: